
10th Grade Course RequestsRequired Courses: Placements in all core courses (English, Math, Science, and Social Science) will be determined based on prior course history, FSA or EOC results, and teacher recommendation. This form is DUE Friday, May 1st. Please complete and email or scan to Mr. Capas at rcapas@fsu.edu.Instructions: Students, please mark the appropriate boxes (?) for the classes you request. Save your form as lastname-firstname-graduation year (smith-john-2023). Email to rcapas@fsu.edu. English4 English credits needed to graduate? English II (prerequisite English I)? English II Pre-AP/Honors (Teacher recommendation/Admin approval)(Students may be placed in Intensive Reading based on academic performance and assessment data.)Social Science3 Social Science credits needed to graduate to include World History, US History, and Government/Economics*Sophomore year is intended to be a social studies elective year. Please choose one.? African–American History? Law Studies/Comparative Politics? Psychology/Sociology? AP Psychology (Admin. placement based on academic performance and assessment data.)? AP Human Geography (Admin. placement based on academic performance and assessment data.)? AP World History (Admin. placement based on academic performance and assessment data.)Mathematics4 Mathematics credits needed to graduate including Algebra I and Geometry? Algebra I (Students who are currently taking Lib. Arts Math 1)? Geometry (prerequisite Algebra I)? Geometry Honors (Teacher recommendation/Admin approval)? Algebra 2 (prerequisite Geometry)? Algebra 2 Honors (prerequisite Geometry)? Math for College Readiness (prerequisite Algebra 2)? AP Statistics (prerequisite: Algebra 2)? Pre-Calculus Honors (prerequisite Algebra 2 Honors)? Mu Alpha Theta (math competition)(elective credit only)(teacher approval)Students who do not pass Algebra 1 will be administratively placed in Liberal Arts Math.Science3 science credits needed to graduate to include Biology. ? Biology I? Biology I Honors (Admin placement based on academic performance and assessment data.)? Chemistry (prerequisite Biology, co-requisite Algebra 2)? Chemistry Honors (prerequisite Biology, co-requisite Algebra 2)? AP Environmental Science (prerequisite Biology)? Agricultural Science (prerequisite Biology)? Anatomy/Physiology Honors (prerequisite Biology)? Forensic Science (prerequisite Biology)? Marine Science (prerequisite Biology)Academic Support ? Learning Strategies/Lab (Admin. approval required) ? Intensive Reading (Administrative placement based on academic performance and assessment data.)“I agree to the course request for my student. I also understand that my student’s placement in these courses is not guaranteed and alternate courses may be scheduled based on availability and teacher recommendation. Honors and AP course requests will need to be approved by teachers before placement. I understand Schedule change requests can only be made by the end of the first week of school."Parent Signature: _____________________________________________________Date:______________________________Student Signature: _____________________________________________________Date:_______________________________World Language2 credits of world language required for Bright Futures, NCAA Eligibility, and SUS Admissions.? Spanish 1 (Level 3 or higher on FSA ELA)? Spanish 2 (Level 3 or higher on FSA ELA)? Spanish 3 Honors? Spanish 4 HonorsNote: Heritage Spanish speakers may be placed in a course according to language proficiency. Please see a Spanish teacher for proficiency assessment. ? Latin 1 (Level 3 or higher on FSA ELA)? Latin 2 (Level 3 or higher on FSA ELA)? Latin 3 Honors? Latin 4 HonorsPerforming Arts and Fine ArtsAt least one credit required for graduation. Teachers will place students in appropriate level course.Chamber Orchestra:? 1 ? 2 ? 3 ? 4 ? 5 Honors ? 6 HonorsOrchestra: ? 1 ? 2 ? 3 ? 4 ? 5 Honors ? 6 HonorsGuitar: ?1 ?2 ?3 ? 4 Honors? Beginning Band/Band 1Intermediate Band/Music Tecnqs.: ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4Concert Band/Instru. Ens.: ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 HonorsSymphonic/Band: ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 Honors ? 6 HonorsJazz Band/Instru. Tecnqs.: ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 HonorsChorus: ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 Honors ?6 HonorsVocal Ensemble: ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 HonorsTheater: ? 1 ?2 Studio Art 2-D: ? 1 ?2Sculpture: ? 1 ?2Career and Technical Commercial Art Technology: ? 1 (Photoshop) ? 2 Culinary Arts: ? 1 (ServSafe) ? 2 (ProStart) ? 3 ? 4 ? 5Television Productions (Practical Art Credit): ? 1 _____? 2 (Adobe)? Personal Finance/Workplace Essentials (Microsoft Bundle Certification)? Foundations of Web Design (Dreamweaver)Application Required and Approved? Journalism (School Newspaper: The Tomahawk Talk)? Student Council/Leadership Strategies (Admin approval required)Yearbook ?Visual Tech 1 ?Visual Tech 2 Physical Education 1 credit required for graduation to include health (FSUS middle school students have met this requirement through HOPE).? Team Sports 2/Individual Sports 2 (10th Grade PE Course)? HOPE (Health, PE credit)The following PE classes (Weightlifting 1/Weightlifting 2) are offered depending on coach availability, will require coach approval and may not be taken with any other PE credit: ? Football ?Soccer ? Basketball ?Golf ? Volleyball ? Track List each elective below in order of preference:1._________________________________________________________________2._________________________________________________________________3._________________________________________________________________4._________________________________________________________________5._________________________________________________________________All electives are subject to teacher availability. ................

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