Risk Assessment for Opening Church Buildings to the Public

Risk Assessment for Opening Church Buildings to the PublicVersion Control Issue Date Version Number Issued by 03.07.20201Trustees11.07.20202Trustees07.09.20203Assessor – J Whitham – to be ratified by trusteesPublic worship, with measures in place for social distancing, are allowed from 4th July. Other activities, except for a few still prohibited by law, may also take place in churches, subject to the government guidance in place for the relevant sector.The government guidance for the safe use of places of worship during the pandemic requires a COVID-19 risk assessment to be carried out for every building and site open to the public. This document relates to opening up church to the ministry team and members of the public entering for any permitted purposes. As well as offering guidance on best-practice, it is also intended to help churches make a decision on whether to open for any or all of these purposes or not, based on their local circumstances, resources and context. You should read the advice on re-opening buildings and the guidance on public worship before completing this assessment. Both are available on the websiteRisk Assessment Church:Bamber Bridge Pentecostal Church Assessor’s name:John WhithamOther Trustees.Paul NuttallRonnie RobinsonDavid CharlesworthDate completed:3rd July 2020Review date:7th September 202011th July 2020Area of Focus Controls required Additional informationAction by whom?Completed – date and name Access to church buildings for ministry purposes & livestreamingGeneral advice on accessing church buildings can be found here.One point of entry to the church building clearly identified and separate from public entry if possibleMain entrance access via main car park and disabled rampWRComplete 01/07/2020Buildings have been aired before use.Church building to be fully cleaned and airedCleanersWeeklyCheck for animal waste and general cleanliness. Covered as part of return cleanCleanersWeeklyEnsure water systems are flushed through before use.Carried out on re-entering church buildingWR01/07/2020Switch on and check electrical and heating systems if needed. Commission system checks as necessary.Carried out on re-entering church buildingWR01/07/2020Ensure safe use of equipment needed for livestreaming: avoid exceeding safe load on sockets, cables/tripod causing trip hazardCarried out on re-entering church buildingTechnicians 01/07/2020Deciding whether to open to the publicUpdate our BBPC website and Facebook page in order to publish church reopening date when agreed and services to be offered.To update BBPC Website & Facebook with re-opening date and list services that will be available and those that will continue on the online Zoom platform.Dave Dobson/Jonathan Nuttall To be agreed once trial has taken placeUp dated as requiredMinistry Leaders now decided to run an evening church service whilst still working within the current worship restrictions outlined by the government guidelines.Ministry leaders & Youth/Children's workers agreed to conduct services within the most current and relevant government guidelines. Ministry Leaders& Youth/Children's workersService by Service Trustees have agreed that to introduce services in a phased approach starting with our Evening Gospel service. Wednesday Club – Children's and youth service to commence from 9th September 2020 Sunday Gospel service to Continue Presently meeting and managing current guidelinesMinistry Leaders& Youth/Children's workersTrustees agreed that currently Children’s Wednesday club could commence in Church,Sunday School continue on Zoom To be reviewed as per current government guidelines Youth/Children's workers & Sunday School Leaders On GoingPreparation of the Church for access by members of the public for any permitted purposes, including worship.Review COVID 19 guidelines on cleaning church building check list. Complete the ‘cleaning’ section of this risk assessment (below).Current cleaning criteria to be updated and cleaners to be informed of changes made.John Whitham – Church Cleaners07.09.2020Review COVID 19 guidelines on cleaning church building check listAdditional Church Hygiene clean to be introduced between Sunday and Wednesday services John Whitham – Church Cleaners07.09.2020Choose one point of entry into the church to manage flow of people and indicate this with notices, keeping emergency exits available at all times. Where possible use a different exit.Main entrance only to be used to enter the church and the side door only to be used to exit the building via One-way system.Trustees02/07/2020Make any temporary arrangements for people to wait or queue outside the building (taking into account any consequential risks arising from people gathering outside).Members should queue in an orderly fashion inside and outside the building whilst adhering to the 2 metre social distancing rules. All Members/Visitors02/07/2020Where possible, doors and windows should be opened temporarily to improve ventilation.Upon opening church, all windows should be opened to help improve ventilation. Roof fans should not be used and switches