AUTUMN BREAK HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK (2018-19)Class XII?????ENGLISHQ. 1. Write notices on the following topics:You are Abhinav/Abha, You have planned two weeks course to be arranged to help the children of your housing society at Kanpur to acquire the oral communication skills. Prepare a notice for the society’s notice board, stating the objectives of the course, giving necessary details of the course and requesting the children of the society to join the course.Your school is organizing a tour to Mumbai and Goa during the winter vacation. Write a notice giving detailed information to the students. You are Madhav, School captain, St. Columbia Sr. Secondary School, Lucknow.Your school is organizing a summer camp for training students in Hockey and Basketball, Write a notice for the school notice board of Gandhi Memorial School, Ahemdabad.Prepare a circular intimating the residents of your housing society about the Yoga classes which the management is starting for the residents of the society.Q. 2. Design posters on Blood donationSay no to CrackersSay no to Plastic bagsSave environmentCheck vehicular pollutionPromoting the need to join the Defence ServicesCommunal HarmonyQ. 3. Answer the following question in 30 to 40 wordsWhat was the bulletin board used for? What was the crowd reading?Why did Franz find the school in an unusual state that day?According to M. Hamel, What is the importance of French?What is Saheb’s complete name and why is it ironical?Why does Saheb lose his carefree look on getting a job at a tea stall?What is Mukesh’s ambition? Why does the author feel that there were chances, although bleak, of his dream becoming a reality?How did the fear of water ruin the authors leisure activities?How did the instructor build Douglas as a swimmer?What does the author mean by “All we have to fear is fear itself?How did the protection of tigers ironical in Pratibandhpuram?What did the Maharaja do once he had killed all the tigers in his state?Describe Maharaja’s encounter with the hundredth tiger?COMPUTER SCIENCEINSTRUCTIONS:Take the printout of Practical File (Programs List is Enclosed below) with output screen of each program.Write the Program No. and Program Name in Multiline Comment Section.Insert your Name and Page number as the header of the file.Make the Index page – S. No, Program No., Program Name, Page no. and Teacher’s Sig.And also make the Front page - Heading is (“Practical File on- C++ and SQL”).Take the printout of Project File with output screen of each menu you made in your project.Insert your Name and Page number as the header of the project file.Make the Index page – S. No, content, Page no. and Teacher’s Sig.And also make the Front page - Heading is (“Project Report on- C++” and your Project Topic name).Make Acknowledgment, Certificate, Preface or Introduction of Project, Advantages of project and Bibliography, functions defined and header files used, coding and output screens.The softcopy of the project file is to be submitted by 23/10/2018LIST OF PRACTICALSClass XIICLASS, OBJECT, CONSTRUCTOR & DESTRUCTOR Define a class HOTEL to represent records of 10 customers with the following data member. i) Room No ii) Name of the customeriii) Type of Room (A for AC-Room N for Non-AC Room) iv) Tariff (per day) v) BillThe class also contains member functions to do the following:-(i) Create an account of new customer (ii) To Calculate the bill of Customer as per following specifications:*AC- Rs. 500 per day *NON AC- Rs. 300 per day(iii) To Display the data member(iv) ExitWrite a C++ Program using classes and objects to simulate result preparation system for 30 students. The data available for each student includes roll no, name and marks in 3 subjects. Percentage marks and grade are to be calculated as - percentage marks are the average marks and the grade is calculated as:Percentage marksGrade<50‘F’>= 50 & <60‘D’>=60 & <75‘C’>= 75 & <90‘B’>= 90 & <100‘A’Define a class CLOTHING to represent fabrics details with the following data member. i) Code (Integer) ii) Type (String)iii) Material (String),iv) Qty (Integer).v) Price (Float)vi) Bill (Float)The class also contains member functions to do the following:(i) Create a new order (ii) To calculate the price as per specifications: Type priceTROUSER 1500SHIRT 1200for material other than "COTTON" gets reduced price by 25%.