APS – American Physical SocietyDescripción de Contenidos de JournalsPhysical Review Letters Review Letters (PRL) is APS’s flagship journal and the most highly cited journal in physics. PRL publishes short reports of significant and notable results in the full arc of fundamental and interdisciplinary physics research.A Letter satisfies at least one of the following criteria:? Substantially advances a particular field? Opens a significant new area of research? Solves a critical outstanding problem, or makes a significant step toward solving such a problem? Is of great general interest, based, for example, on scientific aestheticsJournal MetricsThe total number of citations to PRL articles in 2015 was 394,146. This works out to roughly one citation every eighty seconds.PRL's 2015 impact factor is 7.645, according to the 2015 Journal Citation Reports Science Edition (Thomson Reuters, 2016). The 2015 impact factor represents the average number of citations received in 2015 for papers published in 2014 and 2013. A more detailed explanation of impact factors can be found on the Thomson Reuters web site. The 2015 5-year impact factor, the average number of times articles published in 2010-2014 have been cited in 2015, is 7.326, and the cited half-life, the median age of articles cited in 2015, is 9.4 years. PRL's 2015 immediacy index, the average number of citations in 2015 to papers published in that year, was 2.212.PRL is ranked first among physics and mathematics journals by Google Scholar using their five-year h-index metrics, and first among physics journals with an Eigenfactor of 0.820280.The number of articles published in PRL in 2015 was 2,544, with a total of 13,486 pages. The current projections for 2016 are 2,350 articles and 12,100 pages.ISSN and Article NumbersThe international standard serial numbers (ISSN) for Physical Review Letters are 0031-9007 (print), 1079-7114 (online), 1092-0145 (CD-Rom).PRL is published electronically one article at a time within weekly issues. Articles are identified by volume number and a six-digit article number (instead of volume and page number), for example, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 015702 (2001). This format allows articles to be fully citable as soon as they are published electronically, while maintaining the same identifier for both the electronic and print version. More information.Resumen IMPACT AND IMMEDIACYDATA (2015)Impact Factor: 7.645Immediacy Index: 2.2122017 PUBLICATIONPROJECTIONSNumber of articles: 2,515Number of pages: 13,3302017 PUBLICATIONFREQUENCYVolumes 118, 119 (52 issues)ISSN0031-9007 (print)1079-7114 (online)1092-0145 (CD-ROM)Physical Review X Review X (PRX) is a highly selective, online-only, fully open access journal that publishes a limited number of key papers from all areas of pure, applied, and interdisciplinary physics that merit broad dissemination and high visibility. PRX’smission is to disseminate innovative and impactful research advances to the broad science and engineering communities.Features:? Science-based stringent selection of KEY papers? Small volume, high visibility, broad dissemination? Particular attention to innovative cross-topic, cross-field, and cross-disciplinary research of wide impact? Personalized and efficient editorial/review process? Flexible article length? Popular summaries for a broad readership? Global free access supported by its open access publishing modelJournal MetricsImpact Factor: 8.701 Impact Factor Without Self-cites: 8.5135-Year Impact Factor: 8.709Total Cites: 4,168 Immediacy Index: 3.146 Eigenfactor? Score: 0.033070 Article Influence? Score: 5.2492015 Number of Published Articles: 1732015 Number of Published Pages: 2257Reviews of Modern Physics of Modern Physics (RMP) serves students and established researchers in physics and related fields. RMP brings the broad fundamental physics literature in established topical areas together and places it within the context of current