New Client Checklist - Women Financial Advisor Coach

New Client Checklist

This page lists a general “what to do” and in what order when we start working together.

Starting on page 2, you’ll find important items to complete; however, based on what’s in your business plan, tasks may need to be added or deleted. So this is a working document for you and me to use and change. If you have major problem(s) or issues that crop up or things that need to be discussed, personally or professionally, we’ll work on those issues as they’ll get in the way of your success. If you’re good on a section, we’ll pass that over.

1. In your computer, create a folder and put all documents along with a completed business check-up in it. Create a sub-folder for completed documents.

2. Create a folder in your inbox called Business Building that filters the recipient words coachmaria and elevatingyourbusiness That will have all mail from me go to one folder in your Email program. If you do not know how to use your rules or filter, we can go over that on your first call.

3. Complete all the forms listed in the WOW letter you received and return to me to discuss at our first session.

4. Complete the accountability form weekly -- the Success Tracker -- sent to you via email. Change questions to better serve you.

5. Create a dream board of some sort (online, poster, etc). If you have others living in your home, this is a great “family” project. You’ll find information on the dream board process at

6. Use the checklist starting on page 2 and let’s work to have all boxes checked off in 3-6 months. Provide me with the month you’ll commit to update your “one-sheet binder” each year. You may need to purchase other CDs or templates to do all the work necessary.

7. I recommend that all documents you create go into your binder. My phone numbers are in the back of the binder.

8. Make a copy of your business plan and bulls eye for the Ideal client and keep those on the wall near your desk.

9. At a minimum everything is updated yearly.

10. Put all business plan objectives and action plans into the online Performance Management System, a project management system you’re already using, or ask me about another system I’m using. Send me the passwords. Update it each Friday at 5pm and I look it over by the following Monday. If you are not purchasing this, let’s talk about how you can do this step manually.

Taking action each day and all will be completed before you know it. You want to put aside a full day each week to create your documents. Why? Your company needs a boss at least 7 hours a week.

Business Fundamentals Checklist

How’s your business foundation? Creating one isn’t as difficult as you might think. Think “one-sheets.” Business and marketing plan on one sheet. Ideal client profile on one sheet. Referral partner profile on one sheet. Pricing sheet. Get it? Then each year give your one-sheets a fine–tooth comb once-over but don’t be afraid to change things during the year, too.

NOTE: Below is a sample list in an order that “might” be good for your process. You always want to start with a business plan, marketing plan, and ideal client profile. However, based on your plan, you might jump around the list. OR then again, you may do it just the way it’s written.

Start here:

❑ Vision Statement completed. (Strategic Planning CD)

❑ Create one-page ideal client profile. (Ideal Client Profile CD)

❑ Mission, Objectives, Strategies, Action Plans.

❑ Set up objectives and action plans on a monitoring system and update each Friday.

❑ Based on the work you’ve completed, review your ideal client profile and adjust.

❑ Create a value proposition and tag line (if you don’t have one) for your company. Ask me for templates.

❑ Create a go/no go or bid/no bid questionnaire. (Ask me for a sample)

❑ Create prospects and new client intake form and client follow-up system and paperwork.

❑ Create a Unique Selling Proposition for yourself and your business. (Networking CD)

❑ Redo your Elevator Speeches. (7 words, 30, 60 seconds and 2 minutes)

❑ Update Your Pricing Strategies: (Pricing CD)

o Hourly rates

o Marketing Funnel

o Look to create groups where you can do your services instead of working 1:1

o Consider payment plans for big-ticket items, discounts for paying upfront, etc.

❑ Are your brand/identity and core values working for you?

❑ Is your bio something you’re proud of? Time to update your resume or bio.

❑ Update your Database(s) for follow-up and referral processes: (Networking CD)

o For current clients

o For future clients

o For your referral partners

o For family and friends

o Prospects

o Business cards you want to keep

❑ Systematize: Write down more of your procedures, create checklists, etc.

❑ Create a networking and referral partners follow-up process.

❑ Look to see what else can be automated and systematized. Remember, you don’t have to use technology to create systems. Forms on paper work well for many!

❑ Send your P/L, Balance sheet, and itemized expenses to your coach for review. It’s easy for someone else to catch where you can save some money.

❑ Create or update your hiring/performance/firing system.

❑ Ask yourself: How can your website better generate income?

❑ Look to do things that worked for you and that you just have to update a little for it to work for you.

