World History Exam Bank Fall 2006 - Cabarrus …


1. The use of fire by early humans is most significant in that it

a. Made it possible for them to migrate from Africa to all other regions of the earth

b. Showed that they were fascinated by and worshipped fire

c. Demonstrated that they were always cold

d. Is evidence that they only ate cooked food

2. The Paleolithic Age is

a. the period in which humans first used simple stone tools.

b. not proven to have existed.

c. usually known as the Primitive Age.

d. also called the New Stone Age.

3. Paleolithic peoples were nomads because they had no choice but to

a. flee from woolly mammoths

b. move on after land was depleted

c. escape pollution they caused

d. follow animals’ migration cycles

4. The real change in the Neolithic revolution was the

a. movement from eating fruit and nuts to meat

b. discovery of new caves

c. shift from hunting and gathering to agriculture

d. development of bowls and spoons

5. Why did ancient civilizations develop in river valleys such as the Nile, Indus, Tigris and Euphrates?

a. The river valleys provided a source of fresh water and good farmland

b. The rivers aided in the exploration of new territories

c. The river valleys provided areas for recreation

d. The river valleys offered protection from outside invaders

6. A ________ is a form of government in which the leader is not a monarch and certain citizens have the right to vote. This established a new form of government which moved away from the old monarchy system.

a. polis

b. republic

c. dictatorship

d. circus maximums

7. Who were the three rulers that made up the First Triumvirate?

a. Matthew, Mark, Luke

b. Tiberius, Gaius, Timothy

c. Peter, Paul, Mary

d. Crassus, Pompey, Julius Caesar

8. Which factor best characterizes the art of both ancient Greece and the Renaissance?

a. Emphasis on the human form

b. Focus on biblical themes

c. Dominance of landscape paintings

d. Influence of the West African tradition

9. The significance of the empire of Alexander the Great was the

a. influence of Christianity on the conquered people

b. spread of Greek culture

c. helping to create the Roman empire

d. establish democracy and self government in conquered lands

10. The ancient Chinese invented all of the following before the Europeans EXCEPT

a. steel

b. gunpowder

c. movable type

d. the long bow

11. Muslims are forbidden to do all the following except

a. eat pork

b. gamble

c. eat beef

d. drink alcoholic beverages

12. The Hajj, one of the Five Pillars of Islam, refers to

a. Fasting.

b. Giving to the poor.

c. A pilgrimage to Mecca.

d. Praying five times a day

13. What caused the split between Sunni and Shiite Muslims?

a. differing perspectives on the five pillars

b. the geographic isolation of one group from the other

c. conflict regarding the role of women in Islam

d. disagreement about Muhammad’s successor

14. The Byzantine emperor Justinian is best known for his

a. wife

b. style of leadership

c. code of laws

d. strict military style of fighting

15. Many African societies were matrilineal, meaning

a. women were warriors

b. women could travel alone

c. descent was traced through the mother

d. women could vote

16. The people of Ghana often traded their gold for

a. iron, out of which they would fashion highly desired tools and weapons.

b. salt, which was used to preserve food and improve its taste.

c. camels, so they did not have to rely on the Berbers to transport their goods.

d. peanuts, from which they made delicious foods.

17. The Mayans created a sophisticated writing system based on hieroglyphs, which

a. closely resembled Sumerian cuneiform

b. remains undecipherable to linguistic historians to this day

c. the Mayans believed were handed down to them from the gods

d. Spanish conquerors made no effort to decipher, deciding instead to burn Mayan books

18. The Aztecs practiced human sacrifice in order to

a. delay the end of the world

b. decrease the population

c. scare their enemies

d. pay their debt to their enemies

19. The caste system was a social class system in ancient

a. India

b. South Africa

c. China

d. France

20. Which factor contributed to the decline in the power of the European nobles in the late Middle Ages?

a. Decreasing importance of towns and cities

b. Collapse of international trade

c. Rise of nation-states

d. Increases in the influence of serfs



21. Using the above chart, which of the following originated in Europe?

a. Beans

b. Potatoes

c. Horses

d. Corn


22. Why did Shah Jahan order the building of the Taj Mahal?

a. To honor his grandfather

b. As a memorial for guru Arjun, the Sikh leader

c. To encourage Hindus and Muslims to worship together

d. In memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal

23. The most important gift a lord could give to a vassal was

a. a piece of land or fief.

b. a gold signet ring.

c. his daughter in marriage.

d. a boat.