taped up until further noticePersons opening Church / Leading service On goingRemove Bibles/literature/hymn books/leafletsAll Bibles, literature, leaflets and hymn books to be removed or taped up to prevent removal.Paul Nuttall/SueHave been taped up 10.07.2020Cordon off or remove from public access any devotional objects or items (if they are liable to be touched or closely breathed on)All loose items/objects to be removed and stored away until further noticeWR & SM10.07.2020Consider if seating cushions need to be removed as per government guidanceAll seat cushion and mats to be removed and stored until further notice.WR & SM10.07.2020Remove or isolate children’s resources and play areasAll toys and children resources removed and stored until further noticeWR & SM10.07.2020Walk through the church to plan for physical distancing in seats, aisles, at the platform, including safe flow of visitors. Remember 2m in all directions from each person (or 1m + with risk mitigation if absolutely necessary).To put a seating plan together working within the 2 metre rule whilst still maintaining a safe flow of visitors… Sunday Service Marked out using flooring tape11.07.2020Seating plan to be reviewed for Children's serviceWed Club seating To maintain social distancing09.09.2020Clearly mark out seating areas including exclusion zones to maintain distancing. For Main Sunday Service Using caution tape, seating areas need to be marked out along with exclusion zonesMarked out using (black and Yellow) flooring tape11.07.2020Clearly mark out flow of movement for people entering and leaving the building to maintain physical distancing requirements.Clear one-way system marked out showing clear direction of flowMarked out using flooring tape11.07.2020Limit access to places were the public / visitors do not need go with a temporary cordon.vestry To lock Side room/kitchen area reduced access. for communion preparations and cleaning purposes only.Maintained by those leading services 11.07.2020Hand sanitation Hand sanitisers and signage placed strategically around the pleted 11.07.2020Temporary changes - to the building to facilitate social distancing.Sunday Service Seating Plan agreed, in compliance with current guidance.TrusteesTrial to be review and necessary changes implemented On GoingNotices to remind visitors about important safe practices e.g. no physical contact, practice hand washing etc.Notices purchase & in place and hand washing guidelines to be printed/laminated where requiredWR & SM 11.07.2020Ensure high-risk surfaces and touch points have been cleaned with appropriate sanitiser spray or disposable wipesCleaners to do this as part as ongoing cleaning standards CleanersOn GoingAdditional cleaning to be provided between Sunday and Wednesday services. (Morning/Evening)CleanersOn GoingAdditional cleaning to be reviewed as required if additional services are introducedHandwashing - toilet facilities to have adequate soap and paper towels provisions. Bin's for waste paper towels only provided.Supplies & stock to be checked on a weekly basis to ensure adequate for each service / meeting.CleanersOn GoingWaste bins maintenance Ensure all waste bins have disposable liners (e.g. polythene bin bags) to reduce the risk to those responsible for removing them.Cleaners to ensure that bin liners are fitted at all times and supplies are maintainedCleanersOn GoingPublish key messages to congregation in relation to the church building reopening and the guidelines to be adhered to. One page document issued, WhatsApp highlighting key changes that members will expect when returning to our church buildingWR/SM08.07.2020If the church building has been closed for 72 hours between periods of being open then there is no need for extra cleaning measures to remove the virus from surfaces.Just normal cleaning to carried out as per amended criteria.CleanersOn GoingIf 72-hour closure is not possible Ensure cleaners are not self-isolating or within a vulnerable group. Hygienic clean to be introduced between Sunday and Wednesday service Trustees/CleanersOn GoingCleaning the church before and after general use (no known exposure to anyone with Coronavirus symptoms)Advice on cleaning church buildings can be found here.Set up a cleaning rota to cover opening arrangements. Cleaning criteria to be updated to required COVID 19 requirementsWeekly cleaning rota already in place.Interim wipe down clean to be reviewed if additional services are introduced.TrusteesOn GoingAll cleaners provided with gloves and aprons (ideally disposable).Cleaners to be provided with disposable nitrile gloves and aprons.TrusteesOn - GoingSuitable cleaning materials provided that meet the COVID 19 cleaning standards.Checks to be made to ensure we have the correct cleaning materials in place and adequate stocksTrustees /CleanersOn GoingFrequency for removing potentially contaminated waste (e.g. hand towels) (suggested daily removal.)To agree person to be responsible to empty waste paper bins at the end of each day (time) the church building has been used.CleanersOn GoingWhen 72-hour closure is not possible then follow Public Health England