Institute of Hypnotherapy

Transpersonal Hypnotherapy - Classroom_211_Video_4Mon, 11/16 10:18AM ? 1:24:12SUMMARY KEYWORDSreincarnation, experience, body, home, light, realm, soul, near death experience, death, brain, life, man, past life regression, spirit, people, weiss, referring, concept, called, patients00:00All right, we are back after the break. And let's go back to the training manual, just a couple of things to cover. And then actually, really, we're on to video. So before I turn the camera back on, we'll go into that. So just to review page II, page 10 talks about cosmology, the study of everything. And even though cosmologists will acknowledge they're studying everything, they tend to only study what's within the realm of scientific instruments metaphysicians are willing to consider cosmology means other things that we can experience or other data sources that we're willing to pull from to consider that maybe there's more going on than just what we can prove at the present time, which would be pretty safe to say, on the microcosmic level of cosmology, we're referring to you as an individual part of the universe that you're part of a cosmic order. Are you one of many beings that exist in many different levels in a multi dimensional universe? page 11. The order manifestation pretty much we just covered moving from number one on the page, they're down to number seven. And in fact, let's just real quick in the change the top of this thing. Okay, now I have a note called the order manifestation, so we can pull that back up later. PAGE 12 spirit soul, let's talk about this a little and feel free to engage me with any terms you'd like to use or any questions or anything. So page 12, a brief discussion on spirit soul. So what do we mean by this? If we go up to number one, and we put the word spirit up here? What are some qualities of this that perhaps we haven't discussed yet? So go ahead, feel free to use the chat pod if you'd like to contribute your knowledge to your, your idea yours? What words would describe spirit? spirit is good formless. It is like the fuel for the body. Okay, certainly. Let's talk about it, though, as if there's no body, then what would it be? If we didn't related to I mean, in some ways, even to say formless we'd have to say, well, there's forms so we're understanding it. Actually, when you let's talk about that for a moment. When you talk about spirit, you usually have to speak it out in what's called a negative philosophy, you can only say what it's not. It's form lists, all you're doing is saying it's not form. And so, yeah, form lists just means well, it's not the forms that we see around us. Right? So like, if you look at the chair in front of you, or that you're sitting on or your desk, you know what that has formed? So that's not the pure eternal spirit. were referring to. Good and then again, okay, so pure energy. Good. There's, there's no right or wrong here. In fact, you know, just things to think about when we talk about property or energy or light, like light energy. Quite often we're referring to what's down here. And number two, I am light and is Number Two Spirit. Yes, definitely. But just know it talks about the purest level of spirit. Some of the traditions when they talk about God beyond the beyond the liquid and God said, Let there be light. If we say Spirit is God even before light, then like we're saying with number two, their moral property, this route energy, light energy is not that it's not spirit. It's just when it's spirit saying I am light. So you know, right on those words are right up there. light energy. What's another major concept about this?04:12asking the question is going to get the exact answer I'm looking for. So this time, there's something else about light energy, that thing's very important to acknowledge potential, certainly, the word conscious. So when we talk about evolution, you know, as a theory, mat, things are evolving. The question is what's evolving? I never thought about that from a Darwinian perspective, well, nature is evolving. Well, what's this nature of business? Like, what is this nature thing? You know, it's, it's really interesting, actually, if you were to push somebody who's like hardcore into the evolutionary model, you know, like it's physical matter that's evolving. Well, what is matter, will equals mc squared, we just saw matters energy, what's evolving. It's the end. That's evolving. Like I said, I'm not against the evolutionary model, I just think it's so myopic, I think it misses so much more of what's going on. When we look at the transmigration model of the soul, then we're gonna actually start to see a model that's been around way before Darwin, that while he wrote in more scientific and experimental terms, you know, actually going on and studying species. The ancients have been talking about evolution for a long time. But what they've been alluding to is that there's something that's actually evolving. So, in establishing this concept of spirit, if we want to say that it's energy, I would encourage you to come look at it as conscious energy. It's pure potential pure potentiality. So we have that already, we've meaning that that's can anything anything, anything can manifest from it. So if you acknowledge this model, then it's pretty hard to deny anything I said during the first mysticism, mysteries, PowerPoint, anything can manifest that appear consciousness and to say, well, only human beings and animals is like, what? There's this infinite field of consciousness? And if thought is what's bringing forth all of these different beings, then why Couldn't there be every possible thing? It is infinite good. It is a model. It never dies, it is eternal and will always be there as it is. It is seven no individuation, I would say it's non dual. There's no individuality to it is so infinite. Now, that's pretty good, that establishes it. Now, what would we say about the soul. So, just to define our terms before I move on, so spirit is basically another word here for God or the divine and divine basically referring to and not mortal, not that which is going to die not the physical body, but this level of divinity, the soul basically. So if we use the Sanskrit term, this is called Brahm. Or quite often you'll see it is bra mon, and then the soul. Let's go down here. Put it here. This kinds of you're not your own creator. So who is this you as Sol Sol in Sanskrit is Atma, or sometimes Atman Atma is referring to the best way to actually it really kind of means soul though, when you say, Shiva Atma, you're referring to is called the individualized essence. Remember, in the Mandelbrot video, they talked about each Mandelbrot set when you look at it again, when it reshapes and reforms itself. It is just like the original, but it's slightly unique. And so my understanding my experience of souls is that each one of us being a creation or reflection of our source, that we are all unique. Yeah, we're all the same. So it's not special. But it is unique that we each have kind of our own signature, your own fingerprint. Remember, they said the Mandelbrot set is like the fingerprint of God, your own signature, your own kind of unique flavor. So that there is the more individualizes like you, are you, your friend will always be your friend, your spouse, your children will always be not playing that exact role, but will always be that being so like the soul of Matthew brown soon will always be the soul of Matthew Brownstein. And it's a unique expression of the Divine, just like each one of you. And you know, thank God for that. Because remember, like we said about the pure consciousness is kind of boring. But now we get this infinite variety. But deep inside, we're all the same deep inside, we're all the same exact being. But we all have our wonderful ways of expressing ourselves. One of the interesting so that's basically the concept of soul and spirit. Let's talk though about Holy Spirit for moments. The Holy Spirit in A Course in Miracles, especially as explained very clearly, as the parts it's worthy of being put right here.09:57Holy Spirit. Now, you before the fall, the role of the Holy Spirit is God communicating with its children, just saying, I love you, I love you too. That's basically what's going on. Yet, in the Course of Miracles, teaches God does not and same with Christian Science God does not. And same with the non dual philosophies of India. God does not know darkness, God does not know suffering or pain, or sin or sickness or death, there can't be darkness in God, or God wouldn't be God, right, the Infinite Light couldn't possibly have or know or