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Studies Weekly Instructions and QuestionsThis is all found on ClassKick so I can give you feedback.Read Gifts of Ancient China and then answer the following questions:The Chinese were great ancient _________________.ArcheologistsHorse racersInventorsFiremenJust as they have found them in the ancient country of Egypt, scientists have also found many wonderfully preserve ____________ in China.TreesMummiesLandscapesDollsWhy is it historically important to discuss the discovery of mummies in China?The Chinese mummies were better mummified than the mummies found in Egypt.The Chinese mummies were much older mummies than those in Egypt, suggesting earlier civilizations there. The Chinese mummies were found near water.The Chinese mummies were wrapped in palm leaves. Read Can Facebook Save Dying Languages?The world is now only speaking one percent of the world’s _________________different languages.70807,00035,000Why is it important to preserve a distinct language, even if it is spoken by a small group of people?Language is not important to preserve a culture.Globalization is not responsible for the decline in so many distinct languages.A language contains the history of a group of people and the ideals they believed in.Languages cannot be saved by using technology.What do you think…Can Social Media save dying languages? Give evidence. Why is a new writing system being taught in China? Do you think that text messaging with its abbreviations is becoming a new kind of language system today?Read History of Ancient ChinaRead Zheng He: Ancient ExplorerWhere did he travel?How many voyages did he make?What made him a good explorer?What was an effect of his explorations?What was a direct effect that occurred following Zheng He’s death?Read about China and their geography, then read how silk and paper were discovered.What were two developments that the Chinese people kept secret for as long as possible? Why do you think they did this? What were two developments that the Chinese people kept secret for as long as possible? Why do you think they did this?Complete the Crossword on page 3 and the Let’s Write task about Confucius. If you attempt to make paper or the ink PLEASE ASK YOUR PARENTS!! You are not required, it is just for fun. If you do share a picture with us!Lastly complete the “assessment,” remember none of this is for a grade, but we will give you feedback. It is just to help you remember what we have learned and keep that brain working!Ancient China Studies Weekly AssessmentRead each question and the answer choices. Fill in the circle that goes with the correct answer.Which of the following is not a Chinese invention that would fit in the web below?block printingeyeglasses mirrors compass Who carried the trade goods on the Silk Road between China and the western countries of India, Arabia, North Africa and Europe?Chinese merchants the Emperor of China nomads like monks and missionariessailorsWhat caused China to stay isolated for so many years?natural barriers of mountains, deserts and oceans wars among neighboring countries lack of good transportationillness and diseaseMaking books became much easier with the Chinese inventions of block printing and making paper fromSilk clay tablets bambootree pulpZheng He was the most famous ancient Chinese _______.philosopher explorer inventor emperorWhich could best be added to the chart below about the mummy of a man found in northwestern China?100965012573000buried with a cow?horn cup long reddish hair little blue stones covering the eye sockets curly blond hairHow many ships traveled in the Zheng He’s Chinese exploring fleet?Three 12 62 over 100What did the Chinese build to connect the Yangtze and the Huàng Hè rivers that is still important today? a canal a dam a bridge a wallHow long is the Great Wall of China which was begun by Emperor Qin Shi Huang? about 25 miles over 500 miles almost 1,000 miles over 4,000 milesThe Forbidden City in Beijing was home to how many emperors from the Ming and Qing Chinese dynasties? only one five 24 150-1905043815000Across: 3 ancient explorer of China5 home to 24 emperors6 longest structure ever built7 animal brought to China by Zheng He9 a danger on the Silk Road10 material used to make ancient compassDown1 new writing system in China2 Chinese picture writing symbols4 network of trade routes between China and lands to the west8 used to make silk-2667007200900 ................

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