The Tragedy of Trip

The Tragedy of a Narcissist

ACT 1:

A pigeon is flying. It then slowly floats to a parachute. Then, it lands on a sleeping Trip's shoulder. Trip has on a camouflage parka, some tattered jeans, and some vans.

Narrator: Knowledge speaks; Wisdom listens. Words Trip never learned. Words if he knew he would have never lost what he lost. He would have never become what he became. But then the world would have never changed. But maybe it should have stayed the same. Only God knows, maybe not?

Trip awakes, seeing the situation he's in and shrugs.

Trip: This must be a dream. That's the only time I go sky-diving? [He pulls a pack of Newport cigarettes out his left pocket, a lighter, and lights his cigarette.]

He sees some naked winged women flying around him. The love of his life, some girls he fucked this past week. The Girl he loves, (girl 1), is holding a harp. Girl 2 is holding a bottle of Tru Organic, and an ounce of Hawaiian Gold. Girl 3 is carrying Popcorn, bread, and other things that pigeons like to eat.

Girl 1: Do you know why you're not flying with us?

Trip: [sarcastically] I don't have wings.

Girl 2: You know better than that. Why do you think you don't have wings?

Trip: [flicks ashes, then sarcastically says] is it because girls are better than guys?

Girl 1: that's why! You're an asshole. A child, you're the biggest paradox on Earth. I don't understand why. You can have a roomful of gold; and want more. You love people. But you can't help, but to make them hate you.

Trip: At a time you did love. I know you still do

Girl 1: I don't love you, I just understand you. The day I don't that's when I may love you again.

Trip: [flicks ashes as he blows smoke] If that helps you sleep at night. I'm the greatest thing that ever happened to you. If you never

The pigeon reappears and begins to fly over to girl 3 and begins to eat some of the feed

Trip: So Girl with the goods?

Girl 2-3: Who are you talking too? We have names.

Trip: That I don't remember. But, yeah pour me a glass, and roll something up.

Girl 1 & 2: I agree.

The four of them rest on a cloud; a table and chairs were just sitting there. Girl three pours the Tru into the glasses, and the three girls begin to breakdown tree and roll. After they have drunk ¾ of the bottle, and smoked 4 jays. Eyes red as hell…

Narrator: With a drunken slur, meets that clarity you have when you're smacked; they begin the conversation that changes what Trip had planned. But it doesn't change him as a man. The man that Trip is always was and will be, the once and future king of narcissism.

Girl 2: you're an asshole.

Trip: And you aren't that good a fucker. We're even.

Girl 3: If you love her [points at girl 1] why did you even fuck with us?

Girl 1: He's the type that loves people when it's too late. I thought he loved me. When I loved him; but he was chasing girls like you, girls that suck his dick; metaphorically, and literally.

Trip: She didn't suck my dick [girl 2]

Girl 2: Yes I did!

Trip then drops through the cloud. As he falls he lights a cigarette and thinks to himself

Trip: [as he smokes he cigarette, he thinks this] I wonder sometimes; is that the reason I bother with the other bitches. Food for Thought and liquor of liver; am I really that self-centered? Could any of this be the reason I haven't drawn. Is she my muse she is simply…?

Trip awakes in his bedroom to see empty Tru Organic bottles, and roaches all over his nightstand and dresser. That's when girl 2 rolls over.

Girl 2: That one’s one hell of a night

Trip looks around and imagines what may have happened, knowing how he is and looks girl 2 in her eyes. As girl 3 comes out the bathroom, wear a white button up, brushing her teeth and

Trip/Girl 3: Yes it was

Trip looks at girl 3, and thinks, now where is my muse? Girl 2 and 3 get dressed while doing miscellaneous narcotics. Trip gets out of the bed, scratches his stomach and puts on a pair of Thrasher Skate and Destroy sweatpants. Trip walks through his 8,000 square foot loft to the kitchen. Trip opens his refrigerator door to see four two liters of Sprite three bottles of promethazine and codeine, sixteen jars of marijuana, eggs, milk, turkey bacon, assorted cheeses, Caesar Salads, some day-old Chinese food, pizza, and a black bottle.

Trip: Where are my cigarettes? [Scratching his head] is that the phone ringing?

Trip walks into a bathroom and sees girl 2 has passed out in the bathtub. Trip quickly slaps her as hard as he could, she woke up.

Girl 2: What was that for? I wasn't dead. [She pushes Trip away] I should have known you're crazy. All these crazy statues and pictures you have in here.

Trip sees his Camel Wides Menthol by the sink and gets them. Lights on and leaves the bathroom. Trip hears the phone ringing. Trip begins searching for the phone; the first bedroom, Trips studio; you can't see the floor, because the floor is covered with paint, paintings, drawings, collages, and the walls have paintings on them; from horrific monsters, to angelic depictions of women, and drug paraphernalia. All most of every image had a recurring character, a smiley face with devil horns, a halo, his tongue out, and X's for eyes, dressed in street wear. No phone. Trip then looks into Bedroom 2 was Trips closet, full of delivery boxes. Out of these boxes come Trips shoes, pants, underwear, t-shirts, button ups, etc. Bedroom 3 was converted into Trip's writing space. This room has a hard wood floor, with a Persian rug filling the center of the floor. The only furniture in the room is a tattered leather office chair, and a desk, placed on the aforementioned rug. On the desk is a black typewriter that has a secondhand look to it. Also, there are two stacks of paper, the stack to the left of the typewriter have been typed on, the stack to the right blank. The desk is also covered in stickers, and statues.

Trip: There's the phone. [Trip walks over to the phone sitting in the middle of the floor.] Fuck!

There's a knock at the door. Trip walks to his living room and opens the door. It's Trips best friend/manager Vaan. Vaan is wearing a sweater designed by Trip, a pair of Skate and Destroy sweats and some black and white Supra Dixons. Vaan is smoking a Camel Turkish Gold and carrying a Huf tiger camouflage duffle bag. Trip opens the red curtains, letting the sun showcase the room. Trips living room didn't have a TV. Only a coffee table covered in books by Hunter S. Thompson, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and snowdrops by A.D. Miller. There's a black leather couch with a collection scratches, burns, and rips in it. Vaan opens the duffle bag to reveal a thrasher blanket, the throws it vertically onto the couch sits down on the couch.

Vaan: Where's an ashtray?

Trip: Give me a second. [Trip leaves the living room]

Vaan: So everything is doing well. But, it would be great if you would have a new exhibit, host a party, something. Your name is starting to lose its weight.

Trip: [returns with an ashtray that has Trips usual monogram on it.] I know I like it like this.

Vaan: [flicks ashes into it] I don't. I'm your manager. Remember when we left home to move here? Do you remember the promise we made?

Trip: [lets his cigarettes ashes fall onto the living rooms white carpet floor] Yeah. But, shit has changed. Nothing is what it was when we left. I'm not inspired by anything going on.

Vaan: [stands up.] What do you mean? You're not inspired? What do you need now? You have the money for it. Whatever you want you have the means to get it. What's your problem now?

Trip: [puts his cigarette butt in the ashtray. Pulls another one out, lights it, takes a drag.] That's not it. I have all these things and nothing at the same time. I mean, I'm happy. I couldn't wish for things more. I could. But, I mean what is there left to create? How much more money do I really need?

Vaan: It's not about more money Trip. It's about maintaining what we have. Keeping the company we've worked so hard to get this far. Are you going to let all this hard work go to waste? [Takes a drag of cigarette, and flicks ashes] You're going to have to get over it. ALL, of it; what she did, they did, everything. You still have things to do much, MUCH, bigger than any of that.

Trip: I needed all that.

Vaan: If you needed it, you'd still have it.

Vaan picks up the ashtray and begins to walk through the loft, and look into the rooms and see what Trip has been up to. He looks into the studio; he sees nothing has changed since he left. He walks to the writing space, walks to the desk, reads the most recent page. Vaan go back to the living room. Trip is drinking "lean" from a glass and smoking a blunt.

Vaan: Have you just been getting wasted?

Trip: Pretty much. I deserve to enjoy what I have made thus far.

Vaan: That's great. You went from arts new star, to another addict with a bit of talent.

Trip: [takes another sip, flicks the ashes] Yeah, shit happens like that sometimes.

Vaan: I hope you're ready for your interview with Complex.

Trip: What did you just say?

Vaan: I'm not about to repeat myself. You're the cover story. You might want to shave, bathe, and clean up a little. How long have you been wearing that outfit?

Trip: [looks at his stained up white shirt, and Skate and Destroy sweatpants] I think a month.

Vaan: Dear God, Trip if you can do this if not for yourself, at least do this so people can look at the magazine and say, damn that Trip guy is doing good.

Trip heard what Vaan was trying to say. Trip leaves the glass on the table, puts the blunt out and goes to the closet room. Trip picks out a shirt he designed, black Levi 511 pants, AE badminton birdie boxers, some "skate and destroy" socks, and a pair of black Supra Chad Muska Skytop 1. Trip walks to his bedroom, seeing empty bottles of Captain Morgan, Jack Daniels, etc. on his nightstand, dresser, floor, and even in shoes. Trip enters his bathroom to see girl 2 and 3 having sex. Trip sets his clothes aside, and undresses. Trip opens the shower door and walks in, they make room for him. Trip grabs a bar of Irish springs soap.

Girl 2: Going back to the real world?

Trip: No. It's coming here. I'm going to need you two to stay back here. I don't want whoever they send here asking about you two.

Girl 3: Not good enough to be lied about.

Trip: exactly.

Girl 2 leaves the bathroom. She gets dressed and then leaves the loft

Girl 3: I know we have an arrangement and all, but you're a dick. Whatever you're going through Carol and I…

Trip: shut the fuck up. You two can leave and be replaced. I can honestly care less. You two are just what I'm putting my dick in at the moment until I find something worth my time.

Girl 3 gets dressed and leaves. While she's leaving Vaan walks in with a black haired woman, wearing a black t-shirt, and a pair of floral shorts, and red Chuck Taylors with no sock. You could tell she had a good figure, even though her outfit didn't showcase it. Vaan shows her to the couch, then walks back to Trips bedroom door and knocks.

Vaan: you ready?

Door opens revealing a full dressed Trip smoking a cigarette.

Trip: Yeah. But I didn't shave.

Vaan: At least you washed up, and changed your clothes.

Vaan leads Trip to the living room. Trip sees the girl on the couch smoking a cigarette, and taking a sip from his glass.

Trip: So what do you think?

Girl 4: About what?

Trip: My loft, the books, my outfit, the drink?

Girl 4: In order; expected more, I expected, and what for?

Trip: "What for" what?

Girl 4: what is it prescribed for?

Vaan: And it begins

Vaan leaves them alone. Trip joins her on the couch, slides the glass closer to him, and flicks his ashes. Then grabs the blunt out he ash tray and puts the cigarette out. Lights the blunt and takes a sip from his glass. While Trip did that, the girl took some pictures.

Trip: So, what's your name?

Girl 4: My name is Emma.

Trip: I dated a girl named Emma; she was a cold bitch,

Emma: Sounds like what my exes would say about me. So, what have you been doing for a year; besides what I can see?

Trip: I've been working on a new collection, a book, and a surprise.

Emma: Do you have a release date for any of these things?