even consider darkness. But we below the line there in the realm of Maya, have invented this illusion, we've made up illusion. So there's a difference between creation and make believe the concept of evolution is what's happening below the line. And again, it's more complex than I think Darwin realized. above the line is creation. But when we fall when we incarnate, when we take the detour into physicality, the Holy Spirit remembers who we are, it's the remaining This is kind of after the fall communication link between God and His her God and her separated sons, capital S, lowercase s, that when we come down here into the realm of my illusion, we start playing the game, the Leela, we get too caught up in the Leela too caught up in the game, the Holy Spirit goes with us, it's in our mind, it's not separate from you, right? It couldn't be it's part of the whole, and you're part of the whole. So it remembers who you truly are, without buying into your illusions. So it'll let you believe that you're worthless, and stupid and powerless, and ugly, and dirty, and shameful and mortal, that you're going to die and that you're going to get sick. And remember, obviously, God lets you do that you have the free will to do that. So the model does imply freewill, yet, it's saying that at any moment, you can choose to come back to know your source. And we'll talk about that a little bit more of kind of how the universe works that regard that because you're creating your own reality, the energy of the universe is here for you. So if you say, I'm here to make a million dollars, get a big home, have a wife and kids and that's what I'm on the earth to do, the universe will go to work to make that happen for you. If you say, I'm getting with all that to you, and I'm ready to start to remember who I am, I'm ready to start to have time to meditate on my divine source, the energy will go to work for that. I'll give you two words here, we'll put this word Way up high in the top perush. perush is a word for the energy of spirit. Basically, it's another word for spirit. And then down here in the realm of I am light is the word property. I'm just making them being just pointed out. So there's two energies basically in the it's a model called some yoga, some pure yoga, it's a branch of Indian philosophy, very similar to yogic philosophy. It doesn't say that there's two realities. It just says that there's source and then God said, Let there be light. But here's the teaching that you might find very interesting from a self actualized metaphysical type philosophy. property, which is the energy of the universe is in the service of perush, the source of the universe, properties in the service of perush. That means the whole universe, everything you're seeing exists for you. And it is math, your mind is what's manifesting it again, this is why we manifest our illness and we manifest all of our problems, and how we can let the Holy Spirit correct our thoughts. So the Holy Spirit is there in your mind to remember who you are, and to help you we can put works with your willingness. So we're below number three, depending where on your screen works with your willingness, it won't go against you well, to correct your false perceptions14:59or ideas. And the moment you say, I'm ready to wake up, I'm ready to grow, I'm ready to open up to who I am, you know, let there be light, let the light come in, I'm opening my heart and clear my blockages, property, the energy of the universe and the Holy Spirit, the divine mind of God, it all goes to work for you. And basically, in the end, the model is you get what you want, you're getting your desire. This is part of why I wanted to ask you guys what started the whole process, if you look back at the top, desire, and intention is what started the whole process. your desires are what are manifesting your reality, your intentions manifest your reality. Again, everything I'm saying supports what we've said through the whole training. But now, we're going to see why this is keeping us stuck in the realm of karma, why we are reincarnating over and over and over again. Because when you look at all these past lives of your clients, you're gonna see, they're not choosing to go home. They're making choices that keep them below this significant line that I'm referring to. And so the reincarnation cycle, is you just keep basically coming back again and again. And again. And again, until you start to change your mind about things. The important thing is the Holy Spirit, which you could now because now to use terms higher and lower, now we can start to use the term higher sell over Seoul, superconscious. And again, these are all just words. But now what we're referring to is the concept that this mind is there for you. I'll definitely get into what we mean by going home for sure, this mind is there for you, when you're ready to go home. So let's look at this, look at that word home. So first of all home, go the very top of your notes if this is home, home is home is this number one, home is your source. Now it doesn't mean when I say go home that you're not there. Now the truth is you are there now. And it doesn't mean that going home means you merge back into that boring place. And it's over, that you cease to exist and all the fun and the whole journey is gone that you know or that you are dissolved into your source that you're annihilated some of the mystical words, in Sufism, their return home is called Fina out phila or the complete annihilation of the self. And then in Buddhism, it's the same concept of what's called Shinya or Nirvana is this experience of the emptiness of self, the, what you might say is the dissolving of the false self. Now a lot of people will say, Oh, my God, that means that I cease to exist, the drop becomes the ocean, it's no longer a drop, all the fun is over, I don't get to hang out with angels anymore. I don't get to make love, I don't get to be of service. The point is, you're an eternal being, but it's after the fall. And we'll look at this in a chart that'll help you to understand a little bit more. After the kind of concept of the fall the Incarnation or cycle, you eventually start to return back to your source. But then you're free to kind of hang out wherever you want to. Home has different levels, though. I know break out a chart right now for you. It's a tiny bit premature, but when we get to it, it'll just be covered. Well, actually, we're gonna refer to this many times. So here it is, this is the picture that helps illuminate everything for us. All right, so if you were to turn to so let's say we finished page 12 for now, Murray page 13 a moment watch a video. If you go to page 15. Again, you can see the different planes and the different bodies. So you'll see words like God beyond the beyond and God and the beyond state. Those are very similar terms to now if you look at your screen, what's happening here. God in beyond beyond states is referring to that absolute source energy, the beyond even the word energy that's19:38its perush its father, it's non dual. It's it's the one spirit that we're talking about. It's level one. Then you have level two, God said let there be light. Now the concept and this is getting into a teaching called transmigration, which deals with evolution and includes reincarnation, just a much more broad Teaching and again, it's it's ancient to us put together this way by a great, great, great saint named Mayor Baba. But the concept let's just don't worry too much about this, we'll get to it in a moment, this talk about going home. When you're here having the human experience, you are not in what you would call home and you know something's wrong. It's kind of like the matrix. If you've seen that movie, it's like something about my world. This doesn't seem right. But it's only at this point where you say, Who am I, what the hell is going on here? Did you start a journey called going home now this is home, this is where you came from. This is your the absolute origins of your being. Notice what it says here God's realization of himself as infinite. So that the you notice how you're becoming a lot more celestial all the way to There's your third eye, your individual eye, that's really a symbol for your soul journeys, journeys all the way back into your source. I can talk to you about the robot experience to each of these levels, including all the way up into this level. And what it's like to go through that light, this outpouring of light that's occurring here. Basically, they're depending on who you talk to their level of understanding. When they leave their body. In past life