This commentary is written to aid and encourage maturing Christians who sometimes find the book by Oswald Chambers My Utmost for His Highest difficult to understand in his original language. I have observed that this book is owned and cherished but not customarily read. I believe there are words here that were inspired by the Holy Spirit and have been preserved for disciples of Jesus Christ.

After Oswald Chambers death in Egypt in 1917 at the age of forty-three, his widow began to assemble his teachings and publish them. In 1935 Dodd, Mead, and Company, published My Utmost for His Highest in the United States. I was introduced to this forty-five years later. When Barbour and Company published this book using the same language and providing space for personal notes I bought and used it.

Should you respond to my invitation to learn from Oswald Chambers how to mature as a disciple of Jesus Christ you will need one or the other of these books. The design of this study is that you read Oswald Chambers' words for the day and the scripture, then this commentary. It is not a theological study, nor is it written to be a daily devotional guide. This is written to encourage those who have read a few lessons and decided "this is to deep for me." My aiin is to correct that attitude. I think if you understand the teachings in this book, you will have hinds feet and be able to walk upon the high places as described in Habakkuk 3:19.

Florine P. Childress

I welcome your return response to this commentary. E-mail address, toberk@ or

USA Postal mail, 222 Mtn. Heights Corcle, Scottsboro, AL 35769 Copyright ? 4-2010, Florine P. Childress

January 1,

Index: Crisis, Utmost for His Highest, Surrender, Abandonment.

When we know we need to obey in a certain area or way, God just tells us to do that thing. We think we cannot. Chambers informs us that getting there is a question of the will. It is a choice of the will to obey or disobey.

In the second paragraph today he writes, "God's order has to work up to a crisis in our lives because we will not heed the gentler way." My family has been in some church circles, which makes this easy to believe. I have seen some people refuse the gentler way.

It is always God's intention that we grow from each crisis. He will assist to that end.

As you contemplate beginning a New Year re-read Chambers' words and this commentary for December 31st.

January 2,

Index: Faith, Dependence on God, Worry, Surrender, Imagination.

So many times we ask God "Why? Why has this happened?" About such questions, I have found Chambers to be correct. God doesn't answer many questions. Instead He shows us Himself. And that is sufficient.

Job had such an encounter with God. (Read Job 38:1 & 2) God begins by referring to "Words without knowledge, which darken counsel." When God finished, Job spoke saying, "I have heard of you by the hearing of the ear, but now my eyes see you." Job repents and God begins to replenish his losses.

This year we may all have some times of not knowing and questions we want answered. If we are fortunate and blessed we will find God Himself. Then the "not knowing the why of events" will no longer be important.

Some sentences in the Feb. 10th lesson harmonize with today's lesson.

January 3,

Index: Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Darkness.

I'm sure you will like this reading. Mario Rheinfurth once told our Sunday school class that nothing Jesus ever said was ridiculous or impossible to obey.

The last sentence is a teaching I learned long ago. Hosea 14:2 and Luke 11:2 are plain. Hosea instructs "Take with you words and Jesus said to His disciples "when you pray say". I have found that prayers require spoken words, not mental gyration, nor the best of thoughts unless they are spoken to God, Himself.

If you would like, you can read July 29th with this. That reading begins with the words "In the Bible clouds are always connected with God."

In my book I wrote on Jan. 3rd "A cloud is not very thick. He can reach through it."

January 4,

Index: Providential will of God, Guidance.

The first two sentences in the study for today are vital to our peace of mind and growth in the Christian life.

I have had to fight impulsive actions almost all of my life. The impulse of feeling, if not accompanied with logic and sure leadership of the Holy Spirit, will bring disappointment somewhere.

His last sentence "Natural devotion will always deny Jesus somewhere or other" is one to delve into. He uses, I think, natural devotion to mean devotion not rooted in the Holy Spirit, devotion a person who is not a Christian might have.


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