


University Assembly Report

Office of Academic Affairs


Major Accomplishments and Announcements:

College of Arts and Sciences: Nothing to report

College of Business and Public Policy:

Former Lieutenant Governor Fran Ulmer has accepted the position of director of the Institute of Social and Economic Research at the University of Alaska Anchorage. Ulmer was one of two finalists following a national search. A Woodrow Wilson Fellow, Ulmer has spent time on college campuses in Alaska and the Lower 48. She was selected as a Fellow in the Institute of Politics at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government, where she lectured and mentored students during the fall semester of 2003. In spring semester of 2004, Ulmer was the Distinguished Visiting Professor of Public Policy at the University of Alaska Anchorage. For 10 years, Ulmer has served as one of three U.S. commissioners on the North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission. She was formerly a member of the Federal Communication Commission's State and Local Advisory Committee and the Federal Election Commission's Advisory Committee.

Gov. Walter J. Hickel has been appointed the President's Distinguished Professor of Public Policy for the Spring 2005 semester. He is teaching "Managing the Commons".

Thomas A. Myers joins CBPP as the Director of the Business Enterprise Institute.

He has served as the Vice President of Communications & Publicity for Project Management Institute’s Heartland chapter and Vice Chair of the American Society for Quality section 1302. Tom is a lead examiner in Baldrige criteria and has audited many organizations for the State of Nebraska's Edgerton Award and he is ISO Lead Auditor certified. He has spent the last five years researching and conducting return on investment (ROI) projects in education and training and on course development. Tom has designed courses for the classroom and online in areas from Political Science and Management to Six Sigma, Lean, & Project Management. Before he moved into academics, he was the internal quality consultant and senior project manager for the Air Force Weather Agency and had a chance to see projects accomplished around the world.

The Logistics Department started a Seafood Supply Chain Management course, LOG 494, as an experiment to reach out to the seafood community. Currently twelve students are in the class. Following the Asian tsunami disaster, Dr. Gruenwald presented a public lecture to the class on the supply chain impacts of the tsunami; thirty people from outside the university attended.

Rasmuson Chair of Economics Vernon L. Smith was in Alaska the week of January 18 to 29 he presented his second public lecture "Economic Development: Principles with Application to Alaska" on January 27, 2005.  Additionally, Dr. Smith was a distinguished speaker at the Anchorage Economic Development Corporation’s annual Economic Forecast Luncheon. The luncheon was held on January 26, 2005. Dr. Smith met with ISEF and Economics Faculty as well as several economics classes.

The UAA Center for Economic Education, The Mercatus Center at George Mason University, and the Alaska Council on Economic Education provided workshops for the legislators and legislative staff in Juneau on January 20th, 2005.The workshops introduced the legislature to “The Economic Way of Thinking. Through lectures, discussions, and interactive games Mercatus faculty explained how economic incentives influence government action. Dr. Vernon Smith, Rasmuson Chair of Economics, was a keynote speaker at the closing banquet where he spoke about Economic Development in the Last frontier.

College of Education:

16 MAT students departed for 7 rural sites in the Alaska Partnership for Teacher Enhancement’s (APTE) partner districts in Western Alaska for a two week rural visit. The students spent time working with teachers in the classrooms and experiencing the cultural aspects of the village in the evening and on the weekends.

APTE and the College of Education (COE) co-sponsored two one-day Cultural Awareness Workshops on January 18th and 19th, 2005 at the Alaska Native Heritage Center.  These workshops were a valuable and informative introduction to Alaskan Native Cultures.

The Adult Education Graduate Program has been delighted to again host Dr. Susan Imel from Ohio State. She was in Anchorage in January and February to teach two graduate classes: 1) Professional Writing and 2) Analyzing and Developing Literature Reviews. Dr. Imel was the Director of the ERIC Clearinghouse for Adult and Vocational Education for over two decades. She is currently the Co-editor-in-Chief of the New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education.

