Workplace/Activity Risk Assessment

Spring Lane School RISK ASSESSMENT – VERSION 3.0

|A |Workplace details |

|School Name: |Spring Lane School: MTH, PH, Radcliffe |Department/Location: | |

|B |Work Activity: |Working in School during Coronavirus (Covid-19) |

| | |This risk assessment must be read and followed in conjunction with other applicable risk assessments for the school, staff member or pupil, adapted as necessary, and : |

| | |Opening schools and educational settings to more pupils from 1 June: guidance for parents and carers |

| | |Coronavirus (COVID-19): implementing protective measures in education and childcare settings |

| | |Actions for education and childcare settings to prepare for wider opening from 1 June 2020 |

| | |Opening schools for more children and young people: initial planning framework for schools in England |

| | |Stay at home guidance for households with possible Covid-19 infection |

| | |Guidance on shielding & protecting extremely vulnerable persons from Covid-19 |

| | |Staying alert & safe social distancing |

| | |Coronavirus (Covid-19) Getting tested- Essential Workers |

| | |COVID-19: cleaning of non-healthcare settings guidance |

| | |Coronavirus Covid-19 safer travel guidance for passengers |

| | |Coronavirus Covid-19 Safer transport guidance for operators |

| | |How to wear & make a cloth face covering |

| | |Early Years Foundation Stage Framework |

| | |Remote education during Coronavirus (Covid-19) |

| | |DfE Managing school premises during the coronavirus outbreak |

| | |Preparing for the wider opening of schools from 1 June |

| | |Planning guide for primary schools |

| | |Planning for reopening to children and young people with SEND |

| | |Planning guide for secondary schools- Alternative provision - reception, year 1 and year 6 and begin some face to face support with year 10 and 11 pupils from 15 June. |

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|C |Assessment of risk: |

|What are the hazards/cause of| |Control Measures | |Action by who/ when? |Date completed |

|hazards? |Who might be harmed and how?|What are we already doing? |Do you need to do anything else to reduce/ manage | | |

| | | |this risk? | | |

|Staffing |All building users, |Staff notify the Line Manager if they have a health issue or medical |Access to Testing: All children and young people |In Place | |

| |visitors/ parents, |condition that means they are more vulnerable to infections – to |eligible to attend, and members of their households | | |

|Spread of Covid-19 virus |contractors |consider alternative working arrangements agreed by the Head Teacher |will have access to testing if they display symptoms | | |

| |/maintenance personnel |following PHE advice |of coronavirus. This will enable them to get back | | |

|Underlying health conditions | |Staff made aware and provided with information to help minimise the |into childcare or education, and their parents or | | |

| |Serious respiratory illness,|spread of infection: |carers to get back to work, if the test proves to be | | |

| |death |Currently any person developing a new continual cough or a temperature |negative. To access testing parents will be able to | | |

| | |in excess of 37.8°C whilst at work must be sent home and advice re |use the 111 online coronavirus service if their child| | |

| | |self-isolating offered |is 5 or over. Parents will be able to call 111 if | | |

| | |Any person who is considered extremely clinically vulnerable and |their child is aged under 5. | | |

| | |shielding should continue to shield and will not be expected to attend | | | |

| | |(Guidance on shielding & protecting extremely vulnerable persons from |Access to testing is already available to all | | |

| | |Covid-19). |essential workers. This includes anyone involved in | | |

| | |Clinically vulnerable (but not clinically extremely vulnerable) people |education, childcare or social work – including both | | |

| | |including pregnant women should take extra care in observing social |public and voluntary sector workers. See the full | | |

| | |distancing and should work from home where possible. We will endeavour |list of essential workers (Coronavirus (Covid-19) | | |

| | |to support this, for example by asking staff to support remote |Getting tested- Essential Workers). Education | | |

| | |education, carry out lesson planning or other roles which can be done |settings as employers can book tests through an | | |

| | |from home. If clinically vulnerable (but not clinically extremely |online digital portal | | |

| | |vulnerable) individuals cannot work from home, they will be offered the | | | |

| | |safest available on-site roles, staying 2m away from others wherever | | | |

| | |possible, although the individual may choose to take on a role that does| | | |

| | |not allow for this distance if they prefer to do so. If they have to | |In place | |