24. A major goal of the Christian Church during the Crusades was to

a. establish Christianity in western Europe

b. capture the Holy land from Islamic rulers

c. unite warring Arab peoples

d. strengthen English dominance in the Arab world

25. The growth of feudalism in Europe during the Middle Ages was primarily caused by the

a. rivalry between the colonial empires

b. suppression of internationalism

c. decline of the Roman Catholic Church

d. collapse of a strong central government

26. A direct impact that the printing press had on 16th century Europe was that it encouraged the

a. spread of humanist ideas.

b. beginnings of communism.

c. establishment of democracies around Europe.

d. beginning of the Industrial Revolution.

27. What was an important effect of the invention of the printing press?

a. It led to the development of public libraries.

b. It increased literacy and the use of the vernacular.

c. Gutenberg used his wealth from the invention to support artists.

d. It led to a renewed study of Latin and Greek.

28. Luther believed that people could reach heaven through

a. the Church

b. Faith alone

c. Buying indulgences

d. Participating in the Crusades

29. Which of the following was a result of the Catholic Reformation?

a. new schools to train clergy

b. increased tolerance of religious minorities

c. end of the Protestant Religion

d. the spread of Calvinism

30. Vasco da Gama’s discovery of a route to India by sea proved to be

a. very profitable, since da Gama returned with a cargo of spices and made a profit of several thousand percent

b. far to costly to be sailed on a regular basis

c. the only time any Portuguese vessel sailed the route, as Aborigines later attacked any ship that attempted the journey

d. much longer than the route to India by land

31. Where did the English establish a permanent settlement in America in the 17th century?

a. New Amsterdam

b. Quebec

c. Jamestown

d. Morristown

32. Which explorer’s crew is remembered as the first to circumnavigate the globe?

a. Vasco da Gama

b. Christopher Columbus

c. John Cabot

d. Ferdinand Magellan

33. On what assumption was the encomienda system based?

a. that Europeans had the right to demand labor from native Americans

b. that exposure to Europeans would help educate the natives

c. that exposure to Europeans would convert Native Americans to Protestantism

d. That Mestizos had more rights than full-blooded Native Americans

34. The slave trade had its most damaging effect on the peoples of

a. Africa

b. Asia

c. The Americas

d. Europe

35. Most Native Americans who died during the period of European colonization were killed by

a. forced labor.

b. wounds received in battle.

c. starvation.

d. diseases such as smallpox.

36. During European colonization, what European religion had the greatest influence on Central and South America?

a. Protestantism

b. Catholicism

c. Buddhism

d. Eastern Orthodox

37. One similarity between the social patterns in medieval Europe and those in colonial Latin America is that both societies

a. Separated religion and politics

b. Separated people into different classes

c. Gave women the power to assume leadership positions

d. Followed the rule of the majority


38. Using the above chart, the most common destination for African slaves were the colonies of

a. Spain and Portugal

b. France

c. England and the Dutch

d. Russia


39. James I of England believed in the divine right of kings, which is

a. The belief that a king was granted the wisdom of God upon ascending to the throne, and therefore was faultless.

b. The concept that kings were equal to God, and therefore did not have to live by the laws of the Church.

c. The theory that kings alone could know the mind of God, and therefore could determine the future through divination.

d. The idea that kings receive their power from God and are responsible only to God.

40. The ideas of ____ can be found in the American Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution.

a. Thomas Wilson

b. John Calvin

c. Miguel de Cervantes

d. John Locke

41. In Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s concept of a social contract,

a. An entire society agrees to be governed by its general will.

b. Punishments are not exercises in brutality, and capital punishment is discarded.

c. The government should not interfere in economic matters.

d. Women should be granted rights nearly equal to those of men.

42. Montesquieu’s most lasting contribution to political thought was his

a. Analysis of the governmental system of checks and balances.

b. Identification of the natural laws that governed human society.

c. Theory that the government should interfere with religious matters.

d. Idea that punishments should be brutal to be effective.