College of Health and Social Welfare: Nothing to report

Community and Technical College: Nothing to report

Consortium Library:

The Library of Congress has signed an agreement with the Consortium Library. The Consortium Library will work with LC in scanning historical documents. The scanned images will be incorporated into LC’s Meeting of the Frontiers website and will be added to the Alaska Digital Archive. The Consortium Library will also receive funding from a $250,000 Department of Education grant, in support of its work with the Alaska Digital Archive. (sled.alaska.edu)

In George Harper’s will, the Consortium Library was named as a beneficiary. The library received his research collection documenting some of the history of African Americans in Alaska. The first library exhibit, “Blacks in the Gold Rush”, using materials from the George Harper collection is on display until February 14th, in recognition of Black History Month. Cosponsored by the Alyeska Pipeline Service and the city’s Standing Committee on the Promotion of Tolerance and Diversity, the photo exhibit will move to the BP atrium during Feb. 15-16. Between February 23 – 28, the “Blacks in the Gold Rush” exhibit will be on display in the Mayor’s conference room in city hall. George Harper’s work in documenting the history of African Americans in Alaska will be celebrated in the Mayor’s conference room on February 23rd.

Information Technology Services: Nothing to report

Kachemak Bay Branch: Nothing to report

Kenai Peninsula College: Nothing to report

Kodiak College: Nothing to report

Matanuska-Susitna College: Nothing to report

Prince William Sound Community College: Nothing to report

School of Engineering: Nothing to report

Staff Recognition and Accomplishments:

College of Arts and Sciences:

Dr. Diddy Hitchins, Professor of the Political Science department, has been awarded an MBE, Member of the Order of the British Empire, by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The award will be presented to Dr. Hitchins at Buckingham Palace on June 22, 2005.

In announcing the award, Martin Uden, British Consul General, said, “Diddy has made a very distinguished contribution representing Britain in Alaska. She has been a most dedicated Honorary Consul – frequently going well beyond the call of duty and exhibiting all that is admirable about the Alaskan frontier spirit to assist distressed British citizens in Alaska.”

Department of Languages

Dr. Sudarsan Rangarajan, Assistant Professor of French, has had an article entitled "Narratees in Butor's L’Emploi du temps” accepted for publication in the French Review.

A Japan Foundation Grant has been awarded to Dr. Hiroko Harada, Associate Professor of Japanese, for the 2nd Annual Alaska Statewide Japanese Speech Contest, which will be held on campus on March 26, 2005.

Department of Mathematical Sciences 

Dr. Kirk Scott, Assistant Professor of Computer Science, has been awarded a Fulbright Senior Specialists grant in Information Technology at Karelian State Pedagogical University, Russia. He will be in Russia for a month this summer.

College of Business and Public Policy:

The Logistics Department met with representatives of the Blueprint for Alaska committed to review how logistics initiatives could be helpful in other departments at UAA.

The College of Business and Public Policy and the Alaska Business Monthly held its 3rd Executive Forum in the Knowledge Economy Series on January 28, 2005. The forum topic was: E-Bay! Electronic Commerce and Fraud. The Proceedings will appear in the April issue of Alaska Business Monthly. Forum panelists included: Vern McCorkle (AK Business Monthly), Thomas Case (Dean CBPP), Tom Myers (BEI Director), Vernon Smith (Rasmuson Chair of Econ.), Scott Thorson (Network Business Systems), Joseph Davis (Watermark), Yong Cao (BA Department), Victor Mallozzi (Northrim) , Hermann Gruenwald (CIS Department), Bear Baker (Logistics Department), D. J. Kilpatrick (Accounting Department), Bill Noll (Department of Commerce), Patty DeMarco (Associate Dean, CBPP)

Hermann Gruenwald from the Logistics department was a panelist for the “US Security Today,” forum. The forum was hosted by the UAA Campus Bookstore on Wednesday Jan. 26. Other panelists included John Havelock (Political Science), Michael Buckland (Aviation Technology), and Dale Pittman (University Police), a representative from Homeland Security, and acting as moderator Charles Beirnard (English).

AACSB Review team spent January 8 - 10 on site and reported a recommendation to continue accreditation for the College of Business and Public Policy’s They sited several items of excellence and some items for improvement by next year. The team was comprised of the following persons: Dr. Dennis J. Elbert, Dean of the College of Business and Public Administration at the University of North Dakota; Dr. Lawrence D. Lewis, Dean of Dr. Robert B. Pamplin, Jr. School of Business Administration at the University of Portland; Dr. Byron J. Dangerfield, Dean of the College of Business and Economics at the University of Idaho

CBPP hosted a booth at the Meet Alaska Conference in the Sheraton Hotel attended by 600 oil and gas industry professionals. Thanks to Mike, Smith, Carlos Alsua, Tom Myers, George Geistauts, Elena Karthova, Jennifer Galvan and Debbie Reich for making this a successful event!

