
A.P.E. Format* Use A.P.E. when responding to open-ended questions. *A = AnswerAnswer the question.Be specific! Restate the question in your answer.P = ProveSupport your answer with evidence.Introduce the evidence with your own words.E = ExplainExplain how your evidence supports your answer.Elaborate in your own words.Conclude with an insightful comment or restate the answer in a new way.A.P.E. ExampleQuestion: How does Steven feel about his little brother Jeffrey at the beginning of Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie?A.P.E. Response:At the beginning of Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie, Steven thinks his little brother Jeffrey is annoying. On page 4, Steven writes in his journal, “Having a brother is horrible. Having any brother would be horrible, I suppose, but having my particular brother, Jeffrey, is an unrelenting nightmare.” Steven goes on to describe how Jeffrey ruined his best pair of drumsticks and embarrassed him in front of a girl he likes. This shows how frustrated he is with his little brother. ANSWER – I restate the question in my answer, so the response makes sense even to someone who has not read the question.PROVE – I introduce the evidence in my own words, then quote the exact words from the text.EXPLAIN – I elaborate on the evidence in my own words, then end by restating my answer in a new way. APE Rubric490-100Student demonstrates exceptional understanding of the task.Answers the question fully.Proof is given with well-chosen evidence from the text.Explains insightfully and/or gives an opinion that links to or extends aspects of the text.380-90Student demonstrates understanding of the task.Answers the question briefly.Adequate proof is given with evidence from the text.Explains and/or gives an opinion.270-80Student demonstrates partial understanding of the task.Answers the question vaguely.Insufficient proof is given and/or the evidence is used incorrectly or with limited success.Explanation is unsuccessful or missing, flawed, or inconsistent.150Students demonstrates little to no understanding of the task.Answer is irrelevant, off-topic, not in English, or missing.No proof is given.Explanation is unsuccessful or missing, flawed, or inconsistent.To earn the highest point value within the range of your content score, remember to…Underline the title of long works like books and movies.Use quotation marks around short works like stories and poems.Capitalize character’s names and words in a title (except articles and prepositions).Write clearly and specifically, as though your audience hasn’t read the text already.Introduce text evidence in your own words.Use quotation marks around words taken directly from the text and include a page number.Ex: On page 10, Steven says, “No, I’m a JAZZ star, Jeffrey.”Steven says, “No, I’m a JAZZ star, Jeffrey” (10). ................

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