Piper Unified School District #203 - PC\|MAC

Piper Unified School District #203

Piper Middle School

4420 N. 107th Street

Kansas City, Kansas 66109

Ph: (913) 721-1144 Fax: (913) 721-1526

Steve Mercer, Principal Marge Eckard, Counselor

Sarah Guerrero, Assistant Principal


Happy 2012 to all!

I hope that you all had a restful and relaxing holiday. The break was most welcomed by the staff at the middle school. Second semester is off to a very successful start. Students and staff were eager to get back to business. Everyone handled the transition exceptionally well. We had 6 new students enroll. Please welcome them to the Pirate family. We also had the new wing of the building open. Construction is 99.99% complete. (There are still a few decorative panels to hang) Sixth graders have been moved to their new lockers and their new rooms. It is an awesome new wing. You must visit us sometime to see it! (I would suggest at the end of the day, as school is letting out)

This is a very important semester for our students. State assessments begin in February. All students will be tested in reading and math. Sixth and eighth grade students will also test in social studies while seventh grade students will test in science. The students and the staff are working extremely hard to prepare for these assessments. Parents, please offer all the encouragement that you can to your student.

There are a couple of other things to put on your calendars. Piper Middle School is having a school play on February 23rd (7:00 p.m.) and February 25th (1:00 p.m.). The name of the play is Shoestring Theater. Please be sure to join us for one of these shows. It is going to be fantastic!

Boys basketball season opens on January 12th. You can find the schedule of the games on the website.

Piper Middle School is planning its 2nd annual fundraiser for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, You may remember our Pasta for Pennies campaign that we had in January of 2011. I am happy to report that Olive Garden has agreed to provide a meal to the class that collects the most money once again this year. More details will be provided later.

Also be sure to mark your calendars for parent teacher conferences on February 15th (evening) and 16th (afternoon and evening) We will send a letter with the times in a couple of weeks.

I hope that you and your family have an awesome 2012. Please feel free to stop in to visit us some time over the next semester.


Stephen W. Mercer


Piper Middle School

4420 N.107th

Kansas City, Kansas 66109

Phone 913.721.1144

Fax 913.721.1526


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