regressions, they'll say, wow, I went home, but they're referred to being on these more subtle planes. So remember, the fourth plane, this is like the astral, this whole realm, here where the arrow is, this is the the astral plane, this subtle sphere, most people would call this home, you leave your body at a time of death, one of these lifetimes, sometime you die bodily death, you're going to go up to some of the higher planes that we were just talking about for a little while, depending on your level of consciousness, how high up in the chakra system, you made it, basically, then you're going to come back down again to reincarnate, the more evolved you are, here's a very wise St. Right, you might go up really pretty high, when he leaves his body hang on a very high levels. But then he comes back and reincarnates. Again, there is a level on the fourth plane, which is kind of the astral plane that a lot of people would call home. And you'll learn about this, through the past life regression work, you know, hypnosis is really uncovering a lot of information about these realms. People quite often reporting, you know, and they're out of their body, meaning in the after the past life, that they go to a place that feels so much like home, it's like a it's world, you know, it's a city there. So sometimes these other beings, you'll be with councils, you'll be with, like I mentioned, spirit guides and brotherhood or your soul group, or often the inner counsel that will talk to you about your past lifetime, and what you're going to do to prepare for your future lifetime. But they're usually not letting you move on further, like you need to come back, you still got karma you still got work to do, you're not done. It's only the being who has made it here, who would be considered. And then just an experience of this is not necessarily complete enlightenment. We'll talk about stages of spiritual growth. But the ability to leave your body consciously and voluntarily. And to go all the way back to true home is what's called jeevan mukti. Which means a fully liberated being such a being can come back and interact on any of the levels, but will be of service to those helping to guide them home. They have motorized clouds in my home. There you go. Exactly, exactly. That's the level where float around a motorized clouds here to say Is that real? Well remember our thing below the line here. If you look at the picture, or the text again, below the line is the astral plane kind of way heavier clouds and that's all make believe, but it doesn't mean doesn't exist. It just means it is a shared imagination. Like if all the people in your astral plane drive random motorized clouds. That's the consensus reality of how to travel. It's real. It's not physical, but it's not the absolute unchanging reality. It's a consensus reality.24:34and hang with personify God. Well, yes. And that's actually okay. So I it's kind of nice to be able to share with you a model that answers pretty much all the questions. So like, Where's the personal God and all this? How can people say they see Jesus? Well, absolutely. The being that was known as Jesus Christ, you could say is another soul and of course in miracles he's gonna Considered a brother, he's not considered God in the beyond state. He's not considered the father. He acknowledges himself in the book, it's actually technically him who's writing in channeling that book. He's saying, you know, I'm another child of God like you, yet I have fully accepted the atonement for myself, I've fully liberated myself. I'm a completely free being. But I'm coming back to help those of you who are open to my message. Now, when people leave their body, and they actually encounter Christ, they are encountering that being who has dedicated his entire existence to liberate humanity, you know, and he's not the only one who's done that. By the way, there are many Ascended Masters, who you know, and you might put, in fact, in the Course of Miracles, Christ kind of ease in a unique category of being in a Course of Miracles that actually teaches that the being named Jesus Christ is the first one who accepted the atonement for himself. I actually, if there's one line in the course that I have some trouble with, it's that line. But the point is, you know, there's there's something he's doing, he's very actively helping souls, you might say that, and people can leave their body and see a personified being. So you can leave your body and see Christ or Krishna, or what you think Mohammed might look like, you know, nobody knows they won't let you draw, Mohammed, probably for the better. So you leave your body you could see these beings you could see as eql or you could see, you knock or you know, any of these, any Ascended Master guide, you could all that could be here yet. This is definitely an impersonal model of the absolute that the source itself is not a person, but the model allows for the concept of you experiencing a personified version of Godhead. So we'll be looking at this chart a lot when it comes to the different levels of reality and the different theories of creation and reincarnation, evolution in evolution, Self Realization, it supports everything I've been saying. It also talks about the sun scars, which we've been talking about through the whole training. But again, there's a lot more to explain with this. So good how you were typing Any other questions you're sharing for me guys?27:25And then what we're going to do is back up to page 13. Answer date. Okay, great. Just look at page 13. In your training manual for a sec. This is from Annie Besant to remember the ancient wisdom she is. She was at the sophist and as I mentioned, she's a remarkable woman who work to help liberate a lot of women from horrible work conditions. She says with reincarnation man is a dignified immortal being evolving towards a glorious and without it, he is a tossing straw on the stream of chance circumstances are responsible for his character, for his actions for his destiny. The ancient wisdom teaches indeed, that the soul progresses through many worlds. But it also teaches he is born in each of these worlds over and over again, until he has completed the evolution possible in that world. Truly further evolution lies before us in other worlds, but they're not open to us until we have learned and master the lessons our own world has to teach. This is so beautifully written based on what the chart we're looking at here, you're not going to go the physical beyond the physical. Until you learn how to vibrate at these higher levels. As you do, you'll learn how to have out of body experiences, a lot of you started tapping into this with breath work, you started feeling the vibrations, feeling the light, some of you felt you were truly tapping into these realms, and I believe you you do you are then you kind of get sucked back to your body again, more and more, you're gonna get addicted to what's up here. And you'll start learning to tune your vibration, the answer is always love and light will always keep taking you higher and higher. And eventually you learn how to move beyond this subtle sphere into what's called here, the mental sphere, playing five and six. And you can really only learn to do this. And I want to say there's only one way but without meditation on your own soul until you learn how to meditate and find your own soul. Then this does in these realms are definitely inaccessible. In other words, home implies ability to participate in any realm at will. Well, home kind of implies, you know, the place you would go back to when your journey is done. Right. So some people definitely have a home on the astral plane. You know, like for instance, frogs probably don't. They're going to incarnate very quickly. They're so far from the experience of home like home for a frog would be wherever it keeps a tadpole Whatever. And when it leaves its body at the time of bodily death, it's going to reincarnate most likely again. It's a tadpole, and spend a lot of time in the frog cycle until it'll move on to the next home. The only thing I could conceive of from home would be you know, where am I gonna put my body human beings often talk about home like you know where you're gonna go, you're probably at your home right now. You know, your physical home, your domicile your dwelling place but at bodily death. Some beings again, remember if you're kind of like animal consciousness, you're going to reincarnate really quickly and home will be on the physical plane for you. But of course that changes every lifetime eventually, you start establishing a place your place your seat at