My utmost for his highest devotional for today


My utmost for his highest devotional for today

The joy comes from seeing the perfect fulfillment of the particular purpose for which I was created and reborn, rather than being able to do something of my own choosing. The joy our Lord experienced came from what the Father sent Him to do. And He says to us, As the Father has sent me, I send you too (John 20:21). Have you received your service from the Lord? If so, you must be true to it to consider your life valuable only to fulfill this service of ours. Knowing that you have done what Jesus sent you to do, think how satisfying it is to hear Him say to you: Well done, good, and faithful servant (Matthew 25:21). We all need to find a nimmera in life, and spiritually we will find it when we receive our service from the Lord. To do this, we must be intimately associated with Jesus and know Him more than as our personal Savior. And we must be willing to experience the full influence of Acts 9:16 -- I will show him how many things he must suffer for my name. Do you love me? Then: Feed my sheep (John 21:17). He offers us no choice as to how we can serve Him; He asks for unconditional loyalty to his Commission, loyalty to what we see when we are as close as possible to friendship with God. If you have received your service from the Lord Jesus, you know that the need is not the same as an invitation - the need is the ability to use an invitation. The invitation is to be faithful to the service you received when you were in real contact with Him. This does not mean that you have been marked with a whole host of different ministries. That means you have to be sensitive to what God has called you to do, and this can sometimes require ignoring standards of service in other fields. Oswald Chambers' wisdom I have chosen you (John 15:16). Keep that message of greatness in your religion. It's not that you have God, it's that He's got you. My Utmost for His Highest, May 25, 2015. The joy our Lord had been allowed to do, which the Father sent Him to do, and He says, As my Father has sent me, so will I send you. Have I received any ministry from the Lord? If so, I must be true to it to count my life as valuable only to fulfill that service. Think of the satisfaction of hearing Jesus say -- a well-done, good, faithful servant; To know that you've done what He sent you to do. We all need to find our ni9th in life, and spiritually we will find it when we receive our service from the Lord. To this end, we must have been in contact with Jesus; We must know Him more than as a personal Savior. I'll tell him how big things he has to suffer for me. Me? Then ? Feed my sheep. There is. Exist. choice of service, only unconditional loyalty to our Lord's reward; loyalty to what you see when you are at your closest contact with God. If you have received your service from the Lord Jesus, you know that need is never an invitation: need is an opportunity. The invitation is loyalty to the service you received when you were really in touch with Him. This doesn't mean you're marked with a service campaign, but it does mean you have to ignore the service requirements of other lines. Oswald Chambers' wisdom Am I increasingly in love with God as a holy God or with the notion of a pleasant Olenne saying, Well, sin doesn't matter much? Disciples Indeed, 389 L. 4 The missionary is the person in who the Holy Spirit has made this compresentation: You are your own (1 Corinth 6:19). I am not mine means that I have reached a high level in my spiritual life. The true nature of this life in real everyday confusion is evidence that I consciously gave myself up to another person through a sovereign decision, and that person is Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit interprets and explains the nature of Jesus to me to make me one with my Lord, not that I become just a reward for His introduction. Our Lord never sent any of his disciples based on what He had done for them. It was only after the resurrection, when the disciples had experienced who Jesus really was through the power of the Holy Ghost, Said: Go (Matthew 28:19; see also Luke 24:49 and Acts 1:8). If someone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and also his own life, he cannot be my disciple (Luke 14:26). He did not say that this person could not be good and upright, but that he could not be someone to whom Jesus could write the word Mine. Any relationship our Lord mentions in this verse can compete with our relationship. I may prefer to belong to my mother, my wife, or myself, but if so, Jesus said, You can't be my disciple. This doesn't mean I won't be saved, but it does mean I can't be completely His. Our Lord will make his disciple his own possession, and he will be responsible. ... you are my witnesses... (Acts 1:8). The disciple's palpable desire is not to do anything for Jesus, but to be a complete pleasure to him. The secret of the missionary is really that he can say: I am His, and He carries out his work and purpose through me. Be totally hers! The wisdom of Oswald Chambers Awe is a condition of the spirit of a man who understands who God is and what He has done for him personally. Our Lord emphasizes the attitude of the child; no attitude can express such solemn respect and feeling as the fact that: Child. Ignorance Whither, 882 L Oswald Chambers: Peace - Life in the SpiritOswald Chambers: Prayer - A HolyPray OccupationyOswald Chambers: Hope - A Holy Promise Lucky PowerMy Utmost of His Highest - Holy Week Prayer: Tim KellerSTAY's 14-Day Devotional FIT: Strengthening Your Connection to Jesus Flows in the Desert Reading Plan The Power of a Simple Prayer AnnouncementMelde dich a, um fortzufahren. fortzufahren.

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