Pre-historic Aegean: Neolithic --Bronze Age

Pre-historic Aegean: Neolithic --Bronze Age

1. Aegean Culture: 3000-2000 B.C.E.

A. Characteristics: 1. non-Greek (prob. Asia Minor ties)

2.peaceful; economy--sea-trade & agriculture

3.stone, copper tools; clay pottery; begin walled towns

4.language (?) (-ssos; -nthos endings);

5.female god(s) imp. (a "Mother" goddess?)

B. Sites: (main) Greece--(north) Dimini, Seskio; Islands:-(South) Krete; Cyclades: Melos, Amorgos [idols--afterlife?]

II. Bronze Age Aegean: *2000-1900 B.C.E.

"Greeks" invade from North (burn levels)

A. Greeks' main characteristics:

1. horse/chariot (warlike) 2. grey-Minyan ware pottery

3. Male principle imp.--gods; Kings (feudal organize)

B. Sites: (mainland) changed by invaders: (fortified citadels) Mykenae, Tiryns, Pylos, Athens, etc.

III. Minoan Krete: (same people as mainland?)

A..Dates: 3000-2000 B.C. Early Minoan

2000-1400 B.C. Middle Minoan (refugees come)

1400-1200 B.C. Late Minoan (Mykeneans conquer - linear B)

B. Myths: 1. Minos (title?) a. 1st navy

b. Minotaur/Labyrinth/Theseus

2. Daedelus--lst architect polit., econ., cultural sig. of myths?

C.Archaeological Evidence:Sir Arthur Evans 1900-1941 at Knossos

1.great palaces: Knossos, Mallia, Phaistos, etc. [Middle Minoan]

2.great sea power/trade/colonies:ex.-Thera,etc. to Asia Minor, Cyprus

3.languages(S): Linear A, Phaistos disc?, Linear B (after 1400 B.C. at Knossos)

4.Urban (refined) culture-planned towns, Kamares ware pottery; frescos

5.Technology: metalwork, drain systems, indoor plumbing, roads

6.Religion: (prob.) fem. god imp.; bulls, snakes

7.Women's status --very high (ex.-frescoes, statues, jewelry)


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