Policy Name: - Alice Springs Steiner School

Policy & Procedures,

Excursions, Camps & Other Visits


|Number of pages: 4 |Appendices: |Forms:8 |

|Date prepared: April 2011 |Status: Approved |

|Approved/adopted by: |Date approved/adopted: 4th August,2012 |

|Review by: Principal |Review date: 4th August, 2013 |

|Monitored by: Principal |

|Document location: G: |

|Sourced from/author: Julie Lovett |

|Related documentation: |

|Forms – Excursions, Camps and other visits |

Document history

|Version |Date |Nature of Amendment |

|1 |04/08/12 | Revision |

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Implementation/ communication

|Version |Date |Method |Notes |

|1 |04/08/12 |Consultation through College | |

| | | | |

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…Policy: Version : / / : G:\ [file path]: page of

Table of Contents

1. Policy ........................................................................................................................................

2. Procedural Guidelines

6. Responsibilities.....................................................................................................

7. Conditions relating to school and community activities

8. Procedures……………………………………………………………………………….

9 . Appendices………………………………………………………………………..

9. Forms………………………………………………………………………………

|Related documentation: |

|Forms – Excursions, Camps and other visits |

Version History

|Version |Date |Notes |

|1 |04/08/12 | |

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It is the policy of The Alice Springs Steiner School to plan and conduct excursions and other visits in a safe manner which complies with legislative and common law expectations.

Activities are planned to expose children to appropriate levels of well managed risk.

Procedures will be reviewed annually and in light of any incidents or legislative / common law changes.


1 General Requirements

1. An excursion is a learning experience external to the school site, initiated, organised and supervised by The Alice Springs Steiner School and approved by the Principal as being appropriate.

2. An excursion is an integral part of the school’s curriculum and specifically of the students’ learning program and must be justified on this basis.

3. An excursion can range from a brief visit of less than one hour to a local point of interest, to an extended journey occupying a number of days and requiring overnight accommodation.

4. Since excursions offer enrichment to the planned curriculum all students within the specific learning group should be given the opportunity to participate unless exceptional circumstances exist.

5. The same standards of conduct and the obligation to report suspected child abuse, improper conduct of a sexual nature and misconduct apply throughout all stages of an excursion as they do in schools.

1.2 Specific Requirements

1. While recognising the potential benefits of excursions, our school must also recognise that such activities may interrupt normal learning routines of students. Accordingly, the Principal must consider the educational value of a proposed excursion in relation to the total needs and resources of the school and in relation to the students’ needs and total learning program.

2. All excursions must have the approval of the Principal. Adequate notice is essential. Form (A)

3. All teachers participating in an excursion must accept responsibility for students in their care for the duration of the excursion.

4. Prior to an excursion taking place there must be consultation between the Principal (or delegate) and staff concerned with its organisation. Parents or guardians should be informed of the full details of any planned excursion in writing, including details of all planned activities for the excursion. A permission note and medical form are needed for all excursions and camps. Forms (B) or (C)

5. If it is not possible to obtain a signed consent form from parents, oral approval can be sought. Medical forms can be faxed to the office. The class teacher and the office must have a record of any oral approvals given by parents.

6. Where financial hardship is understood to be the reason for a student’s non-participation, our school may consider financial assistance.

7. The Alice Springs Steiner School recommends all students to actively participate in excursions. The class teacher and the Principal may use their discretion to decide if the reason for absence of a child from an excursion is permitted.

8. If parents do not permit participation of a student in an excursion, the child will remain at home wherever possible.

1.3 Conduct of Excursion

1. Transport

The bus service of a private bus company, government bus, rail or ferry service as well as the use of private motor vehicles is considered for school excursions.

Where private vehicles are used, indemnity forms must be filled in. Form (D)

2. Supervision

Before the planned excursion is undertaken the class teacher and the Principal are to ensure that precautions are taken in relation to the safety of the participants and that supervision will be adequate in relation to the number of students, their maturity, anticipated behaviour and the activities planned.

Staff planning overnight or extended excursions should recognise their special duty of care for student safety and welfare in these circumstances. Form (E). They should take all necessary steps to provide sufficient numbers of appropriate, responsible adults to ensure adequate supervision, especially with co-educational groups. Staff should be aware that they retain the ultimate responsibility for supervision while on excursions and cannot transfer that responsibility to parents, other volunteers or employees of external organisations.


The Principal

Must be assured of the bona fides of adults who are accompanying such excursions to assist with supervision and that an adequate number of appropriate adults are provided. Where any adult is may be in a position of being alone with children they must have a current Ochre Card.