| | |spend time within 2m of other people, we will carefully assess and | | | |

| | |discuss with them whether this involves an acceptable level of risk. | | | |

| | |Any child who lives in a household with someone who is extremely | | | |

| | |clinically vulnerable and shielding, should only attend if stringent | | | |

| | |social distancing can be adhered to and the child is able to understand | | | |

| | |and follow those instructions. We will pay particular regard to ‘young | | | |

| | |carers’ who may fall into this category | | | |

| | |Any person who lives with someone who is clinically vulnerable (but not | | | |

| | |extremely clinically vulnerable) as defined in the social distancing | | | |

| | |guidance (Staying alert & safe social distancing) and including those | | | |

| | |who are pregnant, can attend. | | | |

| | |Staff who live alone and have symptoms of coronavirus illness | | | |

| | |(COVID-19), however mild, will be directed to stay at home for 7 days | | | |

| | |from when their symptoms started |Catering Manager refers to | | |

| | |Those living with others and they are the first in the household to have|The Food Standards Agency’s Fitness to work guidance | | |

| | |symptoms of coronavirus, then they will be directed to stay at home for |for staff who handle food products. | | |

| | |7 days, but all other household members who remain well must stay at | | | |

| | |home and not leave the house for 14 days. The 14-day period starts from | | | |

| | |the day when the first person in the house became ill. | | | |

| | |For anyone else in the household who starts displaying symptoms, that | | | |

| | |individual must stay at home for 7 days from when the symptoms appeared,| | | |

| | |regardless of what day they are on in the original 14-day isolation | | | |

| | |period | | | |

| | |Staff report their status every day to their designated line manager | | | |

| | |Authorisation for staff to work at school during the coronavirus is made| | | |

| | |by the Head Teacher. A register is kept by the Centre managers who | | | |

| | |co-ordinates working arrangements e.g. arrival times, entry points, | |CM/ in place | |

| | |accessible working areas etc. Staff sign in and out. | | | |

| | |Staff working on a rota basis to limit numbers | | | |

| | |Signs are placed at the entrance/reception to make clear that all staff | | | |

| | |and visitors must wash their hands / use sanitiser as soon as they enter| | | |

| | |the building. | | | |

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| | | |Staff reminded to use electronic signing in system | | |

| | | |and the hygiene instructions when doing so. Ie | | |

| | | |washing hands before and after – using wipes | | |

| | | |available and disposing of them safeley | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Individual wipes which can be used by those signing | | |

| | | |in could be left beside the electronic system with a | | |

| | | |bin f for appropriate disposal after each use. | | |

|Poor infection control |All building users, |All staff and pupils have been provided with the latest guidance on | | | |

| |visitors/ parents, |infection control |Ensure all attending understand how to wash hands |In place |June 2020 |

|Inadequate cleaning |contractors |Posters displayed around school reminding everyone of infection control |correctly - Posters around the school as appropriate.| | |

| |/maintenance personnel |measures | | | |

|Lack of cleaning and washing | |Everyone reminded to wash their hands regularly following PHE’s |Demo as induction for new pupils | | |

|facilities / supplies |Infection spread leading to |Guidance. Pupils and staff wash hands for 20 seconds with running warm | | | |

| |serious respiratory illness,|water and liquid soap, drying thoroughly in the following circumstances:| | | |

|Not washing hands regularly |death |Before leaving home |Ensure all sinks have plenty of stock and restock as | | |

| | |On arrival at school |necessary | | |

|Not using a tissue to catch a| |Before and after: | | | |

|sneeze or cough | |a) handling cleaning chemicals | | | |

| | |b) eating/drinking, including snacks | | | |

| | |c) using the toilet | | | |

| | |d) sports activities | | | |

| | |e) using public transport | | | |

| | |f) after coughing or sneezing | | | |

| | |and not to touch face (eyes, mouth, nose) with hands that are not clean | | | |

| | |Where in place, toilet lids must be closed prior to flushing and remain |Refer to PHE COVID-19: cleaning of non-healthcare | | |

| | |closed after use. |settings guidance | | |

| | |Hand sanitiser (containing at least 60% alcohol) can be used if soap and| | | |

| | |water and not available but is not a substitute for hand washing. |Refer to Covid-19: Personal Protective Equipment | | |

| | |Consideration given to allocating individual toilets and sinks to |(PPE) | | |

