Neami National

TOWNSVILLEEffectively Managing Mixed Mood (Anxiety & Depression)Assist clients to recognise and understand anxiety and depression symptoms; implement strategies and coping skills to identify and increase participation in daily activities; notice and effectively manage unhelpful thinking styles and create sustained improvement in mood and functioning. FacilitatorOrganisationRegionPhoneEmailAddressChristine O'ConnorLife Giving Psychology & CoachingTownsville4728 5222Christine@.auThe Stanton Centre, Level 6 / 32 Leichardt Street, North Ward QLD 4810Effectively Managing Anxiety Assist clients to recognise and understand the signs of anxiety; implement strategies and coping skills to identify and self sooth; notice and effectively manage unhelpful thinking styles. FacilitatorOrganisationRegionPhoneEmailAddressChristine O'ConnorLife Giving Psychology & CoachingTownsville4728 5222Christine@.auThe Stanton Centre, Level 6 / 32 Leichardt Street, North Ward QLD 4810Effectively Managing DepressionAssist clients to recognise and understand the signs of depression; implement strategies and coping skills to identify and increase participation in daily activities; notice and effectively manage unhelpful thinking styles create sustained improvement in mood and functioning. FacilitatorOrganisationRegionPhoneEmailAddressChristine O'ConnorLife Giving Psychology & CoachingTownsville4728 5222Christine@.auThe Stanton Centre, Level 6 / 32 Leichardt Street, North Ward QLD 4810People living with & recovering from mild to moderate mental health difficultiesThis six-week course is based on the concept of Recovery as a unique and personal journey for individuals who are experiencing mental health difficulties. The course will focus specifically on Wellness Planning to assist people achieve optimal mental health recovery and increase their understanding and sense of well-being. FacilitatorOrganisationRegionPhoneEmailAddressChristine O'ConnorLife Giving Psychology & CoachingTownsville4728 5222Christine@.auThe Stanton Centre, Level 6 / 32 Leichardt Street, North Ward QLD 4810Those experiencing difficulties adjusting to change resulting from loss and grief of a loved oneAssist participants to: process their grief in a safe supportive environment, foster the expression of emotions, validate and normalise these emotions, learn constructive ways to manage their emotions, reconcile the loss within their current experience to develop their “new normal’. FacilitatorOrganisationRegionPhoneEmailAddressChristine O'ConnorLife Giving Psychology & CoachingTownsville4728 5222Christine@.auThe Stanton Centre, Level 6 / 32 Leichardt Street, North Ward QLD 4810Those experiencing difficulties in managing stress in their lifeThis six-week course uses evidence-based approaches to teach skills and techniques for managing stress. Topics include an overview of what stress is, controlling your body, controlling your thoughts, controlling your actions, getting a good night’s sleep, and self-care. FacilitatorOrganisationRegionPhoneEmailAddressChristine O'ConnorLife Giving Psychology & CoachingTownsville4728 5222Christine@.auThe Stanton Centre, Level 6 / 32 Leichardt Street, North Ward QLD 4810Those experiencing difficulties managing their weight Assist clients to understand: the benefit of a psychological approach to weight management, the psychology of eating, FacilitatorOrganisationRegionPhoneEmailAddressChristine O'ConnorLife Giving Psychology & CoachingTownsville4728 5222Christine@.auThe Stanton Centre, Level 6 / 32 Leichardt Street, North Ward QLD 4810Anger Management Assist individuals to recognise and understand the signs of anger; reduce the anger response being triggered; and to provide coping strategies to manage anger in the moment. FacilitatorOrganisationRegionPhoneEmailAddressChristine O'ConnorLife Giving Psychology & CoachingTownsville4728 5222Christine@.auThe Stanton Centre, Level 6 / 32 Leichardt Street, North Ward QLD 4810Disaster RecoveryThis six-week course aims to support individual’s psychological recovery following disaster and prevention of mental illness. The course applies evidence-based approaches to educate participants about common reactions following disasters, risk factors and warning signs for serious mental health conditions, and psychological strategies for managing distress. FacilitatorOrganisationRegionPhoneEmailAddressChristine O'ConnorLife Giving Psychology & CoachingTownsville4728 5222Christine@.auThe Stanton Centre, Level 6 / 32 Leichardt Street, North Ward QLD 4810Foetal Alcohol treatment Group (Tentative)The group program will be based on one of the few