Welcome to 4th Grade - Mrs. Fowler's Class

Welcome to 3rd Grade!

Open House Packet

Walker Park Elementary School

Mrs. Fowler’s 3rd Grade

2016 -2017 School Year

Dear Parents,

Welcome to 3rd grade. I am very excited to be your child’s teacher this year. Thank you for taking the time to visit our room. Since I will be spending so much time with your child, I thought you might want to know a little bit about me.

This is my ninth year at Walker Park Elementary. Before coming to Walker Park, I spent ten years as the administrator of Bright Beginnings Preschool in Loganville. I have also published three math books and taught 5th grade at Brookwood Elementary School in Gwinnett County. I earned a BS in Middle Grades Education (with concentrations in math and social studies) from Mercer University. I completed course work on brain development, brain research, and curriculum and instruction at the University of Georgia. In December 2008, I earned a Masters’ Degree in Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment from Walden University and in 2014 I completed my gifted certification. All together, I’ve been in the field of education for over 28 years and am certified to teach every subject area in elementary grades K-5, and also certified to teach math, social studies, and language arts in middle school (through 8th grade).

My husband and I live in Loganville and have two boys. We are an active family, involved in our church and in sports – especially baseball. As a teacher and a working mother, I completely understand how busy most of your lives are too. Working together, however, we can make sure your child has a successful 3rd grade year.

Attached is detailed information about our class schedule, discipline policies, communication policies, and curriculum information. This year, the 3rd grade teachers are team teaching. Your child will have me for Reading/ELA, Social Studies, and Science. He/She will to go Mrs. Malcom’s classroom for Math. Please read this information carefully and visit the other classrooms to make sure you understand the 3rd grade expectations. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me through the school office or by email. I will return your message as quickly as possible.

Thank you, in advance, for your support and cooperation. I look forward to working with you to provide the best possible education for your child and give him/her the support and care that he/she needs to be successful.


Lori W. Fowler

3rd Grade Information

Walker Park Elementary School

Changing Classes

This year in 3rd grade your child will have a homeroom teacher, but he/she will also change classes on a daily basis and have three different teachers for the content areas. This will be a new challenge for each student and it is imperative that he/she has support both at school and at home to make this a successful transition. Communication is a major part of this process. While all teachers will plan together and work closely to help your child achieve success in all classrooms and all subject areas, any questions regarding curriculum, assignments, tests, or homework should be directed to the specific teacher of that subject matter. In addition to reading the information contained in this open house packet, please make sure to visit each classroom and meet each teacher personally. Below is a list of all the teachers your child will/may have, the subject(s) they will be teaching, their room number, and email address.

|Teacher |Room Number |Subject Area |Email Address |

|Mrs. Fowler |418 |Reading-Language Arts/Grammar &|lorraine.fowler@walton.k12.ga.us |

| | |SS | |

|Mrs. Malcom |421 |Math |tmalcom@walton.k12.ga.us |

|Ms. Towler |308 |FOCUS |stowler@walton.k12.ga.us |

|Mrs. Young |215 |FOCUS |myoung@walton.k12.ga.us |

|Mrs. Peters |503 |EIP - Reading |speters@walton.k12.ga.us |

|Mrs. Hayes |522 |EIP - Math |shays@walton.k12.ga.us |

Curriculum, Homework, Notebooks, and Agendas

Third grade is a transition year. The work becomes more demanding and there are more students in the classroom. Third grade teachers expect their students to assume more responsibility for their work and their behavior. The notebook and use of agendas will help in this process. Students are expected to use their agendas (now called Pages) and copy their homework assignments every day! This agenda is the major communication tool between the school and home. Time is set aside each day for students to write down important information and homework and to learn this organizational process. Teachers may also write notes home in the agenda, when necessary. For the first few weeks of school, the teachers will walk the students through the process and show them exactly what is expected. Periodic notebook/agenda checks will be completed and grades will be given for use of these items. As the year progresses, however, the students will assume this responsibility. Parents should read and sign the agenda every night in order to know what homework assignments are given and when tests are coming up. One of our major goals is for every student to become a more self-directed learner. This means that they are more responsible for their learning. Students should become more self-sufficient, independent, and organized, as the year progresses and this prepares them for the following school years. The agenda and student notebook are great tools for teaching these skills. While emails may be sent to inform parents of homework, the first communication tool for all homework is the agenda. Please check it and initial it each night!

As parents, we understand how busy your personal lives may be because we also have busy lives. Consequently, we are selective about what homework is assigned. Please understand that any homework which is given is necessary to your child’s education progress, needs to be completed, and is expected to be turned in on time. We appreciate your support in this matter. Additional information is attached concerning the school’s grading and homework policies.

• Please note that we do NOT give extra credit assignments to inflate a student’s grade. While extra credit may be offered on specific assignments, no extra credit assignments are given for the sole purpose of “boosting” a low or failing grade.

