Athletics, Council on - Minutes – 2013-2014

October 25, 2013

Members Present: Sam Pardue, Jim Mickle, Joel Pawlak, John Griggs, Jason Bocarro, Karen Bullock, Sandy Stallings, Kathy Ziga, Tom Roberts, Susan Moore, Derek Aday, Seth Williams, Daniel Gunter, Dave Ellis,

Members Absent: Roby Sawyers, Paul Williams, Cody Munson, Astra Barnes, Peaches Blank,

Ex-Officio Members Present: Joanne Woodard, Vice Provost for Institutional Equity & Diversity; Mike Poterala, Deputy General Counsel; Lisa Zapata, Acting Executive Director of ASPSA

Ex-Officio Members Absent: Debbie Yow, Director of Athletics;

Coaches Present: Mark Gottfried, Men’s Basketball

Student Athletes Present: Dani Foster

Guests Present: Diane Moose, Sr. Associate Athletic Director / CFO; Michelle Lee, Associate Athletics Director & SWA; Jason Montgomery, Asst. Athletics Director/Compliance,


The Chair, Sam Pardue, called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m.

Minutes Approval

The September 27, 2013 minutes were approved.

Introduction of Coaches

Coach Mark Gottfried brought a report on the status of the men’s basketball program. Coach Gottfried described his team as a likable group of eager young guys, with the potential to be good. He commented that the schedule was pretty aggressive. They were entering Day 19 of the pre-season practice period. A scrimmage with referees was scheduled for the Saturday following the Council meeting. He looked forward to playing two Division 2 teams, Pembroke and Morehouse, to gauge their progress.

One coaching challenge mentioned was dealing with the universal issue of student athletes focusing “one eye on the NBA”. With so much youth, Coach Gottfried looks forward to the opportunity to mold this team into a squad that works well together and plays as a unit. He is pleased by the team’s expressed interest in academics. Should they have the opportunity to leave before their degree, to play professionally, the goal is for them all to leave in good academic standing. At a recent meeting with players and their families, this concept was reinforced. The positive role of the Professional Sports Counseling Panel was noted. Antony Bennett was also announced as the new ASPSA Assistant Director for men’s basketball.

NC State, as do all Division I programs, must deal with the one year residency rule adopted by the NBA. The “one and done” phenomena does create challenges in building continuity.

Coach Gottfried acknowledged that they did not finish as well last year as they hoped. This year’s team’s potential is to be determined, with hopes that they will develop into a NCAA caliber squad.

Council member Sandy Stallings commented that she had met a member of the team and was impressed with this student. John Griggs mentioned the team’s predicted ACC finish of 10th as a possible motivator. Coach Gottfried discussed the new members of the squad, both transfers and incoming freshmen. For the freshmen, they are beginning to grasp the reality of how difficult Division 1 basketball can be. The new teams in the ACC, Syracuse and Pitt, have elevated the overall talent level in the conference. Next year’s arrival of Louisville will result in the best basketball conference in history according to Coach. Finally, he indicated an interest in trying to schedule a game in Madison Square Garden

Student Athlete

Dani Foster represented the rifle team. She had been shooting since childhood. Unfortunately a broken fibula has resulted in a medical “redshirt” this year. A Political Science major interested in Criminal Justice and Forensics; her goal is to pursue a program in International Studies in graduate school. When asked how she ended up at NC State, she indicated that a friend that she shot with in high school had preceded her at the University. A Virginia native, only three hours away from campus, she also had no VA-based teams in rifle to consider.

Last year, the team finished 14th in the country. They were projected to finish 17th this season. However, as of 11/7/13, they were ranked 12th in the country. At present, there is no range here on campus. Ventilation is the most expensive element in range design/construction. Ranges require proper ventilation to remove smoke and lead particles that result from the small bore rifles. Practice for air rifle takes place in basement of Reynolds. A compressed air cylinder propels pellet in an air rifle. Small bore (22 caliber) practice takes place at a public shooting range in the Holly Springs area, approximately twice a week. Clemson is the only other varsity rifle teams in the ACC. As a result, the team is affiliated with the South Eastern Air Rifle Conference (SEARC) and the Great America Rifle Conference (GARC). In the GARC, only Memphis has an on campus range.

For the NCAA championships, only eight teams are invited. Both individuals and teams compete in the NCAA finals. In 2012, Dani became the first individual to qualify for the NCAA Championships since head coach Keith Miller did so in 1984. During a small bore match, shooters have a total two hour shooting period from three positions. From each position: prone, standing and kneeling, 20 shots are taken. In air rifle, 60 shots are taken from a standing position for a possible total score of 600.

Athletic Department Update

Dr. Yow was traveling with the football team to Tallahassee for the FSU game. Diane Moose, Sr. Associate Athletic Director / CFO commented on the state of the Athletic Department’s budget. She noted that two weeks ago they had received a letter from the Knight Commission requesting information regarding the average expenditures per student vs. student athletes. The Commission will create a data base of information from public institutions only. A number of factor that might “skew” that data were mentioned such as differences in in-state and out-of-state tuition among various institutions.

A question was asked whether or not the current eight home football games was a financial “windfall”. Ms. Moose indicated that not as much as might be anticipated. The costs of securing an opponent can be rather high. In a number of ways, moving to nine ACC games within a season would be a better fiscal option.

Compliance Office Update

Jason Montgomery, Asst. Athletics Director for Compliance provided an update on NCAA governance issues. Emerging from the August 2011 Presidential Retreat, working groups were established to consider changes in two major areas: enforcement and rules. A new enforcement model is now in place; while rules legislation is still in development.

During the period following the Presidential Retreat, the traditional legislative model was suspended. Many cited that the previous process suffered from a complicated structure and was rather cumbersome. The concept of whether or not Division I should be all under “one big tent” or fragmented was mentioned. The Division I Board of Directors, chaired by Wake Forest President Nathan Hatch, is charged with creating a more transparent, responsive, participative, and streamlined governance structure.

Rules deregulation is an attempt to “distill down” NCAA regulations to address 3 core principles: Is it nationally significant? Is it enforceable? Does it enhance student athlete success?

Academic Support Program for Student-Athletes

Lisa Zapata Acting Executive Director of ASPSA met with the Council to discuss the search for the ASPSA Executive Director. The search is progressing with phone interviews in early November. It is hoped to have a new Executive Director on campus by January

Dr. Zapata provided the most recent graduation data for student athletes.





Finance, Facilities, & Personnel Paul Williams

No Report

Student-life, Equity, & Sportsmanship John Griggs

Dr. Griggs provided a handout describing the Student Athlete Development activities for September and October. Some events were posted in the September minutes. The second Wolfpack Leadership Academy was held on October 13th in Vaughn Towers. Approximately 60 SA attended. The NCSU SAAC met on October 20th and reviewed Title IX and the Student Athlete Opportunity Fund. A total of 12 teams have signed up for the Adopt a Family for Thanksgiving program. An Etiquette and Networking dinner for SA is also planned for November 17th in Vaughn Towers.

Sherard Clinkscales will attend a meeting on Student Life Indianapolis. Finally, SA have been active in the community. The town of Wendell Parks and Rec Department hosted an event attend by men’s basketball players Ralston Turner and Tyler Lewis. NC State SA also participated in Jeffreys Grove Elementary School’s literacy night.

Compliance Joel Pawlak

The sub-committee considered current Summer School and Financial Aid policies.

Faculty Academic Committee: Roby Sawyers

No Report

Unfinished Business

None noted

New Business

None noted

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3:20     

Respectfully Submitted,

Sam L. Pardue, Chair


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