Trip: August 24.

Emma: Also, what's the surprise?

Trip: Something unexpected from my brand.

Emma: So you have anything I can show those interested?

Trip: [finishes the blunt, and takes a sip from his cup] Tomorrow.

Emma: Okay. I guess I'll come back tomorrow to finish the interview.

Emma just gets up and leaves. Trip was taken away by her. Trip goes into the kitchen and grabs a jar of marijuana. Trip rolls another blunt. While sipping from his glass, Trip finishes rolling the blunt lights it. Smoking the blunt Trip sits and thinks.

Trip: How am I going to get her? What can I do to get her?

Trip jumps up grabs his glass, and walks into his art studio. Trip begins finishing pieces. After finishing 15 pieces, Trip runs to his writing room, and finishes two chapters. Then goes into bedroom four, where he passes out before he can do anything in there. Trip awakes in his bed, with girl 2. Trip gets up, takes a shower and puts on a plain white t-shirt, another pair of black Levi 511, "skate and destroy" socks, and red Supra Skytop 1s. Trip pours some Promethazine and Codeine in a glass, and then pours some Sprite into it. Trip walks out of his loft, and to his black 2013 Nissan 350z. Trip drives to a hill to see the sunrise. Trip goes into his glove compartment and finds a Ziploc of pre-rolled joints. Trip lights on and watches the sunrise. Trip finishes his glass, then the joint. Trips phone rings, it's Emma. Trip answers.

Trip: How did you get my number?

Emma: Your manager. What time should I come by with a camera crew, to finish our interview?

Trip: At noon.

Emma: I'll see you at 12.

While driving home, Trip texts Vaan telling him to meet him at Starbucks Vaan replies he'll see him there. Trip looks to the sky and sees a pigeon fly and land on the roof of a building up for lease. Seeing this made Trip think of his first art exhibit, the pieces were a sort of retelling of Macbeth. Also, he thought of the party after words. Trip then arrives at the Starbucks. There were twelve people; Vaan sat in back, Vaan had on a suit, black blazer and pants, white shirt, with an aquatic green tie. In front of him, sat his girlfriend Farrah, she was wearing a dark green dress with white trimmings. Trip walked over.

Vaan: Was it me? Please tell me I broke through.

Farrah: Hey Trip.

Trip: Good morning Farrah. Hey Vaan, it's good to hear your dick hasn't been cut off.

Vaan: [with a confused face.] What?

Trip: Think about it.

Farrah: I don't get it.

Trip: Vaan wants me to say his complaints the other day are the reason I've left the loft. By saying so I would be stroking his ego; which is essentially a person's mental genitals. Knowing that I'm not the only person he does this to. You see where I'm going?

Farrah: That joke was too thought out. You been waiting to use it?

Trip: No, I just came up with it.

Vaan: Anyway, so what brings you back to the real world?

Trip: I think I was going crazy in there. I've been having some crazy dreams.

Vaan: Yeah, it happens. Remember when no one was talking to me?

Trip: Yeah. You remember why I wasn't talking to you?

Vaan: Of course. During that time I hit rock bottom and it was hard.

Farrah: How's that, we were dating at the time.

Vaan: It had nothing to do with you; it was just something I went through. My friends mean a lot to me; and when they don't talk to me, it's because we can't talk. Being the person that I am, I blame myself.

Farrah: So Trip, what's her name?

Trip: I don't know. I only see her in my dreams.

Farrah: So why did you leave the loft, you have everything you need in there.

Vaan: Not fresh air.

Trip: I open windows… sometimes.

Vaan: How was the interview?

Trip: I'll be finishing it today.

Vaan: What happened?

Trip: She wanted to see new work, I needed time, I worked all last night, I need you to let the camera crew into my loft and show them to it. I know how you like doing that.

Farrah: We were on our way to brunch with some collectors; they wanted some of the pieces you gave us from your first exhibit.

Trip: You guys were going to sell those?

Vaan: Fuck no. I just wanted to have them offer, I deny, they court us a little, milk that until you dropped some new shit.

Trip: Why would you do that? How bad off is the company?

Farrah: It's fine, but all the money made is just keeping us where we are at, it's not helping us get more.

Trip: You guys aren't happy with all the money that we're making right now?

Vaan: We are. It's just. Farrah and I are thinking about having kids.

Trip: I can afford kids; and support my habits.

Farrah: We want to be able to really take care of them, pay for great education, move into a more appropriate house, you see what I'm saying Trip?

Trip: Then, you guess should start painting and shit.

Vaan: What time are you supposed to be back at the loft?

Trip: Speak of the devil. [Trip feels his phone vibrating] Hello.

It was Emma, she was with the camera crew and they were 15 minutes away from the loft. Trip waves to Vaan and Farrah and leaves the Starbucks. Trip starts his car, and pulls off. Driving down the highway Trip lights a joint.

Narrator: I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me. Words of a man of few edits, a man not that different then Trip. Only, if Trip took to consideration, someone else is me.

Trip arrives at the loft, somehow beating Emma there. Trip enters the apartment to see Girl 1 sitting down with Carol and Girl 3. Drinking Tru Organic and smoking, Girl one had on a faded and tattered jean jacket, a gray v neck shirt, a pair of high water pants, and black chucks. Her fingers covered in rings, all but her left ring finger. On that finger you could see a Trips monogram was tattooed. Carol has on white t-shirt and Hawaiian print boy shorts underwear. Girl 3 had on a pair of ripped up jeans and a nude bra.

Trip: Long time no see Julia. How's the new guy?

Girl 1/Julia: I've been fine. For a second I thought you had died. Vaan called me yesterday and told me you and I needed to talk.

Trip walks out on to the balcony with Julia. On the balcony Trip lights a cigarette, and sits in one of the hammocks. Julia sits. They just look at each other for a second. You can see they both don't really know what to say.

Trip: Was it worth it?

Julia: Why do you always play the victim?

Trip: How can you respect the tattoo more than me?

Julia: I don't and I didn't. Trip I was there for you. Yeah, I had my fun. But don't act like you didn't have yours. I never said I didn't love you.

Trip: But at times you didn't say you did. Those were the times when I needed to hear that you did.

Julia: What do you want from me Trip? Vaan told me about how you've been living. Is this how you want it Trip? I know you're better than this.

Trip: Shut the fuck up. How's life been with that new nigga? Can he do half of the things I‘ve done? I can't do that much better than this.

Julia: This isn't the first time I've wasted time trying to talk to you. But it'll be the last.

Trip: Now we have something in common again.

Julia leaves the loft. When, she shut the door of her car she began to cry. Meanwhile, Trip tries to have sex with Carol and Girl 3. But, as Trips unzipping his pants Emma knocks at the door. Trip answers the door. Emma had on a sun dress with art inspired by E-Maki art. Behind Emma stood her camera man had a Nikon D5100. The camera man had on a white hoodie with Trips monogram in black, Hawaiian print shorts, and a pair of red vans.

Emma: Ready to show me your goods?

Trip: I was up all night getting ready.

Trip guides them to his art studio. The camera man starts taking pictures of pieces. Trip lights a cigarette and walks to his living room; Emma follows. Trip sits down on the couch and Emma sits next to him, sets her recorder on the table, and brushes some hairs behind her left ear.

Emma: Where do you find your inspiration these days?

Trip: In the mirror. I don't mean to sound so conceited. But, if the eyes are the window to the soul in the mirror you can see your soul. Then I paint, draw, sculpt what I see.

Emma: So would you say introspective narcissism is sort of the theme of your new collection.

Trip: Yes, but I prefer to call it internal altruism.

Emma: So it sounds like you care?

Trip: Why do people think I'm so stuck on myself?

Emma: Why shouldn't they?

Trip: I give them my soul with every collection. The very monogram that everybody knows me for isn't just so hipster philosophy. It's my real opinion of my actions. This new theme of, of introspective narcissism isn't new; it's the foundation of what I do.

Emma's face changed from curious to intrigue. But before things could progress the camera man joined them.

Camera Man: Hey, Mister…

Trip: Just Trip is fine.

Camera Man: I'm done with the pictures. I feel really blessed to be able to get a sneak peek at your new pieces. Can I get an autograph?

Trip: Sure.

Trip signs the camera man's hoodie sleeve. Trip looks at Emma sees she is trying to hide her emotions. Trip looks at the camera man.

Trip: I'll be hosting a party tonight, you two should come. Everything will be on me.

Trip gives them his personal number.

Trip: Now please leave I have some personal phone calls to make.

Trip walks them out the door. Then goes into his kitchen, pours 2 ounces of Promethazine and Codeine into a glass, then adds sprite. Trip then rolls a blunt. Takes a sip, lights the blunt, and then calls Jotnar, his cousin.

Jotnar: What's good bruh?

Trip: Same old shit. I'm having a party today. Tell everybody to come through.

Jotnar: Where it going to be at?

Trip: I'll text you the address and all that.

Jotnar: Bet.

Trip takes another sip from his glass, takes a long drag of the blunt. Calls Vaan.

Vaan: What do you need?

Trip: I want to have a party; I need some movers, a place, and loads of groceries.

Vaan: What do you need movers for?

Trip: I want to buy said place, and have the movers set up the new collection in said place. Then host a house warming party.

Vaan: I haven't even seen the new collection.

Trip: Well find the movers and come look at it.

Vaan: I'll be there in 15.

Trip sits on his couch smoking the blunt and sipping his glass. 15 minutes pass, and he sees Carol and girl 3 in the kitchen.

Trip: Carol, come here.

Carol: What do you want?

Trip: You at the moment.

Carol joins Trip on the couch. He lets her take a hit of the blunt, and sip from the glass. Trip kisses her. They strip each other. Trip has sex with her on the couch. Then Vaan calls.

Vaan: I have everything. I'll be there with the movers in fifteen minutes. I got to go, Farrah's on the other line.

Trip goes to the bathroom and takes a shower.

Trip: Can someone fix me something to eat. I don't think I've eaten in two days.

Carol: I'll fix you something.

Trip walks into his closet room. Puts on a white t-shirt with his monogram, a pair of Levi 511 jeans black, some skate and destroy socks, and black supra Skytops. Trip goes into the kitchen and sees Carol was cooking shrimp and French fries. Trip lights a cigarette. Then goes into his bedroom, finishes the cigarette and goes to sleep. Trip is awoken by Jotnar yelling in his ear. Trip jumps out of bed and hugs Jotnar.

Trip: How'd you get in?

Jotnar: I pulled up the same time as Vaan and the movers. Some girl let me in.

Trip: What did she have on?

Jotnar: A thrasher t-shirt.

Trip: Carol.

Jotnar: Question.

Trip: If she about it, go head.

Jotnar: Naw, what you got in the fridge?

Trip: The necessities.

Jotnar: Let's pour something up and talk.

Trip goes into the kitchen with Jotnar. They pour themselves glasses of Promethazine and Codeine. Then roll blunts. Then walk into the living room. Trip pulls the thrasher blanket off the couch and throws it into a corner. They sit down on the couch. Trip and Jotnar light their blunt.

Jotnar: When was the last time you went home?

Trip: I haven't.

Jotnar: I know. I just wanted to see if you knew.

Trip: I'm not done with what I have to do out here.

