Directions for Obtaining your National Student Loan Data ...

Directions for Obtaining your

National Student Loan Data System Report

As of October 15, 2018 the NSLDS report access system was changed. You will need to Log onto the Federal Student Loan website: Use your User Name or Verified E-mail address and a Password.

1. If you have already set up your access with your User Name or Verified E and Password, simply log on and follow the instructions below.

2. If you have not set up your access, then click on the "Create an FSA ID" tab and follow all the steps to create your FSA ID. a. You will get an e-mail asking you to verify your e-mail address b. You will hear back from FSA once they verify your information with the Social Security Office. This should take a day or two. c. Once everything is verified, follow the directions below.

The starting point to begin an analysis of any Student Loan issue is to obtain any and all information that the U.S. Department of Education has regarding all Federal Student loans that pertain to you. This report will provide vital information regarding what type of Federal Loans you have obtained, the status of those loans, who the current servicer of those loans are, and who the lenders are.

From this website, Attorney D.J. Rausa will need two things.

1) The summary of all your loans will be the first page you see. 2) The detail report on all your loans.

The number of each loan will be listed on the left hand side of the summary page. The numbers are hyperlinks to all the details of each of your loans. Simply click on the number and the details of the loan will be the next screen. I will need all pages for each of these individual loans.

In the center of each page, there will be a Download button. DO NOT DOWNLOAD unless you want 75 pages of information in a txt format, which is useless for the most part.

Simply Print/save as a PDF, of all pages. This is what is needed to review and it will be used to discuss and evaluate your circumstances.

We look forward to reviewing this report with you and assisting you with the management of your Student Loan debt.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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