On overnight and extended excursions, supervisory and accommodation arrangements are to be such that no staff member is placed in a position where there is potential for allegations of improper conduct to be made. In particular, sleeping arrangements should not place any adults in a situation where the propriety of their behaviour could be questioned. Likewise, sleeping and supervisory arrangements are to ensure that no student is placed in a situation where there is the likelihood of sexual contact between students.

The Teacher is to ensure that an excursion involving swimming or water activities and/or overnight stays are accompanied by an adult who possesses current training in cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, emergency care training and appropriate swimming qualifications.

Teachers need to check first aid kit in week prior to excursion/camps. Remember if in doubt, in case of accidents or any medical emergency seek medical advice.

Supervising adults

Drug and alcohol use is not permitted by teachers and supervising adults on any school excursion. Smoking must not occur within sight or around children.


3. Potential hazards and risks that may arise during each stage of the excursion should be identified and measures to control or eliminate these risks put in place. To this effect, a risk assessment and management plan is to be completed and approved by the Principal.

4. Parental Involvement

Parents will frequently volunteer to assist in excursions. The number of parents who might be of assistance will vary according to circumstances, they will need to fill in form (D) and in some circumstances these parents will need to have an Ochre Card.

5. Unscheduled Activities

Students participating in an excursion must not be permitted to engage in additional or alternative activities which were not originally scheduled in the program and for which parental approval would normally have been necessary (eg, horse riding, water activities).

6. Special Requirements

Where a particular excursion requires special equipment, this must be used. Under no circumstances may safety requirements be compromised.

Parents must be asked to indicate the swimming ability of their children when giving consent for students to participate in excursions, where the excursion involves swimming or water activities.

7. Live Performances

The Principal must take into account the age and maturity of students and acquaint themselves with the details of any live performance prior to granting approval.

8. Record of Excursions

The Principal must ensure that a record of all excursions held is maintained.

2. Other Visits

2.1 Privately arranged tours

1. A privately arranged tour is a tour taken by students and/or adults as private citizens and arranged by an agency external to the school. It is not an integral part of the school curriculum.

2. A privately arranged tour includes a tour taken at weekends, in school vacations and in association with family holidays during school time.

3. Privately arranged tours are not school activities.

4. The Alice Springs Steiner School will not accept any responsibility in respect of students or teachers who may choose to become involved in privately arranged tours.

2.2 Performances by school musical ensembles

The attendance of school performing ensembles at concerts, festivals and the presentation of concerts by such groups in other schools is subject to the same conditions which apply to excursions.

2.3 Other visits outside the school grounds

In addition to excursions and other visits, occasions for leaving the school grounds for brief, local, spontaneous educational activities will arise from time to time. (eg going to the ‘faraway tree’) The value of such visits is recognised and on many occasions it is not possible to obtain the permission of parents prior to the visit. Such visits may take place at the discretion of the Principal or the class teacher, who must ensure as far as possible the safety and welfare of students and be satisfied as to the value of the visit as an integral part of the school curriculum. These excursions must also be arranged with the Principal.

Conditions relating to school and community activities

When The Alice Springs Steiner School joins with members, employees or volunteers from the community or a community organisation, charity or business in a school organised or school endorsed activity, certain conditions apply. The School retains responsibility for supervision and a duty of care for students so long as the activity is school organised, endorsed or conducted under the auspices or name of the school, eg Bush Regeneration

The conditions are:

• The Principal or a member of the school staff with delegated responsibility from the Principal should be responsible for the supervision of the activity, and in this capacity, exercise a duty of care for the students involved. In the cases of authorised performances for schools, supervision must be direct. The School’s duty of care cannot be transferred to a parent, community member or paid employee of the community organisation.

• Staff needs to be aware that requirements in relation to child protection, including mandatory reporting, apply while they are supervising a school and community activity. Members of the external organisation involved in the activity should also be made aware of these requirements.

• The bona fides and qualifications of community members who offer educational services as part of an activity conducted under the auspices of the school should be assessed by the Principal prior to it becoming a school endorsed activity.

On-site activities not endorsed by the School

The parents of the children need to be made aware that the activity is neither school endorsed nor under the supervision of school staff.

