HJKHKKJKJHK - Manitoba Education

RM 4–HR: Troubles in Paradise


▪ Imagine that you have a partner whom you care for/love very much.

▪ Carefully read each of the statements that appear in the table below.

▪ Mark the small boxes according to the following legend.

▪ After completing your selections, be prepared to discuss your situation with classmates.


1 This is not a problem. I can deal with it.

2 This is a problem and we would need to work on it together. (Not a crisis yet.)

3 This is a big problem and I would seek help to resolve it. (Crisis, but worth working on.)

4 This would be an unsolvable obstacle in our relationship. (Not worth it and cause for termination.)

|My Partner |

|  doesn’t want to be |  gets angry easily and |  doesn’t want me to spend |  doesn’t put a lot of time |  finds lots of excuses not |

|affectionate with me anymore |often over the smallest |time with my friends |or effort into the |to be with me |

| |things | |relationship | |

|  blames me for everything |  complains about a lot of |  never says sorry or never |  raises his or her voice and|  promises me lots of things |

|that happens |the things I/we do |takes responsibility for his |yells during our arguments |but doesn’t follow through |

| | |or her actions | | |

|  criticizes my ideas and |  has lots of money but |  likes to party and gets |  ridicules my |  argues with me about |

|suggestions without offering |never spends any when we go |really drunk every time |values/religious practices |everything until he or she |

|his or her own |out | | |gets his or her way |

|  flirts with others all the |  never talks about feelings|  doesn’t make me feel |  wants me to be more like |  doesn’t share a lot of |

|time | |special around his or her |him or her |similar interests with me |

| | |friends | | |

|  has an annoying habit of |  wants me to have sex all |  never seems to have fun |  gets jealous when I talk to|  has threatened suicide if I|

|_____________ |the time |with me |other guys or girls |was ever to leave the |

| | | | |relationship |

|  shuts down and withdraws as|  constantly interrupts me |  has hit me, and then |  has violent outbursts over |  wants me to quit my |

|soon as I question anything |when we are talking about us|apologized |the smallest disagreements |exercise classes (or other |

|he or she does | | | |activities) so that we can |

| | | | |spend more time together |

|  makes me feel afraid at |  likes to make fun of me |  is always around me and |  borrows money from me but |  calls me names when we are |

|times |when we are around his or |doesn’t give me my space |rarely pays me back |having a disagreement |

| |her friends | | | |



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