• All work is due on time! Other than make up work from absences, all weekly work is due on the due date. If not received by the end of the week, the student will receive a 50 in the grade book. Walton County Policy for elementary schools does not allow us to put anything lower than a 50 in the grade book. This is not true, however, for middle school and high school. Holding students accountable for missing and/or incomplete work prepares them for the future and leads to a more independent, self-directed, responsible student.

Reading – Reading is a vital life skill. Up to this point, your child has been learning HOW to read. Now that they are in 3rd grade, they must also USE READING TO GATHER INFORMATION AND LEARN NEW SKILLS. These are totally different skills and this means your student will spend time reading for comprehension. The major focus is no longer HOW to read, but to UNDERSTAND new information through reading. The only way to become better at a skill is to PRACTICE that skill….reading is no different. In reading, all students are expected to meet the Georgia standard of comprehending literature pieces such as stories, dramas, and poetry, as well as informational texts (ELACC43R10). This means they will have a standing homework assignment to read for at least 20 minutes every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday night and a grade will be given a comprehension grade in the grade book for the average of the TOTAL number of AR books quizzes taken during the school year. In 3rd grade, we use AR (Accelerated Reader) books and AR testing to monitor student reading progress for this standard. At the beginning of the year, students will take a Star test to determine his/her reading “ZPD” (zone of proximal development). This zone tells your student which books to check out in the library. The zone is designed to direct your student to books that are academically challenging, but not too difficult (or too easy). Once the student has finished reading a book, he/she takes an AR test on the computer. This program will not only administer a comprehension test, it will also accumulate data on the cumulative number of words your child has read, the average of his/her AR test grades, the types (genre) of books he/she likes, and how many tests he/she takes throughout the year. Each book has a point value assigned by AR and each student has an individual point goal for the year. Students that meet their personalized point goal by the end of the year and keep an 80 AR test average receive a special treat at the end of the year. The State of Georgia also requires students to read a variety of genres through out the year. Mrs. Jenkins will be tracking the required student genres through AR tests and through the library. Students will also be required to meet the required genre list by the end of the year. Every parent has the ability to check your child’s AR progress from home. You can also set up an automatic email for the program to send information and scores every time your student takes a test. Students are required to read enough books in their zone to earn an individualized point goal based on the student’s individualized reading level as the year progresses. These books must be completed and points earned by the beginning of May. This large goal is broken down into mini-goals throughout the school year so that students do not procrastinate and set themselves up for failure. Each quarter, students are required to earn at specific number of points. A grade is placed in the grade book based on the number of points the student has earned each grading period AND an additional grade is place in the grade book for the average of these test scores. Again, parents can easily monitor their child’s progress through the on line AR access AND the on line grade book. The required nightly reading (at home) is how your student will meet this goal. Students should read from the SAME library book each night until they finish the book. Immediately after finishing a novel, the student takes an AR test the next day at school.

Math – Basic addition and subtraction and basic multiplication facts are huge math concepts in 3rd grade. Students are expected to know, understand, and use basic addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts by the end of the year. Without this skill, math will be extremely difficult from this point forward, especially next year in 4th grade when they must master more difficult double and triple digit multiplication and division.

Classroom Behavior, Discipline and Behavior Plan

It is imperative that the classroom teachers and parents are supportive of one another and maintain an open line of communication. We believe that parents are a child’s first and primary teachers in all areas. As your child’s classroom teachers, we are here to assist you in the educational aspect of this growth process. It is important that we work together as a team to help your child through 3rdgrade. If this relationship is in place, classroom discipline issues are much easier to handle and are typically less prevalent.

We believe in positive reinforcement. We also believe in a well-organized, respectful, working environment that is conducive to learning. Each student is expected to show respect towards teachers, administrators, custodians, and fellow students. Your child may be rewarded for good behavior and excellent work with positive comments, treats, free time, homework/classwork passes, and other positive reinforcements. These rewards may vary from teacher to teacher.

All 3rd grade teachers use the same behavior management system. We have a “clip” system where student behavior is tracked on a daily basis and students can be rewarded for positive behavior and/or visually reminded when inappropriate behavior has occurred. Class rules are posed in every classroom, on your child’s weekly behavior communication sheet, and in the agenda. Students are expected to be respectful (of all individuals and property), be positive, be prepared for each class, complete their work on time, and always do their best. While students are rewarded for positive behavior, there are also consequences for disruptive, disrespectful, and inappropriate behavior. The behavior communication sheet should also be signed on Friday along with Weekly Folder work. Chronic disruptions of student learning will NOT be tolerated. Please refer to the Walton County Policies for additional information on consequences of chronic classroom disruptions.


Parents are notified of student progress–both behavioral and academic–in several ways. Every teacher maintains a web page, which can be reached from the Walker Park Elementary web site (). A weekly newsletter is emailed every other Friday. This bi-weekly newsletter is also posted on each teacher’s web site and updated every other Friday. In addition to the daily agenda and bi-weekly newsletter, weekly communication folders are sent home each week. Contained in these folders are various assignments, any school or PTO notes, and your child’s discipline communication sheet. Folders and behavior communication sheets are sent home each Friday and need to be signed and returned each Monday.