An organisation offering its service to The Alice Springs Steiner School but not under the auspices of the school may not use the name of the school. However if the organisation provides a school endorsed activity, it will be necessary for the Principal to be assured of the bona fides of the care givers (eg After School Care Program)


Excursions, Camps & Other Visits

Form (A) Excursion Application Form

Form (B) Camp and major Excursion Consent Form

Form (C) Day Excursion Consent Form

Form (D) Parent Volunteer Checklist and Indemnity Form

Form (E) Risk Management Proforma

Form (F) Post Excursion details

Form (G Camp Assessment Form

Form (H) Camp Questionnaire

On grounds walk Let office know and take first aid kit

For Minor Day Excursions Forms (A) & (C)

(No significant risks) (D) if volunteers and/or drivers required, Form (F) optional.

For Major Day Excursions Forms (A), (B), (D) if volunteers and/or drivers required, (E) and (F)

(Risk management required)

Camps Forms (A), (B), (D) if volunteers and/or drivers required, (E), (F) and (G)

Form (H) if helpful.

Excursion Application to Principal

Excursion proposal

Participating group(s) ……………….. Total Pupils …………………..

Date ………………………..

Intended times: Departure ……………… Return ………………….

Travel arrangements (bus/private car) ……………………………………………………..

Proposed costs per pupil ………………………….

Lunch arrangements …………………………………………………………………………

Aims and purpose of excursion

Pre excursion activities

Students with Special Needs



Excursion Arrangements

Educational Approved by Principal …………………………………………… Date………………….

Legal approval by Principal ………….…………………………………………… Date ………………….

Teacher – please record as each of the following steps is completed.

• Risk assessment completed and discussed with the Principal. (E) o

• Travel arrangements confirmed with Principal (A) o

• Recorded on term program board/diary o

• Parents notified of excursion details. Copy of letter attached to this file o

• Permission/medical notes returned and filed. (B) or (C)

• Parent/Volunteer Checklist and Indemnity forms filled in o

• Rearrangement of duties for participating teachers (A) o

• Cost of excursion and list of non-participating students given to admin for invoicing purposes o

• Parent/Volunteer Indemnity including copy of current drivers licence where required (D) o

• Evaluations (F), (G), (H) o

Teacher Duty Replacement

…………….. …………………………… ………………………….

…………….. …………………………… ………………………….

…………….. …………………………… ………………………….

Name(s) of assisting parent(s) 1st Aide or other relevant qualifications Ochre card







As a Parent/Guardian of ..........................................….............. I,....…...............................................................

give my consent for him/her to participate in.......................................………….....................................................

at (place) ...............................................................………... on (dates) ............................... to ................................

and agree to delegate my authority to the Staff and Instructors involved.

The students will be involved in the following activities:

1. _________________________ 2. __________________________ 3. _______________________

(If swimming is an activity, the place/situation needs to be specified, eg river, surf.)

* Any activity marked with an asterisk carries an element of danger and parents need to initial their consent for that activity.

Teachers and Instructors may take whatever disciplinary action they deem necessary to ensure the safety, well-being and successful conduct of the students as a group, or individually in the above-mentioned activity.

I also authorise the Teachers and Instructors to obtain medical assistance which they deem necessary should an accident occur, and agree to pay all medical expenses incurred on behalf of the above student.

I submit the medical information below about this student and include details of limitations which she/he has for the activity concerned.

I further authorise qualified practitioners to administer anaesthetic if such an eventuality arises.



|Heart Problems |YES / NO | |

|Respiratory Problems |YES / NO | |

|Allergies |YES / NO | |

|Travel Sickness |YES / NO | |

|Blood Pressure |YES / NO | |

|Phobias |YES / NO | |

|Bed Wetting |YES / NO | |

|Operations |YES / NO | |

|Recent Illness |YES / NO | |

|Drugs Required |YES / NO | |

|Permission to administer Panadol |YES / NO |(only to be given when required for severe pain e.g. fractures) |

|Drug Reaction |YES / NO | |

|(e.g. Penicillin allergy) | | |

|Medicare Number | | |

|Swimming Ability | | |

|Other Information | | |

| | | |

|Emergency Contact 1 |Phone: | |

| |Name: | |

|Emergency Contact 2 |Phone: | |

| |Name: | |

NAME: ....................................................................... SIGNED: .....................................................….DATE: ...........................



As a Parent/Guardian of ...........................…………............... I, ………….…….....................................….

give my consent for her/him to participate in an excursion on ..........................…….......................... (date)

to .....................................................................................................................................................................

This is a class outing under the direct supervision of ....................................................................................

She/he will be travelling by ...........................................................................................................................

The teacher/s and parent/s taking the trip will exercise due care with regard to the safety of the students.