College of Education:

Dr. Eileen Hughes, Department of Teaching and Learning, Early Childhood Programs, is on sabbatical this term and continuing in her study of the ways that observation and documentation support the professional development of teachers. She is working with faculty and teachers from other universities and programs visiting places that have been inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach in early childhood education. She is examining the ways that children and teachers are "researchers."

Don Shackelford, APTE Director, and Ken Ziegahn, former Stellar teacher and current Socratic Seminar leader, recently traveled to Toksook Bay, Alaska to teach Socratic Seminar to teachers and paraeducators.

Bonny Headley and Dr. Hilary Seitz, Department of Teaching and Learning, Early Childhood Programs, presented at the 2005 statewide early childhood conference, "Many Worlds of Childhood," sponsored by the Anchorage Association for the Education of Young Children. Over 600 people attended, making it the largest early childhood conference in the state. Dr. Seitz presented on parent involvement, and Ms. Headley on understanding play.

Claudette Engblom-Bradley, Department of Teaching and Learning, Secondary Education, is presenting to 50 teachers involved in the JiM Project on “Alaskan Native Culture Based Math Activities for k-8 Classrooms.” She also submitted a paper on Math for review and on-line publication in the Tlingit Art Project.

COE Faculty will participate and present at the 31st Annual Bilingual Multicultural Education/Equity Conference to be held on February 9-12, 2005 at the Sheraton Anchorage Hotel. The focus of this year's conference is "Teaching and Learning Through a Cultural Eye".

College of Health and Social Welfare: Nothing to report

Community and Technical College: Nothing to report

Consortium Library:

Christie Ericson was awarded one of only two American Library Association grants to cover her expenses to attend the annual conference scheduled in June in Chicago.

Steve Rollins was appointed by the State Librarian to a steering committee that is charged with developing a statewide library catalog for Alaska.

Information Technology Services: Nothing to report

Kachemak Bay Branch: Nothing to report

Kenai Peninsula College:

Dennis Steffy, director of KPC Mining Petroleum and Training Services, presented two seminars, “Gas 101” and “Gas 102,” to joint sessions of the Alaska Legislature. The seminars focused on the future of the Alaska gas industry and anticipated training needs. Senator Tom Wagoner (R), Kenai, requested the seminars.

Kodiak College:

Our Student Services staff, headed by Counselor Barbara Brown, is participating in College Goal Sunday in Anchorage in preparation for enhanced financial aid services in Kodiak.

English Assistant Professor Alisha Drabek has been invited to hold a signing of her book, The Red Cedar of Agofnak, at a community celebration in the Village of Port Lions.

Matanuska-Susitna College:

We have Hired Sheri Denison as a term asst. prof. of English.  She had been a term with the UAA English Dept.

Prince William Sound Community College: Nothing to report

School of Engineering: Nothing to report

Progress on Initiatives:

College of Arts and Sciences: Nothing to report

College of Business and Public Policy:

The Center for Supply Chain Integration was recognized and funded for over $7M for the current year. This effort will involve Logistics Department faculty in implementing RFID technology for the Defense Department, and for developing and delivering RFID training at various military logistics organizations.

Crane, Inc. has established an office in Anchorage to help the Logistics Department with its RFID research and operational development. CBPP is assisting Crane, Inc. with interviews for prospective employees.

College of Education:

UAB recently approved two permanent courses designed for paraeducators.

GAB recently approved the K-8 mathematics endorsement course work.

All 300-level and most 400-level BAEE courses with the ED prefix are now available by distance delivery.

College of Health and Social Welfare: Nothing to report

Community and Technical College: Nothing to report

Consortium Library:

The south central library system project, funded by the Rasmuson Foundation, remains on schedule. The new system will be operational in early August. Training for the new system is scheduled during February.

Information Technology Services: Nothing to report

Kachemak Bay Branch: Nothing to report

Kenai Peninsula College: Nothing to report

Kodiak College:

Distance education opportunities at the College will be increasing with five full-time faculty developing courses for distance delivery, six full- and part-time faculty taking a distance e-learning course, a newly furnished and equipped multi-media classroom, and two newly equipped distance education stations being developed this spring.

