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First Grade Harcourt Journeys Scope and SequenceWeekTopicEssential QuestionSkill/StrategyAnchor Text/GenrePaired Selection/GenrePhonics skillsVocabularyStrategySpellingWritingGrammarRead Aloud Ideas1Friend-shipWhat is important about being a friend?Main Idea/SummarizeWhat is a Pal?/InformationalFriends Forever/ Poetryintitial sounds, short a, consonants n & dClassify and Categorizeshort a wordsNarrative Writing: LabelsFocus Trait: IdeasNouns2WeatherWhat happens during a storm?Understand Characters/ Infer and PredictThe StormStormsshort vowels final sounds, ck diagraph,Context Cluesshort I wordsNarrativeWriting:CaptionsFocus Trait: IdeasPossessives3SchoolWhy is going to school important?Sequence of Events/ Monitor and ClarifyCurious George at SchoolSchools Long Agoshort o, consonant l, x, plural with sMultiple meaning wordsshort o wordsNarrative Writing: SentencesFocus Trait: Word ChoiceAction Verbs4Neigh-bor- hoodsWho can you meet in a neighbor-hood?Text and Graphic Features/QuestionLucia's NeighborhoodCity Mouse, County Mouseshort e, consonants y,w,k,v,jAlphabetical ordershort e wordsNarrative Writing: Class StoryFocus Trait: Word ChoiceAdjectives5Recreationand TravelWhat happens on the train?Story Structure/Analyze/EvaluateGus Takes a TrainCity Zoofinal sounds, short u, consonants, qu, zSynonymsshort u wordsNarrative Writing: Class StoryFocus Trait: IdeasAdjectivesWeekTopicEssential QuestionSkill/StrategyAnchor Text/GenrePaired Selection/GenrePhonics skillsVocabularyStrategySpellingWritingGrammarRead Aloud Ideas6TalesWhat lessons can you learn from story characters?Understanding Characters/To SummarizeJack and the BeanstalkThree Pigsshort a, phonogram ack, double final consonants and ckShades of meaningshort a wordsInformative Writing : SentencesFocus Trait: IdeasComplete Sentences7Animal CommunitiesHow do animals communicate?Main Idea and Details/Infer and PredictHow Animals CommunicateInsect Messageshort I, blends with r, phonogram ipUsing a glossaryshort I wordsInformative Writing: PoetryFocus Trait: Word ChoiceCommas in a Series8MusicHow is music part of your everyday life?Sequence of Events/Analyze and EvaluateA Musical DayDrumsphonogram ock, short o, l blendsDefine wordsshort o wordsInformative Writing: Thank You NotesFocus Trait: Word ChoiceStatements9Dr.SeussWhat makes a story or poem funny?Text and Graphic Features/QuestionDr. Seuss2 Dr. Seuss poemsshort e, blends with s (sl, st)Antonymsshort e wordsInformative Writing: DescriptionFocus Trait: IdeasSingular and Plural Nouns10FeelingsHow can you show a friend that you care about him or her?Story Structure/VisualizeA Cupcake PartyHappy Timesshort u and medial and final blendsSynonymsshort u wordsInformative Writing: DescriptionFocus Trait: OrganizationUsing a, an, and theWeekTopicEssential QuestionSkill/StrategyAnchor Text/GenrePaired Selection/GenrePhonics skillsVocabularyStrategySpellingWritingGrammarRead Aloud Ideas11Marine HabitatsWhat kinds of plants and animals would you find in the ocean?Author’s Purpose/Analyze/EvaluateAt Home in the OceanWaterth diagraph, base words with s, es, ed, ingClassify and categorize wordswords with thInformative Writing: SentencesFocus Trait:Sentence FluencyProper Nouns12Jungle animalsHow are jungle animals different from animals on a farm?Sequence of Events/QuestionHow the Leopard got it's SpotsRain Forestch, tch diagraph, possessives 's, atchHomophoneswords with ch and tchInformative Writing: InstructionsFocus Trait:Sentence FluencyCommands13SeasonsWhat changes do the different seasons cause?Cause and Effect/VisualizeSeasonsFour Seasons for Animalsdiagraphs sh, ph, wh and contractionsWords ending in-ed, -ing, -swords with sh, ph, whInformative Writing: SentencesFocus Trait: IdeasSubject and Verbs14Citizen-shipWhy is it important to have rules?Conclusions/Infer/PredictThe Big RaceRules and LawsCVCe, long a, phonogram ace, soft c,g,dgeShades of meaningwords with long aInformative Writing: ReportFocus Trait: IdeasVerbs and Time15Animal groupsWhat makes birds different from mammals?Compare and Contrast/Monitor/ClarifyAnimal GroupsAnimal Picniclong I, CVCe, diagraph kn, wr, gnSuffixes-er, -estwords with long iInformative Writing: ReportFocus Trait: Word ChoiceThe Verb beWeekTopicEssential QuestionSkill/StrategyAnchor Text/GenrePaired Selection/GenrePhonics