evidence-based treatment programs for assisting FASD children and their families improve functioning and wellbeing. We are currently looking at the possible use of the Alert program, however further investigation is needed to ensure the chosen program meets the need of the clients. The focus of the program is to improve self-regulation and executive functioning. The Alert program for example uses the analogy of a car engine to teach clients to recognize their regulation needs and change their alertness through various methods. The program would include family sessions to enable families to continue the self-regulation skills in the home setting.FacilitatorOrganisationRegionPhoneEmailAddressSarah LutkinJames Cook University Psychology ClinicTownsville4781 2 Clinical Practice Building, James Cook University, Douglas QLD 4811Living Well with a Neuro-degenerative DisorderThis program was adapted from a program developed Professor Rona Moss-Morris, Laura Dennison, & Professor Trudi Chalder in 2010 by a collaboration between JCU & MS Queensland and has recently been updated to generalise to all neuro-degenerative disorders. This 8-session program has 6 x 2-hour sessions that focusing on helping clients adjust to the challenges of living with a neuro-degenerative disorder using a CBT theoretical basis. The sessions will focus on:An introduction to adjusting to having a neuro-degenerative disorder (NDD)Adapting to living with a NDD, and setting goalsManaging symptoms and negative thoughtsManaging StressSleep and social relationshipsSupport networks and preparing for the futureThe further 2 sessions with focus on:A carers session to enhance their understanding of the condition, overview of the content of the program, as well as allow them to opportunity to express their own challengesA session to develop a plan for the near future to continue the progress made in session and a celebration of completionFacilitatorOrganisationRegionPhoneEmailAddressSarah LutkinJames Cook University Psychology ClinicTownsville4781 2 Clinical Practice Building, James Cook University, Douglas QLD 4811Cool KidsCool Kids is a 10-session program aimed at treating anxiety disorders in children. It usesa cognitive behavioural approach which means that it focuses on teaching skills to manage anxiety.Core skills include;? how to identify anxious thoughts, feelings, and behaviours,? discovering realistic thoughts and expectations (detective thinking), and,? gradually building independence and confidence by facing fears (stepladders).If needed, coping skills such as problem solving, and relaxation are also introduced to help managedifficult situations. Parents are shown how to support their child in the use of these new skills and a section of the program focuses specifically on parenting strategies that encourage children to self-manage anxiety.FacilitatorOrganisationRegionPhoneEmailAddressSarah LutkinJames Cook University Psychology ClinicTownsville4781 2 Clinical Practice Building, James Cook University, Douglas QLD 4811Untitled (re Children 9 – 12 presenting with mild to moderate emotional & behavioural concerns)Designed for children experiencing difficulties with positively regulating their emotions and behaviours, this group program will support children to identify emotional states and learn strategies and tools to manage them. FacilitatorOrganisationRegionPhoneEmailAddressGillian Lunn and Andrea BoydNorthern Australia Primary Health Limited (NAPHL)Townsville4421 7700pihme@.au2-14 Sporting Drive, THURINGOWA CENTRAL QLD 4817Postnatal women with postnatal depression/anxiety.Birth is a major life transition and there are often reality gaps – the gap between what a woman and her partner want from the pregnancy, birth, baby and in the postnatal period and what they actually experience during this time ie when their expectations are not met and when they feel they are not meeting the expectations of their partners, significant others, community. The role transitions can also lead to interpersonal disputes, particularly with partners and significant others. Symptoms of depression and anxiety may emerge when women, and her partner, go through such a significant life change and assume new roles, particularly when the old role was important and valued. FacilitatorOrganisationRegionPhoneEmailAddressMichelle Bell/Candice Covey Northern Australia Primary Health Limited (NAPHL)Townsville4421 7700pihme@.au2-14 Sporting Drive, THURINGOWA CENTRAL QLD 4818Psychosocial Recovery and Lifestyle Development? To provide support to people who have a mental illness or psychosocial disability, despite their challenges, to