Headway New Grammar Reference with exercises



Grammar Reference with exercises




1.1 Tenses

Unit 1 aims to review what you know. It has examples of the Present Simple and Continuous, the Past Simple and Continuous, and the Present Perfect. There are also examples of the passive voice.

All these forms are covered again in later units.

Present tenses Past tenses Present Perfect Passive

Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 7 Units 2, 3, 7

1.2 Verbs Ex. 1

1 There are three classes of verbs in English.

Auxiliary verbs do, be, and have These are used to form tenses, and to show forms such as questions

and negatives.

Modal auxiliary verbs Must, can, should, might, will, and would are examples of modal

auxiliary verbs. They `help' other verbs, but unlike do, be, and have, they have their own meanings. For example, must expresses obligation; can expresses ability. (See Units 4, 5, 9, 11.)

Full verbs These are all the other verbs in the language, for example, play, run,

help, think, want, go, see, eat, enjoy, live, die, swim, etc.

2 Do, be, and have can also be used as full verbs with their own meanings.

do I do my washing on Saturdays. She does a lot of business in Eastern Europe.

be We are in class at the moment. They were at home yesterday.

have He has a lot of problems. They have three children.

3 There are two forms of have in the present. have as a full verb I have a job. Do you have a flat? He doesn't have a car.

have + got I've got a job. Have you got a flat? She hasn't got a car.

1.3 Auxiliary verbs and tenses Ex. 2

1 be and the continuous forms

Be + verb + -ing is used to make continuous verb forms which describe activities in progress and temporary activities. He's washing his hair. (Present Continuous) They were going to work. (Past Continuous) I've been learning English for two years. (Present Perfect Continuous) I'd like to be lying on the beach right now. (Continuous infinitive)

2 be and the passive voice

Be + past participle is used to form the passive. Paper is made from wood. (Present Simple passive) My car was stolen yesterday. (Past Simple passive) The house has been redecorated. (Present Perfect passive) This homework needs to be done tonight. (Passive infinitive)

There is an introduction to the passive on p3.

3 have and the perfect forms

Have + past participle is used to make perfect verb forms. He has worked in seven different countries. (Present Perfect) She was crying because she had had some bad news. (Past Perfect) I'd like to have met Napoleon. (Perfect infinitive)

Perfect means `completed before', so Present Perfect means `completed before now'. Past Perfect means `completed before a time in the past'.

1.4 Auxiliary verbs and negatives Ex. 3

1 To make a negative, add -n't to the auxiliary verb. If there is no auxiliary verb, use don't/doesn't/didn't.

Positive He's working. I was thinking. We've seen the play. She works in a bank. They like skiing. He went on holiday.

Negative He isn't working. I wasn't thinking. We haven't seen the play. She doesn't work in a bank. They don't like skiing. He didn't go on holiday.

2 It is possible to contract the auxiliaries be and have and use the uncontracted not.

He's not playing today. (= He isn't playing today.) We're not going to Italy after all. (= We aren't going to Italy ...) I've not read that book yet. (= I haven't read that book yet.) BUT I'm not working. NOT I amn't working.

1.5 Auxiliary verbs and questions Ex. 4

1 To make a question, invert the subject and the auxiliary verb. If there is no auxiliary verb, use do/does/did.


She's wearing jeans. You were born in Paris. Peter's been to China. I know you. He wants ice-cream. They didn't go out.

What is she wearing? Where were you born? Has Peter been to China? Do I know you? What does he want? Why didn't they go out?

2 There is usually no do/does/did in subject questions.

Who wants ice-cream? want? What happened to your eye? Who broke the window?

What flavour ice-cream do you

What did you do to your eye? How did you break the window?

1.6 Auxiliary verbs and short answers Ex. 5

Short answers are very common in spoken English. If you just say Yes or No, it can sound rude. To make a short answer, repeat the auxiliary verb. In the Present and Past Simple, use do/does/did.

Short answer

Are you coming with us? Have you had breakfast? Does she like walking? Did Mary phone?