Jotnar: It seemed like that for a year. I mean this is the first time we've spoken in person in seven months. How're things with Julia?

Trip: It's over. I've wasted enough time on her.

Jotnar: But you didn't say with her.

Trip: Have you been talking to her?

Jotnar: She called me, she was crying.

Trip: So I'm the bad guy now?

Trip slaps the cup out of Jotnar hand. Jotnar punches Trip. They get into a fight. Vaan tries to breaks it up and Trip punches Vaan in the face. Trip leaves. Trip gets into his car and drives aimlessly.

A crow is flying through heavy rain. It sees a pigeon and knocks him to the ground. Trip is driving down a freeway at 105 mph. He is smoking a joint and drinking. Trip hydroplanes for a bit and crashes into a wall. Trip passes out. When he awakes he's still in his car, his forehead was cut and the blood has begun to get into his left eye. He gets the drugs that were in his car his wallet, and searched for his cell phone. He couldn't find it. So he decides to walk away and find a gas station or something to get his car. Trip reaches a gas station there he sees a giant man who looked like he was frozen; wearing a black Adidas track jacket with white stripes, black Levi 517 pants and a pair of blue Converse Chuck Taylors. The giant saw Trip and ran at him menacingly. Trip tried to run away. The giant caught him.

Giant: Where is he?!

Trip: Who?

Giant: Where is the MDH?

Trip: He isn't real!

Giant: Then you serve no purpose to me alive.

The giant then threw Trip into the sky. Trip was saved by a giant pigeon. The pigeon took Trip to meet a purple elephant named Fil and a yellow and gray leopard named Tēndu'ā. The two animals stood like humans. The elephant was wearing armor for his upper body, but instead of pants he wore a loincloth. The leopard was dressed like a pirate.

Fil: Where is the MDH?

Trip: He’s just an image, a painting, a sculpture, nothing more.

Tēndu'ā: The mage Alan Moore said that magic is art, and that art, whether that be music, writing, sculpture, or any other form, is literally magic. Art is, like magic, the science of manipulating symbols, words or images, to achieve changes in consciousness… Indeed to cast a spell is simply to spell, to manipulate words, to change people's consciousness, and this is why I believe that an artist or writer is the closest thing in the contemporary world to a shaman. Fil and I are examples of this idea. MDH is much more than a piece of art he is magic.

Fil: And you shall be stuck here until you can find him.

Trip: Where am I?

Tēndu'ā: Kotar, everything humanity has imagined, exist here. Every single God, Goddess, demon, angel, alien, monster, every single one exist in the world of Kotar.

Trip: And I’m supposed to find MDH amongst all of these things…

Trip awakes in a hospital bed. At his bedside he saw no one. Trip tries to get out of the bed, but a pain in his chest stopped him dead in his tracks. A nurse came in.

Nurse: You're awake.

Trip: Thank god.

Nurse: Do I have to change your bed pan?

Trip: [hesitates] no.

Nurse: [sniffs] well.

Trip: I'd know… How long have I been asleep?

Nurse: four days. Nothing really bad, just a few ribs and a fucked up ankle; forget some third degree burns.

Trip: When can I leave?

Nurse: After you answer some questions.

Trip: About?

Nurse: Your crash.

Trip: What about it?

Nurse: It's about what was in your blood test.

Trip: Okay. I know where this is going. Fuck. Who knows I'm here?

Nurse: No one. That's another thing about your crash you're going to answer for.

Trip: Whatever that means.

Nurse: You need to rest.

Trip: I think I've had enough rest. I got to get out of here.

Nurse: Is there anybody you'd like to inform about your condition?

Trip thinks for a minute.

Trip: Nope.

Meanwhile, Vaan and Farrah talk about how they're going to deal with the situation of Trip being missing and how are they going to find him.

Vaan: He left in his car.

Farrah: We report it stolen?

Vaan: Exactly. So the cops can find Trip.

Farrah: But if the cops find Trip.

Vaan: You have a point.

Julia is clueless to all these events and waking up to her day. While Emma is making a story of it, but saving her writings of it for when they find Trip, if he dies the death, find him alive, continue writing, and interview. Takes shower, brushes teeth, air dries while applying a small portion of oil, and finished with a bit of lotion. She gets dressed. She gets into her black Cadillac El Dorado and lights a Newport. Julia is stressed out, because Julia is about to meet with Emma; to be interviewed about her relationship with Trip. Julia plugs an AUX cord to her iPhone The Weeknd "The Party & the after Party." She skips that song.

Meanwhile, Trip finds himself walking through a thick forest and it's raining. He's wearing the usual black pants, black shoes, and black thrasher hoodie. Trip is smoking a Newport, and carrying a Thrasher duffle bag. Trip stumbles upon the construction site for a temple; looks like a Mayan pyramid. Instead of stairs there's ramps, and statues of some sort of goat animal. Trip goes into the temple to escape the rain. Trip sets the duffle bag down and goes looking for wood to start a fire. Returning to the woods Trip gets surrounded by 7 giant foxes. Trip has only a hatchet. Two of the foxes attack Trip, Trip holds his ground until the rest of the foxes join the fray. That's when someone wearing a robe resembling one wore by a member in the order of Saint Benedict.

It slayed the foxes with swiftness, using a claymore, after it laid the beast to rest it removed its mask to reveal a crying skull.

Trip: Who are you?

Jove: My name is Jove. I would like to ask who you might be; and what brings you to the temple of?

Trip: I'm looking for the MDH. It started to rain, and I needed shelter

Jove: Would you mind if I joined you? I would like to tell you about this MDH.

Jove and Trip walk back to the temple. Trip gets his things and meets Jove at the top of a 350 step stairway. In a Gazebo at the top, there Jove is smoking from a pipe, Trip sits with him and lights a Newport 100.

Jove: The MDH, his name is ZoSo, and he is a mischievous spirit. He stole Thoth's diamond tablet, deflowered Belisama, drunken Dionysius under the table, and more deeds along those lines. That was until he discovered even he had to die. So MDH went on a quest to find Death, not a so called God of death, but who or what ever controls death, and stop it from letting death take him. But thank creation. There came HLS, the herald of lively sadness. He swore on his immortality that MDH wouldn't stop death.

Trip: Cool story, but I don't care about this HLS guys promise. I need to find ZoSo, so I never have to step another foot in this mental molestation fueled by a horrible acid trip of a world.

Jove: I am the HLS.

Trip awakens in his hospital bed. After gathering himself from the dream a tall blonde haired man in glasses, wearing green scrubs and a lab coat comes in to the room. His name tag said Doctor Samnin He pulls a clear clipboard from under his arm.

Dr. Samnin: Hello Trip, I'm your doctor. How do you feel?

Trip: I feel good; when can I get out of here. I have things to do, a life to live, you know what I'm talking about?

Dr. Samnin: You would be able to live today…

Trip: But I need to do what?

Dr. Samnin: But, you must go through a psychiatric evaluation.

Trip: Alright let's get that over with.

Dr. Samnin walks out of the room and a woman in a black skirt suit comes in, she has on a yellow shirt white tie, white stockings, and a yellow shoes. She has on horn rimmed glasses, a mole the size of a raisin under her left nostril. She's carrying a black briefcase with gold edges. She sits in the green chair to the left of the bathroom door. She opens the briefcase and pulls out an iPad.

Dr. Whitten: Hello Trip, I'm Dr. Whitten. I'll be doing your psychiatric evaluation. Before we start do you have any questions?

Trip: Just one; instead of rewording questions, can you just ask me the question once?

Dr. Whitten: The reworded questions are to pinpoint exactly what is going on in your mind, sometimes people don't get properly evaluated because of only being asked a question one way.

Trip: Well can you just question me BCR questions then?

Dr. Whitten: I thought you only had one question.

Trip: What's your first question?

Dr. Whitten:

Meanwhile, Julia arrives at Panera Bread to be interviewed by Emma. They sit in a corner in the back; to the right. Emma is sitting with her back to the wall. Julia sits down.

Julia: Hello Emma it was a long drive.

Emma: Would you like to order something first?

Julia gets up from the table and orders a chicken Caesar salad and a half and half (Green Tea and Lemonade). She returns to the table.

Emma: So how did you and Trip meet?

Julia: How all misfits meet; in detention. He was drawing something, he noticed I was looking, and then he showed me. The teacher went off on him; he went off on the teacher.

Emma: When did you guys start dating?

Julia: We didn't start dating until after years of "talking".

Emma: When you and Trip were dating. Was he the same ladies' man then that he is now?

Julia: Trip isn't the ladies' man you think he is. Trip is a ladies boy. He's a child in the body of a man. At least he was; I don't know him like I used to anymore.

Emma: What makes you say that?

Julia: Trip can't do that. It's against his nature. When he's on hedonistic pursuit, it's because he's hurt.

Emma: So would you say he was hurt before he went missing?

Julia: Very much so.

Emma: What do you think hurt him?

Julia: I did

Emma: What did you do, if you don't mind me asking?

Julia: We had fallen out. Or at least that's how it seemed. But, Trip still thought there was something, and carried himself as such. Until, I told him I wasn't.

Emma: I didn't think of him as that kind of guy.

Julia: Because Trip doesn't want you to think of him like that. Trip is a weird one. He has a beautiful mind, a fragile heart, an old soul; but he has many masks to hide whichever one.

Emma: When was the last time you saw him?

Julia: His apartment. Vaan told me I should talk to him and we got into an argument.

Emma: What do you think happened to him?

Julia: I think he just disappeared, got lost in some drug in some motel. Hopefully, Vaan finds like he always does.

Back in the hospital

Dr. Whitten: So what is your goal for your life?

Trip: To replace Da Vinci.

Back in Panera Bread

Emma: Seems like you really loved each other.

Julia: We did. But, now a days Trip can't stand to see me. All because of a mistake I made. I wouldn't wish death on him, but if he is, I hope he finds peace.

Julia gets up from the table and leaves. Food and drink on the table. Julia gets into her car turning Pandora on. Frank Ocean Strawberry Swing comes one. She turns it off and drives to silence. Meanwhile, Trip is leaving the hospital. Vaan is picking him up in a forest green Jeep Wrangler. Vaan gets out of it, and you see he has on a white summer suit, sky blue t-shirt, sky blue loafers, and a sky blue belt. He opens the door for Trip, as Trip gets out of the wheelchair.

Trip: You have a cigarette?

Vaan: Here! Son! What the fuck happened to you?!

Trip tells Vaan about his accident, and the dreams/hallucination he's been having since. But Trip doesn't tell Vaan about the psych evaluation. Vaan takes him to the new house. It was a red house on Kemper Street. Vaan unlocks and opens the door, to reveal it was set up similar to the apartment, but all of the art, finished and unfinished was set up in the living room. Trip goes up stairs to see the boxes of clothes had been hung up on racks in one of the bedrooms. He goes to the master room to see that he'll be sleeping alone.

Vaan: So what do you think?

Trip: You know me to well Vaan.

Vaan: I try.

Trip: So they decided not to come?

Vaan: To say the least.

Trip: Emma still wants to interview me?

Vaan: She's interviewed everybody in your absence.

Trip: Long as she doesn't inter…

Vaan: She's doing that right now.