recognise their individual strengths, gifts and talents.? To assist participants to construct specific lifestyle goals and aspiration statements.? To assist participants and their families and support persons to identify opportunities in their community and to work with stakeholders to ensure successful support community integration, lifestyle development and recovery. FacilitatorOrganisationRegionPhoneEmailAddressMichael HarmanSelectabilityTownsville4725 3664townsville@.au59A Cambridge Street, Vincent QLD 4814MACKAYEmotion Regulation Skills (Dialectical Behaviour Therapy informed)This group focuses on the difficulties to deal with strong or painful emotions. To be able to regulate these emotions requires a non-judgmental stance, awareness and objective observation and description of specific/current emotion and the resulting responses and actions.The focus in this group is on* Understanding the Functions of Emotions* Understanding and Naming Emotions* Biological factors can increase emotion sensitivity, intensity, and time needed to return to emotional baseline* Emotion regulation is even more difficult when others in the environment are reinforcing dysfunctional emotions* Problem Solving* Reducing Vulnerability when in Emotion Mind* Building Mastery and Learning to Cope by planning ahead* Taking Care of the the Physical BodyThe other 3 group programs in this series (Distress Tolerance Skills, Interpersonal skills and Mindfulness and Relaxation are designed to link with Emotion regulation skills.FacilitatorOrganisationRegionPhoneEmailAddressPhil IhmeNorthern Australia Primary Health Limited (NAPHL)Mackay4898 2700pihme@.au123 Victoria StreetInterpersonal communication (Dialectical Behaviour Therapy informed)This group is about how we communicate in our everyday relationships. It is for Consumers experiencing difficulties with applying everyday interpersonal skills. Examples of skills which this group will address are: communication, relationships, decision-making, negotiating priorities & preferences, conflict management, boundary setting. It will offer new skills to express beliefs and needs, set limits and boundaries and negotiate solutions to problems – all while protecting your important relationships and treating others with respect. It focuses on learning to deal with conflict situations, and to say no to unwanted requests and demands. It focuses specifically on doing this in a manner that maintains your self-respect and healthy relationships with ics will include:* To be Skillful in achieving One's Objectives with Others* Specific skills for getting what one wants* Self-respect in interpersonal interactions* Skills for Building Relationships or Ending Destructive Ones* Mindfulness of Other people and what they bring to the interpersonal interaction* Personal and interpersonal values* Priorities and demands - Assertive communicationThe other 3 group programs in this series (Distress Tolerance Skills, Emotion regulation skills and Mindfulness and Relaxation are designed to link with Interpersonal skills.FacilitatorOrganisationRegionPhoneEmailAddressPhil IhmeNorthern Australia Primary Health Limited (NAPHL)Mackay4898 2700pihme@.au123 Victoria StreetDistress Tolerance Skills (Dialectical Behaviour Therapy informed)These skills emphasize learning to bear pain (distress) skillfully. Tolerating and accepting distress is essential because pain & distress is part of life and no-one can escape it all of the time. These skills are concerned with accepting life as it is in the present moment.The focus in this group will be on assisting consumers to:* Survive Crisis situations without making them worse*Accept Reality as it is instead of how I want/wish it to be* Replace suffering and being stuck in a situation with ordinary pain which is manageable and provide the possibility to move forward* Become Free (We are truly free when we can be at peace and content with ourselves and our lives, no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in) without having to satisfy the demands of your own desires, urges and intense emotions (which often keep us stuck and unable to move forward)This group can be very helpful for clients with ongoing and sporadic suicidal ideation - usually when faced with enduring or situational crises, like unbearable emotions or unmanageable life events or relationships. FacilitatorOrganisationRegionPhoneEmailAddressPhil IhmeNorthern Australia Primary Health Limited (NAPHL)Mackay4898 2700pihme@.au123 Victoria StreetMindfulness skills and Relaxation (Dialectical Behaviour Therapy informed)Mindfulness is a way of directing and focusing