the table, if you will, on the astral plane. So I can clearly say I know for me that I know of many other people and I know this from out of body experience well actually from out of body experience and from past life regressions, but most of my clients in what you read in the hypnotherapy literature, you know of the transpersonal literature, people when they leave their bodies, they report going home but they're doing it on this level. It's like where you go when you your journey is done. And you're hanging out here for a while. So um so home isn't really the ability to participate in any realm at will they bid on the the to participate in any realm it will involve me and you've made it fully home and you're completely liberated free being let me read you guys something before we go to the video I have in store for you. Just for just to keep you connected with me a little on turn on the camera, even though I'm just gonna read to you but I'll show you the book I'm going to read from31:56if you've ever noticed in my office, oh, camera. Okay, um, looks like our camera is not cooperating. So instead of crashing the meeting room, I'm gonna leave that off. I have a32:36test test.32:42Okay, guys hear me now. Leaving in five to do mommy stuff really enjoy the day. No problem, Rene. Good to have you with us. Yeah, I'll post the videos later. Okay. Camera is not cooperating. So I'm just gonna read to you this is the Ruby act of Omar can it's this is a version by paramahansa Yogananda it's a spiritual interpretation, basically, which the text of the Ruby at is deeply spiritual. Yet, nobody always sees that. But when you been around the block, it's pretty clear. So there are two little quatrains from the Ruby apps that speak to what we're talking about here. I'm sorry for lack of camera cuz you know, I could even show you the picture here, but it's going to crash the meeting room. So here's one of the quatrains up from Earth Center, which means the first chakra through the seventh gate, the seven chakra I rose. You know what, let's put here if anything, give you this image, you can look at this image and I'll use the arrow as we're moving along. So up from Earth Center and the first chakra just like I showed you in the picture of the game Lila, where you move up the different levels, to the seventh gate all the way back to source. I rose and on the throne of Saturn seed meaning I've got I went beyond all ignorance and all illusion, and many knots unraveled by the road. All of these knots. This is these are all considered son scars, which we'll talk more about. Here. Your unwinding your son scars, many knots unraveled by the road, but not the knot of human death and fate. I mean, not the knot of karma. But then listen to what Yogananda writes here. In deep meditation, I transcended the sensory perceptions of the body and experienced divine realization by lifting my lifeforce and consciousness upward through the yoga sharp chakras. This spiritual cerebral spinal centers from the earth vibration and the Cox six to the thousand petal Lotus in the brain. It's what we were doing this morning. Whether you realized or not King ignorance, who sat on the throne of consciousness and ruled my life in the body identified stage was deposed, and I the all lines, so one with spirit reigned in his steed, ascending the spine or highway, I unraveled in each of the six lower chakras, the knots of life in consciousness that tied me to the body to listen to this part very carefully, I untie the knots to tie me to the body. Thus, when entering the seven Center, the thousand petal Lotus, I was momentarily free, right up here where the arrow is momentarily free and cosmic consciousness. But this experience in meditation did not liberate me completely. So going into there just once is in complete liberation. Because of my karma, the results of my past actions, I could not escape permanently into spirits. To Sunder karmic bonds and conquer death forever, here's the line I wanted you to hear, I had to first learn by deeper meditation, to consciously go in and out of the body at Well, I had to first learn by deeper meditation to consciously go in and out of the body at will, that based on what Alex was saying, implies the ability to participate at any realm at any time. Any realm means you have to know how to get back to source. Once you do, and you come back to the body, then you need to learn how to leave the body and you can explore any of the realms. Basically, I don't wanna say to any time, like right now I'm here teaching class, you know, so it's not like, pop up and go. But generally, when you know how to attune to these vibrations, and you know how to leave your body, then yes, when you're leaving your body have the ability to go these different realms, home technically is here. But there is what you can call a home on the astral plane, where you go with beings that you interact with. So there's a lot in this one section of the book, but basically, that says a lot of it. So I'll leave you with that for now.37:21Okay, but yeah, the concept is the ability to consciously and voluntarily leave your body. And so we'll talk about that, of course, and transpersonal, how to have the out of body experience? And what level can you go to, like we just read in the training manual from Annie Besant. Surely further evolution lies before us in other worlds, but they're not open to us until we have learned and master the lessons our own world has to teach. You could say were always operating out of home anyway, just the awareness changes. Yeah. You've really never ever ever left here. You are just pretending to be these different forms. Even these forms. Like I said, even all this is pretend. Even floating in your your motorized clouds. And it's it's all there. It's just you know, you're seeing angels, it's all there. It's just not the absolute reality. So yes, you've never actually been in a body. You're just believing you are pretending you're faking it so well, that it sure seems real. But now, yes, you've never actually left home. So once you take the journey back home, you have the full mystical realization of oneness with the divine, you realize you couldn't have been anywhere in the first place. But anybody who says, Oh, well, I'm ready there. There's nothing I need to do. You know, the guy here who's not enlightened says, Oh, well, I'm ready there, but hasn't had the experience and isn't learning to become free of the physical will kind of be deceiving themselves. So like, for instance, in zen, they say you are Buddha. And so somebody might say, Oh, well, if I'm ready Buddha, then I don't have to practice meditation, I don't have to do anything. And they say in Zen to the master, that would be laughable to realize, if somebody who never experienced that, couldn't say, Oh, I don't need to practice. So. You know, there is at a certain stage that we'll talk about the need for spiritual discipline, the need for spiritual practice, to be able to keep ascending higher and higher. Because you're going to do it eventually, the concept of spiritual practices, it's quickens the process, you're going to get there eventually. But spiritual practice speeds up the process so you can involve faster and you can involve in one lifetime, you do not have to the moment you're at a place of saying I'm ready. I'm, I want to go I'm gonna dedicate the time and the energy to do it. You any human Usually it's a 10 year process generally, you know, of really diligent intense purification and spiritual practice. We'll move through the stages. And we'll talk about all these stages later as we go. Do you think people go into a coma so they can resolve karma in another dimension? Yeah. Well, I believe in some level, you're just resolving karma all the time coma or not. But I would say that people, I don't think you go into coma to resolve karma. Because in a sense, your karma probably manifested the coma. But what I'd say is that people in karma are much more active than we may realize. In fact, I think, is it the video I'm about to show you now? No, it's not. But I do have a video of I forget who the teacher is. But she's pretty well known. And she said that her like her grandmother was in a coma. And it was like six years or something. And at towards the very end, when her body was, you know, she was just about it was going to be the time of bodily death. She opened, they're all sitting around her and she opened her eyes wider up, and she starts talking to her. Her husband who had passed away many years before and sees him right there in the room. And then they say like their tie in the way she says, she