| | |staff/pupil groups where achievable, otherwise sinks and toiles will be | | | |

| | |regularly cleaned throughout the day. | | | |

| | |Hands must be dried properly to prevent infection and drying out. | | | |

| | |Supplies of hand cream (aqueous cream or similar) should be made | | | |

| | |available to help prevent soreness. | | | |

| | |hand dryers in toilets – stocks of disposable paper towels will be | | | |

| | |required and hand dryers taken out of use. | | | |

| | |Additional hand sanitiser available at the main entrance/reception for | | | |

| | |visitors to use when signing in and/or handwashing facilities available | | |June 15 2020 |

| | |in location | | | |

| | |Hand sanitiser available in the dining hall when used. |All bins will be foot operated or lidded where |In Place AD/ centre | |

| | |Everyone encouraged to catch coughs and sneezes in a tissue and dispose |possible, will be lined and the liner removed at the |managers to Check | |

| | |of the tissue in a bin. Avoid touching their faces (eyes, nose, mouth) |end of the day, sealed/knotted and placed into | | |

| | |Site staff responsible for ensuring there are sufficient amounts of |another bag | | |

| | |soap, paper towels, bins and liners in bathrooms and kitchens | | | |

| | |The number of rooms used during working hours is limited to avoid the |To undertake COSHH RA for any new Anti-viral cleaning| | |

| | |spread of infection |products | | |

| | |Sufficient amounts of suitable cleaning agents are available on the | | | |

| | |premises to sanitise regularly used areas and surfaces e.g. work | | | |

| | |equipment, work surfaces are cleaned prior to use and after use | | | |

| | |Extra cleaning regimes in place. Using Anti-viral cleaning product to | | | |

| | |spray and leave – then return to clean (following manufacturers’ | | | |

| | |instructions) | | | |

| | |Waste bins are lined with a bin bag which is tied and double bagged | | | |

| | |following current advice. Bins emptied throughout the day | | | |

| | |Employees to assist with and be responsible for good standards of | | | |

| | |housekeeping | | | |

|Visitors and spread of |All building users, |Visitors to the premises will be discouraged. Visitors will be by | | | |

|Covid-19 infection |visitors/ parents, |appointment only. |Refer to your `School Maintenance Schedule’ | | |

| |contractors |Access to contractors/external maintenance personnel will only be | | | |

| |/maintenance personnel |granted by arrangement for essential maintenance / statutory inspection | | | |

| | |needs only (see `Building re-opening Checklist’ for guidance on what | | | |

| |Infection spread leading to |statutory inspections must take place | | | |

| |serious respiratory illness,|In an emergency situation where access is required urgently to undertake| | | |

| |death |maintenance - appropriate hygiene and social distancing arrangements |Undertake effective liaison with contractors BEFORE | | |

| | |must be followed. |they attend site – ask contractors to provide key |Ongoing site leads | |

| | |Create a signing in sheet – with name; where in the building you are |information in relation to how they are managing |and AD |Practice in place |

| | |going to be for the majority of the time; time in; time out. Don’t |infection control. | |verified 11th June |

| | |leave a pen available – visitors should use their own. | | |2020 |

| | |Make it clear on the sheet or via a notice on the inner door that all | | | |

| | |visitors to the school must wash their hands as soon as they enter the | | | |

| | |building. Ensure that any keypads or electronic entry systems are | | | |

| | |regularly sanitised throughout the day (as above). | | | |

| | |If visitors are they required to sign a touch screen, anti-viral wipes | | | |

| | |must be available along with a bin for disposal. | | | |

| | |Lettings (private hire) should be put on hold for the time being. | | | |

|Inadequate arrangements for |All building users |Arrival and finish times |The Government have created an Initial Planning | | |

|opening the school to pupil | |Under no circumstances should anyone (staff, pupils, contractors or |Framework for Schools (Opening schools for more | | |

|groups |Infection spread leading to |visitors) displaying symptoms of COVID-19 attempt to enter the school |children and young people: initial planning framework|Centre managers aware|June 2020 |

| |serious respiratory illness,|site. This information will be included in the letter to parents, |for schools in England) to help school leaders and | | |

| |death |suppliers and contractors prior to the school opening. Notice to be |trusts to start to think through the steps they might| | |

