Pfiehled mluvnice (Grammar Reference)

Pfiehled mluvnice (Grammar Reference)


1.1 ?asy (Tenses)

V t?to lekci najdete pfi?klady pfi?tomn?ho ?asu pr?b?hov?ho a prost?ho, minul?ho ?asu prost?ho a dvou r?znch zp?sob? vyj?dfien? budoucnosti: going to a pfi?tomn ?as pr?b?hov.

Vechny tyto slovesn? tvary se objevuj?

i v dal?ch lekc?ch.

Pfi?tomn? ?asy

Lekce 2

Minul? ?asy

Lekce 3

Vyj?dfien? budoucnosti Lekce 5 a 9

C?lem t?to lekce je zopakovat to, co ji? zn?.

Pfi?tomn? ?asy He lives with his parents. She speaks three languages. I'm enjoying the course. They're studying at university.

Minul ?as He went to America last year. She came to England three years ago.

Vyj?dfien? budoucnosti I'm going to work as an interpreter. What are you doing tonight?

Pfiedpfi?tomn ?as They have just arrived.

1.2 Ot?zky (Questions)

Dopl?ovac? ot?zky (Questions with question words) 1 Ot?zky mohou za??nat t?zac?m vrazem.

what where which how who when why whose

Where's the station? Why are you laughing? Whose is this coat? How does she go to work?

2 Po what, which a whose m??e n?sledovat

podstatn? jm?no.

What size do you take?

What sort of music do you like?

Which coat is yours?

Whose book is this?

3 Which se pou??v? b??n?, pokud se vyb?r?

jedna z danch mo?nost?.

Which is your husband? The blond one

or the dark one?

Ale toto pravidlo v?dy neplat?.

What Which

newspaper do you read?

4 How se poj? jak s pfi?davnm jm?nem, tak

s pfi?slovcem.

How big is his new car?

How fast does it go?

How se tak? poj? s much a many, po kterch

m??e st?t podstatn? jm?no.

How much is this sandwich?

How many brothers and sisters have

you got?

Ot?zky bez t?zac?ch vraz? (Questions with no question words) Odpov?? na tyto ot?zky je Yes, ... nebo No, ...

Are you hot? Yes, I am./No, I'm not. Is she working? Yes, she is./No, she isn't. Does he smoke? Yes, he does./No, he

doesn't. Can you swim? Yes, I can./No, I can't.

Slovesn? tvary (Form)

Slovesn? tvary, kter? neobsahuj? pomocn? sloveso (Verb forms with no auxiliary verb) Kladn? oznamovac? v?ty v pfi?tomn?m a minul?m ?ase prost?m a v?ty kladn? rozkazovac? neobsahuj? pomocn? sloveso.

They live in London. He arrived yesterday. Turn left.

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Slovesn? tvary, kter? obsahuj? pomocn? sloveso. (Verb forms with an auxiliary verb) 1 Ot?zka a z?por v pfi?tomn?m a minul?m

?ase prost?m a z?porn? rozkazovac? v?ty obsahuj? pomocn? sloveso do/does/did/ don't/doesn't/didn't. Do they live in London? Where does Bill come from? When did he arrive? We don't smoke. He doesn't speak English. She didn't have any sisters and brothers. Don't leave your things here.

2 Kladn? oznamovac? v?ty, ot?zka a z?por v pfi?tomn?m ?ase pr?b?hov?m a vazby s going to a there is/there are vyu??vaj? tvar? slovesa bt: am/is/are/am not/isn't/aren't.

Kladn? v?ty

She is reading. They are watching

a film. It's going to rain. There is a book.


Is she reading? What are they

watching? Is it going to rain? Is there a book?

Z?porn? v?ty

She isn't reading. They aren't watching a film. It isn't going to rain. There isn't a book.

3 Ot?zka, kladn? a z?porn? oznamovac? v?ta v pfiedpfi?tomn?m ?ase prost?m obsahuje pomocn? sloveso have/has/haven't/hasn't. She has just invited them for coffee. Have you met her before?

I haven't studied irregular verbs this morning. He hasn't been to Greece yet.

Slovesn? tvary, kter? obsahuj? zp?sobov? sloveso. (Verb forms with a modal verb)

She can drive. Can she drive? She can't drive.