Yes, I am. No, I haven't. No, she doesn't. Yes, she did.

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Grammar Reference with exercises





1Is the verb in bold an auxiliary verb (A) or a full verb (F)?

1 _A_ We've seen this film before. 2 _F_ We had a lovely meal at Angie's. 3 __ Did anyone phone last night? 4 __ We did the washing-up before we went to bed. 5 __ We weren't using your CD player, honestly! 6 __ Where were Andy and Lou at lunchtime? 7 __ Philippa never does her homework. 8 __ What have you done with my pen? 9 __ Why are you looking so sad? 10 __ We've got a new computer at home.

2 Match the sentences 1?8 with tenses a?h

1 _d_ My children always do their homework. 2 __ I've had this book for a week. 3 __ Portuguese is spoken in Brazil. 4 __ The Egyptians built the Pyramids. 5 __ What were you doing an hour ago? 6 __If you are looking at the Vatican, which city are you

standing in? 7 __ When was the film Titanic made? 8 __ We had left the lights on all night.

a Past Simple b Present Continuous c Present Simple passive d Present Simple e Past Continuous f Past Perfect Simple g Past Simple passive h Present Perfect Simple

3 Make these sentences negative.

1 Simon has lived here for a long time. ___________________________________________________

2 I went to America last year. ___________________________________________________

3 I'm working very hard. ___________________________________________________

4 She's arriving this afternoon. ___________________________________________________

5 They were laughing at you. ___________________________________________________

4 Write questions for these answers.

1 No, the parcel hasn't arrived. Has _______________________________________________ ?

2 Champagne is made in France. Where _____________________________________________ ?

3 Yes, I enjoyed the film very much. Did _______________________________________________ ?

4 At 8.00 last night I was washing my hair. What ______________________________________________ ?

5 Football was invented in England. Where _____________________________________________ ?

5 Match the questions with the short answers.

1 __ Is the world getting hotter? 2 __ Were you listening carefully? 3 __ Are the pyramids of Egypt still standing? 4 __ Do you think it's going to rain? 5 __ Have we got time to play another game of tennis?

a Yes, I do. b No, we weren't. c Yes, it is. d Yes, they are. e Yes, you have.

2.1 Present Simple


The form is the same for I/we/you/they.

I work from 9?5 p.m. They don't work full time. Where do you work?

He/She/It: add -s or -es, and use does/doesn't in questions and short answers.

He doesn't work at weekends. Where does she live?

Short answer

Do you live in Bristol? Does he have a car?

Yes, we do. No, he doesn't.


The Present Simple is used to express:

1 an action that happens again and again (a habit). I go to work by car. She drinks ten cups of coffee a day.

2 a fact that is always true. Ronaldo comes from Brazil. My daughter has brown eyes.

3 a fact that is true for a long time (a state). He works in a bank. I live in a flat near the centre of town.

Spelling of he/she/it forms

1 Most verbs add -s to the base form of the verb. wants eats helps drives

2 Add -es to verbs that end in -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, and -o. kisses washes watches fixes goes

3 Verbs that end in a consonant + -y change the -y to -ies. carries flies worries tries But verbs that end in a vowel + -y only add -s. buys says plays enjoys

2.2 Adverbs of frequency Ex. 1

1 We often use adverbs of frequency with the Present Simple.




never rarely hardly ever not often sometimes often usually always

2 They go before the main verb, but after the verb to be.

I usually start at 9.00. I rarely see Peter these days.

They're usually here by now. We're rarely at home at weekends.

3 Sometimes and usually can also go at the beginning or the end.

Sometimes we play cards.

We play cards sometimes.

Usually I go shopping with friends. I go shopping with friends usually.

2.3 Present Continuous Exs. 2?3


am/is/are + verb + -ing

I'm playing tennis. He's cooking lunch.

I'm not enjoying my new job. They aren't working today.

What's he doing? Where are you living?

Short answer Are you going by train?