| | |displayed on the main school entrance door. |need to take to open their schools for more pupils | | |

| | |We will encourage parents and pupils to walk or cycle to school where |and as a starting point from which schools and trusts| | |

|Young pupils unable to adhere| |possible. |may choose to develop their own plans along with and | | |

|to control measures | |Where numbers make it necessary arrival and finish times will be |the Planning guide for primary schools EYFS and | | |

|social distancing | |staggered and parents/carers informed of their allotted start/finish |Secondary Schools guide to provide a step by step | | |

|hygiene | |time and the days/hours their child should attend school. |guide.. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |Used PPE and any disposable face coverings that staff or children arrive| | | |

| | |wearing will be placed in a refuse bag and disposed of as normal |. | | |

| | |domestic waste unless the wearer has symptoms of COVID-19 in which case | | | |

| | |it will be disposed of in accordance with the guidance on cleaning for |Individuals displaying symptoms of COVID-19 should | | |

| | |non-healthcare settings. |follow the government guidance | | |

| | |Any homemade non-disposable face coverings that staff or children are |COVID-19: guidance for households with possible | | |

| | |wearing when they arrive at school must be removed by the wearer and |coronavirus infection) | | |

| | |placed into a plastic bag that the wearer has brought with them in order| | | |

| | |to take it home. The wearer must then clean their hands. |There is currently no requirement for all specified | | |

| | |Staff and pupils are welcome to wear a freshly laundered (not used to |children to attend the school on a full-time basis | | |

| | |travel) face covering for their time in school |unless one or both of the parents are key/critical | | |

| | |Parents may, telephone the school at any time should they have any |workers. | | |

| | |concerns or issues of which the school need to be informed. | | | |

| | |At the end of the allotted session, parents may collect their children | | | |

| | |from the same entrance area where they will be supervised by staff. | | | |

| | |Where necessary, parents will be made aware of recommendations provided | |Centre managers | |

| | |by GOV UK on transport to and from school (including avoiding peak |HSE: Staying Covid-19 Secure poster to be displayed. |inform | |

| | |times), particularly where they travel by public transport (Coronavirus |– or adapted version for our specific client group - | | |

| | |(COVID-19): safer travel guidance for passengers). |Consideration must be given to ensuring our plans are| |June 2020 |

| | |The Local Authority is responsible for arranging school transport for |communicated to those parents who have English as an | | |

| | |those pupils legally entitled to travel to and from school. |additional language and parents of vulnerable | | |

| | | |children including young carers. | | |

| | |Pupils will be encouraged to walk or cycle wherever possible, and to | | | |

| | |avoid public transport wherever possible. However, we are mindful that | | | |

| | |because of our diverse cohort, the a number of our pupils will need to |Where it is possible to do so and numbers warrant it,| | |

| | |travel via coach or bus. We will canvass parents on how their child is |different entrances may be allocated to different | | |

| | |likely to travel to and from school. With this in mind, we will: |cohorts of children i.e. a rear or side gate but for | | |

| | |Ensure that a clear message is given to pupils about their general |many schools will not be possible. | | |

| | |socialising behaviour beyond the school gates i.e. not congregating in | | | |

| | |large groups etc. |If this is not possible, doors should be opened for | | |

| | |Reiteration of the governments advice on safe travelling. |the pupils to freely enter the school minimising | | |

| | |Movement around the school |contact points until they reach their ‘base’. | | |

| | |Once pupils have arrived in school they will be encouraged to wash their| | | |

| | |hands thoroughly for 20 seconds and dry them using disposable hand |Where queues are likely to form, floor markings or | | |

| | |towels. This regime will also take place before they leave the school |signs will be used to indicate two metre spacing | | |

| | |for home. | | | |

| | |Where considered wide enough to do so, corridors will be marked with | | | |

| | |tape to provide for a one-way system. The risk to children and staff | | | |

| | |passing briefly in the corridor is considered low. | | | |

| | |Where there are multiple stairways to upper floors, these will be |For Home to school transport provided or organised by| | |

| | |allocated as an ‘up stairway’ and a ‘down stairway’. Where appropriate,|schools, trusts or local, work together and with | | |

| | |these will be marked and signed accordingly. |relevant transport providers to put in place | | |

| | |Floor marking tape should also be used where queues may develop |arrangements which fit the local circumstances, | | |