guidance on cleaning in non-healthcare settings.As aboveTrustees On GoingCleaning the church after known exposure to someone with Coronavirus symptomsBefore cleaning commences, Any church members that show Coronavirus symptoms whilst in the building should immediately go home and inform a member of the leadership team. Individuals should then organise a test via the NHS to see if they are positive.Record to be kept of the person who had to leave with symptomsTrustees to produce record logLeader of service to notify trusteesOn GoingGuidance for church members attending worship servicesChurch members must maintain 2 meter social distancing rules outside and inside the building and should form an orderly queue whilst entering the premisesIf queue is forming at main entrance then members should stay in their cars until safe to enter the buildingAll 02/07/2020Main entrance to be the only point of entry to the church building.All members to enter via main door and not via side entranceAll02/07/2020All church members / Visitors must sanitise their hands - either via the wash basins in toilets for 20sec or via sanitisers provided. All members and visitors entering & exit of building.All02/07/2020One way system to be implemented in main hall. Entrance via main door, all members to then exit via side room door. During busy times toilets should only be accessed via the one way system in order to avoid congestion. Tape on floor to clearly mark out one-way system.During meetings when there is no congestion, then toilets can be accessed without adhering to the one-way system. Social distancing should however still be maintained.All02/07/2020All attendees entering the building will be required to sign an attendance register. These details will be passed on to NHS Test & Trace if requested..This data will be held for 21 days and will then be destroyed Information required Name, Date, Signature, Telephone number, all members must agree for us to pass this information on to Test and Trace if required. Parent or Guardian to complete on behalf of their child/children under 16.All complete on entrydata destroyed when needed11.07.2020Over 70’s and the VulnerableOver 70’s and the VulnerableAll our main services will continue to be steamed online via the Zoom platformAllOn GoingThe government guidance no longer strongly discourages the over 70’s and the vulnerable from attending services. Instead government guidance as of 15 Aug 20advises''Individuals who fall within this group are advised to stay at home as much as possible and'', '' if they do go out, to take particular care to minimise contact with others outside of their household.''All services will continue to be streamed over internet to enable all to access services.All members and visitors reminded to respect social distancing of over 70's and Vulnerable Individuals to carry out assessment of their VulnerabilityIn light of government guidance On GoingReview One page document to be produced in order to highlight key areas that church members will need to be aware of prior to entering the church building.Document to be sent on WhatsApp to all church members. TrusteesWindows to be opened every time church building is open up to aid ventilation.Whoever opens up church should ensure window are opened AllOngoingConsideration should be given to all those wanting to stay at home, therefore reducing the risk to others by having lower numbers in church building.Members Continued to be given the opportunity to stay at home without feeling pressured to attend any serviceAllOngoingFace CoveringsGovernment Guidance required that from 8 August, face coverings are required to be worn in places of worship. AllOngoingCurrent exemptions those who are leading, and those who assist them reading, preaching, or leading prayer although one should be worn if physical distancing cannot be maintained (i.e. distributing consumables)Singing singers will be able to sing in front of worshippers both outdoors and indoors from 15 August.Singing in groups should be limited to a small, set group of people and should not include audience ernment guidance is to avoid singing, shouting and raising voices. AllOngoingCommunion Service,TBC If we decide to have a morning communion service, then those giving and receiving food items should wash their hands thoroughly before and after consumption.The person distributing the food should release it into the hand only, in such a way to avoid contact. If contact is made then both people should wash their hands immediately or wear glovesWR/SM to ensure gloves are available to those preparing and givingIf requiredTBC Communion Service,It was agreed that the wine could be offered on the table in individual disposable cups, however the bread could not be in a communal basket. It could however be distributed in baskets to individual family bubbles or individual that would limit the number of separate containers. The bread cannot be broken by the person leading but could be done in a group or individual basis.Another suggestion was that members could bring their own bread with them, however we would still need some spare bread for