Multiple Choice

Multiple ChoiceFor each of the following questions choose the best answer.Write the expression in exponential form.A.B.C.D.Find n so that the equation is true: A. B. C. D. Infinite SolutionFind m and n so that the equation is true: A. B. C. D. Using the rules of exponents, simplify the following expression. Your answer should be in exponential form.A. B. C. D. Using the rules of exponents, simplify the following expression. Your answer should be in exponential form. A.B.C. D.Using the rules of exponents, simplify the following expression. Your answer should be in exponential form. A.B.C.D.Not enough information is providedSimply the expression A.B.C.D.Simplify the following expression:A. B. C. D. Which of the following is equivalent to ?A.B.C.D.Which of the following is NOT equivalent to ? (Choose one)A. B. C. 1D. 0 Which of the answers in question 10 is the equivalent expression in simplest form. #12 to #15 You Pick Two Multiple ChoiceFor each of the following questions pick two answers that are true.Which of the following is equivalent to A. B. C. D. Which of the following is equivalent to ? A. B. C. D. Which of the following is NOT equivalent to ? A. B. C. D. Which of the following are equivalent to the expression: A. B. C. D. Short Answer:Write the expression in simplest form.Write the expression in simplest form using only positive exponents.Write the expression using only positive exponents.Simplify the expression using only positive exponents. Multiple Answer For each of the following questions check the box for each of the answers that apply.Determine which of the following expressions are equivalent to the expression below. (Choose three answers) A. B. C. D. 1 E. Determine which of the following expressions are equivalent to the following expression. (Choose three answers) A. B. C. D. E. F. Determine which of the following expressions are NOT equivalent to the expression: (Choose three answers) A. B. C. D. E.Short AnswerFor each of the following questions show your work and give your final answer in the space provided.Use the expression to complete the following:If x = 3, write the expression in expanded form, Simplify the expression that you wrote in the previous bullet.List three values of x for which the simplified expression will be positive.List three values of x for which the simplified expression will be negative. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Kelly wrote that Complete the following.Explain Kelly’s mistake. Support your answer with written or mathematical reasoning.Write an exponential expression using a base of 2 and exponents of 4, 5, and 20 that would make her answer correct.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Write an equation to find the value of x that makes Equation:Solve the equation that you wrote:Check your answer by substituting the value that you found for x and checking to see that both sides of the equation are equal.Write an equation to find the value of x that makes Equation:Solve the equation that you wrote:Check your answer by substituting the value that you found for x and checking to see that both sides of the equation are equal. Rewrite the expression as a single term of the form , where n is an integer. Show your work. ................

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