| | |indicating 2m spacing. |including the measures being put in place to reduce | | |

| | |Uniform demands will be relaxed to allow frequent changes of clothes |contact (refer to Coronavirus Covid-19 Safer | | |

| | |that are easily launderable for parents. |transport guidance for operators). | | |

| | |Where staff/visitors are required to use a touch-screen, a supply of | |Centre managers aware| |

| | |anti-viral wipes will be provided to be used by the visitor to clean the|Reference will be made to the GOV UK document ‘Safer |and adapted protocols| |

| | |screen after use. A bin (foot operated or lidded where possible) will |travel guidance for passengers’ |for their site and | |

| | |be provided for the disposal of the used wipes. | |pupil group. Liaise | |

| | |During the school day | |with AD if markings |June 2020 |

| | |At all times, staff must be ‘alert’ to the signs and symptoms of | |needed | |

| | |COVID-19 either from themselves or from the pupils. If in any doubt, | | | |

| | |advice must be sought from the Head teacher or other senior leader | | | |

| | |immediately. | | | |

| | |Pupils will be in the same small cohorts at all times each day, and | | | |

| | |different cohorts will not be permitted to mix during the day, or on | | | |

| | |subsequent days unless in exceptional circumstances and with risk duly | | | |

| | |assessed. | | | |

| | |The same teacher(s) and other staff will be assigned to each cohort and,| | | |

| | |as far as possible, this will remain the same during the day and on | | | |

| | |subsequent days. | | | |

| | |Wherever possible pupils will use the same classroom or area of a | | | |

| | |setting throughout the day, with a thorough cleaning of the rooms at the| | | |

| | |end of the day. Consideration will be given to seating the pupils at | | | |

| | |the same desk each day if they attend on consecutive days. | | | |

| | |Breaks for staff will be staggered to ensure that cohorts of pupils are | | | |

| | |not mixed. Staff may be required to eat in their designated classroom | | | |

| | |if the staff room is not considered large enough for them to | | | |

| | |Each classroom will be labelled with the number of people it can safely | | | |

| | |accommodate. | | | |

| | |It is, however, more realistic to ensure that cohorts of pupils are kept| | | |

| | |apart and not allowed to mix, both during the school session and at |Where children find it difficult to understand the | | |

| | |play/break times. |need for social distancing, limit the number of |Centre managers to | |

| | |The layout of the room will be considered to reduce the space between |children in each cohort to provide more space. This |take account of in | |

| | |pupil ‘areas’ or zones which would allow a small group to work or play |may mean reducing the number of sessions a child can |determining working | |

| | |in different zones – whilst this will not always ensure social |attend |practice for their | |

| | |distancing of 2m, it will reduce the risk. | |cohorts | |

| | |In planning the room and zones, we will ensure that fire escape routes |Secondary schools may need to rotate specialist | | |

| | |are not compromised. |teachers and use specialist areas for some subjects | | |

| | |Spaces used will be well ventilated using natural ventilation where |but this will be minimised. | | |

| | |possible. | | | |

| | |Doors may be held open to avoid them being touched by those coming and | | | |

| | |going from the classroom. This will also aid ventilation. This is only| | | |

| | |permitted where the room is occupied and doors must be closed once the | | |June 2020 |

| | |group has left the room. At the end of the day, all doors to all rooms | | | |

| | |must be closed for fire purposes. | | | |

| | |Wherever possible, specific toilet areas will be allocated to each | | | |

| | |cohort of pupils. Toilet area use will be limited to small groups of | | | |

| | |pupils. These will be cleaned using normal cleaning products after use | | | |

| | |by each cohort. Pupils will be supervised to ensure that hand washing | | | |

| | |is completed appropriately. We will help and encourage those pupils who| | | |

| | |cannot wash their hands properly independently. Children will be | | | |

| | |provided with hand/aqueous cream or similar for use after washing their | | | |

| | |hands. | | | |

| | |Where there is no sink nearby, adequate supplies of hand-gel will be |A plan of the school may be useful for this to get an| | |

| | |provided in the classroom or work area. Children will be encouraged to |overall picture of how many pupils the school can | | |

| | |wash their hands: |take at any one time. | | |

| | |throughout the day/session; | | | |

| | |after coughing or sneezing; |It would be prudent to work on the basis of 6-8 | | |