visitors.Format to be agreed before breaking of bread service is implemented.If requiredTBC Communion Service,Hospitality spaces within a place of worship, such as cafes, are permitted to open but should be limited to table-service, social distancing should be observed, and with minimal staff and customer contact in line with the hospitality guidance.Research to be made To be developed in line with hospitality guidance.AllOn GoingLength of Service It is advised that services should be concluded in the shortest reasonable time. Once completed, participants will be encouraged to move on promptly in order to minimise the risk of contact and spread of infection and should not socialise within the building.Whoever is leading will have to inform congregation of this at the end of the service. Suggestion is to leave by each row in order to prevent congestion.All + LeadersOn GoingAll parties should adhere to social distancing guidelines. From 04th July 2020, 2 metres or 1 + metre with risk mitigation (where 2 metres is not viable) between households is acceptable.AllOn GoingAll seating cushions will no longer be available, so members should bring their own if required and take them back home with them when leaving.Please note that cushions left in church will be removed by the cleanersAll + CleanersOn GoingOfferingOffering will still be taken however we will no longer be able to use offering bags. There will be an offering box where members can put in cash, cheques and envelopes and will be collected after each meeting. Offering will be stored for 72 hours before being counted and banked. Arrangements made for box to be placed in a secure place.TrusteesSupervision of Young ChildrenYoung children should be supervised at all times. They must wash their hands thoroughly for 20 secs and they should ensure that they adhere to the social distance rules, and other peoples personal space. All parents to oversee their children at all times and ensure the social distancing rules are adhered to and the washing of hands. AllOngoingSymptomatic PeoplePeople who are symptomatic of COVID-19 (a new continuous cough, a high temperature or loss of, or change in, their normal sense of taste or smell) SHOULD NOT ATTEND due to the risk to others. Government guidelines should be followed and a test should be organised.Any members having any doubts whatsoever should remain at home rather that thinking that they may be ok and putting others at riskAllOngoingCleaning schedule to be visible and kept up to date.Laminated cleaning rota to be placed on rear of toilet door should an intermediate clean be required in between servicesTo be review as requiredAs space within our building is at a premium, seating areas for families and those within a bubble may be allocated on entering the building in order to maximise the space Members will therefore be asked to bear with the stewards if you are asked to sit in a specific area.Will need some addition stewards to help direct members & visitors to their seat. Preferred seating area may not be availableAll + Stewards11.07.2020TBCIf minibus is required, then one driver will be allocated per Sunday and Wednesday. Different drivers will be able to enter minibus after a 72 hours period.Minibus occupants to use hand sanitiser (supplied) when entering the vehicle.All minibus driversOngoingTBCWhen we implement two Sunday services, we will need to have a cleaning procedure in place in order to wipe down all touch surfaces prior to reopening in the evening. If used this would also include wiping down the piano.Would need to decide who would do the interim clean and when.CleanersTo be reviewed as required.Ministry team using platform to give online message within church premises could bring their own family/bubble in, on condition that building has been cleaned and wiped down accordingly with sanitiser. Church building would still have to remain locked if not open to the general public.Leaders would have to liaise between themselves to decide which seats and platform would have been used so they can use alternativesAll Leaders using church premisesOn GoingTBCIf social distancing with family bubbles can not be managed building capacity may be an issue, attendance then may be on allocated on a rota basis. Maximum capacity still to be determined and will be reviewed accordinglyTo be implemented as requiredMembers will need to bring their own refreshments if required as access to the kitchen will be restricted for essential use onlyPlease note that there will no refreshments available during any serviceAll 10.07.2020I.T will be critical in the implementation of church being reopened to include all church members regardless of their location (e.g. access to zoom) Those preaching may still do this from home online It is critical that Zoom will need to up and running within in church building (visual and sound) before we can reopen the church building. All members wishing to stay at home should not be restricted from having a two way conversation with those within the buildingJohn Whitham Jonathan NuttallWROn Going ................

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