The development of Human Services continues to progress with the establishment of an Advisory Group and training of adjunct instructors.

Matanuska-Susitna College: Nothing to report

Prince William Sound Community College: Nothing to report

School of Engineering: Nothing to report

Upcoming Activities:

College of Arts and Sciences:

Department of Mathematical Sciences

Dr. Debbie Narang and Dr. Cora Neal will hold a workshop for teachers in King Salmon on March 4 and in Anchorage on March 5 as part of their “Journeys in Mathematics” Grant. The guest speaker at both workshops will be Johnny Lott, Past President of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

Theatre & Dance presents:

Its 3rd production of the season, Polaroid Stories, by Naomi Iizuka, and directed by Brent Glenn, on Friday, February 11, at 8:00 PM in the Mainstage Theatre. Polaroid Stories deals with the millions of American children who have no place to call home and live on the streets. Intertwining the classic Greek myths of Ovid’s Metamorphoses with the real life stories of ten inner city street kids, Polaroid Stories is a brutal snapshot of these modern gods of the streets. Presented in conjunction with Anchorage’s Covenant House.

The Department of Music presents:

Two student music recitals on Feb. 13 at the UAA Recital Hall. Randy Wolfenberger will give a Junior Voice Recital at 4 p.m. Garrett Ennis will give a Senior Guitar Recital at 7:30 p.m.

A Symphony of Sounds! Blackout. Spotlight. MUSIC! On February 18th and 19th at 7:30 pm, the Department of Music presents two performances featuring UAA’s most talented music students. In its ninth year, this event has been heralded by audiences as being one of the most exciting concerts showcasing young musicians in Anchorage. All proceeds will benefit a special scholarship for music majors.

The fifth concert in its annual Jazz Week Benefit Concert Series, Wednesday, February 23, 2005, 7:30 PM at the UAA Arts Building Recital Hall. The concert will feature the AFTER SIX ORCHESTRA. This group of rehearsed musicians and vocalists will perform in the genre of the big band era.

College of Business and Public Policy:

Dr. Drinka, Dr. Gruenwald, and Dr. Yen from the CIS Department have been working on a competition for students from our college and students from Charter College who are in the Association of Information Technical Professionals (AITP) prior to the national competition later this spring. Dave Fitzgerald and Hermann Gruenwald, co-advisors for our student chapter (CBPP Student Computer Club), have organized a local competition scheduled for February 19th here in our labs.

A workshop, Financing for Public institutions, will be held on March 15, 2005 in the Student Commons. The workshop is presented by the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation in partnership with the College of Business and Public Policy

College of Education:

The COE / NCATE accreditation site visit is scheduled for March 12 through 16, 2005.

Following a tradition of many years, the Fourteenth Annual Adult Learning Spring Colloquium will be held on Sunday, April 3rd, 2004 from 2:00 to 4:00 pm.

College of Health and Social Welfare: Nothing to report

Community and Technical College: Nothing to report

Consortium Library:

Complex Systems Lectures

Most Fridays during the spring semester


Café Events on grant funding 11:30- 1pm

February 4, 11, 18, 25

Library exhibit: Blacks in the Gold Rush

January 31st – February 14th

UAA History Wall Tour-High School staff

11am February 4th

UAA History Wall Reception

6:00pm February 4th (tickets are $25.00 each)

College of Education- Alaska Partnership for Teacher Education

February 10th 3:30 – 6:00pm

College of Fellows, Library Committee

February 10th 5:30 pm room 302


February 16th, 4:30pm – room 302

UAA Faculty Senate will start meeting in the library

as of March

University of Alaska Press and United Academics

Scholarly Publishing Workshop

April 13th

Undergraduate Research Presentation

April 15th 1pm

Information Technology Services: Nothing to report

Kachemak Bay Branch: Nothing to report

Kenai Peninsula College: Nothing to report

Kodiak College:

Hunter Boylan, the leading expert in the nation on Developmental Studies, will visit Kodiak College in April to evaluate our Developmental Studies and Learning Assistance programs and to present a workshop on Program Assessment for faculty conducting assessments in preparation for the Fall 2005 Accreditation visit.

Matanuska-Susitna College: Nothing to report

Prince William Sound Community College: Nothing to report

School of Engineering: Nothing to report


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