skillsVocabulary StrategySpellingWritingGrammarRead Aloud Ideas16MoonWhat do astronauts do?Main Idea and Details/QuestionLet's go to the MoonMae Jemisonlong o & u , open syllable CVSuffixes-y, -fulwords with long oNarrative Writing: SentencesFocus Trait: IdeasQuestions17Ways to TravelWhat are some different ways to travel?Compare and Contrast/VisualizeThe Big TripLewis and Clarklong e, CV and CVCe words, vowel teams ee, eaDefine wordswords with long eNarrative Writing: Sentences About YourselfFocus Trait: IdeasCompound Sentences18Agri-cultureWhat do farmers need to grow food?Author’s Purpose/SummarizeWhere does Food comeJack and the Beanstalkvowel teams ai,ay phonograms ain, ayMultiple meaning wordsvowel teams ai, ayNarrative Writing: Friendly LetterFocus Trait: Sentence FluencyNames of Months, Days, Holidays19HistoryWhy is it important to learn about people from the past?Sequence of Events/Monitor/ClarifyTomas' RiveraLife Then and Nowoa and ow vowel teams, phonograms ow, oatSynonymsvowel teams oa, owNarrative Writing: Personal NarrativeFocus Trait: OrganizationFuture Tenses20FeelingsHow can you help a friend who feels sad?Cause and Effect/Infer/PredictLittle Rabbit's TaleSilly PoemsSyllable combine and segmentCompound wordscompound wordsNarrative Writing: Personal NarrativeFocus Trait: Word ChoicePrepositions and Prepositional PhrasesWeekTopicEssential QuestionSkill/StrategyAnchor Text/GenrePaired Selection/GenrePhonics skillsVocabularyStrategySpellingWritingGrammarRead Aloud Ideas21GardensWhat grows in a garden?Story Structure/Analyze/EvaluateThe GardenGarden Good Guyssyllables, substitute vowel soundsPrefixre-r controlled vowel arNarrative Writing:Story SentencesFocus Trait: VoiceSubject/Pronouns22AnimalsWhy do some animals have spots or stripes?Conclusions/VisualizeAmazing AnimalsUgly Ducklingsubstitute vowel sounds, syllable segment & blendUsing a dictionary entryr controlled vowels ir, er, urNarrative Writing: Story SentencesFocus Trait: Word ChoiceThe Pronouns I and me23PetsHow can you take good care of a pet?Cause and Effect/Monitor/ClarifyWhistle for WillyPet Poemssubstitute vowel sounds and segment syllablesDefine wordsvowel diagraph ooNarrative Writing: Story SummaryFocus Trait: OrganizationPossessive Pronouns24Life CyclesWhat happens to a tree as it grows?Sequence of Events/QuestionA Tree is a PlantGrow Apples Growsubstitute vowel sounds and segment syllablesMultiple meaning wordsoo, ou, ew vowel diagraphNarrative Writing: StoryFocus Trait: IdeasIndefinite Pronouns25Our CountryWhat can you learn from someone who is from another country?Understanding Characters/SummarizeA New FriendSymbols of our Countrysubstitute vowel sounds and segment syllablesSynonyms with introduction to thesaurusvowel teams ou, owNarrative Writing: StoryFocus Trait:Sentence FluencyContractionsWeekTopicEssential QuestionSkill/StrategyAnchor Text/GenrePaired Selection/GenrePhonics skillsVocabularyStrategySpellingWritingGrammarRead Aloud Ideas26Visual ArtsWhat are some different ways to make art?Compare and Contrast/Monitor/ClarifyThe DotArtist's Create Artlong e spelling patterns y,ie and word endings ed, ingFigurative language (idioms)word endings ed, ingOpinion Writing: Opinion SentencesFocus Trait: VoiceExclamations27Trying HardWhy is it important to try your best?Author’s Purpose/Analyze/EvaluateWhat Can You Do?The Wind and The Sunsegment & identifly syllables, adding er and estClassify and categorize emotion wordsword endings er, estOpinion Writing:Opinion SentencesFocus Trait: Sentence FluencyKinds of Sentences28WeatherHow can weather change your day?Story Structure/Infer/PredictThe KiteMeasuring Weathersegment & delete syllables, long I spelling patternsHomographslong I (igh, y, ie)Opinion Writing: Opinion SentencesFocus Trait: Word ChoiceAdjectives29InsectsHow can insects be helpful?Understanding Characters/VisualizeHi Fly GuyBusy Bugslong vowels, suffixs ful,ly,y and syllablesPrefixun-suffixs ful, ly, yOpinion Writing: Opinion ParagraphFocus Trait: IdeasAdverbs30Team-workWhy is teamwork important in school or sports?Main Ideas and Details/SummarizeWinner Never QuitBe a Team Playersegment syllables, prefixes un and reSuffix-lysyllable pattern CVOpinion Writing:Opinion ParagraphFocus Trait:OrganizationAdjectives That Compare ................

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