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Higley High School

Band Handbook

2019 – 2020

Mr. Chesley Sharp

Band Director


(480) 279-9775

About Me

I grew up in Calgary, Canada. I moved to the United States when he started college. I most recently attended the University of Nevada, Reno, where I got my Master’s Degree in 2006. I have been teaching at Higley High since 2007.

My Educational Philosophy

If you practice, you get better. If you get better, you play with better players. If you play with better players, you play better music. If you play better music, you have more fun. If you have more fun, you want to practice more. If you practice more, you get better…


The purpose of the handbook is to provide valuable information about the band program. To consistently achieve and maintain the high standard of excellence desired by this organization, members should familiarize themselves with the regulations, procedures and traditions of the ensembles.

It is hoped that some of the questions always prevalent with a performing group will be answered in this handbook. If a problem or question not covered in this handbook should arise, the director should be consulted for an explanation. Additions and changes may be made throughout the year if necessary.


All band music courses provide students with instruction in the creative and analytical elements of music. These elements include the skills of listening, communication, performing, musical and mathematical theory, reading, writing, physical development, coordination, and aesthetics allowing for individual differences among students.

Symphonic Band

The Symphonic Band is the select concert organization comprised of advanced wind and percussion players whose musical commitment is the performance of the finest wind-oriented chamber music. Membership is by audition with the Director of Bands. Auditions are held during the Spring semester. Chair auditions will take place at the beginning of the school year before we start concentrating on concert music. The Symphonic Band performs significant literature, which includes original works for wind band, wind orchestra, works from the chamber wind repertoire, and orchestral works may be performed with the string orchestra.

The number of players in the group will be kept to a minimum. The Symphonic Band performs a few concerts on campus, as well as off campus performances, and at music festivals. Students are encouraged to participate in the solo/ensemble festival and to audition for honor bands. Concerts and performances are mandatory for all instrumental groups.

Supplies: Instrument, appropriate cleaning equipment, tuner, metronome, pencil, spiral notebook.

Percussion Only: Supplies: 1 pair snare sticks (Vic Firth SD-1 General sticks or equivalent), 1 pair marimba/xylo mallets(Vic Firth M5), 1 pair hard bell/xylo mallets(Vic Firth M6), a 12 inch practice pad, metronome, pencil, spiral notebook.

Concert Band

The Concert Band is comprised of instrumentalists who have the desire to participate in a complete concert organization. The repertoire consists of well-known and varied works for concert band. The Concert Band performs several concerts throughout the year and at music festivals. Students are encouraged to participate in the solo/ensemble festival and to audition for honor bands. Concerts and performances are mandatory for all instrumental groups.

Supplies: Instrument, appropriate cleaning equipment, tuner, metronome, pencil, spiral notebook.

Percussion Only: Supplies: 1 pair snare sticks (Vic Firth SD-1 General sticks or equivalent), 1 pair marimba/xylo mallets(Vic Firth M5), 1 pair hard bell/xylo mallets(Vic Firth M6), a 12 inch practice pad, metronome, pencil, spiral notebook.


Attendance Policy

A student will be considered absent from class if they enter the classroom more than ten minutes after the designated start time.  If the student has a valid reason to be late to class it will be an excused absence. The absence will be considered unexcused if the student is late without being excused by the school administration or the parent signing in the child late.  If you would like to receive attendance updates throughout the day, you have the option to sign up in ParentVUE.

Band members are required to attend all classes, rehearsals and performances. They are also expected to have all their equipment (instrument, music, and pencil) with them. Students who arrive late to class or who do not have their necessary equipment may receive After School Detention. Students should be on time for all band functions. If the function starts at 5 pm the student should arrive at 4:45 so they are ready by 5!

Excused Absence

Students will receive an excused absence from class or a performance for reasons of illness, family emergency, or school activity only. All absences during the school day must be excused according to Higley High School policy established in the student handbook. Excused absences from school DO NOT excuse students from after school events. The director needs to be contacted directly about after school absences. For a student to be excused from a rehearsal or performance a parent must notify the director two weeks prior to the event. This may be by email or a letter. Emergency situations will be handled on a case-by-case basis. MAKE UP WORK ONLY APPLIES TO EXCUSED ABSENCES. WORK MISSED FOR AN UNEXCUSED ABSENCE CANNOT BE MADE UP.

Unexcused Absences

Unexcused absences from class/rehearsal/performance will result in a zero grade for the event. An unexcused absence from a performance may result in the student’s semester grade being lowered by one or more letter grades.