trends in research and applications.Review articles offer:? In-depth treatment of a research area? Surveys of recent work? Introductions of topics aimed at graduate students and nonspecialistsShorter Colloquia describe recent work of interest to all, especially work at the frontiers of physics, which may impact several different subfields.Journal MetricsImpact Factor: 33.177 Impact Factor Without Self-cites: 32,962 5-Year Impact Factor: 46.681 Total Cites: 41,133 Immediacy Index: 6.474 Citable Items: 38 Cited Half-life: >10.0 Citing Half-life: 9.1 Eigenfactor? Score: 0.097350 Article Influence? Score: 27.008 2015 Number of Published Articles: 38 2015 Number of Published Pages: 1,498 2016 Projected Number of Articles: 35 2016 Projected Number of Pages: 1,8902016 Publication FrequencyVolume 88 (4 issues)Physical Review Acovering atomic, molecular, and optical physics and quantum information Review A (PRA) provides a dependable resource of worldwide developments in the rapidly evolving area of atomic, molecular, and optical physics and quantum information.Subject areas cover:? Fundamental Concepts? Quantum Information? Atomic and Molecular Structure and Dynamics? Atomic and Molecular Collisions and Interactions? Atomic and Molecular Processes in External Fields? Matter Waves? Optics, both Quantum and ClassicalJournal MetricsImpact Factor: 2.765 Impact Factor Without Self-cites: 1.866 5-Year Impact Factor: 2.598 Total Cites: 100,954 Immediacy Index: 0.752 Citable Items: 2,545 Cited Half-life: 8.8 Citing Half-life: 7.9 Eigenfactor? Score: 0.187400 Article Influence? Score: 0.898 2015 Number of Published Articles: 2,569 2015 Number of Published Pages: 21,982 2016 Projected Number of Articles: 2,540 2016 Projected Number of Pages: 21,1252016 Publication FrequencyVolumes 93, 94 (12 issues)Physical Review Bcovering condensed matter and materials physics Review B (PRB) is the largest and most comprehensive international journal specializing in condensed matter and materials physics. PRB is ranked number one in total citations in condensed matter physics.Subject areas cover:? Multiferroics? Magnetism? Alloys? Phase Transitions? Structure? Superconductivity? Superfluidity? Electronic Structure? Topological Insulators? Graphene? Mesoscopic Systems? Nanoscience? Photonics and Plasmonics? Semiconductors? Surfaces? Other Condensed Matter FieldsJournal MetricsImpact Factor: 3.718 Impact Factor Without Self-cites: 2.492 5-Year Impact Factor: 3.513 Total Cites: 324,948 Immediacy Index: 0.971 Citable Items: 4,892 Cited Half-life: >10.0 Citing Half-life: 7.7 Eigenfactor? Score: 0.510360 Article Influence? Score: 1.229 2015 Number of Published Articles: 4,897 2015 Number of Published Pages: 42,653 2016 Projected Number of Articles: 3,870 2016 Projected Number of Pages: 26,6502016 Publication FrequencyVolumes 93, 94 (48 issues)Physical Review Ccovering nuclear physics Review C (PRC) publishes leading research articles that report experimental and theoretical results in all aspects of nuclear physics. PRC publishes approximately 75% of all the nuclear research found in peer-reviewed, international, archival journals.Subject areas cover:? Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction? Few-Body Systems? Nuclear Structure? Nuclear Reactions? Relativistic Nuclear Collisions? Hadronic Physics and QCD? Electroweak Interactions? Symmetries? Nuclear AstrophysicsJournal MetricsImpact Factor: 3.146 Impact Factor Without Self-cites: 1.859 5-Year Impact Factor: 3.057 Total Cites: 41,426 Immediacy Index: 0.753 Citable Items: 1,067 Cited Half-life: 7.5 Citing Half-life: >10.0 Eigenfactor? Score: 0.064440 Article Influence? Score: 0.789 2015 Number of Published Articles: 1,071 2015 Number of Published Pages: 10,294 2016 Projected Number of Articles: 1,085 2016 Projected Number of Pages: 10,2202016 Publication FrequencyVolumes 93, 94 (12 issues)Physical Review Dcovering particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology Review