MyFloridaMarketPlace Reports – DMS Website

MyFloridaMarketPlace – Agency Benchmarking Activity (ABA) Job Aid

The MyFloridaMarketPlace Agency Benchmarking Activity (ABA) is intended to provide a consistent way of looking at agency results across the State for targeted metrics related to procurement and invoice processing productivity. The four metrics included in the ABA, based on agency data from MFMP, include the following:

– Requisition to Purchase Order Cycle Time: The elapsed time (in calendar days) between a requisition being initially submitted and finally approved and issued as a purchase order to the vendor (initial versions of orders only – change orders are excluded)

– Contract Spend %: The percentage of overall agency spend allocated to State Term contracts tied to Method of Procurement values A, B, C, D, M and N for: State Term Contracts, State Purchasing Agreements, Alternate Contract Sources, PRIDE, and RESPECT), and; Agency Contracts tied to Method of Procurement values H, I, J, K for: Agency ITB, RFP, ITN and Agency Negotiated Contracts

– Agency Invoice Approval Cycle Time: The elapsed time (in calendar days) between an invoice being received (transaction date with MFMP) and approved within an agency (excluding DFS audit time)

– Prompt Payment Invoice %: The percentage of total MFMP agency invoices that are approved within the agency (again excluding DFS audit time) within a 20 calendar day window

For each of the above metrics, goals have been developed to identify each agency’s progress against the established measures. The goal for each metric was established by considering industry averages, the uniqueness of public sector, and State of Florida performance to date through MFMP. The goals for each of the metrics are as follows: (Please note: ‘Days’ refer to calendar days)

– Requisition to Purchase Order Cycle time:

= 45%

– Agency Invoice Approval Cycle Time:

= 96%

There may be instances where the goal created measures agencies at a higher standard than what is required by statute (e.g. prompt payment invoice %). Because agency performance to date in MFMP was used as a criterion in creating these thresholds, there are cases where the majority of agencies are already meeting and/or exceeding the statute required metric. Therefore, in order to strive for continuous improvement, thresholds are set accordingly to show progress agencies are making against higher standards.

MyFloridaMarketPlace data is used exclusively for the generation of the ABA. Quarterly data is summarized at the end of March, June, September, and December, and an executive summary of this data is posted to the DMS website at . This document serves as a resource guide to the ABA executive summary. Agencies are encouraged to monitor progress monthly via the published reports on the DMS Reports Website.

In addition to the four metrics measured on a quarterly basis, Agency System Usage is included on the executive summary and is assessed against the following criteria:


▪ Use MFMP exclusively for creating requisitions and issuing purchase orders. (No shadow systems for initial input of requisitions).


▪ Use MFMP primarily for processing invoices against POs and Master Agreements in MFMP. (Not paying directly in FLAIR as normal processing. FLAIR is used only for exception processing). 


▪ Use MFMP exclusively for creating requisitions and issuing purchase orders. (No shadow systems for initial input of requisitions).


▪ Use MFMP primarily for processing invoices against POs and Master Agreements in MFMP. (Not paying directly in FLAIR as normal processing. FLAIR is used only for exception processing). 



▪ Use MFMP exclusively for creating requisitions and issuing purchase orders. (Have shadow systems for initial input of requisitions).


▪ Use MFMP primarily for processing invoices against POs and Master Agreements in MFMP. (Paying directly in FLAIR as normal processing).

Available Monthly Reports

There are monthly reports available to assist agencies in monitoring current performance against these metrics. These can be found on the DMS Reports Website and include the following:

▪ Requisition to Purchase Order Cycle Time: File name: SC_Req_to_PO_Cycle_Time_Details_Monthly_[Agency]

▪ Spend Details Report: An agency can extract contract spend percentage from this report. File name: Int_Spend_Details_[Agency]

▪ Agency Invoice Approval Cycle Time and Prompt Payment Invoice Percentage: Two Agency Compliance reports have been created to assist you in meeting this objective:

1. File Name: Agency_Compliance_Monthly

2. File Name: Agency_Compliance_Qtr#

Navigate to the MFMP Reporting page on the MFMP Buyer Toolkit to review the ‘Reports Job Aid’ for additional helpful information such as detailed Report Descriptions, Fields and Date Ranges of the Reports.

Additional Tips:

▪ Additional reports are available via the DMS Reports Website. Reports that have been helpful to agencies in supporting these metrics include:

• IRs with Last Approver (‘IRs_With_Last_Approv’ zip file)

• POs without IRs (‘POs_without_IRs’ zip file)

• Invoice Reconciliation Report (‘IR‘ zip file)

▪ A username and password are required to access these reports. (Password Request: Customers will need to send an email to myfloridamarketplace@ to request a password to access the reporting site. You will need to include a phone contact number since passwords cannot be issued via email.) The reports are posted as zipped documents and will require the use of a zip utility to view the data. A listing of some of the key reports that may be useful is outlined below with a brief description for each.

Lessons Learned:

Since the inception of the ABA, the MFMP team has met with agencies to discuss common ‘lessons learned’ that can be leveraged by all agencies:

▪ Encourage staff (and especially approvers) to log into MFMP at least once per day. This does not take much time, and will make it visible if there are transactions in their queue for review and approval

▪ Agency Liaisons / Management can consider adding a recurring monthly calendar reminder (e.g., to an Outlook calendar) to check the available reports on the DMS Reports Website. This will assist with monitoring metrics on a monthly basis

▪ Download and save the available monthly reports for future reference; reports are refreshed with new data as outlined in the MFMP Reports job aid

▪ Remind staff to use a ‘Delay Purchase Until’ date when appropriate. This helps to more accurately reflect the number of days an order was truly in the approval process

▪ Leverage the ‘Cycle Time’ reports within the MFMP Public Reports in the Analysis tool. The MFMP team has created 3 sample public reports in the Analysis tool that agencies will be able to use and customize for their own agency’s purpose.  These reports include the following:

• Requisition cycle time,

• Invoice Reconciliation cycle time

• Master Agreement Request cycle time

These reports will enable customers to track the following: 

• Total number of days to approve an approvable (requisition, invoice reconciliation or master agreement request) across the entire workflow

• Total number of approvers for an approvable

• Number of days it took a particular customer to complete an approval for an approvable

• Percentage of total approval time for a particular approver

▪ Leverage the ‘PRs in Submitted Status’ report and the ‘IRs with Last Approver Report’ to help identify transactions that may need attention / action taken in order to continue moving through the approval process

▪ Leverage the ‘All Open Orders with Delay Purchase Until Date’ report to confirm transactions that are currently flagged with a ‘Delay Purchase Until Date.’ This report lists all requisitions in ‘Composing’, ‘Submitted’ and 'Approved' status that have a ‘Delay Purchase Until Date’ within the last 18 months

▪ Customer-Friendly URLs: Several website addresses are available to make it easier to remember and locate important MFMP information and websites. These website names and URLs are:

• MyFloridaMarketPlace –

• DMS Reports Website –

• MyFloridaMarketPlace Toolkit -

• MyFloridaMarketPlace Training tools –

• MyFloridaMarketPlace Reporting Site -


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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