Students will participate in the following activity/ies:

1._________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________

3. ________________________________________ 4. _______________________________________

(If swimming is an activity, the place/situation needs to be specified eg river, surf)

* Any activity marked with an asterisk carries an element of danger and parents need to initial their

consent for that activity.

NAME ...................................................... SIGNATURE ..................................….............................DATE ....................



As a Parent/Guardian of ...........................…………............... I, ………….…….....................................….

give my consent for her/him to participate in an excursion on ..........................…….......................... (date)

to .....................................................................................................................................................................

This is a class outing under the direct supervision of ....................................................................................

She/he will be travelling by ...........................................................................................................................

The teacher/s and parent/s taking the trip will exercise due care with regard to the safety of the students.

Students will participate in the following activity/ies:

1._________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________

3. ________________________________________ 4. _______________________________________

(If swimming is an activity, the place/situation needs to be specified eg river, surf)

* Any activity marked with an asterisk carries an element of danger and parents need to initial their

consent for that activity.

NAME ...................................................... SIGNATURE ..................................…........................DATE ..........……..


As a school, we welcome parent volunteers on our excursions and camps. Indeed it is your generous help that enables us to run these programs. The safety and welfare of our students is very important to the School, especially while they are away on a school event. To ensure that this is a good experience for all involved, the school informs parents of requirements for volunteers with regard to Duty of Care, conduct and school policies that must be upheld. The teacher in charge of the excursion/camp will speak to the adults accompanying them about this. In addition, we have the following checklist that we ask you to read to check that you have all the relevant information before you sign the indemnity form.

As a parent/volunteer accompanying this excursion/camp I am aware that:

1. As an adult present at this event I have a Duty of Care to all the children, meaning that if I am aware of any potential for harm to a student, I must intervene. The risk may be from the student’s own actions or the actions of others and may be physical such as a dangerous activity or assault, or psychological/emotional such as bullying or harassment.

2. An accompanying adult on excursions who may be left alone with students or who are participating in an overnight excursion, must have a Northern Territory Ochre Card for Volunteers (Working with Children).

NB (a teachers duty of care cannot be delegated to a non-teacher).

3. I understand the discipline and dress code policies, (students and adults), I will need to uphold.

4. I have confirmed all activities I am participating in as a supervisor and the extent of my responsibilities. I have the prerequisite skills for these activities.

5. No alcohol or drugs are allowed. This is an OHWS issue; staff and supervisors have an obligation in this regard not to endanger personal safety or safety of others by the consumption of alcohol or drugs.

6. The school has a no-smoking policy. A camp or excursion is an extension of the school site, and so smoking is not permitted.

7. If my partner is also to be present on the camp, appropriate accommodation arrangements and behaviour around students needs to be discussed.

8. I have discussed any other areas of concern with the teacher in charge and am clear as to what is expected of me.

9. I am aware of School expectations with regard to appropriate behaviour and conduct around students. I am aware of the school’s Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco policy and the Sexual Harassment policy. I accept that if any breach of any of these areas of duty of care or conduct is believed to have occurred, I will abide by the decision of the teacher in charge.

Parent / volunteer to retain copy of this page for reference.


I ......................................................................... understand that when I am attending the school event detailed below, I will be responsible for my own safety and welfare at all times. As a parent/volunteer accompanying students, I am not required to participate in any activity unless I have been asked by the supervising teacher, agreed to do so, and I have the skills required for the activity.

I understand that if I do take part in any activity, it is my responsibility to inform myself of any safety issues and I participate at my own risk. I will not hold the school responsible in the event of any injury to myself. I am aware that I am not covered by the school’s insurance in the event of accident or sickness.

I understand that as an accompanying adult on excursions I may be left alone with students or if participating in an overnight excursion, that I must apply for an Northern Territory Ochre Card for Volunteers (Working with Children).

NB (a teachers duty of care cannot be delegated to a non-teacher).

If my motor vehicle is involved in the event, I understand that the comprehensive insurance of my vehicle is my responsibility. Whether or not my vehicle is covered by comprehensive or third party property insurance, I will not hold the school financially liable for any damage done to my vehicle or any other person’s property.

I understand that I will need to ensure that my vehicle is insured, roadworthy, in current registration, I have an appropriate and valid NT driving licence (will need to be sighted) and that the number of passengers does not exceed the seat belt authorised carrying capacity provision of the vehicle.

Date ............…….......... or from ..............…............to.…………......... inclusive


e.g. Class one Excursion to Araluen Centre on 8th November 2010 at 9.30am

Student activities..................................................................................................…


Activities I have agreed to be involved in (including lending of motor vehicle): …………….......................................……………………………………………..