43. What were the two major reasons that Napoleon’s Grand Empire collapsed?

a. Napoleon’s greed and laziness within his bureaucracy

b. the survival of Great Britain and the force of nationalism

c. the resentment of the clergy and the plotting of the accountants

d. France’s weak economy and the drain of Napoleon’s many wars

44. The English philosopher John Locke argued that life, liberty, and property are

a. Natural rights that should be protected by government

b. Political rights to be granted as determined by the law

c. Economic rights earned in a capitalist system

d. Social rights guaranteed by the ruling class

45. The principle of federalism in the United States Constitution is reflected in

a. The right of states to negotiate foreign trade agreements

b. People’s right to elect their representative in government

c. The concentration of power in the executive branch of government

d. The division of power between the national and state governments

46. When members of the Third Estate took the Tennis Court Oath (1789) at the start of the French Revolution, they were attempting to

a. Establish a military government

b. Draft a new national constitution

c. Restore the king to power

d. Persuade Napoleon to take over

47. During the 19th century, which of the following occurred in Europe?

a. the resurgence of conservatives over liberals

b. the decline of established empires

c. conflict between conservative and liberal movements

d. all of the above

48. Otto von Bismarck practiced realpolitk which was

a. politics based on practical matters rather than theory or ethics.

b. the view that military might equaled political might.

c. a belief that animals have political rights.

d. the study of the governments of other nations, past and present.

49. The best example of the success of nationalism in Europe in the 19th century is the

a. development of socialism in France.

b. industrial revolution in Britain.

c. establishment of the Common Market.

d. unification of Germany.

50. Nationalism is most likely to develop in an area that has

a. land suited to agriculture.

b. adequate industry to supply consumer demands.

c. common customs, language, and history.

d. a moderate climate with rivers for irrigation.

51. Which quotation best reflects a feeling of nationalism?

a. “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.”

b. “For God, King, and Country.”

c. “A person’s greatest social obligation is loyalty to the family.”

d. “Opposition to evil is as much a duty as is cooperation with good.”

52. One cause of the March 1917 Revolution in Russia was

a. food shortages.

b. the death of Rasputin.

c. Lenin’s return to Russia.

d. the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk.

53. The fatal mistake the provisional government under Kerensky made was

a. listening to Rasputin rather than government advisors.

b. killing the czar.

c. asking Lenin to return to Russia.

d. continuing to fight in World War I.

54. What was a result of the Bolshevik Revolution?

a. civil war in Russia between the Whites and the Reds.

b. World War I.

c. war between Russia and Japan.

d. fighting between the Bolsheviks and the Red forces.

55. Mohandas Gandhi is best known for his

a. desire to establish an Islamic nation in British India.

b. use of passive resistance to achieve Indian independence.

c. opposition to Hindus holding political office.

d. encouragement of violence to end British rule.

56. One similarity between the Sepoys in India, the Boxers in China, and the Mau Mau in Kenya is that these groups

a. depended on Western support for their success.

b. adopted Marxist economic and political principles.

c. sought independence through nonviolence.

d. tried to drive Europeans out of their countries.

57. The island of Cuba gained its independence as a result of

a. rebellion against the Spanish and the Spanish-American War of 1898.

b. a movement for nationalism by the Cuban people in 1959.

c. Spain relinquishing control of the island after the defeat of the Spanish Armada.

d. the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo which transferred control of Cuba from the Spanish government to the elected Cuban legislature.

58. Which Asian country was most successful in maintaining its independence in the late 19th and early 20th centuries?

a. China.

b. Japan.

c. India.

d. Philippines.