said,41:19mama mama,41:20like, you're here, you're live. You've been like a vegetable. She says, Ah, to you, it looks like I was a vegetable. But if you could see the things that I have seen. So while Yeah, show body is in a coma, her spirit for these six years is out having all these other worldly experiences. And when she's in her body, the doorway is still open to be seeing those realms. So yes, I, I don't know that, you know, going into the coma was the choice to work out karma I might be the result of karma. Yet certainly, I acknowledge the soul is active, even when the body is not and that even at night, most everybody, it dissemble everybody, but to some degree is leaving their body you are having out of body experiences frequently. You just don't necessarily remember the experiences. So yeah, I would say someone who's in a coma is very easily not in their body, probably for a lot of that time. For sure. Okay, so what we're going to do is do a movie now, which is scheduled in the training manual for page 14, this goes into reincarnation, you'll see Brian Weiss and see little bits of a session on that. So it's reincarnation, the near death experience. So you can give some thought to this chart. When somebody physically dies 10 for a moment, they go up a little bit and they tell them you got to come back what plane where were they going? So goes into reincarnation, near death experience and encounters with those on the other side. So the concept of being able to Well, I'll let the video speak for itself. Okay. It's in four parts, I believe. So, every 18 minutes bear with me as I'll load up the next section, and leave the chat room open. If you care to make any comments. I'll be right here. It's a little ad cheesy, but the content is good.44:15I'm Nick manku. So in this episode of forces beyond a journey to the other side, a near death experience,44:22I did not have a classical near death experience know44:25what happens44:26to you when you die. I wouldn't call it a death experience because my feeling was I die.44:31Suddenly the lights began to go out.44:35No evidence of all anybody's ever come back from brain44:37death to believe otherwise would be the greatest deception.45:13You feel like you're about to die, you lose consciousness. Your Spirit seems to leave your body. You traveled down a dark tunnel towards a light filled place within seconds your entire life flashes before you in the distance you hear someone calling your name. Suddenly, you're pulled back, you open your eyes, you've returned from the dead.45:37Is this a dream?45:39Is this an illumination? Or could it actually be a glimpse of the afterlife46:06forces46:07beyond traveled to Norwood, Ohio, to meet a man who believes a near death experience completely changed his life.46:20Before the experience, I was an unhappy person. I dominated my wife and children experienced my rage and my fear. I mean, now looking back on and I'm proud of it at the time, I was very proud of it. I figured I was the biggest, baddest bear around.46:41In 1985 Howard storm was traveling in France when he was hospitalized for a life threatening stomach perforation. He believes his near death experience changed him from a cruel angry man, to a peace loving minister of God.46:56So very grave situation and the pain was unbelievable. nurse came into the room that night. And so that they were unable to find a doctor to do the surgery. And so they would try and get one for the next day, I knew that I was dying. I said goodbye to my wife, and she said goodbye to me. We kissed and I went unconscious. I woke from that unconscious state in this state of being which was alive and well. No more pain in my stomach standing next to the bed, looking at my wife, and in the bed was the shape of me. But it wasn't me.47:44near death experiences one of a whole class of experiences where the normal sensory input to the brain is for some reason disrupted and from within. There's a welling up of visual imagery and other kinds of emotions. People who have these experiences and come back often come back quite changed that they're very profound. I don't believe that they've actually been outside their bodies, but they feel like they have.48:12I try to communicate with my wife when I couldn't communicate with her. And I tried to communicate with the other man who was in the bed next to mine. And he could apparently knew the simmer here, man, I heard people calling me and I left the room and when it's the hallway that led me down the hallway and on a very long journey into darkness is starting to push and pull at me I fought with them and fought back and they started to torment me.48:45Dr. Raymond Moody, author of the book life after life, is the physician who coined the phrase near death experience while conducting research on people who appeared to die and then returned to life.48:57Over the past three or four decades, there have been striking developments and cardiopulmonary resuscitation technology that are enabling us to pull people back from a state that certainly 100 years ago or 80 years ago would have just been called death.49:13So it's being torn up. all over my body, the emotional pain of like, what has happened to me, where am I unable to move, unable to get out of there feeling like I was going to be in that place forever. This. This was absolutely no dream. This was not a figment of my imagination. I could hear myself saying, pray to God, I tried to think of some prayers and I inadvertently set a couple of phrases or people around me went into a frenzy as if the words were unbearable to them. And they were telling me and the most vulgar way possible that no one could hear me there was no God, and now they were going to really make things bad for me.49:57I certainly don't deny the existence of near death experiences. There's far too much evidence that they occur, that they're important to people that they take the same form all over the place. But I do deny, or at least very strongly doubt that anything leaves the body or that they are evidence in any way for a soul or spirit or life after death, or any of that. They're an important experience that tells us a lot about our minds. often think of the50:21people back in the early civilizations, when they took voyages beyond the furthest known boundary beyond the boundary of the known world. And they came back and wrote travel logs about what they had witnessed. They put these writings in terms of a language that would just be indistinguishable from a religious language it did. And and you can well imagine that under those circumstances of travel, and in that kind of world, that probably a voyage beyond the furthest limits of the known world to strange other cultures would have been like an altered state of consciousness like a, a, just indistinguishable almost from a trip into heaven.51:03In that place of enormous despair, and isolation. I heard myself recall a memory from my childhood, which was a little boy, sitting in Sunday School saying Jesus loves me, not knowing or believing in anything, except the faith of a child that I had been more than 30 years earlier. I called up to the darkness, Jesus, please save me. And when I did that, in the darkness, the light appeared, it became very intense, indescribably intense. And it overcame me and picked me up into itself. And I embraced by this being of light, who is incredibly gentle and loving, and powerful and good. And I feel enormous sense of being known. And no experience of love that I've ever had in my life compared to this overwhelming sense of being loved. And I'm crying like a baby at the joy of being rescued, and he carries me out of that place.52:11I don't think that it's a good idea to mix science and religion. I don't think there's any scientific proof of religious convictions, nor could there ever be. And similarly, when you muddle all science with religious belief, you usually lead yourself astray to52:27say, I believe it was Jesus Christ. And I trust52:37and I love him. And52:48it hurts when people argue that with me, it's pretty painful. Cuz I was there I know, and they don't53:01do it idea that we can journey to another world is not a new one. Every culture has a version of the hero who passes through the gates of death in order to be reborn. But here's the truly fascinating question. What exactly is this profound experience reported by those who come back from the brink of death? Is it the work of the brain,53:23or the spirit? Obviously, one53:27of the fundamental questions that everyone has is what happens to you when you die?53:34Madeline Lawrence is conducting clinical research on near death