I fully understand and accept my responsibilities with regard to duty of care, upholding of policies and appropriate conduct with this student group. The School requirements have been fully explained to me by the teacher in charge, whom I acknowledge has final authority in all decisions.

Teacher’s Name .................……..................................... Driver’s Licence sighted o

Signature .............…………............................... Date..............

Parent/Volunteer’s Name ...............……………………

Signature ..................…………………………. Date.….…....

(F) Post Excursion Details (Teacher in charge to complete)

Were aims achieved? Detail if not

Were activities appropriate?

What alterations would you suggest to improve a similar future excursion?

Injuries / Incidents

Would you recommend this excursion for repetition by another class?

Additional comments

Complaints or concerns expressed by assisting teachers, students or parents

Please attach copies of letters to parents.

(G) Camp Assessment Form

Class Level

Camp Name & Location

Teacher No of adults

Duration & Date

1. Brief description of activities/skills

2. Strengths/weaknesses/suitability for age group

3. Food

4. Sleeping Arrangements

5. Cost/travel arrangements

6. Rating /10 General Comments

Injuries / Incidents

Complaints or concerns expressed by assisting teachers or parents

Note: Have you returned printed material (pamphlets, etc) to camp file in office.


1. Why take classes on camp? Can you briefly state reasons for having camps as part of our school curriculum?

2. Do you think a camp (or similar experience) should be a compulsory event or left up to the teacher’s choice each year?

3. Can you briefly outline a range of sequential “camping” experiences that are appropriate for each class, eg type and length

4. Do you think 2 teachers should be present on camps? Is this too disruptive for the school? What alternatives are there?

5. Is there a need to monitor cost of camps to promote equity, eg by Principal or Business manager

6. Any further comments.

Form (E) Excursion Risk Management Plan Proforma

The Alice Springs Steiner School

Name of excursion co-ordinator: Class: Number in class:

Location of excursion/camp: Contact number: Our school 08 8953 4578

Date of last Location inspection: Accompanying staff, parents: Include camps experience and any relevant skills.

Date(s) of excursion/camp and duration: Accompanying staff, parents:

Venue and safety information reviewed and attached: Yes/No

Plan prepared by: Date: In consultation with:

|Activity | Hazard Identification |Risk |Elimination or Control Measures |Who? |When? |

| |Type/Cause |Assessment | |Teacher/s |On/Prior |

| | |Use matrix | | |Excursion |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

Form (E) Risk Management Plan Proforma

The Alice Springs Steiner School

Name of co-ordinator: Class: Number in class:

Location: Contact number: Our school 08 8953 4578

Date of last Location inspection: Accompanying staff, parents: Include camps experience and any relevant skills.

Date(s) and duration: Accompanying staff, parents:

Venue and safety information reviewed and attached: Yes/No

Plan prepared by: Date: In consultation with:

|Activity | Hazard Identification |Risk |Elimination or Control Measures |Who? |When? |

| |Type/Cause |Assessment | |Teacher/s | |

| | |Use matrix | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

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| | | | | | |


Excursion Risk Management Plan YURT FARM GOULBURN

The Alice Springs Steiner School

Name of excursion co-ordinator: Class: Number in class:

Location of excursion/camp: Contact number: Our school 08 8953 4578

Date of last Location inspection: Accompanying staff, parents: Include camps experience and any relevant skills.

Date(s) of excursion/camp and duration: Accompanying staff, parents:

Venue and safety information reviewed and attached: Yes/No

Plan prepared by: Date: In consultation with:

|Activity | Hazard Identification |Risk |Elimination or Control Measures |Incident Management |Who? |When? |

| |Type/Cause |Asmt Use | | |Teacher/s |On/Prior |

| | |matrix | | | |Excursion |

|Coach transport to Yurt Farm, |Boarding coach Trip injuries |5 |Enforce rules on bus and monitor behaviour |1st Aide kit | | |

|Goulburn |Bus Travel Crash injuries |5 |Check if seatbelts are on bus |Emergency numbers |On bus |On Excur |

|Bushwalking around farm |Uneven ground surfaces |4 |Wearing of enclosed footwear suitable for |1st Aide |Teacher |“ |

| | | |walking |Mobile phone | | |

| |Allergies to insects and plants |3 |Staff carry insect repellent and monitor students |carry |“ |“ |

