Lock screen not working android

[Pages:5]Lock screen not working android

My Android touch screen is not working. How can I fix it? Android is considered a data bank these days, it stores your memories, information, reminders, events, etc. But if you have the Samsung Galaxy S8 with an unresponsive screen or your Android touch screen not working after locked. Although your touch screen stops responding due to water damage or other reason that freeze your phone then this article is exclusively for you. Here I gathered prospective issues and solutions in detail that guarantee to fix your Android touch screen just in a few minutes. Find out yours and fix it. Part 1. Common Problems Cause Android Touchscreen Not Working Android users encountering touch screen issues receive a prompt showing the "Android touch screen not responding". This is the situation where Android doesn't respond to the following. Answering touch or taps abnormally (eg. You tap "q" but it types "y"). Android screen hangs, freezes or lags. To overcome this, read the checklist of issues below to diagnose the errors according to your Android condition. Corrupted Apps: Some Android apps on your phone crash your phone system and make the touch screen unresponsive when corrupt for some reason. System error or Android crash: Risks of your Android crash increase while creating system changes in your phone. Part 2. Usual Android Touch Screen Not Working Solutions If your Android touch screen is not physically smashed or damaged but stops working then it is due to software issues. To confirm this there is a handful of troubleshooting steps to rule out the physically damaged or software bug issues that show why the Android touch screen is not responding. Fix 1: Reboot your Android device The touch screen of your Android phone behaves unresponsive due to the presence of a minor bug or glitch. If your Android touch screen not working after the update, reboot your device by pressing and holding the Power button and Volume Down key for more than 20 seconds. This action makes your touchscreen responsive with a faster and smoother experience. Fix 2: Clean and dry your fingers and Android device Your Android touch screen will not work accurately if it's dirty, wipe it with a soft tissue or damp cloth to remove any smudges or dirt. Wash your hands and dry your fingers to remove any dirt or oil that resists your touch screen to respond. Fix 3: Increase sensitivity of the touchscreen Increasing the touch screen sensibility of your Android makes your touch screen more responsive. Hence, there are two simple ways to do this. Way 1. Go to Settings of your phone and choose the Advanced option. Here you need to activate Glove mode. Don't forget to deactivate Glove mode for daily use. Way 2. You can also increase touch screen sensibility by using Touch & hold delay. This technique work in a way that you touch anything on your phone and do not lift your figure until the item answers back. Navigate to your device Settings. 2.Tap the option Accessibility and choose Touch & hold delay. Choose Short, Medium, or Long. Fix 4: Remove the screen protector Screen protectors secure your Android screen from accidental damage. But it also affects touch sensibility by hindering touches reaching from the sensor. Remove the screen protector and check if your screen works. Fix 5: Water damage Water or slight moisture can damage the internal parts of your device. If your Android accidentally drops in the pool or some water splits on it. Eject all peripherals promptly, switch off your phone and let it dry. Part 3. How to Unlock Android Phone When Touchscreen Not Working? Android gives its users much flexibility when they encounter issues like the Android touch screen not working by controlling Android with a USB mouse. OTG adapter allows your device to act as a host and permits you to access your device through the mouse. This method works best when your Android screen is broken or smashed. 1.You need to buy an OTG adapter first (if unavailable). Check if your device supports the OTG adapter. Because not all Android phones support OTG. Now, attach the adapter with your charging port and use the mouse to access your device. Click on the PIN code or draw your pattern lock to unlock your phone. Part 4. How to Fix Android Touch Screen Not Working Can't Unlock? If you want to unlock your device and neither force reboot nor any other methods to fixes the unresponsive touch screen of your Android or tablet. Download a third-party Android unlocker iToolab UnlockGo (Android) tool. This tool is an all-in-one solution for all your Android needs. UnlockGo (Android) is a handy tool that easily unlocks your phone especially if your Android touch screen not working after lock. How to unlock Android when the screentoch not working? It is essential to pick the right tool to unlock your device that ensures your device privacy and tackles the issue professionally without importing errors or malware. So, it's time to download iToolab UnlockGo (Android) which unlocks your phone in minutes even the touch screen is not responding. Step 1: Connect your phone Open UnlockGo (Android) on your PC or Mac and open the tool. Choose the option Unlock Screen Lock, click Start and connect your Android device with a PC. Step 2: Select the brand of your device Confirm device information that the screen asks for before connecting. As you choose the correct Phone Brand (eg. Google Pixel or LG) and click Unlock button to proceed further. Step 3: Enter your phone in Recovery mode Android smartphones use different routes to enter Recovery mode. To explain this, we create a guide for how to enter Recovery Mode. Step 4: UnlockGo (Android) unlocks your phone As your device successfully enters Recovery mode. Follow the instructions your screen asks for. Step 5: Android touchscreen not working Fixed Your device screen lock was removed. Now, just restart your device and create a new password. Wrapping Up The possible