Any infraction of attendance policies can affect students' grades, seating, performance participation, trip privileges, and awards. Excessive violations may result in a re-evaluation of the student’s continued participation in program.

Unusual situations such as sustained illness, injury or family crisis should be brought to the attention of the director as soon as possible.

Tardy Policy

All students are expected to report to class on time every day.  

1st tardy is a reminder

2nd tardy is a phone call home

3rd tardy is ASD (after school detention) with the classroom teacher

4th tardy is an office referral

Public Performances

Every student will be informed of all the performances that their group will be attending as soon as they are finalized. Information regarding these events will be posted on Mr. Sharp’s teacher page. It is the student’s responsibility to know this information. Always report to the designated meeting place. Each student is responsible for bringing his or her own instrument, music, and uniform, or arriving with it on if indicated, for each performance. Remember that you represent the school and need to act accordingly. Be courteous and use your common sense in determining your behavior.

Concert Dates

The concerts that are scheduled at this time are September 17, December 4, January 21, February 19, April 29, and May 21(Graduation). There will also be a festival performance sometime near the end of February that will need to be added to the calendar.

School Equipment

School Instruments

As you know, most students rent instruments from local music vendors, and those vendors maintain the instrument throughout the year. There are a limited number of school-owned instruments that are available for use by students who are unable to rent their own. All instruments need to be checked out on a SCHOOL INSTRUMENT USE FORM available from Mr. Sharp.

The district policy is that all students using a school instrument must pay a yearly maintenance fee of $75.00 which will help cover the cost of regular maintenance and repair. Students who use multiple instruments will be required to pay for two instruments. Supplies such as reeds, cork grease, valve oil, slide cream, etc. are to be provided by the student.

Music folders, instruments and equipment should be kept in their proper places when not in use. Students are financially responsible for all lost or damaged school equipment. Any damage to school instruments should be reported to the director immediately so that repair arrangements can be made. You can do more harm to an instrument by continuing to use it in such a state. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO REPAIR ANY DAMAGE YOURSELF. If damage is due to negligence or vandalism, the student who has the instrument checked out is responsible for repair costs. In order to maintain the quality of our instruments and avoid conflicts, students may only play the instrument they have checked out unless the director has approved a switch. Percussionists are the ONLY ones allowed to play percussion instruments.


The music we use is very expensive, and in some cases no longer in print. You may mark your music, but only with pencil. All such marks need to be removed when the music is handed back in. Each student is responsible for the music given him or her. If any of your music is lost or defaced, you will be charged the full replacement cost. A new piece of music, if still in print, can cost from $50.00 to $700.00.

Lost and Found

All items found in the band room not locked or stored will be sent to the school lost and found. The school and district take no responsibility for loss or damage to items left at school.


There are a number of lockers available in the band room for student use. Combination locks may be supplied by the band department. Lockers are meant for the storage of instrumental equipment ONLY. No food, books, or gym clothing may be stored in lockers. Lockers must be made available to inspection upon request. Abusing your locker may result in the loss of locker privileges.


Concert Band Uniforms

Students must provide:

A. White long sleeve dress shirt or blouse

B. Black dress pants or long skirts (past the knees when sitting)

C. Black socks or nylons

D. Black dress shoes

E. All gentlemen must wear a tie

Symphonic Band

Students must provide:

A. Black long sleeve button down shirt or blouse

B. Black dress pants or long skirts (past the knees when sitting)

C. Ladies can wear a black dress if they choose.

D. Black socks and dress shoes

E. All gentlemen must wear a tie. (The school will provide this)

Music Room Policy


All individuals have a right to an educational environment free from bias, prejudice and bigotry. As members of the Higley High School educational community, students are expected to refrain from participating in acts of harassment that are designed to demean another student’s race, gender, ethnicity, religious preference, disability or sexual orientation.

Classroom rules

Our classroom can be summed up in 2 ideas:

A. Exemplify professionalism

B. If everybody did it would it work?

Here are some (but not all) of our specific rules and expectations.

A. No food, drink, candy or gum is allowed in the music room. Water in a closable container is allowed.

B. Leaning on equipment (especially music stands and percussion instruments) is not permitted.

C. When seated in a chair, all four legs must be touching the ground at all times.

D. No running or horseplay is permitted.

E. When you choose to leave your music at school, it must be kept in your locker.

F. No student is allowed in the director’s office, library, or uniform room without permission.

G. No hats are to be worn in class.

H. Do not touch or play any instrument that you do not own or which is not checked out to you or your section.

Rehearsal and performance procedures

Upon entering the room, you should unpack and set up your instrument, get your music, and go to your seat. The other materials you should have with you every day are a sharpened pencil, and (depending on your instrument) at least 2 working reeds, valve/slide oil. You may then warm up, practice your music, or socialize with your immediate neighbors.