D (PRD) publishes leading research in elementary particle physics, field theory, gravitation, and cosmology. Committed to serving the physics community, PRD reviews papers fairly while maintaining its high standards.Subject areas cover:? Experimental High-Energy Physics? Phenomenologically Oriented Theory of Particles and Fields? Cosmic-Ray Physics? Electroweak Interactions? Applications of QCD? Lattice Gauge Theory? General Relativity? Quantum Theory of Gravitation? Cosmology? Particle Astrophysics? Formal Aspects of Theory of Particles and Fields? General and Formal Development in Gauge Field Theories and String TheoriesJournal MetricsImpact Factor: 4.506 impact Factor Without Self-cites: 2.890 5-Year Impact Factor: 3.805 Total Cites: 147,302 Immediacy Index: 1.683 Citable Items: 3,369 Cited Half-life: 6.9 Citing Half-life: 8.0 Eigenfactor? Score: 0.266560 Article Influence? Score: 1.105 2015 Number of Published Articles: 3,382 2015 number of Published Pages: 44,581 2016 Projected Number of Articles: 3,715 2016 Projected Number of Pages: 43,0752016 Publication FrequencyVolumes 93, 94 (24 issues)Physical Review Ecovering statistical, nonlinear, biological, and soft matter physics Review E (PRE), broad and interdisciplinary in scope, focuses on collective phenomena of many-body systems, with statistical, nonlinear, biological, and soft matter physics as its central themes. PRE’s professional and fair editorial processensures consistent quality across all published articles.Subject areas cover:? Statistical Physics? Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos? Networks and Complex Systems? Biological Physics? Polymers? Colloids, Complex Fluids, and Active Matter? Liquid Crystals? Films and Interfaces? Granular Materials? Solid Mechanics? Fluid Dynamics? Plasma Physics? Computational PhysicsJournal MetricsImpact Factor: 2.252 Impact Factor Without Self-cites: 1.738 5-Year Impact Factor: 2.233 Total Cites: 83,841 Immediacy Index: 0.547 Citable Items: 2,466 Cited Half-life: 9.0 Citing Half-life: >10.0 Eigenfactor? Score: 0.152580 Article Influence? Score: 0.828 2015 Number of Published Articles: 2,486 2015 Number of Published Pages: 23,120 2016 Projected Number of Articles: 2,345 2016 Projected Number of Pages: 21,2152016 Publication FrequencyVolumes 93, 94 (12 issues)Physical Review Fluids Fluids (PRFluids) is dedicated to publishing innovative research that will significantly advance the fundamental understanding of fluid dynamics. PRFluidsexpands the scope of the APS journals to include additional areas of fluid dynamics research, complements the existing Physical Review collection, and maintains the same quality and reputation that authors and subscribers expect from APS.Subject areas cover:? Astrophysical flows? Biological fluid dynamics? Flows of complex and non-Newtonian fluids? Compressible, reacting, and non-equilibrium flows? Flow control? Flow instability? Geophysical and geological flows? Hydroacoustics and aeroacoustics? Interfacial flows, droplets? Laminar and viscous flows, flow through porous media? Microscale and nanoscale flows? Multiphase, particulate, and granular flows? Stratified and buoyancy-driven flows? Turbulent flows? Vortex dynamics2017 PUBLICATIONPROJECTIONSNumber of articles: 200Number of pages: 1,8002017 PUBLICATIONFREQUENCYVolume 2 (12 issues)ISSN2469-990X (online)2469-9918 (CD-ROM)CODEN: PRFHBRPhysical Review Applied Review Applied (PRApplied) publishes high-quality papers that bridge the gap between engineering and physics, between industry and academia, and between current and future technologies. PRApplied welcomes studies in conventionalapplied physics, and reaches beyond by inviting papers by physicists working on problems in engineering, and by engineers investigating the physics of their systems. Combining the best in physics with the best in engineering will strengthen both disciplines, provide new insights, foster new approaches, and promote new collaborations.Subject