Trip: FUCK! Why can't that bitch get out of my life? She left me, but can't leave me.

Vaan: She wants to be friends Trip, what's so bad about that?

Trip: I have two friends, which are enough.

Vaan: Who are they?

Trip: God and Art. One of those might be imaginary.

Vaan: When it comes to you they both are, art comes from the minds of men, and God doesn't hear the prayers of fools.

Vaan lights a cigarette.

Trip: Any groceries?

Vaan: Bottom drawer of the nightstand, and the mini fridge beside that.

Trip walks over to the nightstand beside his bed and sees seven cartons of Newport 100's. He then opens the mini fridge and sees a Ziploc bag of weed, and 4 pints of promethazine and codeine. Trip pours 4 ounces in a glass, and starts to drink it

Trip: I got to go pick up my prescription.

Trip pulls out a paper that says he can get Xanax, legally. They get into the jeep, and drive to CVS and pick up his prescription. Trip calls it in.

Vaan: When you say Julia left you, what do you mean?

Trip: You can't serve two masters equally, so she can't love two men equally.

Vaan: What if you're the one she loves more?

Trip: She wouldn't love him at all.

Trip gulps down the last ounce, then lights a cigarette. The ride becomes silent. They pick up the prescription and Vaan drops Trip off at home. Trip walks into his house and walks to his room. On his way to his room Trip looks at his phone, scrolling around his contacts, going back and forth between Emma and Julia. Then he gets a call from Lori. Trip doesn't answer. Trip looks at his phone and thinks about how he met Lori. It was a cool summer day, Trip was 19. Trip was smoking a cigarette sitting in a gazebo scrolling through his notes on his iPod. That's when she walked up with his her blue nose pit-bull.

Lori: I like your look. What's your name?

Trip: I'm Trip. Who the hell are you?

Lori: Forget it.

Lori starts to walk away. Trip gets up and follows her.

Trip: I'm sorry; I didn't mean to come off as an ass, but that was kind of a weird greeting.

Lori: You remind me of my ex. apologizing for being yourself. An ass, you must be a Taurus.

Trip: Yeah, but what does that have to do with anything?

Lori: I mean the zodiac tells a lot about people.

Trip: Now you're going to tell me that Tarot cards know the future.

Lori: Never heard of those what are those; tell me about them?

Trip: They are cards that have these "deep" meanings that tell you about yourself and where you are and going.

Lori: Sounds interesting, I'll check them out.

Trip gives Lori a quick scan, and rubs his chin.

Trip: Are you a hipster?

Lori: I think I am?

Trip: What do you mean you think you are?

Lori: I like the look and all but I don't know what it's all about.

Trip: I don't know what that whole culture is about. I don't believe myself to be one. But a lot of people say I am one.

Lori: Honestly, I thought you were one; you were smoking a cigarette going through your phone, camouflage shorts, red hoodie, vans, and no socks. I thought hipster.

Trip: Well, I started dressing like this when I was skating. But, I ruined my ankle, so I'm not in to jumping stairs and shit.

Lori: So, you have a girlfriend?

Trip: You want to be one?

Lori: One?

Trip: I'm not into the whole committed to one girl thing.

Lori: Wow, so honest. Why can't you be committed?

Trip: Because women can't. At least not at this age, they can't.

Lori: So, you're telling me men cheat because women cheat/

Trip: I'm telling you I cheat, because women cheat on me.

Lori: Why do you say that?

Trip: Because No woman that's been attracted to me has been in love with just me.

We see Trip in a bathtub with a glass of lean on the side. The bathroom is steamy. Trip gets out of the tub and gets a cigarette out of his pants pocket. Trip lights it takes a drag. Trip looks in the mirror.

Trip: You were my comfort from this being the self-proclaimed "Messiah of Deadly Happiness". When I told you that you had been the muse for something I had been working on, I meant to say you inspired the "Herald of Lively Sadness" this character with hearts for eyes and a frown. HLS has hearts for eyes because HLS loves blindly. HLS frowns because when you love blindly, you never know what love looks like. I remember the time when being HLS was easy, because you sounded like you loved me, and you know what they say about what you hear. The pursuit of pleasure had me giving you my time recklessly. I know you're saying "I do love you. I really do. It's just that…" But Julia that's the problem, it's always something. Some fucked up, for some reason unforeseen bullshit. I wish my life was as ever changing as yours so the feeling could be mutual. I love you as a person, I don't regret a moment I had with you, I would love to relive them, but I know you'll never be able to find that time again. Worst of all I feel that when you do, it'll be with someone; if all ready isn't. These words were so hard to put down.

The reflection takes a hit from the cigarette and replies.

Mirror Trip: Why do I do this? Why do I give the women that cross my path such importance, such control. They become damn near idols, I give them my time, my money, my thoughts, whatever they ask for, and all I get in return is waste. Why can't I ever get what I want from them?

Trip gets back in the bathtub and goes to sleep. Trip was now on a dirt bike, going 70 mph down a sand dune. Trip looks back to see Jove riding some strange fusion of a wolf and a dragon chasing him.

Jove: Just give up. I won't let you find and awaken MDH.

Trip: I don't give a fuck about your bullshit. Once I find MDH I'll be done with all this.

Trip drives up a dune, does a backflip, and lands. When he lands he feels something on the small of his back, it's a pistol. Trip shoots at Jove. Jove kicks the wolf dragon in the side, causing it to spit fire at Trip. Trip turns to the left, and changes the gear, and sees an oasis in the distance. Trip then shoots at the wolf dragon monster. The monster loses one of its eyes. Trip then shoots again. The monster stops chasing Trip.

Jove: I’ll get you son of a bitch! You can’t get away from me.

Trip looks ahead then crashes into a rock and goes flying into a pool of water. Trip gets up and sees a giant four armed woman wearing a white sash named Sarawati sitting at a table with Tēndu'ā.

Tēndu'ā: How’s finding MDH coming?

Trip: Horribly. There’s this guy named Jove trying to kill me.

Sarawati: You haven’t realized why yet?

Trip: Realized what?

Sarawati: What is MDH?

Trip: A creation of mine.

Tēndu'ā: So what does that mean?

Trip: He’s a real thing in this world.

Sarawati: That he lives in you.

Trip awakes to see Lori giving him CPR. Now coughing up the water that was in his lungs, Lori pants him on the back.

Trip: I need to remember to lock my door.

Lori: Vaan gave me a key. Were you trying to kill yourself?

Trip: Will you ever not have questions for me?

Lori: When you stop having answers. Trip why would you kill yourself?

Trip: I just fell asleep in the tub.

Lori: Time for you to put clothes on. Vaan told Emma that you've been found.

Trip sobers up and gathers himself. Lori and Trip walk to his bedroom. Trip gets dressed. Walk to the kitchen then drops a Xanax bar in a canteen pours some promethazine and codeine in it, then adds sprite, and closes it and begins to shake. Pulls out a cigarette hands it to Lori, then he gets one out for himself. Puts the cigarette in his mouth and lights it, while still shaking his canteen.

Trip: So how's the fashion industry doing you?

Lori: It's been a hard start; but those prints you gave me really helped. I mean people are really eating it up.

Trip: Good, I'm happy to hear it. So what's Vaan talking about behind my back?

Lori: He feels you're bullshiting. The usual shit; I mean I understand that you're in a dark place, or whatever. But Trip, you can't do this to yourself. You need to get back to what you do best.

Trip: I am. You see all these drugs I'm on.

Lori: You know what I mean Trip. You need to get back to drawing, writing, painting, designing, something. You can't just lock yourself away and expect life to make sense of its self you have to go back out there. You need to take your own advice. Embrace it, because you can't escape it.

Trip: That was when I was young and dumb, I was a full to live like that.

Lori: At least you were happy and having fun.

Trip: Yeah ignorance is bliss.

Lori: You're no smarter now, than you were then.

Trip puts the canteen in the freezer. Flicks cigarette ash in the sink, runs some water and watches it go down.

Trip: So am I supposed to meet Emma somewhere or is she coming here?

Lori: I'll take you to where the interview will be held.

Trip: If this turns out to be some sort of intervention, I swear to God, Allah, whoever else the people there pray to I'll never speak to you motherfuckers again.

Trip gets his canteen out the freezer grabs some shades off the counter. Then, Lori and Trip leave the house. Walk over to her red Porsche 911 Carrera, Trip lights another cigarette. They get in, Trip winds his window down. Lori turns the radio on. Some DJ talks about how crazy his night was, and how when he got home this song would have been perfect to end it. Kid Cudi "Mojo So Dope" comes on. As Lori drives, Trip smokes and sips his canteen. Lori parks her car in in front of an apartment complex. They walk up a flight of stairs, Lori knocks on the door. Emma opens the door. She's dressed in lounge gear.

Emma: Right on time. Let's get started.

Emma steps aside and walks them into her living room. There's a white backdrop, and a black stool. The same camera guy from before is here, setting his camera on a tripod. Trip takes another sip from his canteen looking at the set up. Lori sits on the couch behind the camera.

Trip: How we going to do this?

Emma looks at trip like he said something retarded. Trip takes another sip from his canteen and scratches his head.

Emma: You're going to sit on the stool in front of the camera. I'm going to ask you some questions, about your art, your drug usage, your disappearance, and what your next move is.

Trip sits on the stool and closes his canteen. Emma sits on the couch next to Lori.

Camera man: Alright… We're good to go.

Emma: So, Trip. Last time we talked you showed some new art work; some of it was clearly unfinished. Others looked like they were done. When will you be showing that to the rest of the world?

Trip: When my manager feels that I'm not bullshiting, and we find a good venue, a cool band to perform, and most of all people willing to write checks big enough for me to quit this shit.

Emma: You're thinking about quitting?

Trip: Yeah. This shit has become fucking stupid. Not my art, but the whole scene. I'm seeing people just copying my old shit. I mean I see my mistakes in other people's art. That fucking disgusts me. I don't want anything to do with a field that I'm the only original motherfucker in.

Emma: What about the people who want you to continue to produce art?

Trip: They'll come to the exhibit, write some big ass checks that promote me to continue.

Emma: So, what drugs are you on at the moment?

Trip: Nothing that isn't prescribed to me; for my many aliments.

Emma: Such as?

Trip: I don't want to say. I don't want some dumb ass want to be trying to get prescribed to them so they can be me.

Emma: Understandable. So you disappeared for about a month. Where were you?

Trip: Between worlds.

Emma: What do you mean by that?

Trip: I don't know if it was the medication, or the blow to the head. But after my car accident, I was having some crazy dreams. Narnia on acid type shit. Mind if I smoke?

Emma: Go head. Um… these dreams inspire any new art?

Trip lights a cigarette, takes a drag, and blows the smoke into the lenses of the camera. Then, takes a sip from his canteen and closes it.

Trip: You can say that. But my next art project will be totally left field. Nobody has seen this coming. But, it will be my best work yet.

Emma: Care to give details?

Trip: It will change everything. I mean everything.

Emma: When can we expect to see this?

Trip: A year after this coming exhibit. I don't think people will keep me interested in this "art" shit.

Emma: I'm interested in seeing what you have in store.

Emma snaps her fingers. Camera man stops recording. Emma stands up.

