Standing Quad Stretch (Basic Level)- front of upper leg

Calf muscle Stretch - GastrocnemiusMuscles Stretched: GastrocnemiusDescriptionStand with one leg in front of the other, with both feet pointed forward. Place hands on a wall or similar for support Keep back knee straight, with the heel pressed to the floor Push your hips forward, while pressing your back heel to ground Hold the stretch Repeat on each legHamstring (back of upper leg)?1) Standing upright, with your feet parallel a hip-width apart, slowly lean forward, arms hanging straight down.?2) Try to bring the lower abdomen muscles closer to your thighs while keeping your back and legs straight 3) Relax your neck muscles.?4) Hold the position?5) Once you have completed the exercise, straighten up very slowly (one vertebra at a time).???Standing Quad Stretch (Basic Level)- front of upper legHold onto a rail, wall or sturdy surface with one hand and grasp ankle or shoe lace with the other. Keep knee pressing down toward floor, and press hip forward to stretch hip flexor and quad. If you have trouble simply getting into this position, your quads are extremely tight.Enjoy your stretching! ................

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