Throughout the school year, we will also communicate with you through notes, telephone calls, newsletters, conferences, and both mass communication emails as well as personal and individual emails. Please take advantage of these opportunities to make sure your child is progressing appropriately and to fully understand your child’s academic strengths and goals. Also remember that you have 24/7 access to the Parent Portal of Infinite Campus (the on-line grade system) to check on your child’s grades and attendance.

Should you need to speak with one of us during the day, you may call the school office (770-207-3240) or email. We try to check our email at various times throughout the day, but it may be the end of the day before we can respond – depending on our schedule. Should you leave a message with the office, we will return your phone call as quickly as possible. Email is the easiest and fastest way to communicate with your child’s teacher. We will return emails during normal school hours when we are not directly supervising and providing instruction. While you are certainly welcome to email in the evening, please do not expect us to respond while we are at home with our families. We will respond once we return to school.

Transportation Changes

As of last year, all transportation changes must be made through written communication. Walker Park NO LONGER accepts transportation requests by phone or email. We must have an authorized signature to change, as well as appropriate time, to make any necessary changes. Please make sure anyone authorized to pick up your child is listed on the emergency form.

Tardies and Absences

Now that your child is in 3rd grade, we are covering a wealth of information each day. It is vital that we begin on time each day and make the most of the instructional time that we have. When students are tardy, they are missing important instructional time and are generally rushed and “out of sorts” upon arrival. These late arrivals also disrupt learning for the other students. Now that we are changing classes, it is more important than ever that students be organized and on time since we will follow a very specific schedule every day. Please make sure your child is in time and prepared for school.

Also make sure that your child is at school, unless he/she is sick. Classroom instruction, student interaction, classroom discussions, and group work cannot be recreated through make up work. There is a lot of instruction and learning that is lost when a child is absent. Missing a day of school in the upper grade classes can be very detrimental to a student’s learning. Again, please make every effort to have your child at school unless he/she is sick. When a student is absent, he/she must present a written excuse upon return to the classroom. Make up work will be assigned, if applicable, and students have 1 day (for each day absent) to complete those assignments. For example, if a student misses 3 days, they have 3 days to complete any make up work. Please be aware that Walker Park, the WCPS system, and the State of Georgia take student attendance very seriously. There is a compulsory attendance law in our state. Students will excessive tardies and/or absences will be referred to proper authorities.

School supplies and Classroom items

Please make sure you have obtained a copy of the grade level supply list. There may be a few extra items that individual teachers may request. If so, you will get this information within the first week of school. Make sure that all of your student’s belongings, including book bags and lunch boxes, are clearly labeled with his/her first and last name. We also request that you do not allow your student to bring unnecessary supplies, since we are changing classes and students will share desks.


Detach and Return

Please sign and return by Friday, August 5, 2016

I have read the open house packet for 3rd grade. I understand the 3rd grade expectations and the expectations of Walker Park Elementary. Should I have any additional questions, I will contact my child’s teacher (for classroom questions) or the school office (for school policy questions). I further understand that my student must read enough AR books to earn his/her required points this year, must read through all of the required genres, must master his/her basic addition and subtraction facts, and will be graded on this progress throughout the school year. There is a standing homework assignment every Monday – Thursday to read and practice basic math facts (addition, subtraction, and multiplication). I also understand that Friday Folders and behavior communication sheets are to be signed each Friday and returned the following Monday.

Student Name _____________________________________

Email address __________________________________________________________________

Parent Name ______________________________________

Parent Signature __________________________________ Date __________________

• The Open House Packet is located on Mrs. Fowler’s web page at

Go to the open house packet tab, open the document, carefully read through, and then sign and return this page.

Detach and Return

Please sign and return by Friday, August 5, 2016

I have read the open house packet for 3rd grade. I understand the 3rd grade expectations and the expectations of Walker Park Elementary. Should I have any additional questions, I will contact my child’s teacher (for classroom questions) or the school office (for school policy questions). I further understand that my student must read enough AR books to earn his/her required AR points this year, must read through all of the required genres, must master his/her basic addition and subtraction facts, and will be graded on this progress throughout the school year. There is a standing homework assignment every Monday – Thursday to read and practice basic math facts (addition, subtraction, and multiplication). I also understand that Friday Folders and behavior communication sheets are to be signed each Friday and returned the following Monday.

Student Name _____________________________________

Email address __________________________________________________________________

Parent Name ______________________________________

Parent Signature __________________________________ Date __________________

Authorization to take Pictures

Throughout the school year, we may take pictures in the classroom. In addition to the classroom pictures, the school often takes pictures of students that receive special recognition. Often, these pictures will run in the newspaper or be posted on the web site. We need your permission to photograph your child, make in class videos, and/or display those pictures. Please use this form to indicate your wishes.

Student Name ____________________________________

______ Yes, I give permission for my child to be photographed or videoed during school activities and recognitions. I also understand that these photographs may be posted on the web site and/or in the newspaper.

______ No, I DO NOT give permission for my child to be photographed.

___________________________________________ _________________

Parent Signature Date


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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