(iii) To calculate the billiv) to initialize the data members. (Constructor)(v) To Display the data member(vi) ExitMake a class RETAIL by using constructor overloading and destructor with following details: i) Category (String) ii) Type (String)iii) Qty (Integer).iv) Price (Float)v) Bill (Float)DATA FILE HANDLINGWrite a menu driven program in C++ using following user defined functions To Create a text file called abc.txtTo count the characters present in text file.To count the words present in text file.To count the lines present in text file.To display the content of text file on screenExitWrite a menu driven program in C++ using following user defined functions To Create a text file called DATA.txtTo count Total no of HE and SHE word present in text file.To count the total no of lines starting with character ‘A’.To count the total no of words starting with character ‘s’.To display the content of text file on screenExit Write a menu driven program in C++ using following user defined functions To Create a text file called CHARACTER.txtTo count Total no of Vowels present in text file.Total no of spaces present in text file.Total no of digits present in file To display the content of text file on screenExit WAMP in C++ by using a class Hotel whose objects are written in a binary file called “HOTEL.DAT” and performs following operations on it.Add a new record in binary file.Display all records of binary file.Copy records into another binary file “REST.DAT”Search for a matching record depending on the name of Customer.ExitARRAYWAMP in C++ to perform following operations on 1-D Array:- Create an array of 10 integersSort the array using bubble sortSearch for a given integer from the array using linear search.Search for a given integer from the array using binary search.Display resultant arrayExitWrite a menu driven program to perform following functions on 2-D Array -Accept one matrix of mxn order.Sum of each diagonal of a given matrix.Sum of each row of a given matrix.Product of each column of a given matrix.Sum of alternate elements of given matrix.Transpose of a given matrix.ExitWrite a menu driven program to perform following functions on 2-D Array -Accept two matrices of mxn and pxq dimensions.Sum of Matrices ExitWrite a menu driven program to perform following functions on 1-D Array -Accept two 1-D arrays containing M and N Element resp.Sort the array using selection sort in descending order.Merge both arrays in third array in ascending order. Display third array.ExitSTACK AND QUEUEWrite a C++ program to implements a Stack using Array. The stack stores integer data. The program should allow the user to PUSH elements into the STACK, POP elements from the STACK & display the elements of the STACK.Write a C++ program to implements a Stack using Linked List. The stack stores integer data. The program should allow the user to PUSH elements into the STACK, POP elements from the STACK & display the elements of the STACK.Write a C++ program to implements a Queue using Array. The queue stores float data. The program should allow the user to insert elements into the queue, delete elements from the queue & display the elements of the queue.Write a C++ program to implements a Queue using Linked List. The queue stores float data. The program should allow the user to insert elements into the queue, delete elements from the queue & display the elements of the queue.Write a C++ program to implements a Queue using Circular Queue. The circular queue that stores float data. The program should allow the user to insert elements into the queue, delete elements from the queue & display the elements of the queue.Assignment to be done as Holiday Home workWrite a function QUEUEDEL( ) in C++ to display and delete an element from a dynamically allocated queue containing nodes of the following given structure:struct node{int item no ;char itemname[20];node * link;};Write a function QUEUEINSERT( ) in C++ to insert and display elements from a dynamically allocated queue containing nodes of the following given structure:struct node{int item no ;char itemname[20];node * link;};Write a function in c++ to insert an element into a dynamically allocated Queue where each node contains a name(of type string) as data.Assume the following definition of THENODE for the same:struct Thenode{char name[20];Thenode * next;};Write a function in c++ to delete an element into a dynamically allocated Queue where each node contains a name(of type string) as data.Assume the following definition of THENODE for the same:struct Thenode{char name[20];Thenode * next;};Write a function in c++ to delete an element into a dynamically allocated Queue where each node contains a real no as data.Assume the following definition of MYNODE for the same:struct MYNODE{Float num;MYNODE* link;};Write a function Stackpush( ) to push an element and stackpop( ) to pop an element from a dynamically allocated stack of books implemented with the help of the following structure in C++.struct Book{int Bno;char BName[20];Book *next;};Write a function in c++ to insert anode containing customer’s information, from a dynamically allocated Queue with the help of the following structure:struct customer{int cno;char name[20];customer * next;};Write a function QUEUEINS(Q[ ], int size, int ele) to insert an element