CMGT 543

Managing Communication in the Entertainment Industry

Spring 2016

Professor: David Craig

Email: david@

Office: ASC 321A

Office Hours: 5pm before class; by appointment; email your request, including topic


This course examines Hollywood through the lens of media industries, management, and culture. We will map how these industries are structured, including conglomerates, studios, networks, and production companies, and how these are managed. We will examine the unique nature of strategic media management, particularly in the digital age. The course assignments will include case study and fieldwork to examine the operations, structure, value, management, and corporate/production culture of a media corporation, the departments of the film and television division, and the disruption caused by digital/social/interactive media.


• To understand the management, organization, culture and practices of traditional media corporations and how they are adapting to the Digital Age.

• To map the opportunities for communication management professionals in the media and entertainment industries.

• To develop core competencies and work skills, including conducting research, writing professional papers, making state of the art presentations and developing networking skills.


• Elberse - Blockbusters

• Havens and Lotz - Understanding Media Industries

• Kung - Strategic Media Management

• Ulin-Media Distribution

• Additional readings will be posted on Blackboard and are subject to change.

SYLLABUS (Subject to Change)

|Class |Topics/ Class Projects |Reading/Assignments (due before class) |

|1/9 |Intro; Hollywood HR analysis | |

|1/16 |NO CLASS: MLK DAY |Post Prezume |

|1/23 |HOLLYWOOD 101; prezumes |Start blogging |

| | |Havens and Lotz/1-4 |

|1/30 |How Movies get made; prezumes |Havens and Lotz/ 5-8 |

|2/6 |How TV gets made; prezumes |Havens and Lotz/ 9-11 |

|2/13 |Assignments; sample case studies |Elberse/ Prologue-3 |

|2/20 |Guest |Elberse/ 4-epilogue |

|2/27 |Guest; review conglomerates |Strategic Media Management/ 1-4 |

|3/6 |Present Conglomerates (Group) |Strategic Media Management/ 5-11 |


|3/20 |Guest |Netflix Culture |

| | |Caldwell/Para-Industry |

| | |Making Media Work |

|3/27 |Guest |Ulin/ 1-3 |

|4/3 |Presentations |Ulin/ 4-5 |

|4/10 |Presentations |Ulin/ 6 |

|4/17 |Presentations |Ulin/ 7-8 |

|4/24 |Presentations |Ulin/ 9-10 |

|5/8 |NO FINAL ESSAY | |


30% Blog

30% Conglomerate case study(Group)

40% Company case study (Individual)

PREZUME (Prezi + resume)

• This will not be graded.

• Go to , sign up for a free educational account, take the tutorial and get started.

• “Show me” 5-7 things I should know about you: where you are from, where you went to school, your work experience, the reason you picked this course, etc.

• Use images, pictures, logos, video. Limit your text as much as possible. Be creative.

• Post the link to your Prezi on the Blackboard before class.


• You are to relate THAT WEEK’s reading to a CURRENT media & entertainment news item.

• Write a paragraph (4-5 sentence) that describes the reading, news, and their relationship.

• Cite the reading, including page number and post the hyperlink to the news item.

• Do not post what has been previously been posted and you may not go back in time.

GRADING: 2 points per blog (up to 30) provided you follow directions.

CONGLOMERATES: the class will be divided into groups and each group will conduct a case study and present on US-based transnational media conglomerate. Each group should describe the market share, ownership, corporate culture and management strategies, economic returns, platform and company integration, and transnational growth. You should also compare this conglomerate to its competition, including market share. Here are some TIPS:

• AVOID HISTORY except for 2-3 recent and significant changes, e.g., ownership

• SHOW ME THE MONEY; include research from business sites and shareholder reports;

• DESIGN THOUGHTFULLY- create your own template, use ALL the features of prezi;

• PRESENT CONFIDENTALLY - everyone should present without notes or reading the screen.

SCHEDULE: failure to follow these directions and this schedule will take points off.

• One week prior, present your FINISHED conglomerate prezi for in-class review;

• Expect to make significant changes over the week to address my notes; AND,

• Post the final Prezi on blackboard AFTER you present.

GRADING: 30 points based on following directions, thorough research, an engaging prezi design, and compelling and convincing performance

COMPANIES: every student will present a case study of an entertainment firm, e.g. a film studio, TV network, or agency/management firm, through the lens of strategic media management. Your research should include:

• A brief history of the company; no more than 5 significant and recent points

• Ownership and value, including if/ how they fit within a larger conglomerate.

• Management, including an organizational chart of the major divisions

• Economics, including their business models, revenue streams, market, and competition;

• A micro case study of the supply chain or a business deal, including digital strategies.

• Description of their corporate culture, e.g., how they differ from their competition

YOUR ANALYSIS; should critically account for how these firms are managing technological change, creativity and innovation, culture, organizational structure, and leadership

INTERVIEW: you must conduct an interview in-person with an executive at director level or above in the company. This person must be approved by me in advance.


• One month before, schedule time to meet with me and reconfirm on that day; prior to our meeting, you should email me a 2-3 page outline based on your preliminary research and 5 working links for potential interview candidates.

• One week before, send me your FINAL Prezi - no missing data and fully designed – and be prepared to address MANY NOTES over the next week.

• Post your presentation on blackboard AFTER you present.

GRADING: 40 points based on following directions, thorough research, an engaging prezi, and compelling and convincing performance.

Late assignments/Emergencies: No late assignments will be accepted. If you have a legitimate and verifiable emergency that makes it impossible to turn in your assignment you must:

1) email me before the beginning of class the day the assignment is due to notify me of your emergency,

2) provide official proof (doctor’s note or other evidence) and

3) arrange to email the assignment at a time to be determined.

Academic Conduct

• Plagiarism – presenting someone else’s ideas as your own, either verbatim or recast in your own words – is a serious academic offense with serious consequences. Please familiarize yourself with the discussion of plagiarism in SCampus in Section 11, Behavior Violating University Standards

• Other forms of academic dishonesty are equally unacceptable. See additional information in SCampus and university policies on scientific misconduct, .

• Discrimination, sexual assault, and harassment are not tolerated by the university.

• You are encouraged to report any incidents to the Office of Equity and Diversity or to the Department of Public Safety .

• This is important for the safety of the whole USC community. Another member of the university community – such as a friend, classmate, advisor, or faculty member – can help initiate the report, or can initiate the report on behalf of another person. The Center for Women and Men provides 24/7 confidential support, and the sexual assault resource center webpage describes reporting options and other resources.

Support Systems

• A number of USC’s schools provide support for students who need help with scholarly writing. Check with your advisor or program staff to find out more. Students whose primary language is not English should check with the American Language Institute , which sponsors courses and workshops specifically for international graduate students.

• The Office of Disability Services and Programs provides certification for students with disabilities and helps arrange the relevant accommodations.

• If an officially declared emergency makes travel to campus infeasible, USC Emergency Information will provide safety and other updates, including ways in which instruction will be continued by means of blackboard, teleconferencing, and other


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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