| | |after using the toilet; |pupils in the short term, working up to a maximum of | | |

| | |before and after eating including snack time. |15. | | |

| | |Pupils will be encouraged to make use of tissues and to dispose of them | | | |

| | |appropriately, they will also be regularly reminded not to touch their |For secondary schools, only a quarter of Yrs 10 and | | |

| | |mouth, eyes or nose. Supplies of tissues will be made available in each|12 will be in school at any one time including | | |

| | |classroom. Bins used for tissues will be emptied throughout the day and|vulnerable children and children of critical workers | | |

| | |particularly between each cohort. |in those year groups This is in addition to | | |

| | |All used hard surfaces (tables and chairs, doors, bannisters, light |vulnerable pupils and children of critical workers | | |

| | |switches, toys, sinks and toilets) will be sanitised or wiped using |from other year groups. | | |

| | |detergent between each cohort and regularly throughout the session. | | | |

| | |Equipment will be kept to a minimum and disinfected with spray after use| | | |

| | |by each cohort. | | | |

| | |Where possible, external doors from classrooms will be used to access | | | |

| | |outside areas thus reducing the need to use internal areas. | | | |

| | |If numbers necessitate lunchtimes will be spaced/staggered to reduce the| | | |

| | |risk of cohorts coming into contact with each other. | | | |

| | |IT suites can be used by pupils but the numbers kept to a minimum so | | | |

| | |that there is a computer workstation between each pupil i.e. alternate | | | |

| | |screens. Disinfection of workstations, keyboard and mouse after each |Secondary Schools: Because we have the flexibility to| | |

| | |cohort use will be necessary. Communal headphones should not be used. |implement face-to-face support for year 10 pupils in | | |

| | |Either ask pupils to bring in their own headphones/earphones or have a |the way that best suits our circumstances, we | | |

| | |supply of cheap ear phones which could be sanitised and rotated on a |recognise that there may be some pupils who would | | |

| | |weekly basis. |particularly benefit from more face-to-face support, | | |

| | |Practical lessons can go ahead if equipment can be cleaned thoroughly |such as disadvantaged pupils or pupils who have not | | |

| | |and the classroom or other learning environment is occupied by the same |been engaging in remote education. These pupils may | | |

| | |children in one day, or properly cleaned between cohorts. Or equipment |attend more frequently than others as long we ensure | | |

| | |left securely unused for 72 hrs between uses. |that only a quarter of the year 10 cohort are in | | |

| | |Deliveries will be kept to a minimum and we will limit those accepting |school at any one time | | |

| | |and putting away deliveries. | | | |

| | |To reduce the risk of mixing cohorts of pupils, consideration will be | | | |

| | |given to pupils eating in their own designated classrooms where they | | | |

| | |will be served their lunch. |In year 6 or secondary schools, each pupil may in | | |

| | |Where dining halls are used, social distancing must be considered and no|effect have their own desk and therefore there will | | |

| | |mixing of cohorts must take place. Tables must be cleaned after each |be little risk to the next person to them since it is| | |

| | |cohort use. |always the same person. | | |

| | |During playtime/breaks, where there is more than one cohort using the | | | |

| | |outdoor space, the space will be zoned so that cohorts are kept apart. | | | |

| | |Assemblies, performances, parents’ evenings, sports fixtures, sports | | | |

| | |clubs and other after school activities will only resume once the | | | |

| | |government and school leadership team agree that it is safe to do so. | | | |

| | |A quarantine room and specific toilet will be identified for children | | | |

| | |who may become ill during the day or session. The room and any toilet | | | |

| | |area used by a child who is ill or displaying signs and symptoms of | | | |

| | |COVID-19 and awaiting collection must be fully sanitised prior to use by| | | |

| | |anyone else in the school. Where it is not possible to isolate a pupil, | | | |

| | |they will be moved to an area which is at least 2m away from other | | | |

| | |people. Any supervising staff will use appropriate PPE whilst waiting |‘Catch it, bin it, kill it’ posters to be displayed | | |

| | |for the child to be collected. See sections above on ‘People who become|in relevant area | | |

| | |unwell’ and ‘PPE’ use for further information. | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |Curriculum |Secondary schools should ensure social distancing | | |

| | |Schools continue to be best placed to make decisions about how to |measures are in place. | | |