fixes shown above for Android tablet or touch screen not working will revive your Android's touch screen. If not so, then iToolab UnlockGo (Android) grants your device a quick workaround to unlock easily in just a few clicks. If you are thinking to visit a service center just to unlock your phone that might endorse expensive services, then must try UnlockGo (Android) once. Android's Smart Lock feature is spectacular -- that is, when it actually works.Smart Lock has been around since 2014's Android 5.0 era (which, according to my calculations, was approximately "an eternity" ago by 2020 standards). The basic idea behind it is to make securing your smartphone less inconvenient, thus making it more likely that you'll actually use a pattern, PIN, passcode, or person-paw press (also known as a fingerprint) to keep your data safe. The sensational headlines about big, bad malware monsters lurking in the dark and waiting to pounce on unsuspecting victims may be scary, after all, but here in the real world, you're far more likely to suffer from your own self-made security shortcomings than from any sort of theoretical threat.So, yeah: Smart Lock makes an awful lot of sense -- not just for average phone-ownin' folk but also for enterprises and businesses of all sizes that need to enforce proper security and want to make the measures as palatable as possible. There's just one teensy weensy little problem: One of the most effective Smart Lock options for Android is constantly breaking and failing to do its job.I'm talking about Smart Lock's Trusted Places feature, which lets you set a specific physical location -- your home, your office, the ostrich habitat you for some reason frequent at your local zoo, or whatever -- at which your phone will automatically stay unlocked. Whenever you're at that location, your phone will skip over the standard lock screen and let you get stuff done without the need for any authentication. And when you're anywhere else, your standard security method will show up and apply.The Trusted Places part of Smart Lock was fantastic when it first came along, but at some point, it just stopped working consistently. It's something I've experienced with numerous Android devices, including my own current personal phone, and something I've heard about from Android users endlessly over the past several years. And despite the occasional proclamation that some under-the-hood adjustment has delivered the fix we've all been waiting for, the issue just never seems to go away.Hold the phone, though: There's still hope. While we may not be able to fix the finicky nature of Android's Smart Lock Trusted Places feature at its source, we can tweak our own settings to give it a metaphorical kickstart and get it working on our devices, at least for a while, once more. The secret is a simple little workaround I've refined and relied on personally over the years, and it absolutely works -- not always forever but typically for a fair amount of time. And it takes all of roughly 60 seconds to do.The Android Smart Lock Trusted Places fix: Part IFirst things first: We need to force Google's location system to reset its memory for whatever trusted location you've created. I know it sounds silly, but for whatever reason, this seems to be the key to getting the Trusted Places part of Smart Lock working properly again. So here's the trick: Open up the Google Maps app on your phone. Tap your profile picture in the app's upper-right corner, then select "Settings" followed by "Edit home or work." Tap the three-dot icon next to the line labeled "Home," "Work," or whatever location is giving you trouble, and then select the "Edit" option ("Edit home," "Edit work," etc.) from the menu that comes up. On the map that appears next, use your finger to drag the pin representing your location ever so slightly -- enough that the address at the top of the screen changes (even if it changes to something that's no longer the exact correct address). Tap the Save button at the bottom of the screen. Repeat steps 3 and 4, but this time, drag the pin back to your location's correct address. Be sure to tap the Save button again when you're done. Got it? Good. What we just accomplished, nonsensical as it sounds, is forcing the Smart Lock system to reset and associate itself anew with your proper Trusted Place address. And if the change went through correctly, you should see a notification show up at the top of your screen: JR That takes us to the second part of this process, which couldn't be much simpler.The Android Smart Lock Trusted Places fix: Part IIThere's not much left to do here: Just tap the notification shown above, and you should be taken into the Trusted Places section of your Android Smart Lock settings. There, your phone should prompt you to use the "new" address as your Trusted Place location. And all you've gotta do is tap "Yes." If for some reason you didn't get that notification -- or maybe you dismissed it inadvertently -- just head into your system settings, search for Smart Lock, then head into that section and tap the "Trusted Places" line. (You'll probably have to enter your PIN, pattern, or password first as a security measure.) Tap the line labeled "Trusted Places," then tap the line representing the location you just adjusted and look for the "Turn on this location" prompt at the bottom of the screen.Tap that, and you should be back in business -- with your Smart Lock Trusted Places feature working properly again.You certainly shouldn't have to do any of this, and it's annoying that you do. But now you know the trick. And if things get wonky again in another six months, you know exactly what to do to set 'em right once more.Sign up for my weekly newsletter to get more practical tips, personal recommendations, and plain-English perspective on the news that matters. [Android Intelligence videos at Computerworld] Copyright ? 2020 IDG Communications, Inc.

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