Emma: Well that's all. Trip you've gotten thinner since the last time I've seen you. What have you been doing?

Trip: Drugs. Not really eating, sleeping a lot. Working on this new project, if you can sign some papers saying you won't leak any information, I'll give you a preview.

Emma: Okay. You still live in the same place?

Trip: No, I've moved, I'll text you that address, when I finish editing it.

Emma: Okay. I'll be waiting.

Trip: Trying to have dinner or something?

Emma: Yes, and no.

Trip: What do you mean by that?

Emma: Trip, I don't want you to get the wrong idea about me. I love your art; I think you're a great guy but…

Trip: But, you interviewed Julia.

Emma: Not it wasn't that, I figured that since you're all drugged out, talking about quitting what you clearly love. You're really hurt about the break up.

Trip: I mean yeah. But I can't wallow in it.

Emma: But you are.

Trip leaves the apartment. Slamming the door behind him and forgetting his canteen. Lori walks over to the canteen, picks it up.

Lori: I'm sorry. He's never handled the truth, about himself, well.

Emma nods and looks away. Lori leaves the apartment. When she gets outside, she sees Trip walking down the street, throwing his cigarette, and lighting a new one. Lori gets into her car and pulls up beside him.

Lori: Here's your canteen.

Trip: Thanks.

Trip gets the canteen from her. She then leaves him to walk. Trip begins to think to himself.

Trip: Why the fuck do I still finish last. I'm not a nice guy. I'm not any sort of good guy. I'm the villain in this story. I'm the antagonist to my own life. Look at me; I'm walking down the street in all black, from the shades to the underwear. I'm on drugs, smoking cigarettes like it is cool. Where is the fuck giving? Where is the self-concern? Where is the respect for this temple I call my body? I want to believe I'm getting over Julia; I have a chance with Emma. That I even mean something to anyone, but the sad truth hits me with it heavy handed properly placed punch. That I am nothing, I am nothing, and I am nothing; I am nothing more than a vessel for the art that I produce. What other interest does this universe have in me? It doesn't love me, nor does it hate me. It doesn't care for me, nor does it neglect me. It doesn't burn white hot, or blanket me in the cold bleak black void that awakes a sinner such as me at death. Where is the blood of Jesus that is supposed to have washed the sins of my father, those before him and mine away? So that I can be forgiven and find some sort of paradise when I die.

Vaan is on the phone smoking out on his balcony looking at Los Angeles.

Vaan: That's just great. Thanks for telling me.

Vaan sets his phone on the table beside him, flicks some ashes into his skull shaped ash tray, and takes a sip from his glass. Farrah comes out onto the balcony and lights a cigarette. She looks at Vaan realizing that Vaan is angry. She takes a nice drag, exhale slowly, and decides to ask.

Farrah: What did Trip do this time?

Vaan: Nothing as crazy as the past. But, he's about to hit a brick wall; and I can't even help him. I wish I could but.

Farrah sits on Vaans lap. Vaan rest one of his arms on her lap, and the other behind her.

Farrah: Am I the only one who finds it funny that Trip helps everybody else with their shit. But, can't except help from anybody else for his?

Vaan: That's what makes this even worse. I want to be able to help him. But, whenever people try, he ruins it. He fucking takes advantage of you.

Meanwhile, Jotnar is smoking weed with three men.

Jotnar: I still can't believe what happened to Trip after that.

Ras: I can't believe he punched you bruh. We family; we came out of the village together.

Donald: Yeah bruh; we grinded together, smoked, drunk, and so more shit together, we ain't supposed to be shit like that to each other. We supposed to do that together to other mother fuckers.

Jotnar: That nigga needs some help right now. Julia really did a number on that nigga. Nigga just locked up in his crib doing drugs, bullshiting. When I visited him he was by himself. Nothing there just him, some unfinished shit and drugs; that nigga Vaan told me to act like I saw some bitches in there with him. In my head I was like, what the fuck he mean by that. Then when he saw me looking at the blanket he had on his couch, he asked me if I wanted to fuck her.

Ras: Damn, Trip really living up to his name.

Donald: Yeah bruh, nigga thought, bitches were living with him.

Jotnar: When he hit me I wanted to hit him back, I knew that nigga was tripping so I had to let it slide.

Ras: I don't what to say to that.

Donald: I do. We need to go visit that nigga.

A taxi pulls up in front of Trips house. A woman gets out and unlocks the door. She goes up the stairs to his room, undresses and lies in his bed. Another taxi pulls up. Trip gets out, lights a cigarette. Unlocks his door, he throws his shirt onto the floor, takes off his shoes, and pants. Then he walks up the stairs and makes his way to his bedroom. Trip gets into his bed. He soon realized there was someone else in his bed.

Trip: hello there.

Woman: Hello you.

Trip: You I knew you'd come around.

Woman: Don't I always?

Trip: That you do.

Trip kisses the woman. Then, Trip attempts to get on top of her; she pushes him over and gets on top of him. The clock beside the bed reads 4:30 am; the woman gets up and leaves. Meanwhile Trip is dreaming.

There's a pile of cigarette boxes, empty syrup bottles, and pill bottles. With a coffee table in front of it made of cigarette butts and lighters. On the coffee table is an ash tray made out of a spray paint can. A man dressed like Dracula walks to the chair sits down and lights a blunt. After smoking it half way he puts it out.

Narrator: As you can see, Trip is losing grip on reality and himself. He is falling into an abyss of fear and loathing. Fear that he will die alone and being something that he has hated, and seeing this transformation is causing him to loathe his own existence and the life he used to feel blessed for being able to live. Now this is where I come in. To make things worse, I am the monster that's been clawing his way out of Trip.

Trip awakes, sees that the woman had left. He takes a shower, puts on black pants, black socks, black supra Skytop, a white button up, a black white and grey flannel shirt. Lights a cigarette and walks into the room that has all of his art supplies and his typewriter and starts working. Then he hears a knock at the door. He walks down stairs and sees Jotnar, Ras, and Donald at the door. He opens it.

Jotnar: How you doing man?

Donald and Ras: What's good bruh?

Trip: What's up ya? I was just working on some shit.

Jotnar: How you feeling?

Trip: Better than I ever felt. I don't know if it's the Xanax; or whatever.

Ras: Where the bitches at bruh?

Trip: I don't even know. All I know about is drugs and art.

Donald: Trying to put something in the air?

Trip: yeah bruh. It ain't about nothing.

They go into Trips living room; they smoke two thirds of ounce worth of weed. Trip tells them about the dreams he has had since the accident.

Jotnar: Damn bruh. That's the craziest shit I've heard all day.

Donald: I don't know bruh, that story I told this morning was a little bit crazier.

Ras: Trip, you got anything to drink in this bitch.

Trip: Just milk… Naw, I got some sprite, mountain dew, and some more shit in the fridge.

Ras leaves the living room for the kitchen. Donald, Jotnar and Trip roll more weed. While rolling a blunt Trip sees Jove behind Jotnar. Trip drops the blunt and stands up.

Jotnar: What the fuck man?

Jove is still behind Jotnar mimicking his movements. Trip doesn't understand what the fuck is going on.

Trip: Just get out of here. I can't do this.

Jove: That bitch leaving you got you so fucked up you can't even chill with your niggas?

Donald finishes sealing his blunt and sets it on the table. Donald fixes himself, to be prepared for an altercation. Trip takes a deep breath closes his eyes. When Trip opens his eyes Jove is gone.

Trip: I'm sorry, I was… tripping.

Jotnar: You right you were. I thought you were going to swing again. What just happened?

Ras: Yeah bruh, you clearly got some deep shit going on in your head you need to get out. More than what you already told us.

Trip: That skull I told ya about was just behind Jotnar.

Jotnar: What does that mean?

Trip: I don't know?

Donald: Well from how you described that man, he's a bad guy.

Jotnar: You think I'm your enemy. Nigga we're blood!

Trip: Nigga chill, I didn't say that. My mind may just be playing tricks on me.

Vaan is getting into his jeep. Sparks a cigarette and calls Trip. He gets no answer. Then, he tries to start the jeep, to no avail.

Vaan: So Farrah and I break up, Trip seems to be off his rocker, even for him right now; on top of that my fucking car won't start.

Vaan calls Trip again.

Ras: I think you need to finish whatever business you have in your dream world. That shit's like a game apparently. You have to beat it to get it off your mind.

Donald: Yeah bruh. You need to conquer your inner-demons and such.

Jotnar: If you need people to talk to, that's what we here for nigga, we family.

Trip: Yeah.

Lori pulls up at the house. Goes into her trunk and pulls out a roller bag, and walks into the house.

Lori: Trip!

Trip: What!

Lori: Where are you?

Trip walks to her.

Lori: Oh? Mind if I crash here for a while?

Trip: No… Yes… I don't know. Why do you need to stay here?

Lori: I broke up with my fiancé. Since I moved into his house… You see where this is going right?

Trip: Yeah. We can figure out your sleeping arrangements later. Meanwhile, join me in the living room.

Lori walks into the living room behind trip, to see Jotnar, and everyone else.

Jotnar, Ras, Donald: Lori.

Lori: Hey guys, Trip apparently has gotten himself together.

Ras: Naw. When was he ever together?

Everybody laughs. Except Trip, he fakes a yawns and stretches.

Trip: I'm going to sleep guys. You all have fun.

Everybody: You get some good rest.

Trip makes his way back to bed thinking.

Trip: what the fuck is going on?

Voice: Your times running out.

Trip stops in the mild of the hallway looks around sees nothing and finishes going to his bedroom. Trip gets in bed and goes to sleep. Trip finds himself in an all-white bedroom, dead women all over the floor, blood splattered on the walls. Trip looks at the women and recognizes their faces. Then a man in a suit, that looked exactly like him walked him the room. The man was smoking a cigarette, wiping the blood off a Buck Heritage Series Frontiersman Fixed Blade Hunting Knife. He then folds the handkerchief around the blade and slides it off the blade into the pocket on his suit jacket. He looks to his left Trip and the man makes eye contact.

Man: Hello. I've been waiting for you.

Man puts his hand out for a hand shake.

Trip: I'm not going to shake your hand. Who are you?

Man: My name is Pirt. It's so nice to finally meet the artist Trip.

Trip: Are we in Kotar?

Pirt: Why yes, welcome to my apartment. Sorry about the mess. But, I had to do some; Spring cleaning, if you will.

Trip: I know these women, I can't remember where from.

Pirt: Yeah, they are all those girls that you wasted your time on. I felt they were holding us back.

Trip: what do you mean holding us back?

Pirt: Kotar isn't the world of imagination, it's your world. It's your very mind. It's a universe of its own. So I'm the inverted you. I'm the one that doesn't hesitate. I'm you without the dumb fears, I'm you without the concern, and without I guess you can say morals. To stop you from being truly great; and like I said earlier, your time is up.

Pirt then stabs Trip in his chest multiple times, and leaves the knife in his chest.

Trip: Can I die in my mind?

Pirt: I don't know. All I know is I'm about to wake up, in your bedroom.

Trip blacks out.

Trip awakes, in a pool of his own blood. Trip gets up and walks over to the couch. Digs in his pocket, pulls out his pack of Newport's and begins to smoke. Trip looks out the window, sees a pigeon trying to get something to eat from an empty bird feeder. That's when MDH walks in. Trip jumps off the couch, looking at his own creation.