experiences at Connecticut's Hartford Hospital.53:45As we've improved our resuscitation efforts, and our ability to do very advanced procedures, we're having patients come back and say, This is what happened to me when I had this procedure of this is what happened to me after my cardiac arrest. So the medical community is saying, Oh, we need to, we need to see what this is54:03if somebody is revived, and has some experiences to report that they can recall from that period while their heart and lungs were stopped. But that's not terribly surprising, because the brain has not yet died. As far as I know. There's no evidence at all that anybody's ever come back from brain death. During54:18the last three years. What I've what I did was interview over 100 patients who have had an unconscious episode, and then I asked them to describe what that experience was like for them. Some of them had a near death experience. Some of them had an out of body experience associated with near death experience. Some of them reported seeing people who had died, friends or relatives in their room or coming toward them in the room. And then two people reported seeing the Grim Reaper,54:45Gerald kolinsky was hospitalized after an unconscious experience brought on by cardiac arrest.54:51And as beginning to get lightheaded and suddenly the lights began to go out. membered the sky overhead, say open my eyes. And I remembered my wife holding me.55:09We know there are a lot of theories about what a near death experiences. Some people feel it, it is a religious experience. Some people believe that it's a some kind of biochemical experience. Something that happens to the brain either from changes in oxygen level or glucose level. You know, so nobody's really clear yet on exactly what this experience is.55:32I think all of these things are, are complex hallucinations generated by a brain that is trying to sort itself out under traumatized conditions when the normal inputs are for whatever reason temporarily absent55:44bio psychologist Dr. Barry Byers Steen demonstrates his theory using a preserved human brain55:50when one has a near death experience. There are many parts of the brain that are being deactivated. And there are many parts, conversely, that are able to activate at that time. One of the most important are a whole series of nuclei down here in the brainstem known as the limbic system. When the limbic system stimulates the visual cortex, we get vivid visual memories. When the eyes send information up to that same area, we get visual images from the world outside, these deep brain structures are all suddenly released and sending information up to the parts of the brain that are normally active when we see things. And so just because it comes from inside, it's no less seemingly real to the individual, or as anything else that comes in and reaches this part of the brain.56:36The distinction between whether a near death experience is a real experience or a hallucination, I think is a very important one. A number of patients did describe hallucinations. And people who have near death experiences who will report an out of body experience associated with report seeing what we see is typically going on in the hospital.56:59Now to me, I think it is a hallucination, probably a variety of hallucinations. But it's a very interesting kind of hallucination.57:07British parapsychologist Susan Blackmore wrote her latest book about the near death experience, she has also written about out of body experiences, including her own.57:19Why should that always be a tunnel with a light? Why should you seem to float out of your body, these are very particular kinds of hallucinations. So they are fascinating hallucinations. So it's not good enough just to say, it's hallucination. And the story, I won't do at all,57:34if millions upon millions upon millions of people who are in a certain state say their heart stopped beating for an extended period of time and whatever. And they after this event, not only describe a living experience, but they also agree on its structure and can talk about it coherently and say that from their point of view, it was certainly real, and that has made a major impact on on their lives. Well, I would say that what's forming out of that as a consensual reality show called58:08core experience, the the tunnel, a feeling of great peace, the light at that end of the tunnel, the movement, sometimes the sound. This is remarkably similar across all cultures across different educational levels, children, adults, that sort of thing, which suggests to me that this is triggering some kind of an ingrained physiological mechanism in the brain. And that's why it's so similar wherever people experience it. On the other hand, when you get past that core experience, that's when they start to get different and the experiences people have are much more attuned to who they are and who they wish to be, what they believe what their educational religious upbringing is, you don't find devout Christians seeing Muhammad at the end of the tunnel, for instance, or vice versa. And so it's how people embellish them that comes from their psychological makeup. The raw fields, if you like, are part of their physiological makeup of a brain that's going through a distressing period.59:05Madeline Lawrence has designed a unique clinical test she will conduct over the next year.59:10This is the electrophysiology lab and patients who have some cardiac arrhythmias will be brought in here. Some of them do become unconscious in case they do we have a message machine here that to try to see if they can see it if they do report an out of body experience. As you can see from laying in bed in this position that anyone here could not see the message machine. The only way somebody could see the message was if they were literally out of their body. And the staff cannot see the machine either from standing on the floor.59:48results aren't available yet. But if any of the patients correctly reads the sign, Lawrence will have evidence to support the out of body reports of some near death survivors.59:59That data So far it's been relatively inconclusive in terms of really demonstrating that people can see things that no one else can see when they're out of their bodies.1:00:13What about life after a brush with death1:00:18pmh Atwater is a writer in Charlottesville, Virginia, who claims firsthand knowledge of the near death experience.1:00:26I had been through a very emotional experience that convinced me at that time in my life, that I no longer wanted to live. And my body was sort of flowing with those kinds with those kinds of thoughts in that the body itself was nearing a collapse. And indeed, it did. Physically, mentally, emotionally. The body just simply gave out,1:00:56though Phyllis atwater's medical emergency occurred at home without a doctor present. She's convinced it was a near death experience.1:01:04I floated ever so quickly, but yet gently through the air, and I was headed toward a lip of light. It was kind of narrow, and then when I got closer to it, it's like I was absorbed into it. It's like it pulled me in. This was a power. It was a living, breathing presence. What happened to me, I would call it a death experience, because my sense of that my feeling was I died.1:01:35In the years since atwater's personal encounter with near death experience. She has made she has conducted more than 3000 interviews with near death survivors worldwide. That research resulted in her latest book, beyond the light, her own experience is chronicled in her book coming back to life,1:01:55the upshot of the research I did was not necessarily to help me, although it did.1:02:02Atwater found that coming back from the brink of death was not entirely a positive experience,1:02:08the most common negative emotion that is felt by most near death survivors, after their experience is anger. They simply don't want to come back and they're angry that they had to come back. The other anger is, those individuals that didn't want this kind of experience, didn't ask for this kind of experience, and frankly, resent the intrusion.1:02:33Know, people have drug experiences, back in the 1960s, when people used to do a lot of psychedelic drugs, people would have the same kind of transformative experiences, in fact, very, very similar kinds of subjective experiences, and they would come back change, they would reassess their lives, they would say, a, well, maybe my life is not really going the way it should, maybe my priorities need to be altered, my values need to be changed. And any kind of profound experience like that, is quite