59. Who was forced to assume sole responsibility for the war under the Treaty of Versailles?

a. Germany

b. Austria-Hungary

c. Russia

d. Italy

60. What action on 11 November 1918 brought WWI to an end?

a. surrender was given

b. a propaganda campaign was waged

c. the allies won a major battle

d. an armistice was signed

61. What is the policy of glorifying power and keeping an army prepared for war?

a. nationalism

b. militarism

c. imperialism

d. patriotism

62. Who led Germany during the last decade of the 1800’s and most of WWI?

a. Otto von Bismarck

b. Adolf Hitler

c. Kaiser Wilhelm II

d. George Clemenceau

63. How did Russia’s participation in World War I affect its empire?

a. Strong, decisive military victories gained land from the Central powers

b. Russia’s sale of supplies to its western allies strengthened its economy

c. The czar adopted the reforms necessary to win the support of the Russian people

d. Economic hardship brought on by the war resulted in the downfall of the czar

64. A major goal of France and Great Britain at the Conference of Versailles following World War I was to

a. Create a politically unified Europe

b. Keep Germany from rebuilding its military

c. Restore pre-war imperial governments to power

d. Help Germany rebuild its industrial economy

65. What position did the United States take as war engulfed Europe in 1914?

a. sided with Germany

b. declared war on Germany

c. sided with Britain

d. remained neutral

Use the above maps to answer the following two questions.

66. In 1919, European boundaries were changed in an attempt to

a. Satisfy the demands for self-determination by ethnic nationalities

b. Allow for communist expansion in Eastern Europe

c. Establish a European common market

d. Balance economic needs and natural resources

67. The Treaty of Versailles most impacted the borders of

a. Western Europe

b. Italy

c. Eastern Europe

d. Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland


68. To deal with Germany’s runaway inflation, an international commission created the Dawes Plan, which helped insure Germany’s payments in that it

a. cancelled Britain’s reparation debt, angering the Axis Power

b. reduced Germany’s reparation debt and provided Germany with a loan

c. reduced the interest rates paid by Germany on its foreign loans

d. increased the price paid by foreign markets for German products

69. What did Hitler blame on the Weimar Republic?

a. accepting the harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles

b. Its parliamentary government

c. Peasant uprisings

d. the Dawes Plan

70. A major goal of Joseph Stalin’s five-year plans was to

a. encourage communist revolutions in the colonies of the European powers

b. transform the Soviet Union into an industrial power

c. expand the Soviet Union’s borders to include warm-water ports

d. reduce the amount of foreign aid coming from the Western Hemisphere

71. President Roosevelt’s program to deal with the Great Depression was known as

a. The Big Deal

b. controlled inflation

c. Socialism

d. The New Deal

72. The invasion of France on June 6, 1944 was called

a. the Battle of Stalingrad

b. Pearl Harbor

c. D-Day

d. the Battle of Midway

73. What was the August 1939 agreement between Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin to refrain from attacking each other?

a. Treaty of Versailles.

b. Treaty of Moscow.

c. Treaty of Locarno.

d. Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact

74. The Sudetenland that was given to Hitler in 1938 in the Munch Conference was

a. another name for Austria.

b. an area of eastern Poland that contained ethnic Germans.

c. part of Yugoslavia.

d. an area of western Czechoslovakia that contained ethnic Germans.

75. Fear about Communist expansion in Southeast Asia, or the “Domino Theory”, was used to justify the United States involvement in’

a. Vietnam

b. Korea

c. India

d. Nicaragua

76. Which of the following events was the best indicator of the end of the Cold War?

a. the fall of the Berlin Wall

b. the end of the Vietnam War

c. the resolution of the Cuban Missile Crisis

d. the creation of the European Union

77. What was the purpose of the Truman Doctrine?

a. to raise funds for Communist activities in Europe

b. to create a communist party in the United States

c. to judge political parties that favored communism

d. to support countries that resisted communism

78. Which two groups fought a civil war in China both before and after WWII?

a. the peasants and the middle class

b. warlords and the emperor

c. nationalists and the Communists

d. the socialists and the nationalists

79. What led the Soviets to blockade West Berlin?

a. the formation of NATO

b. a reunification of the three western zones of Germany

c. Marshall Plan aid to West Germany

d. The crash of a U2 spy flight over Soviet territory

80. All of the following are major goals of the United Nation Security Council EXCEPT

a. work to carry out peace agreements between countries

b. monitor cease-fires

c. put an end to fighting and allow for peace negotiations to go forward

d. to start wars and get money from the warring countries


81. An analysis of the chart above shows that the United Nations

a. Has maintained the same number of members since 1945

b. Is having to operate with smaller and smaller budgets

c. Relies on the United States to carry out its peacekeeping missions

d. Faces an increasing financial burden as it deals with a growing number of crisis

“The High Contracting Parties solemnly declare in the names of their respective peoples that they condemn recourse to war for the solution of international controversies, and renounce it, as an instrument of national policy in their relations with one another.”