Trip: You


Trip: How did you get here?

MDH: After Pirt stabbed the shit out of you I slipped out.

Trip: So why are you just getting here?

MDH: I went out to get some food, cigarettes, and something to drink. What took you so long to wake up?

Trip: Why aren't I dead?

MDH: You can't die, unless Pirt dies as well.

Trip: Why stab me so many times if he can't kill me?

MDH: To weaken you so he can.

Trip: How do you know so much?

MDH: I know everything you would if you listened.

MDH lights a cigarette and sits on the couch.

MDH: Care to join me

Trip: I need you to help me out of here.

MDH: First Pirt has to go to sleep, and then you have to kill him.

Trip: Does he have any relation to Jove the HLS?

MDH: Yeah. He's to the HLS what I am to you.

Trip: What are you to me?

MDH: I'm your spirit.

Trip: How does that work?

MDH: What do you mean?

Trip: If you're my spirit, and he's my dark side, how does he have his own spirit?

MDH: Oh. Easy, souls come in two at birth. The good and the bad, and as people age they create or get spirits. You, I forget if you created me or I came to you. I've been locked away for so long.

Trip: How did that happen?

MDH: You thought of me as simply a creation of yours.

Trip: I mean, why wouldn't I?

MDH: You have a point.

Trip: what do we do now?

MDH: Whatever you want to. You can do all the drugs, fuck any woman, wear whatever, do whatever you want, this is your mind.

Trip: What's the point, this world isn't real?

MDH: Why, because your flesh doesn't feel it?

Trip: Yes!

MDH: So when you dream that you die, did you feel that death?

Trip: Yeah but I didn't.

MDH: Ever had a wet dream?

Trip: Okay, I see where this is going; but how can I just go and have fun, while Pirt is doing whatever he wants with my body?

MDH: what else can you do?

Trip and MDH hit up the bars of Trips mind. They pick up women. That was until Jove found them.

Jove: Motherfuckers!

Trip and MDH see Jove pulling out a Glock, shooting everybody in the club, Trip begins to make his way out of the club. MDH kicks a table over and grabs his arm.

MDH: You won't ever win running. We have to kill him now or later. Later Pirt will be with him.

Trip: How do we kill him?

MDH: Separate the head from the body.

Trip: How can we do that?

Jove unloads the spent clip. Pulls out a new magazine, MDH takes the opportunity to attack. Jove sees him coming, unable to reload fast enough; he throws the gun to the ground. Jove and MDH get into a fist fight. They pick up bottles smashing them on each other's heads. Meanwhile, Trip walks over to the Glock. Jove begins to get the upper hand on MDH, beating him senseless. MDH spits out some teeth.

Jove: Finally Pirt and I will rule all of this.

MDH: Have fun.

Trip shoots Jove in the face. His skull explodes into dust. Trip helps MDH up.

MDH: About time you did something.

Trip: I was trying to be dramatic.

MDH: This isn't a movie.

Trip: It's my mind; so it might as well be.

Trip and MDH laugh. Trip and MDH sit down in the empty and ruined bar and continue drinking. Trip sparks a cigarette and MDH becomes the bartender.

Trip: How did this happen to me?

MDH: What exactly?

Trip: How did I get trapped in my mind, by my dark half?

MDH: It happens to everyone. I mean, this could be good.

Trip: How can this be good? Who knows how long I'll be in here talking to myself.

MDH: You're not talking to yourself, you're talking to me.

Trip: And what are you; but a figment of my imagination, that computes things how I see them.

MDH: But if I was simply that, then why do I exist?

Trip: So I'm don't feel alone, and can have something of equal weirdness as the world that is my mind explain this landscape to me.

MDH: If you know me to be simply that why do I exist?

Trip: Because I want you to?

MDH: Exactly.

Trip: Exactly.

Then a riot squad comes into the bar, surrounding MDH and Trip.

MDH: Pirt has come into power pretty fast.

Trip: What do you mean?

MDH: Your brain has already accepted him as the controlling psyche.

Trip: So what does that mean?

MDH: We're up for deletion.

Trip: What do we do now?

A man in a black suit, white shirt red tie, and a caramel trench coat walks out of the squad smoking a cigarette.

Captain Jones: Hello I'm Captain Jones. I'm here to take you in, under orders of Lord Pirt.

MDH: Fuck Lord Pirt, he's no lord of me.

Trip: [whispers to MDH] how are going to get out of this one?

MDH: Use your imagination. Anything you seen in a movie, video game, comic, you can do. Just think about it.

Trip imagines himself with dual wielding mac-11’s beginning to unload the clips, as the riot squad and fires he flips and dives; dodging their gunfire. After which he gets up to take their Billy clubs and beats them unconscious. After doing such, MDH smirks and they leave. MDH takes Trip to the mountain where Tēndu'ā and Fil reside; when Trip and MDH arrive, Fil and Tēndu'ā smile at the arrival of MDH.

Tēndu'ā: So you found him. How did you do it Trip?

MDH: Pirt stabbed him like 20 times and took control.

Fil: So it has begun again.

Trip: What do you mean again?

Fil: Well when you were a baby, you and Pirt fought for control.

Trip: How could we do that, if he’s my dark half?

Tēndu'ā: The same way you’re doing it now. Except last time you spoke first.

Trip: My first word was no.

Fil: Exactly, Pirt was asking for the world, you told him no, and your body was able to speak that.

Trip: So you’re telling me, because my mind and body agreed that Pirt shouldn’t be in control I won?

Tēndu'ā: No. We’re saying because you’re body was in compliance of what you were saying you won.

Trip: So my body now complies with Pirt?

Fil: Maybe. Do you have any idea what Pirt wishes to do in the real world?

Trip: No. But if he’s the dark me it can’t be anything good.

Tēndu'ā: Being dark doesn’t mean evil. It just means lacking light. He is what is neglected in you. Pirt may be the good now and you the wicked.

Trip: But Pirt is a killer. I’m not.

Tēndu'ā: This may be true. But, in here if you kill the representation of a person, you kill the feeling. That may be for the good. Those feeling can be negative. Having those feelings may be leading you down a path that your body doesn’t wish to go.

Fil: Look at MDH, he looks demonic and angelic. Jove was a human skeleton. Have you put any thought into their image?

Trip: No. Why do they look like that?

Tēndu'ā: MDH you wish to explain your visage?

MDH: I love speaking about myself.

MDH begins to smoke a cigarette. Then he rests his hand on Trips shoulder.

MDH: I look like this because you see good and evil as either heavenly or demonic. With recent developments in your life you don't know what is heavenly or demonic; being that I am your conscious I have become twisted. While Jove is a skeleton because Pirt sees all actions as human nature, good and evil are simply opinion. Pirt is the atheist in you, Pirt is the humanist.

Trip: So what does that mean for this war? How do I beat him?

Tēndu'ā: You must beat him the only way a person beats themselves.

Trip: How’s that?

Fil: With understanding. No war was won or lost without understanding.

Trip: What understanding must I find?

Tēndu'ā: We can’t answer all your questions; we’re just here you tell you what to look for.

MDH: now that is all done. Trying to drink, smoke, and have fun?

Fil: Why not.

Tēndu'ā goes and gets a black box and a massive book, he opens the book and reads it, it sounds like French and Amharic mixed together. Then he opens the box and bottles of alcohol, blunts, and beautiful women come flying out. After they had their fill of said things and the cave returns to being empty.

Fil: MDH show Trip to the guest room.

Tēndu'ā: You mind sharing a bed?

Trip: I already share a body.

MDH walks through the torch lit hallway to a gypsy styled bedroom. MDH sits in the bean bag chair and goes to sleep. Trip lies on the bed and the room begins to spin, the tapestry on the ceiling begins to look like a nebula.

That's when Trip thinks about what Jove is, what MDH is, and what all that means about himself and Pirt. Trip begins to wonder what Pirt is. Trip then begins to see Julia taking off her shirt. He sees his hands grab her breast, he feels it.

Julia: You know I love you. Why do you always act like I don't?

Trip kisses her. Looking in her eyes he realized this was Pirt. This is what he is doing with his body. Pirt was getting back with Julia. Trip confused on how he feels with this returns to the bedroom in the cave. Trip lights a cigarette.

Trip: Why would he do that? Why would he go to her, after what she did?

Pirt voice: Because we love her.

Trip: You can hear me?

Pirt Voice: When you are in control, that gut feeling telling you what to do, that was me; sometimes. That's what you are now, the occasional gut feeling, and right now I'm having sex with the woman you love, deep down inside you loved her, and in your attempts to repress it, I claimed it. Now shut up. So I can get this nut.

Trip punches the wall in rage. Looking at his bloody hand Trip vomits, and blacks out.

While, all this happened to Trip, Pirt awakes to see the bedroom Trip is living in. He gets out of the bed and walks around, getting a lay of the house. Pirt is disgusted with the place Trip calls a home.

Pirt: He could have done so much better. Why does he tarry in such idle ways? All that is over, I will not be in such a shanty hovel, my weaker half calls a manor.

Pirt walks down stairs to see Jotnar, Ras Donald and Lori watching TV smoking. They see him standing behind him.

Jotnar: You good man?

Pirt: You guys advice was quite useful. It allowed me to gather myself, and do what was needed for me to escape my delirium. Now I would like it if you guys gathered all the drugs and left my estate.

Ras: What?

Donald: You about to make a move or something bruh?

Jotnar: You can trust us in while you gone.

Pirt: I know you guys wouldn't steal from me. It's just that I have no use of you. You are deadweight; only good for when I'm living in excess. But, I will not be. I'm living for success and you all are preventing that. So it would be good if you all left.

Ras: What the fuck is wrong with you?

Pirt: You three are.

Jotnar stands up looks Pirt in the eyes, Pirt looks back, gesturing his body as to say don't do anything stupid. Jotnar looks at Ras and Donald.

Jotnar: Lets go guys.

Pirt: Wonderful, take all of the drugs, the codeine, Xanax, weed, alcohol, my soda, everything.

Jotnar: Whatever has gotten into you Trip; remember we're family.

Pirt: No my friend we are simply related. Family is a state of mind.

Jotnar punches Pirt in the face.

Jotnar: That's for last time.

Pirt wipes his face. Stands up and turns his face, taps the cheek that wasn't struck.

Pirt: Have another cousin.

Jotnar leaves. Lori looks on at Pirt in shock and confusion.

Lori: Are you okay Trip?

Pirt: The time I went by Trip is over, my name is Jacob.

Lori: Why did you go off like that on your family?

Pirt: They are relative, they aren't here to do anything other than to do drugs, crack jokes, and subliminally belittle me in my state of hysteria. I don't have time for such ignorance Lori.

Lori: Vaan has been calling you; Jacob.

Pirt: Thank you.

Pirt gets his phone and calls Vaan. Vaan is in an office sitting at desk, typing up an order of clothes. With his phone on the desk

Vaan: Finally, Trip I need to talk to you. Farrah and I are over.

Pirt: Where are you?

Vaan: I'm in the office having some clothes shipped to me.

Pirt: Well, I'm going to have Lori take me to the Nissan dealership so I can get a new car. We can meet after that. What else do you have on your agenda?