capable of doing that. And of course, if it does happen in the near death context, I mean, and realizing one's own mortality can be a great spurt of self examination and reorganization of life, too.1:03:14I was the same person, but on the inside, I was totally different person. On the outside, I look the same. And I sound the sound of the inside of something completely different creature. I really felt like I had the call to be a worship leader, and to go, so I eventually quit my job as a professor, which was hard to do, because I loved my job. But I gave that up and went to seminary. For three years, I couldn't be a full time ordained minister.1:03:52Pastor storm believes God gave him a second chance. But you know, some will not believe the story of his hellish near death experience.1:04:02I would have I mean, I cannot understand that because I would have been one of them. I'm like, What are you crazy expected Buddhists, that's would have been my reaction to someone telling about this experience.1:04:10I guess I would actually have to die, I would have to really get there and find it. Because anything short of that I'm quite convinced my own brain could could generate my own wishful thinking could produce for me a at a time like that. And so it wouldn't be conclusive proof.1:04:26The bottom line question that everybody wants to know is, does when we die physically, when our body dies? Does something survive after that? Is there some part of us that goes on? I think that's the fundamental question to this research that people are interested in. Right now. Personally, I don't think we have enough evidence one way or the other to say yes, it does or No, it doesn't.1:04:52Whether it happened all in my mind, or whether it happened the way I experienced. I can't possibly prove to anyone But I know that the validity to the experience and that has been confirmed by subsequent experiences.1:05:09And1:05:12I know that to believe otherwise would be the greatest deception of my life.1:05:18Near Death, one saw heaven one so hell, whether or not the dark tunnel and the white light were real. The lives of Howard storm and philosophic water, were forever altered by the experience1:05:32of cosmic.1:06:00I'm Nick manku. So, in this episode of forces beyond reincarnation,1:06:05this elevator can take you back in time to another lifetime 25% of the normal1:06:11population believe that they may have lived a previous life.1:06:15Actual reincarnation is a very, very difficult thing to be1:06:19cared about. There is simply no evidence that any sensible person would accept that any of them.1:06:59For as long as mankind has recorded its experiences, there have been stories about reincarnation. In most Eastern cultures, the concept of reincarnation is widely accepted. In the West, increasing numbers of people are talking and writing about past life experiences. Are these accounts creations of active imaginations? Or are these people actually remembering past lives?1:07:26I heard myself calling him Arthur and him calling another man Merlin.1:07:32I do believe in past lives.1:07:35past life therapy is a joke. When you're in a trance1:07:39state, it's not the right time to try and sort out back from addiction.1:07:46Spending again, it's how you feel1:07:48when you leave bodies. Christianity didn't declare reincarnation heresy until the sixth century. So it's been around for thousands of years. This is nothing new.1:07:59The concept of reincarnation is older than recorded history. The mummies of ancient Egypt were designed to preserve the soul for 3000 years to live again in the same body. Buddhist and Hindu traditions affirm a cycle of rebirth as humans, animals, demons, ghosts and gods. But as Dr. Bernard Hayes explains, the idea of reincarnation presents a challenge to Westerners1:08:23in our Western civilization, reincarnation is just not considered to be a valid plausible, it's taboo. Now, if you look at the worldwide situation, it would seem that reincarnation among people with religious beliefs is the majority opinion. So I think we have to be a little careful here and try to divorce our own Western perspective from that of the rest of the world. In the Journal of scientific exploration, we've actually published a number of articles on reincarnation, and they've been done mainly by Professor Ian Stevenson, the University of Virginia, and his research is an excellent example of how scientific methodology can be applied to something as seemingly unscientific as reincarnation. One of the studies we've published most recently involves birth defects that are associated with the remembered death words of children who recall previous lives.1:09:17Stephenson notes that children who remember previous lives begin to talk about them almost as soon as they can speak, and stop between the ages of five and seven, he examined the cases of 210 such children afflicted with rare birth defects,1:09:30and in 85% of the cases where medical records were obtained, a correspondence between past life wound and birth defect was confirmed. a birthmark on the chest of an Indian youth who remembered the life of a man named maharam killed with a shotgun at close range. This post mortem drawing indicates gunshot wounds in the chest of a man named maharam a Turkish boys deformed ear. The boy remember the life of a man who had been shot guns in the head at point blank range hospital records can The man he remembered actually died of a shotgun wound to the right side of his skull. The congenital deformation of the right hand of an Indian child who remembered the life of another child who lost his fingers in a food chopping machine. And the stunted leg of a Burmese girl who remembered the life of a woman whose leg was severed when she was run over by a train. Dramatic is such findings appear Dr. Richard off she is skeptical of a scientific approach to reincarnation,1:10:28reincarnation in particular, we're really talking about something that derives from a non scientific tradition. These are belief systems that that have been passed down from generation to generation, they're part of culture. It's entirely different when someone who holds themselves out to be a professionally trained science practitioner says that these things are true and valid for scientific reasons. Now the burden of proof is on them.1:10:56One scientist open to the possibility of reincarnation is Miami psychiatrist Dr. Brian Weiss, a leading past life regression therapist and author of many lives many masters1:11:07past life regression is going back in time using hypnosis or some form of relaxation and focusing the concentration to look at memories that people seem to be able to provide from past lives.1:11:21Dr. Weiss, his career took a dramatic turn when one of his patients journey back to 1863. While under hypnosis, Dr. Weiss is decision to write about the past life regression of his patient1:11:33was a difficult one. I was chairman of a major psychiatric department and the clinical faculty of the medical school at the University of Miami. My reputation which I had spent years carefully establishing my career. By income everything was subject to disruption to ridicule. This worried me a great deal. I was very conservative in my field.1:11:59Yet Dr. Weiss could not ignore the apparent past life regressions of his patient experiences similar to that of Miami Real Estate Agent Susan Lombardo.1:12:08I went back a few hundred years and was a gypsy and I have had an inordinate fear of smoke of smelling smoke my whole life and I never did understand it until I did this regression. And in the regression, my Gypsy skirt caught fire and I came out of the regression smelling a smoke. So that helped to explain my fear of the smoke and it certainly made me a believer in regression1:12:3525% of the normal population believe that they may have lived a previous life.1:12:41neuroscientist Dr. Michael singer has been studying past life experiences at Canada's Laurentian University. In laboratory experiments, Dr. Persinger has been able to replicate many reported aspects of past life memory.1:12:55The kinds of sensations will vary depending upon the individual, but in general, individuals feel as if they're floating, that feels if the self is detached or leaves the body. Sometimes it will experience intrusive sensations, voices, sometimes it's if it's from some other person or some other mind, people who are prone to exotic beliefs, such as reincarnation, aliens being responsible for UFOs. telepathy is real. Their brains are quite different electrically, they're more sensitive, and more labile. They're more prone to having much of the