| | | |with known medical conditions and carry |appropriate treatment | | |

| | | |appropriate treatment | | | |

| |Becoming lost or isolated from the group |3 |Teacher supervision on bushwalks around farm |Hold group at base. Two |“ |“ |

| | | | |adults to search | | |

| |Exposure to cold, sun, wind, rain or dehydration |4 |Wearing of hats, sunscreen, warm clothes |1st aide |“ |“ |

| | | |and waterproof garments when appropriate | | | |

|Meals |Food allergies |4 |Farm provided with necessary information |1st aide. Contact numbers |“ |Prior to excur |

| | | |on personal allergies and food requirements | | | |

|Overnight stays in Yurts |Fire or other emergency, eg insect bite |3 |Received information from Yurt Farm staff |Evac / emergency plans |“ | |

| | | |on emergency plans. Students to be briefed | | |On excur |

| | | |on emergency procedures | | | |

| |Students at risk of assault |4 |Child protection strategy in place. Children |1st aide |“ |“ |

| | | |sleeping in the company of their peers. |Emergency numbers | | |

| | | |Sleeping accommodation monitored by | | | |

| | | |staff supervisors | | | |

|Woodworking |Accident while using wood working tools |4 |Instruction in use of hand tools. Supervision |1st aide |“ |“ |

| | | |by a teacher |Emergency numbers | | |

|Flying Fox |Falling off, accident from not following instructions |4 |Teacher supervision when students use |1st aide |“ |“ |

| |properly | |flying fox. Ensure all students understand |Emergency numbers | | |

| | | |the rules. | | | |

Risk Management Plan Proforma – FESTIVALS

The Alice Springs Steiner School

Name of co-ordinator: Class: Number in class:

Location: Contact number: Our school 08 8953 4578

Date of last Location inspection: Accompanying staff, parents: Include camps experience and any relevant skills.

Date(s) and duration: Venue and safety information reviewed and attached Yes/No

Plan prepared by: Date: In consultation with:

|Activity |Hazard Identification |Risk |Elimination or Control Measures |Incident Management |Who? |When? |

| |Type/Cause |Asmnt | | |Teacher/s | |

| | |Use matrix | | | | |

| | | |Children rehearse firestick performance and given explicit |Fire Officer appointed for firestick rehearsal and |Teachers |During week 6/7 |

|Lighting/carrying |Combustion of hair, clothing |1 |safety instructions |performance | |term 2 |

|candle/firestick | | |Children rehearse spiral and are given explicit instruction |4 fire blankets placed around the spiral | | |

| | | |Note sent to parents re safety issues including fire-safe | | | |

| | | |clothing | | | |

| | | |Fire Officer appointed for firestick rehearsal and performance | | | |

| | | |Children given instruction in lighting of candle |Running water – tap in the Blue Room office |Class teachers |During week 7 term|

|Candle in spiral/ |Burning of skin – child/adult |1 |Children instructed in walking labyrinth |* Trained first aid officer present | |2 |

|labyrinth | | |Adult supervision | | | |

| | | |Adequate path width to ensure safety | | | |

| | | |Candles on aluminium foil and adequately spaced | | | |

| | | |Fire blanket for small fire | |Class teachers |During set up |

| |Combustion of foliage |3 |Water extinguisher for larger flame | |to ensure fire | |

| | | |Fire officer present | |blankets, | |

| | | | | |extinguisher in | |

| | | | | |place | |

| | | | |Running water in girl/boy bathrooms or Blue Room office| | |

|Carrying lantern |Burning of skin |2 | | | | |

| | | |Children given instruction in carrying lantern |Fire blanket – 4 in Blue Room | |During week 7 term|

| |Combustion of clothing |2 |Parents informed in writing of correct procedure – |* Trained First Aid officer present | |2 |

| | | |via Bush Telegraph | | | |

| | | |Parental supervision |Fire blanket – 1 outside door of Blue Room |Class teachers | |

| |Combustion of lantern |3 | | |to ensure fire | |

| | | | | |blankets in | |

| | | | | |place | |


Lot 9523 Ragonesi Road P.O. Box 2736, Alice Springs, NT 0871 E-Mail: office@alicesteiner.nt.edu.au

Phone: 08 8953 4578 Fax: 08 8952 3897 ABN: 17 022 551 165

The Alice Springs Steiner School

Lot 9523 Ragonesi Road P.O. Box 2736, Alice Springs, NT 0871 E-Mail: office@alicesteiner.nt.edu.au

Phone: 08 8953 4578 Fax: 08 8952 3897 ABN: 17 022 551 165

The Alice Springs Steiner School


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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