attention on the experience occurring at the present moment in a non-judgmental and accepting way. It provides a unique opportunity to peace and relaxation. It is contrasted with states of mind in which attention is focused elsewhere, for example * Doing two or more things simultaneously* Pre-occupation with memories, fantasies, plans, worries and behaving automatically without any awareness of one’s actionsThe skills in htis group will be focused on recognising the different States of Mind, Observing and Describing Thoughts, Noticing and Managing JudgmentMastering these skills will assist to * Reduce pain, tension stress and increase happiness* Increase control of your mind - stop letting your mind be in control of youTopics will include:* Finding Meaning in Life - what is valuable to me - one's creativity, experiences and attitude - how “Meaning" adds to your own wisdom and discovering your own value* Intelligence or knowledge is about knowing things and how to do things* Wisdom helps us to know what needs to be done - how t be effective in what one is doing* Intentionally living with awareness in the present moment and how that helps to relax* Not engaging in automatic/repetitive/habitual behaviours and be present to our own life and reality* Living without judging or rejecting the present moment* Noticing consequences, discerning helpfulness and harmfulness - but letting go of evaluating, avoiding, suppressing, or blocking the present moment - without attachment to the moment* Attending to the experience of each new moment, rather than ignoring the present by clinging to the past or grabbing for the futureFacilitatorOrganisationRegionPhoneEmailAddressPhil IhmeNorthern Australia Primary Health Limited (NAPHL)Mackay4898 2700pihme@.au123 Victoria StreetParenting PlusPyscho education group for parents of children at risk of or experiencing mild - moderate mental health concerns.Content:Week 1 - Normative brain developmentWeek 2 - Attachment styles and circle of securityWeek 3 - Understanding behaviour and managing crisisWeek 4 - Co-regulation skills and promoting self regulationWeek 5 - Intro to mental health anxiety and depressionWeek 6 - Building a vision for your families futureThe intended outcome of the program is to have parents complete with a greater understanding of their child, practical evidence based parenting skills and a sense of hope. All with the goal of improving the wellbeing of their children and families.A similar program was run in 2018 with positive evidence to support the success of the program. Funding sought to offer the program as popularity and uptake proves there is a gap in services and a need locally for the group program at this centre.FacilitatorOrganisationRegionPhoneEmailAddressCourtney FrerichsNorthern Australia Primary Health Limited (NAPHL)Mackay4898 2700pihme@.au123 Victoria StreetCAIRNSConnecting!A 12 - week group program for young adults. 4 modules will be covered over 3 sessions each; Friends, Family, Sex/Romance and Home. Targeting social anxiety and isolation, participants will develop interpersonal skills, psychoeducation and social skills.FacilitatorOrganisationRegionPhoneEmailAddressMax Mackenzie / Terri WoodwardResilience EnterprisesCairnsmaxontrax76@Boland Centre, 14 Spence Street, CairnsTowards Mental WellnessThe group program would be based on Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT). This therapy was developed by Professor Paul Gilbert (UK), out of CBT, originally to target individuals who did not respond to CBT. Over the last 6 years this has been expanded as a trans-diagnostic therapy for all mental health problems. More information can be found at CFT facilitates the client turning toward and working with their difficulties of mind rather than over identifying with them, avoiding them or being overwhelmed by them. CFT allows for change of behaviours, cognitions, beliefs and/or emotions, that is enduring over the long term. The proposed group program would be planned with the intent to ensure that the participants learn strategies to build their ability to soothe their own emotions. Initially the target group would be adults with long term anxiety and depression who have had face to face therapy, but their level of daily functioning remains reduced. An individual intake session of 15 minutes with the clinical psychologist would be desired should funding permit. Due to session limit, the program will concentrate on teaching strategies to expand/develop the client's compassionate self which is used for emotional self soothing. Session content will commence with psychoeducation, mindfulness