Yes, I am./No, I'm not.

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Grammar Reference with exercises




The Present Continuous is used to express:

1 an activity that is happening now. Don't turn the TV off. I'm watching it. You can't speak to Lisa. She's having a bath.

2 an activity that is not necessarily happening at the moment of speaking but is happening around now. Don't take that book. Jane's reading it. I'm doing a French evening class this year.

3 a temporary activity. Peter is a student, but he's working as a waiter during the holidays. I'm living with friends until I find a place of my own.

4 a planned future arrangement. I'm having lunch with Glenda tomorrow. We're meeting at 1.00 outside the restaurant.

Spelling of verb + -ing

1 Most verbs add -ing to the base form of the verb. going wearing visiting eating

2 Verbs that end in one -e lose the -e. smoking coming hoping writing BUT lie lying Verbs that end in -ee don't drop an -e. agreeing seeing

3 Verbs of one syllable, with one vowel and one consonant, double the consonant. stopping getting running planning jogging If the final consonant is -y or -w, it is not doubled. playing showing

2.4 State verbs

1 There are certain groups of verbs that are usually only used in the Present Simple. Their meanings are related to states or conditions that are facts, not activities.

Verbs of thinking and opinions

believe think understand suppose expect agree

doubt know remember forget promise mean

imagine realize deserve


Do you understand what I mean? I know his face, but I forget his name.

Verbs of emotions and feelings

like love hate care hope wish want prefer adore dislike

I like black coffee. I don't care.

Verbs of having and being

belong own have possess contain cost seem matter need depend weigh resemble fit involve

This book belongs to Jane. How much does it cost?

Verbs of the senses

look hear taste smell feel sound

The food smells good. My hair feels soft.

We often use can when the subject is a person. I can hear someone crying. Can you smell something burning?

2 Some of these verbs can be used in the Present Continuous, but with a change of meaning. In the continuous, the verb expresses an activity, not a state. Compare:

I think you're right. (opinion)

We're thinking of going to the cinema. (mental activity)

He has a lot of money. (possession)

She's having a bad day. (activity)

I see what you mean. (= understand)

Are you seeing Nigel tomorrow? (activity)

The soup tastes awful. (state)

I'm tasting the soup to see if it needs salt. (activity)

2.5 the passive


to be + past participle The tense of the verb to be changes to give different tenses in the passive. Are you being served? (Present Continuous) My car is insured with ASM. (Present Simple) Were you taken to visit the cathedral? (Past Simple) I've been invited to a wedding. (Present Perfect) I'd love to be introduced to a film star. (Passive infinitive)


1 Passive sentences move the focus from the subject to the object of active sentences. Shakespeare wrote Hamlet in 1601 while he was living in London. Hamlet, the most famous play in English literature, was written by William Shakespeare. The passive is not another way of expressing the same sentence in the active. We choose the active or the passive depending on what we are more interested in.

2 By and the agent are often omitted in passive sentences if ... ... the agent is not known: I was burgled last night. ... the agent is not important: This bridge was built in 1886. ... the agent is obvious: I was fined ?100 for speeding.

3 The passive is associated with an impersonal, formal style. Customers are requested to refrain from smoking. Reference books are not to be removed from the library.

4 In informal language, we often use you, we, and they to refer to people in general or to no person in particular, to avoid the passive. You can buy stamps in lots of shops, not just post offices. They're building a new department store in the city centre. We speak English in this shop.

Many past participles are used as adjectives. We were extremely worried about you. I'm exhausted! I've been working hard all day.

2.6Present Simple and Present Continuous passive

Ex. 4

Form Present Simple Passive (am/is/are + past participle)

Most workers are paid monthly. Is service included in the bill? Present Continuous Passive (am/is/are being + past participle) This road is being widened. Are you being served?