Vaan: I'm going to get some new suits later; you trying to go out tonight?

Pirt: Why are you getting new suits?

Vaan: Farrah.

Pirt: We told you she was a crazy one.

Vaan: Alright so I'll see you tonight.

Pirt hangs up. Lori is smoking a cigarette. Pirt sits next to her.

Pirt: You mind taking me to the dealership?

Lori: Not until you explain what's wrong with you.

Pirt: I'll do that when you tell me why you came over last night. Left at 4:30 just to return in the morning and act like I forgot it was you, and not Julia.

Lori puts the cigarette out.

Lori: How long are you going to be playing this game?

Pirt: As long as we're asking rhetorical questions, how long are you going to believe that I will see as more than a secretary I enjoy having sex with?

Lori slaps him.

Lori: What the fuck! Do you think I like this? You think I want to be your side bitch forever?

Pirt: I'd be a fool to believe such. But, it's not like I haven't accommodated you with funds, a job, and fame. I've given you more than most men give their wives. If you have a problem with how we're doing things quit, and go it alone.

Lori and Pirt have a moment of silence. She picks her cigarette up and lights it.

Lori: When will you be ready to go?

Pirt: We can go right now.

They leave out the house for Loris car. On the drive to the dealership there is no dialogue, no music, the only thing heard is the engine and the city. Pirt rides with his face out the window, enjoying reality. That's when he sees Trip kill Jove.

Pirt: FUCK!

Lori: What is it?

Pirt: Nothing, just thinking about painting.

Lori: So you're not completely over the cuckoo's nest.

Pirt looks away and returns to taking in reality. Pirt thinks to himself, good move Trip. You were always a pretty fast learner. Shortly after, they arrive at the dealership.

Pirt: Lori you know all my information. You know what car I want. I'll wait here.

Lori leaves the car. While sitting there Pirt takes a nap. Entering Kotar, he awakes in a field. With the wave of his hand skyscrapers rise from the ground, roads form, subway entrances appear, taxis appear, etc. Pirt walks to the police precinct he created. Pirt walks through the precinct into Captain Jones office.

Pirt: Hello, Captain Jones. Don't get up; I'm here to tell you why I created you and your officers. I need you to arrest Trip and MDH. I need them imprisoned, or killed which ever you can do.

Captain Jones: Whatever you say Lord Pirt.

Pirt: That's what I like to hear

The police leave, Pirt then teleports to a rundown mansion on an ocean. Walking in the dimly lit mansion, Pirt sees three figures that looked like women chanting in a language that sounds like Spanish mixed with Chinese. The chants got louder he got closer and he could see the women were in rages dancing around a caldron that was filling the room with smoke and the weak green light that lit the mansion. As he got a clear view of the women he saw one of them had the face was an owl, one had the face of a horse and it was black, and the last looked normal; but her body had black scales. When they see Pirt they bowed.

All three women: Lord Pirt! We were celebrating your rise to power. Conquering Kotar, we feel Trip and MDH power over this world weakening.

Pirt: This is true, but I'm not in full control of Kotar. I need you women to find a way for me to kill Trip and MDH.

Owl faced woman: My lord, the only way to accomplice such a feat is to destroy Trips will to live. For if he wishes to die in Kotar, he will.

Pirt smiles from ear to ear.

Pirt: Thank you.

Pirt closes his eyes and focuses on Jove. When Pirt opens them he is in the club where Jove had died. Pirt waves his right hand Jove's body stands up. Pirt waves his left hand and the dust forms the skull again. Pirt claps his hands and focuses, and slowly you see muscle tendons, veins, arteries, a heart, etc. form.

Jove: Thank you master.

Pirt: I'll be leaving Kotar to you. I shall return in 8 weeks. While I'm gone, give the adversary a hard time. If he isn't dead by then; he will wish to be.

Jove nods in compliance.

Pirt awakes in Loris car. To see her knocking on the glass, Pirt gets out of the car.

Pirt: Everything done?

Lori: You just have to sign this.

Pirt: Okay.

Pirt signs the paper. Dealer hands Pirt key to his new Magma Red Nissan 370z coupe. Pirt opens door, sits in the Nismo Black and Red Cloth driver seat. Starts the car and leaves the dealership. Pirt calls Julia. Julia is taking nap. She awakes and sees Jacob on her screen, she hesitates to answer. But she does.

Julia: Hello.

Pirt: Hey, what are you doing right now?

Julia: I was taking a nap. Why, what's up?

Pirt: I was wondering if you wanted something to eat.

A moment of silence falls.

Julia: Okay. Give me 30 minutes to get ready.

Pirt: I'll be outside, in a red Nissan.

Julia: Red? Somebody's changed.

Pirt: Or returned to form.

Pirt arrives at Julia's house. She sees him and walks over. He unlocks the car, she gets in.

Julia: So where are we going?

Pirt: I don't even know.

Julia: Are you kidding?

Pirt: No, I just wanted to see you.

Julia tries to hide a smile.

Julia: Yeah, it's good to see you. It's been a while.

Pirt: Yeah, I haven't seen you since we "broke up".

Pirt starts the car. And starts driving, Julia hooks up her phone up to the aux cord. Kid Cudi "My World" comes on, Pirt smiles. Julia notices Pirt smile.

Julia: When's the last time you smiled like that?

Pirt: Last time I smiled like this. I believe I was watching some movie with you.

Julia: You don't remember the movie?

Pirt: Honestly, I do. I just hate that you said I was Max.

Julia: You remember what you replied to that with?

Pirt: That whoever you get with would be Damien.

They laugh, Pirt continues driving seemingly aimlessly.

Julia: So where are going to eat at?

Pirt: How do you feel about Thai and sushi?

Julia: You know I love both.

Pirt: I know a guy that owns a place that serves both really well.

Julia: What made you call me?

Pirt: I realized I need you, if I am to be the man I want to be.

Julia: How so?

Pirt: If I am to conquer my demons, I need you to be there with me. Even if only as a friend, you're one of the most important people to me Julia.

Pirt parks the car.

Pirt: I'll get your door.

Pirt gets out of the car and opens the door for Julia. He holds her hand as she gets out, and as they walk into the restaurant.

Julia: What's your plan?

Pirt: For what?

Host: Table for two?

Pirt: Yes.

Host grabs two menus and walks them to the table. No one was in the restaurant. The host sets the menus on the table and leaves. Julia and Trip sit down and start looking through the menu.

Julia: What's your next move?

Pirt: Well this next collection will be Baroque. It will be a grandiose display of my talent. Everything that got me here will be pushed further.

Julia: You have anything I can see?

Pirt: You can see anything I call mine.

Julia and Pirt stare into each other's eyes. The waiter arrives.

Waiter: Hello, what can I get you to drink?

Trip: I'll have a coke.

Julia: Water with a lemon slice.

Waiter: Okay. Are either ready to order?

Pirt: She'll get the spider roll and chicken pad Thai.

Waiter: the soup or salad?

Pirt: she'll have the salad.

Waiter: And yourself sir?

Pirt: Spider roll, Shrimp Lo Mein, and salad.

Waiter: Okay.

Waiter leaves them. Julia looks at Pirt slightly agitated.

Julia: What if I wasn't in the mood for that?

Pirt: There are too many ifs in that sentence for me to concern myself with the question.

Julia: So, what if I didn't want that?

Pirt: But you do.

Julia: That's not the point. The point is…

Pirt: The point is I remember how you eat. I also remember how you like to sleep. Songs that make you cry. Well, at least that's my point. But what were you saying?

Julia: What are you trying to do Trip?

Pirt: I'm not Trip. Julia, I'm Jacob.

The waiter arrives with the salads. Julia just looks at Pirt with a face that says she's in deep thought.

Pirt: I know what you're thinking. "All that time you spent into getting me to call you trip, and now you want me to call you Jacob." It's not like you have me saved in your phone as Trip.

Julia: That's not what I was thinking.

Pirt: So what were you thinking?

Julia starts eating her salad. Pirt smirks and starts eating his salad. While Pirt was still chewing his second fork of salad.

Julia: What's been going through your mind lately, you seem a little off.

Pirt: Honestly, just how I've been bullshiting. I've bullshited on my art, on the business, on my health, and most of all on you. Julia you are my muse. I let mistakes of the past get in the way.

Julia: What makes you think me having a relationship while we were apart was a mistake?

Pirt: You're here right now with me, knowing how I feel about you.

Julia: But, I'm here as a friend.

Pirt: Then you're wasting both of our time.

Julia: How am I wasting our time?

Pirt: I don't want you around me if that's all you're trying to be.

Julia: Well, I don't know what to tell you.

Pirt: tell me you only want to be friends. So I know not to bother you anymore.

Julia returns to eating her salad, as does Pirt. The waiter arrives with the food. The waiter sets a plate of spider roll in front each of them.

Waiter: Who got the chicken?

Julia: I did.

The waiter sets the Chicken Pad Thai in front of Julia. Then, he sets the shrimp Lo Mein in front of Pirt. Julia starts eating. Pirt starts to eat. After eating a good portion of her Chicken Pad Thai, and a piece of her spider roll, Julia looks at Pirt eating his Shrimp Lo Mein.

Pirt: I'll never forgive you Julia for making me love life.

Julia: If I'm why you do that, then you are wasting your time.

Pirt: I guess so.

Pirt gets up, throws $50 on the table and leaves. Pirt goes to his car. Before he can open the door Julia comes up behind and kisses him.

Pirt: I knew you still loved me.

Julia: Or do I just feel sorry for you?

Pirt: Don't ruin this moment. The old French man in my mind feels a bit of youth in this moment.

Julia smiles, Pirt kisses her. After a heated minute of kissing they get into the car.

Pirt: Your house or mine?

Julia: Yours. I'd like to see where you are living these days.

Pirt and Julia hold hands as he drives to his house. Once Pirt parks the car and they enter his house the kissing begins again. Pirt takes off Julia's pants when they enter his bedroom. Pirt thinks to himself "thank god Lori isn't here". Pirt takes off his shirt, then Julia's. Pirt grabs her breast.

Julia: You know I love you. Why do you always act like I don't?

Pirt: I'm a fool, and you love me for it.

Pirt and Julia have sex. Afterwards, Julia has a cigarette; she and Pirt take turns hitting it.

Julia: I missed these moments with you.

Pirt: As did I pretty lady; as did I.

Pirt and Julia finish the cigarette. They cuddle and go to sleep.

Pirt finds himself in Kotar watching Jove take on MDH and Trip. Pirt remains hidden for adjusting the landscape as to help Jove.

MDH: Trip, Pirt must be somewhere around here.

Trip: I got it.

Trip disappears, and before Pirt can teleport away Trip grabs his shoulder. Pirt smacks it off him. After a little bit of a fight that steadily sped up to ridiculous speeds, Pirt jumps away from Trip.

Pirt: So you're being to learn what we can do.

Trip: I'm not going to waste time talking to you. I'm getting back to reality.

Pirt: Why?