❑ Take a better look at your strengths and weaknesses—both your own and your employees! Take the Strength Finder Assessment online.

❑ Conduct a realistic review of the organizations you’re a member of. What’s the ROI on your investment of time and money?

❑ Make sure your office is an enjoyable place to work.

❑ Leverage your marketing efforts by repurposing everything possible. Find 10 ways to use something you already have.

❑ Don’t stop doing the type of marketing that has been working for you. Tweak it all to work even better.

❑ It’s so much easier to market to your former clients and current clients. Look for ways to “upsell.”

❑ Go through your emails or notes for leads that you’ve overlooked or who didn’t respond as positive as you would have liked when you first contacted them. Contact them again.

❑ Clean out your office. Redecorate. Donate what you no longer need. Free up space for future endeavors.

❑ Start an affiliate program or offer referral fees if that’s something you’re comfortable doing.

❑ Smart business owners look for joint venture, alliance, and partnership opportunities.

o Who can you do teleseminars or in-person classes with?

o Who can you write an ebook with?

o Whose program do you like that you can sell?

o Who can be out there selling your services while you market theirs in return?

❑ Support: No one really works alone. Never, ever be afraid to ask for and get help!

o Get help by hiring employees, contractors, or consultants.

o Upgrade your support teams – your R & D Team, advisory boards, etc.

CDs that are not mentioned in the above list: Website, Proposal Writing, Logo/Branding, Article Marketing, Ezine/Newsletters



Contact Maria at

Phone: 360-271-8418


Maria Marsala, the founder of Elevating Your Business, is a business strategist, speaker, author, and former Wall Street Fortune 500 executive. She entered the business world at 14 selling AVON and landed in her “second” career on Wall Street at the tender age of 17. Wall Street rewarded her for her fierce determination and keen business insights when she become a bond trader and department manager at a time when women executives were a rare commodity. Since 1998, Maria has helped women service industry CEOs , presidents,

professionals, and management teams eliminate the problems of quickly-

growing businesses by streamlining and automating their planning,

operations and marketing processes. The results? They’ve increased their

bottom line, worked smarter and enjoyed a higher quality life. Would you like

to be next? Contact Maria today!

Speaking Topics Include: [pic]

♦ Strategic Business & Marketing Planning

♦ Ideal Client Profile/Niches

♦ Vision, Mission, Mantra

♦ Performance Management Systems

♦ USPs, Elevator Speeches, Networking

♦ Business Alliance, Affiliates & Teams

♦ Marketing/PR

♦ Setting/Raising Rates, Marketing Funnel

♦ Systems Development

♦ Internet Marketing

♦ Article Marketing on the Web

♦ Website Design, SEO, Traffic

♦ Dream/Vision Boards

♦ Business Boundaries

♦ Stress Reduction

♦ Visiting NY/Seeing Everything


© 20098 Maria Marsala, Business Advisor Cࠀࠁࠋࠔࠕ࠯࠼ࡈࡎ࡯ࡰࢂࢃ࢑࢚ࢣࢫࢬࣣࣛࣜअफयऱलॆ꫁躜躜躀犜撜撜鱲鱖鲎犀鲀ᘚ텨࠻䌀ᙊ伀Ɋ儀Ɋ帀Ɋ愀ᙊᘚ뙨訍䌀ᙊ伀Ɋ儀Ɋ帀Ɋ愀ᙊᘚ繨報䌀ᙊ伀Ɋ儀Ɋ帀Ɋ愀ᙊᘚ襨瘿䌀ᙊ伀Ɋ儀Ɋ帀Ɋ愀ᙊᘚ塨ؼ䌀ᙊ伀Ɋ儀Ɋ帀Ɋ愀ᙊᘚ潨䌀ᙊ伀Ɋ儀Ɋ帀Ɋ愀ᙊᔬᱨ금ᘀ表쨟㔀脈⩂䌉⑊伀͊儀͊帀Ɋ愀⑊瀀h茽ᔬᱨ금ᘀᙨ牘㔀脈⩂䌉⑊伀͊儀͊帀Ɋ愀⑊瀀hoach Elevating Your Page 5 of 5

Phone: 360.271.8418


© 2009 Maria Marsala

Business Advisor Coach ( Speaker ( Author ( Former Wall Street Trader

19906 Hamilton CT NE Suite A ( Poulsbo, WA 98370-8757


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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