When the director steps on the podium, he should have your undivided attention. Listen quietly to him for your instructions. During rehearsal you should remain attentive and follow instructions as best as you can. Do not pack up your instrument until the director has told you to do so. This is to be done without an excess of noise. No one is to leave the room until the bell has rung.

For rehearsals and performances students need to be in the proper attire and ready to begin by call time. Only band students are allowed in warm-up or performance areas.

Behavior Management Plan and Consequences

*A student’s behavior can warrant skipping steps if the offense warrants further action.

1. Verbal Warning

2. Student to fill out Behavior Improvement Form & Parent communication

3. After School Detention (ASD) as needed, also any tardy on or after 3rd tardy.

4. Parent conference (may involve counselor/administrator)

5. Written referral to principal’s office & call or letter home

Student Leadership

Student leadership is the most important part of our program. By the time a student is in their second year of the program, they are leaders, whether they realize it or not. If a student aspires to student leadership in the Higley Instrumental Program, they will begin to experience the lifelong lessons of service and dedication. Student leadership is essential to our success as an organization.

While everyone can be an effective leader in this program, formal opportunities to serve are available in the following areas:

• Band Council President

• Band Council Vice President

• Band Council Secretary

• Band Council Treasurer


Travel privileges are exactly that. They are earned through good conduct and performance in ALL classes and activities at Higley High School. The director reserves the right to revoke these privileges if necessary.

A. Higley performing ensembles may travel to in-state and out-of-state festivals. All school rules are in effect during those trips. Infractions will be handled as if they occurred on school grounds in accordance with HHS and district policies. Any illegal activity will result in the removal from participation in the program.

B. All students will ride to performances on provided buses. Students may travel home from events with their own parents if the Band Director is provided with a note from a parent prior to the event, and the proper form is filled out before the student leaves.

C. If you have any medical conditions that could affect you during a performance or trip, please let Mr. Sharp know as soon as possible.


Occasionally students will be asked to participate in fundraisers to help with costs incurred by extra activities or expenses such a field trips, equipment, clinicians, etc. This is done so that learning can be enhanced, but no extra financial burden is placed on students and their families. Money earned is deposited into the band club account, where Mr. Sharp tracks funds for each student. When a student leaves the program any remaining funds revert to the general account, unless there is a younger sibling to pass the funds on to. Refunds cannot be given on credits from fundraising activities.

Band Grading Policy

All students will be given a grade of “A” provided that they follow the policies of the band. The student’s grade is split in to 2 categories:

Assessments – 80%

- Performances, Playing/Written Tests, Projects – 50%

- In-class group rehearsal techniques, Vocabulary – 30%

Final Exam – 20%

Gaining Points

Students will earn points in the following ways:

A. In-class group rehearsal techniques, and equipment - 10 points

B. Concert and Festival performances - 100 points

C. Tests/Quizzes (playing or written) - maximum of 50 points

Losing Points

Students will have points deducted from their grade for the following reasons:

A. Tardy to a performance – 15 points

B. Tardy to Class – 3 points

C. Unexcused absence – Grade of zero

Grades will be given on the following scale:

A = 90% or higher B = 80 – 89.9% C = 70 – 79.9%

D = 60 – 69.9% F = less than 60%

Late Work Policy

If a student is absent with an excused absence though the attendance office, they will have as many days absent to make up the work without penalty. If a student is absent and it is unexcused a penalty up to and including no credit for the work missed may be enforced.  It is to the teacher’s discretion to accept any late work that is turned in after a due date.


The Band Letter is an award designed to reward outstanding contributions to the band program. The band letter represents participation above and beyond the minimum level of attendance and performance. Students will earn points based on several different criteria. Students must audition for an All-Region group in order to earn a letter. Information on how to earn a letter is posted at the front of the band room.

Music Contract

The main purpose of this contract is to make certain that both you and your parent(s) have read the handbook. Students and parents will sign an electronic acknowledgement form to show acceptance of the handbook. This form must be signed by the end of the school day this Friday. The link for the form is on the class specific tab of Mr. Sharp’s teacher page.

Please call or contact Mr. Sharp if you have any questions or concerns.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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