and grounding strategies, soothing rhythm breathing exercises; exploration of clients experience of compassion; barriers to being kind to self; building up compassionate self and finally how we use these to soothe emotions and establish routine practice. A combination of didactic and interactive activities, including reflections, and homework exercises would be included.FacilitatorOrganisationRegionPhoneEmailAddressCheryl CorneliusCheryl CorneliusCairns40563600ccpsych@.au27 Norman Street, Gordonvale QLD 4865Addressing Childhood Anxiety, Stress and Depression, impacts on social settingsA group program that provides children and their families build effective strategies to deal with worry, stress, change and depression. The group will look at the impacts that these symptoms of Mental Health issues have on children in their social setting being school and strategies for coping in these environments to achieve the best results. Topics covered in the program will be:Learning about feelings/body map regarding anxiety/depression and stress.Detective thinking (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy)Learning to think more realistically (Solution focussed Therapy)Fighting our fears (Strengths Based)Learning to solve problems (Solution focussed)Feel Blue (psychoeducation regarding brain function and our responses to Stress, Anxiety and Depression)How to Manage in Social Setting- Parent involvement and strategies - Relaxation (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy)FacilitatorOrganisationRegionPhoneEmailAddressAmanda FlynnBirdwing TherapiesCairns4039 0004amanda@.au18 Chirio Drive, Redlynch QLD 4870Anxiety WarriorsIntention of the program is to provide participants with tools to manage their anxiety and education on its origins and how it impacts their world. This is done in a group setting to provide support from other participants and to normalize their experience with anxiety whilst gaining some social support.Overview of content - After hours sessions suggested Wednesday or Tuesday nights at 6pm for one hour.Session 1. - meet and greet - therapeutic alliance developed and group adhesion - nibbles supplied.Session 2. Psycho-education anxiety- worry and rumination and the neurological and physiological responses to anxiety. Session 3. Emotional regulation strategies taught such as mindfulness, breathing and muscle relaxation medication techniques. Weather permitting, and group consent meet outdoors for this session. Session 4. Discover own values and positive and negative core beliefs and how they impact self talk.Session 5. CBT to challenge self talk and negative core beliefs - homework for all participants.Session 6. overview what has been learnt, gained from session post test and close. Provide referral pathway for any individuals who would like to continue one on one.FacilitatorOrganisationRegionPhoneEmailAddressKaren DowShine Strong PsychologyCairns0406 932 915karen@.au4 Scott Street, Paramatta Park QLD 4870Skills for Living, Tools for RecoveryProgram Objective: To introduce foundational concepts of CBT to help develop consumer insight into thinking styles, emotional literacy and negative belief systems implicated in mild to moderate mental health disorders. This is to be achieved through the implementation of new skills to improve resilience and coping, psycho-education to develop insight, and practical tools to apply to problems that arise due to low behavioural activation, under developed emotional literacy and difficulties in regulatory systems. Week One: Identifying Thoughts, Feelings and Behaviours. Understanding mechanisms between thoughts feelings and Behaviours. Therapy goals.Week Two: Making Changes to Behaviours. Communication Styles. Treatment PlanWeek Three: Making Changes to Thoughts. Automatic thoughts. Unhelpful thinking Styles. Opinion. Judgment and FactWeek Four: Challenging our Thoughts.Week Five: Thought Defusion. MindfulnessWeek 6: Imagery and experiential techniques. Sleep HygieneFacilitatorOrganisationRegionPhoneEmailAddressStacey AndersonSearchlight PsychologyCairns0435 865 232Stacey@.au4/135-141 Martyn Street, Paramatta ParkSelf-CompassionWe will be tailoring the evidenced-based structured "Mindful Self-Compassion" program to support carers and family members of people with mental health conditions. This eight week program combines the skills of mindfulness and self-compassion, providing powerful tools for emotional resilience.FacilitatorOrganisationRegionPhoneEmailAddressTerri WoodwardValue Wellness Supportive CounsellingCairns0466 663 ................

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