List of materials - TeachingEnglish

List of materials

Only activities requiring materials and/or preparation are listed on the table. Activities requiring just the trainee workbooks are not listed here.

Highlighted sessions need materials adding once sessions are completed

|Day |Session |Materials |

|Week 1 |

|1 |Session 1 Getting to know each other |

| |Activity 1: Throwing the ball |1 ball |

| |Activity 2: Name cards |Sheets of A4 card, coloured pens, magazines, |

| | |dictionaries. An example of a name card with your own |

| | |name and picture of an object that starts with the first |

| | |sound of your name. Look at the example in the master |

| | |trainer notes. |

| |Activity 3: Participant’s picture profiles |old magazines, colour pens, A4 sheets of paper, whistle |

| | |or bell. An example of your own picture profile (see |

| | |example in master trainer notes). |

| |Session 2 Building an effective environment |

| |Activity 1: Match the right profile picture |Participants’ picture profiles from Session 1, activity |

| | |3. Blutack. |

| |Activity 2: Course timings and rules |Rules and timing sheets to stick up in class. You may |

| | |need to change timings to suit your situation. |

| |Activity 3: Why are we here? |Animal picture cards cut ups, animal words cut ups, |

| | |jumbled questions in speech bubbles |

| |Activity 5: Video watch |Video of Nandini |

| |Session 3 Child centred teaching |

| |Activity 2: Peep through the keyhole |Flip chart paper. Blutak. |

| |Session 4 Evaluating methodologies 1 |

| |Activity 1: Feely bag |Animal picture cards from introduction session, animal |

| | |attribute cards cut outs – cut up, a pillow case with |

| | |different objects inside them such as: pencil, spoon, |

| | |cloth’s peg, battery, rubber, plastic bottle, onion, |

| | |potato, candle, etc. You will need at least 15 objects. |

| |Activity 2: Language lesson |Decide on language/list of words that you are going to |

| | |teach |

|2 |Session 5 Evaluating methodologies 2 |

| |Activity 4: Matchsticks |6 matchsticks for each group. Blutack. |

| |Session 6 Classroom management 1: seating arrangements |

| |Activity 3: Video watch |Video: classroom management |

| |Session 7 Classroom management 2: visuals and gestures |

| |Activity 2: A rule poster |A rule poster with drawings which illustrates the |

| | |following rules: Pay attention when the bell rings, put |

| | |your rubbish in the bin, put your hand up when you want |

| | |to say something, put things back where they belong / |

| | |keep your desk tidy, be on time for class. |

| |Activity 3: Sketch your own rule poster |Poster paper and marker pens |

| |Activities 4,5 and 6 | |

| |Session 8 Exploiting texts for language and skills 1: ‘Miss Smith’ & ‘Ravi’ |

| |Activity 3: A demonstration lesson |Flashcards of a dog, a lamp, an ice-cream, a fish and a |

| | |plane |

|3 |Session 9 Teaching rhymes |

| |Activity 2: Video watch |slips of paper with one word written on each: pink, heat,|

| | |round, sight., Video: Rhyming vocab. |

| |Session 10 Micro-teaching planning |

| |Activity 1: Planning for micro-teaching |5 texts and exercises from different Delhi text books |

| | |(secondary). You will need 20 copies of each text and |

| | |exercises. Work out how long each of the participants |

| | |lessons can be according to the time you have available |

| | |for micro-teaching and the number of groups/participants.|

| |Session 11 Speaking practice activities: lesson plan ‘Amanda’ part 1 | |

| |Demonstration lesson |‘What would your mother say if …’ cards from cut outs. |

| | |Cut the cards into 8 separate cards. |

| |Session 12 Speaking practice activities: lesson plan ‘Amanda’ part 2 | |

| |Activity 5 |Video: using mime for vocabulary work |

|4 |Session 15 Teaching speaking 1 | |

| |Demonstration activities |copies of Honeydew Class VIII textbook, pg 82 |

| |Session 16 Active listening | |

| |Activity 1: Sounds in words |9 flashcards of people (cut outs) |

|5 |Session 19 Presenting new vocabulary | |

| |Activity 1: Video watch |Video of presenting new vocabulary (putting words in |