and display element in QUEUE(USE ARRAY IMPLEMENTATION).Write a function QUEUEDEL(Q[ ], int size) to delete and display an element in QUEUE(USE ARRAY IMPLEMENTATION). Write a function CIRQUEUEINS(CQ[ ], int size, int ele) to insert an element and display element in a CIRCULAR QUEUE(USE ARRAY IMPLEMENTATION).Write a function CIRQUEUEDEL(CQ[ ], int size) to delete and display elements in CIRCULAR QUEUE(USE ARRAY IMPLEMENTATION).Convert the following infix expression to its equivalent postfix expression showing stack contents for the conversion: X-Y/(Z+U)*VA+B*(C-D)/E(A-B)*(C/D)+E(A+B↑D)/(E-F)+GEvaluate the following postfix notation of expression(show status of stack after execution of each operation):4,10,5,+,*,15,3,/, ─5, 20, 15 , ─, * , 25, 2, *, +25 8 3 ─ / 6 * 10 +15 3 2 + / 7 + 2 *30, 5, 2, ^, 12, 6, /, +, ─False, true, NOT, OR, True, False, AND, ORTrue, False, NOT, OR, False, True, OR, ANDSolve the Question paper of Selection Test in your RMATICS PRACTICESQ1. What is e-goverance?Q2. What are major e-goverance portals/projects in India?Q3. How does e-goverance help in builidng trust betwen the government and citizens?Q4.List two advatanges and two disadvantages of e-goverance to a disabled person.Q5.Mr. John is creating a form for an application to be used in Gym. help her to choose most suitable controls from ListBox,TextField,TextArea etc. for the folllowing entries:s.No.Functions1.To enter NAME2.To enter EMAILID3.To allow user to choose any one MEMBERSHIP DURATION out of 1 Month, 3 Months, 6 Months, 1 Year4.To choose PRE-EXISTING MEDICAL CONDITIONS OUT of Diabetes, Heart Disease, Chest Pain,OthersQ6. What is front end? What is its significance ?Q7. What is back end? What is its significance ?Q8. What is mean by relationship? How many types of relationships are possible among entities? Give example of each.PHYSICSOne investigatory project selected either from site or as discussed by subject teacher.Solve the following questions. A] NCERT QUESTIONS –DUAL NATURE OF MATTER AND RADIATION B]NCERT QUESTIONS-ATOMS C]NCERT QUESTIONS –NUCLIED] COMPLETION OF PRACTICAL AND ACTIVITY FILES AND REVISION OF ALL COMPLETED CHAPTERS .CHEMISTRYBIOLOGYSolve the qt.paper (previous years), in separate sheets provided /shared in what's app group to you.MATHEMATICSVECTORLEVEL 1ECONOMICSRevise the whole syllabus covered upto 12.10.2018.Solve 4-4 numerical from each of the following: Income method Value added methodExpenditure methodElasticity of demand and supplyExplain money credit/creation with the help of a numerical.Note: Do the above mentioned work in a separate notebook.BUSINESS STUDIESACCOUNTANCY ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Attempt following questions in your notebook : Chapter 1 –Financial statements of company = Question no 1 to 5 Question no 40 to 44Chapter 3 –Comparative Statements = Question no 6 to 15Chapter 4 –Common Size Statements = Question no 11 to 20 Chapter 5 – Accounting Ratios = Question no 20 to 44 Prepare Chapter of issue and redemption of debentures for monthly test. GEOGRAPHYComplete practical records in all respect.Attempt all questions of all question papers of test/exams held so far.Take print out of model question papers (at least five sets) from CBSC website and attempt these question papers and write in the note book of holidays home work.In the political map of India locate and label the followings in separate maps.Leading producing states of different crops.Software technological parks.Important oil refineries.Metropolitan cities.HQs of railway Zones.All nuclear power projects.Major Industrial regions.In the outline map of world locate the followings.Largest and smallest countries of each continents.Regions of different type of farming/ Agriculture from chapter 5 of the book of human geography.Countries having highest/lowest HDI and sex ratio.Important sea ports and airports of the world.Important megacities of the world.HISTORY Revised and learn chapters Try to solve previous year question paper for pre- board exam 1. Why did zamindars defaulted on payment?2. Why was jotedars a powerful figure in many area of rural Bengal?3. How did the Paharias respond to coming of outsiders ?4Why did the Santhals rebels against British rule ?5. Why was revolt particularly widespread in Awadh? What promotes peasants, taluqdar and zamindar to join the rebellion?6What were the measure taken to ensure unity among the rebels ?7 why did people believe in the rumous ?8 Examine the visual representations of the revoltof 1857 that provocked a range of different emotionand reaction.9.When was the first time attempt made to conduct all india census? Describe two of its early objectives. 10 discuss themain feature of Neo gothic style of architecture for public building? POLITICAL SCIENCE ................

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