2.1 Pfi?tomn ?as prost (Present Simple)

Slovesn? tvary (Form)

Kladn? a z?porn? v?ty (Positive and negative)

I We You They

He She It

live don't live

lives doesn't live

near here.

Ot?zky (Questions)

do Where

I we you they live?

he does she


Kr?tk? odpov?di (Short answers)

Do you like Peter?

Yes I do.

Does she speak French? No, she doesn't.

U?it? (Use)

Pfi?tomn ?as se pou??v? k vyj?dfien?: 1 zvyku.

I get up at 7.30, Cinda smokes too much.

2 v?dy pravdivch fakt. Vegetarians don't eat meat. We come from Spain.

3 skute?nost?, kter? maj? dlouhodobou platnost. I live in Oxford. She works in a bank.

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2.2 Pfi?tomn ?as pr?b?hov (Present Continuous)

Slovesn? tvary (Form)

am/is/are + -ing (present participle ? pfi??est? pfi?tomn?)

Kladn? a z?porn? v?ty (Positive and negative)


`m (am) `m not

He She It

`s (is) isn't


We You They

`re (are) aren't

Ot?zky (Questions)

am I


is she



we are you



Kr?tk? odpov?di (Short answers)

Are you going? Yes, I am./No, I'm not. NOT Yes, I'm.

Is Anna working? Yes, she is./No, she isn't. Yes, she's.

U?it? (Use)

Pfi?tomn pr?b?hov ?as se pou??v? k vyj?dfien?: 1 ?innosti, kter? pr?v? prob?h?.

They're playing football in the garden. She can't answer the phone because she's washing her hair.

2 d?je, kter se v sou?asnosti odehr?v?, i kdy? ne pr?v? v tomto okam?iku. She's studying maths at university. I'm reading a good book by Henry James.

3 napl?novan? budouc? akce. I'm meeting Miss Boyd at ten o'clock tomorrow. What are you doing this evening?

2.3 Pfi?tomn ?as prost a pr?b?hov (Present Simple and Present Continuous)

1 Pod?vejte se na chybn? v?ty a porovnejte je se spr?vnmi.

Hans is coming from Germany. Hans comes from Germany.

This is a great party. Everyone has a good time.

This is a great party. Everyone is having a good time

I read a book at the moment. I'm reading a book at the moment.

2 N?kter? slovesa se pou??vaj? pouze v pfi?tomn?m ?ase prost?m. Vyjadfiuj? stav, ne ?innost.

I like coke. I'm liking coke.

Dal? takov? slovesa jsou think, agree, understand, love.

2.4 have/have got

Slovesn? tvary (Form) Kladn? v?ty (Positive)

I We You They

have 've got

two sisters.

He has She 's got

Z?porn? v?ty (Negative)

I We You They

don't have haven't got

any money.

He doesn't have She hasn't got

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Ot?zky (Questions)



we you

they have a car?


he she

Have Has

I we you they got a car?

he she

Ot?zky (Questions)

Do you have a camera? Have you got a camera?

Kr?tk? odpov?di (Short answers) Yes, I do./No, I don't.

Yes, I have./No, I haven't.

Sta?en? tvary ('ve a 's) u??v?me u slovesa have got, ale sta?en? tvary neu??v?me u slovesa have.

I've got a sister. I have a sister. NOT I've a sister.

U?it? (Use)

1 Have a have got znamenaj? tot??, tj. n?co vlastnit. Have got je neform?ln? a hodn? se pou??v? v hovorov? fie?i, ale ne v p?semn?m projevu. Have you got a light? The Prime Minister has a meeting with the President today. V americk? angli?tin? je have + do/don't/does/doesn't mnohem b??n?j?: I don't have any .../Do you have...?

2 Have a have got vyjadfiuj?, ?e n?kdo n?co vlastn?.

I have I've got

She has She`s got

He has He`s got

a new car. three children. blond hair.

3 Pokud have ve spojen? s podstatnm jm?nem vyjadfiuje ?innost nebo n?vyk, have tvofi? ot?zku a z?por pomoc? do/does/don't/doesn't. Have got se v t?chto pfi?padech neu??v?. Porovnejte tyto v?ty.

I've got a shower in the morning. I have a shower in the morning.