creativity and easy ability to remember things that the average person does not.1:13:34As a demonstration, mysterious forces beyond arranged for Susan Lombardo to undergo hypnotic regression with Dr. Weiss.1:13:41I wanted to come to see Dr. Weiss because he is such a giant in regression. I'm a little nervous. I'm not afraid at all. And I'm excited. I think that's the best way to describe it. I'm really excited to see1:13:59what's gonna happen three to one, good.1:14:06Lying comfortably on couches, they close their eyes relax, and let their minds drift back in time. Then, in as little as a few minutes they claim an astonishing thing happens. Talking softly and clear voices they recount events that happen not years, but centuries ago, and not to others to themselves. Are these experiences real? Or are they simply the product of vivid1:14:32imaginations? visualize an elevator in front of you. This elevator can take you back in time, to another lifetime1:14:42or any lifetime. That kind of simple sentence. previous life previous time is sufficient to generate tremendous imagery and people who are prone to suggestion or who are prone to these kinds of beliefs.1:14:55I locked out into this beautiful scene. With these distant mountains, rocks of strange shapes. When I look down at the most beautiful moccasins on, I have special talents my people can use. So they send me out.1:15:30And what are these talents bring to your eye? Can1:15:36they come to me?1:15:45What do you say?1:16:03I am floating about some you've,1:16:06you've left her body.1:16:09Dr. wises technique is a very good technique for inducing hypnosis and for modifying memory. He's very effective at what he's doing. He is utilizing the appropriate cues. But like all hypnotic progressions, he is actually labeling and framing the experience for the patient or the client. How do1:16:29you feel1:16:31shall enter for a very relaxed good. I was a little bit anxious about trying to be to maybe theatrical because I knew a camera was there. But once Dr. Weiss put me under, I really wasn't aware of the camera at all. I felt the experience was real. Perhaps it was part of my imagination. But Is that wrong? Does that make it less real? Just because it's your imagination. To prove the validity of past life, regressions and of reincarnation is not my goal.1:17:06I believe that it's real. Because of the hundreds and hundreds of patients I've regressed with incredible detail and where this material is coming from. But as I said, you do not have to believe in this for it to work and that the therapeutic level it works.1:17:21Dr. Weiss is correct in saying that the point of a therapy is to heal. therapeutic value does not necessarily mean however, scientific validity1:17:30consider the case of Virginia Teague in the 1950s. under hypnosis, the Colorado housewives spoken and Irish brogue and recounted a previous incarnation as a woman named bridey Murphy. But her story collapsed when reporters discovered a childhood neighbor whose Irish heritage had fascinated young Virginia and whose maiden name was bridey. Murphy,1:17:50frequently you get people who are remembering my new details of geographical places and historical periods where they have never been, and they haven't had social cues like bridey Murphy, that was one case 30 or 40 years ago, but we have thousands of cases. Now.1:18:09One astounding case of past life regression is that of laurel Vaillant, whose experiences have led her to conclude that she's the reincarnation of the legendary Guinevere,1:18:19dancer 22 I started having nightmares. nightmares of myself holding a blade and killing people, killing men, large brutal looking men with beards and very smelly, a lot of fire. And I felt very different than I normally feel I felt aggressive and angry and egotistical. So I'd wake up in a bit of a sweat in the middle of the night, not really knowing what was going on. And I decided maybe there was some basis in a past life here.1:18:57LAUREL claims that she has the ability to regress to her past life as one of your at will through self hypnosis.1:19:04self hypnosis is eminently easy to do. That they can regress to a past life. No way that they can imagine themselves in a past life. Absolutely. That that imagined experience in a past life is accepted by them as something valid. I don't doubt it for a second that it is valid, I doubted completely.1:19:32LAUREL failings claim to a past life as one of your may sound outrageous, but many details of her story are intriguing.1:19:40I knew who quantifier was basically because of the other characters around the other people. I heard myself calling the man Arthur and him calling another man Merlin.1:19:51Why is it that people imagined themselves as famous people what they imagine and trans is really the product of how much information they have about what life was like at the time. If you really got into it seriously, it would probably break down very rapidly.1:20:08Even if I had digested major, ancient British history, I still wouldn't have been able to come up with the information that I came up in six hours of regression.1:20:19LAUREL claims this scene she witnessed in regression were real, and that the real glint of your bore little resemblance to the storybook character. Lauren's going up here was a ruthless warrior and manipulator of men, a profile of Guinevere, which gets support from our 13 scholar Dr. Jeffrey ash,1:20:36I think Laurel Ferrand is entirely right in saying that the Hollywood winner via the romance winner view is almost completely fictitious figure. Now, as I understand it, sees her as a much tougher barbaric sort of character. And this is in keeping with history. We know that Celtic queens could reign in their own right, they could lead armies. So I think Laurel is on the right1:21:01track here.1:21:02to approve laurels claim of reincarnation, it must first be proven that one of your actually existed. Dr. Ash has been investigating the existence of Arthur and Gwyneth here at Glastonbury, England.1:21:14If we look for historical evidence for these people, there is very little, and some academics, some historians would at least go as far as saying there was a real offer, as well, she has mentioned that it's extremely difficult to pin her down this historical figure. I'm now standing on the spot right under my feet here, where in 1191, it is said that the grave of alpha and renoviert was discovered. This is a very controversial question. The question of course, is whether it was our winner here, but the certainly was a burial here.1:21:54The question remains, is Laurel failing the reincarnation of one of your1:21:59I find most of my patients are commonplace, they're not famous. And so that lends a degree of difficulty to the acceptance of it right away, because the statistics are odds of that, for being one of you would be very, very low.1:22:14It's not important to me if people believe me or not, if it creates controversy, wonderful. It gets people thinking about it, talking about it, whether they believe me isn't important at all.1:22:24While hypnotic regression therapists debate the question of reincarnation with neuroscientists, ordinary people continue to report past life experiences.1:22:35Jacqueline is a Los Angeles area therapist who practices past life regression. Though she claims to be psychic, Jacqueline takes a practical approach to working with past lives.1:22:45A lot of people ask and they're curious, is it important to know? Did it really happen? Was it really real past life? Or is it just my imagination?1:22:54Greg Vogel is a producer on the staff of mysterious forces beyond Greg was asked to participate in a past life regression at Jacqueline's home office.1:23:03When I have someone that wants to work with me, we usually sit down and then we discuss a little bit about reincarnation karma, and really elicit from them how willing are they to experience the experience because if they can completely let go and trust then the experience can be very rewarding, very rich,1:23:22being in a trance for me wasn't really like dreaming, but it was very subconscious. Pictures coming out of nowhere, images, words, I was conscious of what was going on to some extent, but I was really more subconscious.1:23:40Is this something where the subject matter is male or female.1:23:53Alright guys, we need to take our last break for the day. So let's come back in 10 minutes about 440 and we'll continue with this video and then we'll see where we go from there. So I will see you back or you will see the movie back in 10 minutes. ................

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