Article I, Kellogg-Briand Pact 1928

82. Based on the above statement, the Kellogg-Briand Pact recommended

a. Settlement of the Allies’ war debts

b. Naval disarmament

c. Outlawing war

d. Nonintervention in internal politics

83. Following the Renaissance in Europe, a new middle class began to form. What was membership to the new middle class based on?

a. Wealth and occupation

b. Birth

c. Government appointment

d. Family heritage

84. The slaughter of European Jews by the Nazis during World War II is know as the

a. Armenian Massacre.

b. “killing fields” of Europe.

c. Holocaust.

d. Long March.

85. The Nazi’s “final solution” referred to their plans to

a. conquer Britain.

b. exterminate Europe’s Jews.

c. rule Britain after conquering it.

d. defeat France.

86. A negative impact of the changes that have occurred because of the industrial revolution is

a. Increased levels of air and water pollution

b. Limited economic opportunities

c. Less contact with other cultures

d. Decrease in international trade

87. Karl Marx believed that society was divided between which two groups of people?

a. Royalty and the poor

b. Nobility and the Middle Class

c. The industrial working class and the business owners

d. Democratic and Communist

Read the passage below and answer questions 87 and 88.

“It was a town of red brick, or of brick that would have been red if the smoke and ashes had allowed it; but as matters stood it was a town of unnatural red and black like the painted face of a savage. It was a gown of machinery and tall chimneys, out of which interminable serpents of smoke trailed themselves for ever and ever, and never got uncoiled. It had a black canal in it, and a river that ran purple with all the ill smelling dye...”

-Charles Dickens, Hard Times

88. The author of this passage is criticizing the effects of

a. Imperialism

b. Industrialization

c. Nationalism

d. Trench Warfare

89. What is the specific problem being addressed?

a. Economic inequality

b. Child labor

c. Unsafe working conditions and long hours

d. Urban pollution


90. Developing countries are characterized by not being advanced and having

a. A farming economy and little modern technology

b. An industrial economy with few labor laws and widespread poverty

c. A farming economy and strong educational systems

d. An industrial economy and under population

91. The heliocentric theory challenged the

a. geocentric theory.

b. mathematical theories.

c. observed patterns.

d. political scientists.

92. Galileo was tried for heresy because

a. his work called into question the divinity of Christ.

b. of his personal criticism of the pope.

c. his work challenged the Catholic Church’s doctrine on the structure of the universe.

d. he publicly voiced his belief in the geocentric nature of the universe.

93. The economic theory of laissez-faire capitalism proposes that

a. Command economies provide the greatest opportunity for growth

b. The nobility should have strict control over business and industry

c. The practices of mercantilism should be expanded

d. Governments should not interfere with business

94. Entrepreneurs are people who

a. invent machines.

b. undertake risks to operate new ventures to make money.

c. favor government ownership of industry.

d. give large sums of money to charity.

95. Who developed or improved upon a steam engine that could drive machinery?

a. Henry Cort

b. James Watt

c. Edmund Wilson

d. James Hargreaves

96. Which of the following sectors was the first to undergo major industrialization?

a. coal mining

b. railroads

c. banking

d. textile / cloth production

97. Since 1948, a major reason for the conflict between Arabs and Israelis is that each side

a. Wants the huge diamond reserves that lie under the disputed land

b. Believes that the Untied States and Russia favor the other in the conflict

c. Claims sovereignty over the same land

d. Seeks to control trade on the Black Sea

98. The interaction when one culture economically or politically dominates another culture is

a. Nationalism

b. Internationalism

c. Imperialism

d. Communism

99. Current tensions in South Asia exist over religious and political differences between India and which other country?

a. Japan

b. Vietnam

c. England

d. Pakistan

100. Which of the following people’s desire for self-determination and government has led to recent problems and violence in the Middle East?

a. Persian

b. Palestinian

c. Egyptian

d. Jewish


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