Pingry School


The Pingry School

Welcome to your first assignment for Form II English!

Over the summer, you must read two books from the Pingry Summer Reading List. For one of the books (your choice), you must also complete this “Summer Reading Questionnaire.” Keep in mind that these questions are asking you to think critically about the book your read and recall specific details about it. We recommend that you complete this questionnaire shortly after finishing the book--you don’t want to be in a position where you’re answering these questions weeks after having read the book!

For your second book, you will complete a creative project upon returning to school. During the first week of classes, you will receive an assignment sheet detailing the specific requirements. We recommend that you read your second book of choice closer to the start of school so you don’t forget important characters and plot points.

Please complete the questionnaire, making sure to follow all directions. Turn in the assignment as a printed paper document on the first day of school. Please do not turn in your completed questionnaire by email.

We look forward to seeing you in the fall!

|Student’s Name: |Student’s Grade: |

|Type your first and last name here |Form II |

DIRECTIONS: Answer the following questions in complete sentences. Be as specific as you can be (even listing the page numbers or citing the text). Make sure you answer all parts of the question and develop your ideas fully. However, please limit each response to 2 to 8 sentences. You must type your answers and print this document to submit in class. This assignment will count as a quiz grade. It is due on the first day of school.

Please identify the following information:

______/5 points: What is the full title, author’s full name, and first publication date of the book?

_____/ 10 points: Why did you CHOOSE this book as your first summer reading book? What were your expectations for this book?

_____/ 10 points: What is significant about when and where the story takes place? Could this story have happened anywhere else? Is this the best SETTING for this plot and these characters? Explain.

_____/ 10 points: Describe your favorite or least favorite moment in the PLOT. Explain why it is your favorite or why you dislike it so much. Be specific.

_____/ 10 points: In your opinion, who is the most interesting CHARACTER in the book? Why? Explain your answer, referring to specific things the character says or does.

_____/ 15 points: What is the MAIN CONFLICT in this book? How does the protagonist grapple with the issue(s) creating the conflict? How does the protagonist deal with the conflict? How is the conflict resolved?

_____/ 10 points: What is the LESSON that you are taking away from this book? What mark has this book made on you?

_____/ 15 points: What do you think is the AUTHOR’S PURPOSE for telling this story? How does this book contribute to the discussion of the search for identity?

_____/ 15 points: You have been asked to give a BOOK TALK to a class in the library at Pingry. How would you approach your book talk? What about the book would you share? How would you try to convince other students to possibly read this book? Refer to a specific moment from the book to support your reason.

TOTAL: __________/100 points


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