areas cover:? Biophysics, bioengineering, and biomedical materials? Device physics? Energy technology, including renewable energy, storage, and power generation? High-pressure physics and geophysics? Industrial physics? Magnetism and spintronics? Materials science, including alloys, composites, glasses, and polymers? Metamaterials? Microfluidics and complex fluids? Morphogenesis and pattern formation, in nature and in manufactured materials? Nanoscience and nanotechnology? Optics, optoelectronics, photonics, and laser physics? Quantum information processing, both algorithms and hardware? Soft matter physics, including granular and colloidal applications and active matterJournal MetricsImmediacy Index: 0.812Impact Factor: 4.061Impact Factor Without Self-cites: 3.9225-Year Impact Factor: 4.070Total Cites: 634Immediacy Index: 0.812Citable Items: 202Cited Half-life: 1.3Citing Half-life: 6.6Eigenfactor? Score: 0.003580Article Influence? Score: 2.0552015 Number of Published Articles: 202 2015 Number of Published Pages: 18322016 Projected Number of Articles: 2502016 Projected Number of Pages: 2,125Physical Review Accelerators and Beams Review Accelerators and Beams (PRAB) is a peer-reviewed, online-only journal, distributed without charge to readers and funded by contributions from national and international laboratories and other partners.PRAB covers the full range of accelerator science and technology:? Accelerator Applications? Accelerators for High-Energy and Nuclear Physics? Beam Dynamics? Design, Operation, and Improvement of AcceleratorsUsed in Science and Industry? Intense-Beam Applications? Medical Therapy? Spallation Neutron Sources? Subsystem and Component Technologies? Synchrotron-Radiation ProductionJournal MetricsImpact Factor: 1.500 Impact Factor Without Self-cites: 1.106 5-Year Impact Factor: 1.446 Total Cites: 2,621 Immediacy Index: 0.39 Citable Items: 182 Cited Half-life: 5.7 Citing Half-life: 9.4 Eigenfactor? Score: 0.007990 Article Influence? Score: 0.578 2015 Number of Published Articles: 186 2015 Number of Published Pages: 2,108 2016 Projected Number of Articles: 230 2016 Projected Number of Pages: 2,0202016 Publication FrequencyVolume 19 (12 issues)Physical Review Physics Education Research Review Physics Education Research (PRPER) is a peerreviewed, online-only, open access journal covering the full range of experimental and theoretical research related to the teaching and/or learning of physics.Authors may submit:? Review Articles? Replication Studies? Descriptions of the Development and Use of New Assessment Tools? Presentations of Research Techniques and Methodology? Comparisons/CritiquesJournal MetricsImpact Factor: 1.316 Impact Factor Without Self-cites: 0.633 5-Year Impact Factor: 1.479 Total Cites: 564 Immediacy Index: 0.673 Citable Items: 55 Cited Half-life: 4.5 Citing Half-life: >10.0 Eigenfactor? Score: 0.001330 Article Influence? Score: 0.417 2015 Number of Published Articles: 55 2015 Number of Published Pages: 778 2016 Projected Number of Articles: 70 2016 Projected Number of Pages: 8702016 Publication FrequencyVolume 12 (2 issues)Physical Review Online Archive (PROLA) Review Online Archive (PROLA) ensures the immediate and long-term accessibility of journal contentpublished by APS.2017 PROLA, APS-ALL, and PR-ALL package subscribers will receive online access to the complete archive of all publications, including:? Physical Review Series I and II, in their entirety (1893–1969)? Physical Review A–D from 1970–2013? Physical Review E from 1993–2013? Physical Review Letters from 1958–2013? Reviews of Modern Physics from 1929–2013At the end of each calendar year, PROLA adds another year of content.Features:? PROLA and the current (full-text) content is indexed in Google and Google Scholar? All PDFs contained in the scanned portion of PROLA have been refreshed using better compression and adding searchable text ................

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