Trip dashes at Pirt, Pirt raises a skyscraper out of the ground and jumps on top of it. Trip starts running up it. When Trip got half way up, Pirt makes the floor Trip reach explode. Trip flips and jumps from piece to piece. Pirt teleports from the top behind Trip and slams him to the ground. Meanwhile, Jove and MDH perform a bit of bullet ballet. Jove was slinging twin Heckler & Koch MP5 and MDH had twin Benelli CB M2. Once they both finally have a clean shot they are out of ammo. MDH pulls out a machete and Jove a katana. Jove slash, MDH blocks.

Jove: Just give up. Pirt and I have already won the war.

MDH: You arrogant son of a bitch. You two will die. Trip and I shall return to power over Kotar.

MDH pushes Jove away. Then MDH jumps at Jove slashing down at him. Jove blocks but is knocked to the ground.

Jove: You've killed me before, but I came back. Long as Pirt survives then you shall lose.

MDH: Words of a man ready to die.

Jove: You forget brother. We are not men. We are simply the shadows of them.

Jove kicks MDH off of him and begins his assault.

Trip is being beat to a pulp by Pirt. Pirt stands up and Trip coughs up blood, fighting his want to surrender and tries to stand.

Pirt: Don't bother Trip. I've won, not simply this fight, but in life. I've regained Julia. I've put Lori in her place. I will increment Emma as a love interest. After that, I will prove I am a superior artist then you. Trip just give up, fighting me is like fighting yourself. Both are an impossible victory to achieve.

Trip staggers as he rises up to his feet. Trip raises his fist, and spits out a bit of blood.

Trip: Terry has wiped my ass worse than that.

Pirt: You really believe you can win this don't you?

Jove cuts MDHs left arm off. MDH stabs Jove in the eye with one of his horns and throws him into the air. MDH then jumps up to Jove stabbing him in the neck with his machete.

MDH: Now for the twist.

MDH twist the blade and removes Joves head. Joves body grabs MDH and explodes. Jove smiles as he watches the explosion. Joves head explodes when it hits the ground.

Pirt kicks Trip in the side of his chest. Trip punches Pirt in the face. Pirt returns with an uppercut. Trip goes flying up, backflips and kicks Pirt in the face. Pirt does a backwards somersault and returns to his stance. Trip charges him. Pirt summons a spike out of the ground; it pierces Trip in the chest.

Pirt: I told you that you can't win.

Pirt awakes seeing Julia was still asleep. Looks at the clock it was seven thirty. Pirt gets out of bed and calls Vaan.

Pirt: Ready for a night on the town?

Vaan: Yeah, where you trying to meet?

Pirt: Meet me at Terry's house.

Vaan: Wow. Never thought I hear that anytime soon.

Pirt: Let's meet there around nine. I need to get ready.

Vaan: Alright nine see you then.

Pirt sets his phone on the night stand. He goes to the bathroom and starts taking a shower. Half way through Julia enters and they have sex; all the while feeding the images to Trip.

Pirt: You see this Trip? I know you do. Wish you were doing this don't you buddy. Don't you just wish it were you making Julia moan, scratch your back, and gasp for air like this? I know you do. I know it must hurt watching this POV of me being who she finds pleasure with.

Pirt hears Trip yell in agony.

Pirt: Julia, you have made my day. Can I see you tomorrow?

Julia: Everything in moderation.

Pirt: Alright, how about the day after tomorrow?

Julia: Neither of those days is promised Jacob.

Pirt: Then promise me that you'll try.

Julia: You know I'm not good with promises.

Pirt: Well then, don't leave until the sun rises.

Julia: Will you be back before then?

Pirt: If you're here I will be.

Pirt and Julia share the shower. Pirt gets out and gets dressed. Pirt puts on black jeans, a white button up a black blazer and a red tie. Kisses Julia and leaves for his car. He starts it and puts on Sympathy of the Devil by the rolling stones. Driving to Terry's house Pirt thinks about the last time he, Trip, saw Terry. It was after Trip became a slight success in the art world and was commissioned to design some costumes for Arjuna, a sci-fi film based on the Bhagavad-Gita. Terry is his little brother. They were in Trip's black Nissan; getting ready to leave for the office. Trip gives Terry an Oxycontin 30. After they both pop one, they start smoking two blunts.

Trip: Can you believe it Terry?

Terry: Yeah, and no. I mean I knew one day, but not so soon.

Trip: Don't worry Terry. I won't forget to get put you on. Just give me a little bit of time. I need to solidify my spot.

Terry: Long as we're brothers I'm not worried about shit. I know you're going to look out for me.

Trip: You ready for the world?

Terry: The question is, is it ready for us?

Trip: Hope I don't speak before I get there.

Terry: We've done this with less to do you can handle this.

Trip starts the car; once they got on the freeway they open the windows letting the smoke fly out. A police officer sees this and pulls them over. Terry put the ounce of pre rolled blunts under the seat.

Trip: Hello officer what is the problem?

Officer: I smell marijuana; do you have any on you at the moment?

Trip: No sir.

Officer: Well, by law I have probable cause, I saw a bunch of smoke leave your car, and I smell marijuana.

Terry: I smoked a blunt earlier sir!

Officer: Get out of the car.

Terry gets out of the car. The officer pats him down and doesn't find anything.

Officer: So you're clean. You can get on. But don't let me find out otherwise.

Terry gets in the car. Trip starts the car and pulls off.

Trip: Where did you put the weed?

Terry: Under the seat.

Trip: What if he had searched the car?

Terry: Don't worry it was in the little pocket I made.

Trip: Well then good job.

Pirt arrives at Terry's house.

Pirt: I hope this day doesn't end like that day did.

Pirt walks up to the front door and calls Terry.

Pirt: It's your older brother answer your door.

Terry opens the door, holding a bottle of Jameson, smoking a blunt, and licking some powder off his thumb.

Terry: It's been a while brother. What do I owe this visit too?

Pirt: You're my brother, so you owe it to genetics.

Terry: if I don't recall only half.

Pirt: I was mad and drugged out then.

Terry: Are you saying you're clean now?

Pirt: No, I'm saying I've been sober.

Terry: So you've been clean. What's that like?

Pirt: It's like taking a pain pill when you actually are in pain; useful.

Terry: You never were good at analogues when you're sober. But why come here if you're living like that?

Pirt: I want to help Vaan get over Farrah.

Meanwhile, Vaan is leaving his house when he sees Farrah sitting on his Jeep.

Vaan: I'm on my way out. What do you want?

Farrah: I want you.

Vaan: I want you to stop talking to other men.

Farrah: I’m not.

Vaan: Well,

MDH and Trip are walking on water smoking blunts.

MDH: So do you understand what you are here?

Trip: I’m a God.

MDH: Close. You’re more of a demi-god.

Trip: What do you mean?

MDH: You are a key.

Trip: A key to what?

MDH: Before you ever saw the light of the Earth. Jacob, the real God of Kotar, fought the seven warlords, defeated them at the cost of returning to earth. So he created you and Pirt.

Trip: So I’m not even the real me?

MDH: You are what God made you to be.

Trip”: What is that?

MDH: I’m guessing his innocence. If you noticed Pirt isn’t evil, he is just realistic.

Trip: So why are we at war?

MDH: Realist has been at war with idealist since time and memorial.

Trip: So what am to do with this?

MDH: Make it back to Earth; and leave a pyramid.

Farrah and Julia are in a hookah bar.

Farrah: Why do we love such dumbasses?

Julia: The same reason they feel like they love bitches.

Pirt, Vaan, Terry, Jotnar, Ras and Donald are in a strip club.

Terry: I’m about to talk to Cristal.

Jotnar: She got a friend?

Ras: They are strippers. Only friends they got Drake and money.

Vaan: Why you so hard on strippers?

Donald: Cause they done my man dirty

Pirt: He can’t be mad, he did her the same. Ras how you read full metal alchemist and not expect equivalent exchange?

Ras: I know the truth of the philosopher stone.

Jotnar: You niggas and anime.

Farrah and Julia are now sitting at the bar.

Farrah: So what exactly is up with you and Trip?

Julia: I would be with him if he would get himself together.

Farrah: How so?

Julia: If he didn’t run to drugs and alcohol to give over shit.

Farrah: So what are we doing here?

Vaan is getting a private dance.

Vaan: What’s your name?

Stripper: Ferrari.

Vaan”: Why do they call you that?

Stripper: I can twerk fast and look good standing still.

Vaan: They got one thing right.

Ferrari: What?

Vaan: You look good standing still.

Farrah and Julia take shots of some white liquor.

Farrah: What do you think the boys are doing right now?

Julia: Probably getting drunk at a strip club.

Farrah: Vaan hates clubs.

Julia: But he likes nude women.

Farrah: You have a point.

Trip is walking by himself smoking a cigarette, and Pirt leaves the strip club. Pirt gets into his Nissan. Trip begins to fly. Pirt sees a pack of cigarettes in the passage seat.

Pirt: Thank you Vaan.

Pirt lights one, and wines down the window.

Trip, floats above the clouds and looks to the stars in space, because he can fly off into space MDH grabs his ankle.

MDH: That’s something you don’t want to do.

Trip: Why, that’s the subconscious part of the mind. The home of dreams; you’ll lose yourself in there.

Trip: How do you know that?

MDH: It’s where I go when I die.

Trip: You can die?

MDH: Everything has an end Trip, everything.

Pirt parks the car in the drive way and goes into the house. When he gets in there Loris walking around the house in a white t-shirt and underwear, he walks past her and goes into the studio and starts finishing some pieces. Lori walks into the room.

Lori: How long you plan on working?

Pirt: All night.

Lori: You can’t do this in the morning?

Pirt: No, but I can do you in the morning.

Lori: That’s not what I was asking. I just thought you would be tired,

Pirt: Really?

Lori: Fuck you Jacob. You are probably the worst decision I made when it came to loving someone.

Pirt: Is this your two-weeks’ notice?

Lori: In a way.

Pirt: Well, if that’s all then, can you please get the FUCK out of my studio Lori?

Lori storms out. While working on some sculptures, painting over some pieces by Trip, Pirt projected Jove into the studio.

Jove: Do you think you’ll survive Jacobs return from space?

Pirt: When he see how much I make at this up and coming art exhibit, he’ll kill himself for creating Trip.

Jove: Looks like the next time you go to sleep Trip will be the one waking up in reality.

Pirt: Why do you say that?

Jove: He’s looked at space without fear. The only thing that stopped him from going was MDH’s fear.

Pirt lights a cigarette. Jove looks at him confused.

Jove: You smoke now?

Pirt: Why not?

Jove: You’re beginning to sound like Trip.

Pirt: Go back to Kotar you blackguard of conscious.

Jove: I am what you made me.

Jove fades away in a cloud of cigarette smoke, as Pirt returns to working on the pieces.

Pirt drafts moments in Kotar on top of Trips landscape pieces and monogram designs on 80’ inch square canvases with charcoal. Then, smearing the charcoal into the piece, so he can spray paint it. Pirt does this; he looks at the missed calls, and notifications, on his phone. Lights another cigarette and continues working. After a solid hour of working, Pirt walks into the kitchen to make some coffee in the kitchen.

Meanwhile, Trip is sparring with MDH, smoking. After some hand to hand bouts, Trip makes a sword. MDH follows with a staff. Mid-battle Trip does a spirit gun from the tip of his sword. MDH dodges it and gives the sign of time out.


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