The uses are the same in the passive as in the active. My car is serviced every six months. (habit) Computers are used everywhere. (fact that is always true) The house is being redecorated at the moment. (activity happening now)

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Grammar Reference with exercises




1Are the adverbs of frequency in the correct position? Correct the wrong sentences. 1 _7_ Do usually you sit here? D__o_y_o_u__u_su_a_l_ly__si_t_h_e_re_?_______________________________

2 _3_ I have always liked Peter. _________________________________________________

3 __ Hardly ever I have anything to eat in the morning. _________________________________________________

4 __ I usually take my daughter to school. _________________________________________________

5 __ I go abroad on business sometimes. _________________________________________________

6 __ I have never enough money. _________________________________________________

7 __ We often have tests in class. _________________________________________________

8 __ Our teacher gives us always too much homework. _________________________________________________

9 __ Sonia rarely is late for class. _________________________________________________

2Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form, Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1 She _p_la_y_s_ (play) golf with her husband every Tuesday. 2I _____ (not study) French, I already _______ (speak) French

fluently! 3 Some birds _____ (fly) to warm countries in the winter. 4 We never _____ (go) on holiday at Christmas. 5 Why _____ she _____ (wear) that funny hat? 6 Our cousins _____ (not visit) us very often. 7 _____ you _____ (fix) computers? 8 _____ (be) they always late for meetings? 9 Wear your boots. It _____ (snow). 10 We _____ (have) dinner together next Monday. 11 No, I _____ (not live) in Rome, I _____ (live) in Milan. 12He _____ (work) for an international company so he

_____ (travel) a lot in his job. 13 We _____ (study) very hard at the moment. 14 Next week she_____ (go) to Madrid on business.

3Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or Present Continuous form of the verb in brackets.

1 She __h_a_s_____ (have) dinner with her boss on Fridays. 2 I _________ (think) about moving to a bigger flat. 3 We _________ (interview) for the post of Store Manager. 4 Many people _________ (not like) wearing a uniform. 5 The company _________ (make) ?1m profit a year. 6 Sorry, I _________ (not have) any change. 7 You're so thin. How much _______ you _______ (weigh)? 8I _________ (not do) anything right now ? come and have

a coffee.

4Complete the sentences with the Present Simple passive or Present Continuous passive.

1 English _i_s_s_p_o_k_en__ (speak) here. 2 Service _________ (not include) in the bill. 3 The staff room _________ (redecorate) at the moment. 4 On average, calls _________ (answer) within 5 rings. 5 About 1,000 people _________ (employ) at this company. 6 Several new office blocks _________ (build) at the moment. 7 I ________ (paid) on the first day of the month. 8 At this very moment. the injured ________ (take) to hospital.


3.1 past tenses Ex. 1

We use different past tenses to describe moments and periods of time in the past. Look at the diagram. Read the sentences. When Andrea arrived at work at 9.00 ...





... her secretary had opened the post.

... her secretary was opening the post. ... her secretary opened the post.

3.2 Past Simple


The form of the Past Simple is the same for all persons. He left at three o'clock. They arrived three weeks ago.

She didn't finish on time yesterday. I didn't visit my parents last weekend.

When did he finish the report? What time did his train leave?

Short answer Did you enjoy the meal?

Yes, we did./No, we didn't.


The Past Simple is used to express:

1 a finished action in the past. We met in 2000. I went to Manchester last week. John left two minutes ago.

2 actions that follow each other in a story. Mary walked into the room and stopped. She listened carefully. She heard a noise coming from behind the curtain. She threw the curtain open, and then she saw ...

3 a past situation or habit. When I was a child, we lived in a small house by the sea. Every day I walked for miles on the beach with my dog. This use is often expressed with used to. See 3.5 on p130. We used to live in a small house ... I used to walk for miles ...

Spelling of verb + -ed

1 Most regular verbs add -ed to the base form of the verb. worked wanted helped washed

2 When the verb ends in -e, add -d. liked used hated cared

3 If the verb has only one syllable, with one vowel + one consonant, double the consonant before adding -ed. stopped planned robbed But we write cooked, seated, and moaned because there are two vowels.