| | |context) |

|Week 2 |

|6 |Session 21 Reflection and review: sharing experiences |

| |Activity 4: Video watch |Video: noughts and crosses |

| |Session 22 Reviewing vocabulary |

| |Demo activity 4: adjectives |Write 8 adjectives on separate cards. For example: |

| | |plastic, wooden, leather, cheap, disgusting, beautiful, |

| | |clever, smelly. |

| |Session 23 Demo lesson ‘Going places’ |

| |Demo lesson |Blank A4 paper, old picture of you (when a teenager), one|

| | |ball per 10 students, Pictures of your chosen hero and |

| | |any pictures of your chosen fantasy –or you can draw them|

| | |on the board, copies of text ‘Going places’ from Flamingo|

| | |Class XII NCERT textbook (one between two students), old |

| | |magazines, pens/crayons, glue and scissors, poster paper |

| |Session 24 Reviewing the lesson |

| |Session 26 Vocabulary practice activities: ‘Sound of music’ |

| |Stage 1: Paraphrases/synonyms |Paraphrases / synonyms from 1st paragraph and words from |

| | |2nd paragraph from the cut outs. [From paragraph 1: very |

| | |special, intensely, handicap, place, shaking, impressive |

| | |and famous, newly arrived, extremely. From paragraph 2: |

| | |gradual, quite a while, conceal, deteriorated, urged, |

| | |specialist, severely, black.] Cut up the paraphrases and |

| | |words into separate cards. 8 scraps of paper. |

| |Stage 2: The use of mime – for words |Words to mime from the cut outs [jostle, approaching |

| | |train, nervous, excited, daunting, deaf, fitted with |

| | |hearing aids, Scottish]. Cut up the words into separate |

| | |cards. |

| |Stage 3: The use of mime – for characters |Character cards from the cut outs [Evelyn Glennie, rush |

| | |hour crowd, Evelyn’s mother, Evelyn’s headmistress, |

| | |specialist, girl playing xylophone, Evelyn’s teachers, |

| | |Ron Forbes]. |

| |Session 27 Bringing texts alive |

| |Activity 2: Reading aloud – using your voice effectively |copies of text: ‘The Ashes that Made Trees Bloom’ from |

| | |the NCERT textbook Honeycomb pg 55, practise reading |

| | |using the points mentioned in (a) in trainer notes |

| |Activity 3: Reading aloud - building sounds | |

| |Activity 4: Reading aloud - using gestures | |

| |Activity 5: Reading aloud – what are the students doing? |pictures from the ‘Ashes that made trees bloom’ story, |

| | |pieces of paper with the topic of each paragraph listed |

| | |on each |

| |Activity 6: Put it all into practice |short paragraphs from one of the NCERT textbooks |

|8 |Session 29 Demo lesson ‘Rights of the tiger’ |

| |Demo lesson |Flashcards of tiger and human |

| |Session 30 Reviewing ‘Rights of the tiger’ |

| |Activity 1: Stages of a lesson |cut up stages of the lesson ‘Rights of the Tiger’ |

| |Activity 3: Using flashcards |Video of Rashmi using flashcards |

| |Activity 4: Try it out |classroom books for teachers to choose texts from, card |

| | |and pens for making flashcards |

| |Session 31 Group planning for micro-teaching |

| |Activity 1: Group planning |Copies of texts that participants are going to use for |

| | |micro teaching. Materials for making flashcards, visuals |

| | |etc., work out how many groups there will be/number of |

| | |participants in each and the length of the lessons they |

| | |should do, according to the amount of time you have |

| | |available for micro teaching (check schedule at front of |

| | |workbook 2) |

| |Session 32 Video observation |

| |Activities 2&3 |Video of full writing lesson with class XII |

|9 |Session 33 Demo lesson ‘Mackavity’ |

| |Activity 1: Demo lesson |A4 paper, Honeydew Grade VIII NCERT textbooks pg 50-51 – |

| | |enough for participants to share one between two, A4 |

| | |paper |

| |Activity 2: Analysis of lesson | |

| |Session 34 Group planning for micro-teaching | |

| |Activity 1: Completing lesson plans |Materials for participants to make visuals etc. |

|10 |Session 40 Test your knowledge, reflection and action planning |

| |Activity 2: Test your knowledge |A4 paper |


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