What time have you got lunch? What time do you have lunch?

He has never got milk in his coffee. He never has milk in his coffee.

4 V minul?m ?ase se got t?m?fi neu??v?. Mnohem b??n?j? je u?it? had (v kladn? oznamovac? v?t?), have ve spojen? s did (v ot?zce) a s didn't (v z?porn? oznamovac? v?t?). I had a bicycle when I was young. My parents had a lot of books in the house. Did you have a nice weekend? I didn't have any money when I was a student.


3.1 Minul ?as prost (Past Simple)

Pravopis a vslovnost (Spelling and Pronunciation)

1 Pravideln? sloveso b??n? pfiib?r?

koncovku -ed.

worked started

Jestli?e sloveso kon?? na -e,

pfiib?r? pouze -d.



2 Jestli?e jednoslabi?n? sloveso

kon?? v p?smu na jednu samo-

hl?sku a souhl?sku, zdvojujeme

tuto souhl?sku a pfiid?me -ed.

stopped planned

I n?kter? dvouslabi?n?

slovesa zdvojuj? koncovou


travelled regretted

3 Jestli?e sloveso kon?? v p?smu

na souhl?sku a -y, m?n?me toto

-y na -i a pfiid?me -ed.



ALE played

4 Nepravideln? slovesa maj? pro

minul ?as zvl?tn? tvar. Jejich

pfiehled je uveden na stran? 107.

5 Koncovka -ed se vyslovuje jako

/t/, /d/ nebo /Id/. Jako /t/ po

vyslovovan? nezn?l? souhl?sce,

tj. /p, k, f, T, s, S, ?/: stopped,

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worked, laughed, dressed, washed, watched. Jako /d/ po vyslovovan? zn?l? souhl?sce, tj. po vech zbvaj?c?ch souhl?sk?ch krom? /d/ a po samohl?sk?ch: lived, killed, judged, listened, carried, played, tried. Jako /Id/ po vyslovovanch souhl?sk?ch /t/ a /d/: wanted, needed.

2 Vimni si ur?en? ?asu, kter? se poj? s u??v?n?m minul?ho ?asu prost?ho. last year. last month. I did it five years ago. yesterday morning. in 1985.

Slovesn? tvary (Form)

Tvar minul?ho ?asu je ve vech osob?ch obou ??sel stejn.

Kladn? v?ty (Positive)





We/You/They went


Z?porn? v?ty (Negative) Z?porn? v?ty v minul?m ?ase se tvofi? u plnovznamovch sloves pomoc? didn't:

He walk ed .

He didn't walk .

I He/She/It We/You/They

didn't (did not)

arrive yesterday.

Ot?zky (Questions) Ot?zky v minul?m ?ase se tvofi? u plnovznamovch sloves pomoc? did.

She finish ed .

When did she finish ?

When did she/you/they/etc. arrive?

Zji?ovac? ot?zky (Questions)

Kr?tk? odpov?di Short answers

Did you go to work yesterday? Yes, I did.

Did it rain last night?

No, it didn't.

U?it? (Use)

1 Minul ?as vyjadfiuje d?je nebo ?innosti, kter? byly ukon?eny v minulosti. We played tennis last Sunday. I worked in London from 1994 to 1999. John left two minutes ago.

3.2 Minul ?as pr?b?hov (Past Continuous)

Slovesn? tvary (Form) was/were + -ing (pfi??est? pfi?tomn? ? present participle)

Kladn? a z?porn? v?ty (Positive and negative)



He/She/It wasn't (was not)

We You They

working. were weren't (were not)

Dopl?ovac? ot?zky (Questions)


I he/she/it



were you



Zji?ovac? ot?zky (Yes/No questions)

Kr?tk? odpov?di (Short answers)

Were you working yesterday?

Was she studying when you arrived?

Yes, I was./ Yes, we were.

No, she wasn't.

U?it? (Use)

1 Minul ?as pr?b?hov vyjadfiuje ?innosti nebo d?je, kter? trvaj? po ur?itou dobu v minulosti. I met her while I was living in Paris. You were making a lot of noise last night. What were you doing?

2 Vyjadfiuje d?j nebo ?innost, kter? za?aly dfi?ve ne? d?j, kter je vyj?dfien minulm ?asem prostm.

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