“My Faith Looks Up to Thee - Sermon Outlines. Org

“My Faith Looks Up to Thee!”

Numbers 21.5-9

Intro. We, as God's people often talk of Faith. We want to increase our faith, it seems, when a trial comes along. But when all is going well we give little thought to our Faith. God gives us all a measure of faith. Paith is simply taking (believing) God at His Word and committing our all to Him. (Heb. 11:l-good def.). Some of us have a greater measure of faith than others, but we should all strive to use what faith we have to serve God better in every area of our life.


(1) Living Faith-living our lives according to His will by Faith.

PS. 119:1, 2

John 10:27

James 2:14-20

(2) Loving Faith-serving Him by Faith, because we love Him:

Deut. 10:12

John 14:23

(3) Looking Faith-looking to Him In faith for everv area of our life.

Text: Numbers 21:9

Heb. 12:1-2


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