4 The consonant is not doubled if it is -y or -w. played showed

5 In most two-syllable verbs, the end consonant is doubled if the stress is on the second syllable. pre"ferred ad"mitted But we write "entered and "visited because the stress is on the first syllable.

6 Verbs that end in a consonant + -y change the -y to -ied. carried hurried buried But we write enjoyed, because it ends in a vowel + -y.

There are many common irregular verbs.

Irregular verbs Student's Book p159

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Grammar Reference with exercises



Past Simple and time expressions

Look at the time expressions that are common with the Past Simple.

I met her

last night. two days ago. yesterday morning. in 2001. in summer. when I was young.

3.3 Past Continuous


was/were + verb + -ing

I was learning French. They were driving to Paris.

We weren't waiting for a long time.

What were they doing? Where was he studying?

Short answer

Were you looking for me? Were they waiting outside?

Yes, I was./No, I wasn't. Yes, they were./No, they weren't.


The Past Continuous is used:

1 to express activities in progress before, and probably after, a particular time in the past. At seven o'clock this morning I was having my breakfast. You made a lot of noise last night. What were you doing?

2 for descriptions. Jan looked beautiful. She was wearing a green cotton dress. Her eyes were shining in the light of the candles that were burning nearby.

3 to express an interrupted past activity. When the phone rang, I was having a shower. While we were playing tennis, it started to rain.

4 to express an incomplete activity. I was reading a book during the flight. (I didn't finish it.) I watched a film during the flight. (the whole film)

3.4 Past Simple or Past Continuous? Ex. 2

1 Sometimes both tenses are possible. The Past Simple focuses on past actions as complete facts. The Past Continuous focuses on the duration of past activities. Compare: A I didn't see you at the party last night. B No. I stayed at home and watched the football.

A I didn't see you at the party last night. B No, I was watching the football at home.

2 Questions in the Past Simple and Past Continuous refer to different time periods. The Past Continuous asks about activities before; the Past Simple asks about what happened after. A What were you doing when the accident happened? B I was shopping.

A What did you do when you saw the accident? B I phoned the police.

3.5 used to

Used to expresses a habit or state in the past that is now finished. I used to read comics when I was a kid. (but I don't now) My dad and I used to play football together. (but we don't now) Did you use to read comics when you were a child? This town didn't use to be a nice place to live, but then it changed.

3.6 Past Perfect Ex. 3

Perfect means `completed before'. The Past Perfect refers to an action in the past that was completed before another action in the past.


The form of the Past Perfect is the same for all persons.

Positive and negative

I You We

'd (had) hadn't

seen him before. finished work at six o'clock.

Question Where had

you she been before? they

Short answer Had he already left?


Yes, he had./No, he hadn't.

1 The Past Perfect is used to make clear that one action in the past happened before another action in the past.

When I got home, I found that someone had broken into my apartment and had stolen my DVD player.

I didn't go to the cinema because I'd seen the film before.

2 The Past Simple tells a story in chronological order.

Sue met Pete at university. They were together for six years. They divorced last month.

The Past Perfect can be used to tell a story in a different order.

Sue and Pete divorced last month. They'd met at university, and had been together for six years.

3 Notice the difference between these sentences.

When I got to the party, Peter went home. (= First I arrived, then Peter left.) When I got to the party, Peter had gone home. (= First Peter left, then I arrived.)

4 The Past Perfect Continuous refers to longer actions or repeated activities.

We were exhausted because we'd been driving all day.

3.7 Past tenses in the passive Ex. 4


Past Simple Passive: was/were + past participle The museum was opened in 1987. We were burgled last night.

Past Continuous Passive: was/were being + past participle The vase was being restored.

Past Perfect Passive: had been + past participle The house had been redecorated.


The uses are the same in the passive as in the active. The bridge was built in 1876. (finished action in the past) The bomb was being defused when it exploded. (interrupted past activity) The letter didn't arrive because it had been sent to my old address. (one action before another action in the past)

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