| | |support and educate all their pupils during this period, based on the | | | |

| | |local context and staff capacity. |Where pupils are in attendance throughout the day, | | |

| | |Where year groups are returning to school, we would expect school |schools should provide meals for those children, and | | |

| | |leaders and teachers to: |meals should be available free of charge where pupils| | |

| | |consider their pupils’ mental health and wellbeing and identify any |meet the free school meal (FSM) eligibility criteria.| | |

| | |pupil who may need additional support so they are ready to learn; |To ensure food is available for pupils who attend, | | |

| | |assess where pupils are in their learning, and agree what adjustments |educational settings are expected to reopen their | | |

| | |may be needed to the school curriculum over the coming weeks; |kitchens and ensure that meals are able to be | | |

| | |identify and plan how best to support the education of high needs |prepared and served safely. | | |

| | |groups, including disadvantaged pupils, those with SEND and vulnerable |Schools to work with their food providers to offer | | |

| | |pupils (for pupils with education health and care (EHC) plans, it may |meals or food parcels for benefits-related free | | |

| | |not be possible to provide the full range of provision set out in the |school meal pupils not in school. Provision of food | | |

| | |plan, and it may be necessary to make different arrangements if some of |vouchers for those eligible under the benefits | | |

| | |the support services are not available in their usual form from the |criteria will also continue to be available where | | |

| | |start of June. If this is the case you should work with the LA and |needed. | | |

| | |parents and confirm what special provision can reasonably be provided); | | | |

| | |Schools should use best endeavours to support pupils attending school as| | | |

| | |well as those remaining at home, making use of the available remote | | | |

| | |education support - Remote education during Coronavirus (Covid-19). | | | |

| | |For guidance regarding Science and D&T in relation to preparing to | | | |

| | |re-open and running practical activities, refer to CLEAPSS Guidance: | | | |

| | |GL345 – Guidance for science departments returning to school after an | | | |

| | |extended period of closure | | | |

| | |GL336 – CLEAPSS Advice during the COVID-19 / Coronavirus Pandemic | | | |

| | |GL347 - Guidance for D&T departments returning to school after an | | | |

| | |extended period of Closure | | | |

| | |GL344 - CLEAPSS Guide to doing practical work in a partially reopened | | | |

| | |school – D&T, food and Art | | | |

| | |GL346 - Equipment and machine maintenance during Extended Closure | | | |

| | |Behaviour | | | |

| | |In light of the need for children to behave differently when they return| | | |

| | |to school, and any new systems you have put in place to support that, | | | |

| | |you’ll need to make changes to your behaviour policy. Behaviour policy | | | |

| | |changes will also need to be communicated to pupils, parents and staff. | |Centre managers to | |

| | |Areas schools may wish to add to their behaviour policy are: | |identify | |

| | |following any altered routines for arrival or departure; | | | |

| | |following school instructions on hygiene, such as handwashing and | | | |

| | |sanitising; | | | |

| | |following instructions on who pupils can socialise with at school | | | |

| | |moving around the school as per specific instructions (for example, | | | |

| | |one-way systems, out of bounds areas, queuing); | | | |

| | |expectations about sneezing, coughing, tissues and disposal (‘catch it, |No school will be penalised if they are unable to | | |

| | |bin it, kill it’) and avoiding touching your mouth, nose and eyes with |offer a broad and balanced curriculum to their pupils| | |

| | |hands; |during this period. | | |

| | |tell an adult if you are experiencing symptoms of coronavirus; | | | |

| | |rules about sharing any equipment or other items including drinking | | | |

| | |bottles; |Refer to Conducting a SEND risk assessment during the| | |

| | |amended expectations about breaks or play times, including where |coronavirus outbreak | |June 15 2020 |

| | |children may or may not play; | | | |

| | |use of toilets; | | | |

| | |clear rules about coughing or spitting at or towards any other person; | | | |

| | |clear rules for pupils at home about conduct in relation to remote | | | |

| | |education; | | | |

| | |rewards and sanction system where appropriate. | | | |

| | |Identify any reasonable adjustments that need to be made for students | | | |

| | |with more challenging behaviour. | | | |

| | |Staff to be trained in the new rules and routines, including the use of | | | |

| | |sanctions and rewards, so that they can support pupils to understand | | | |

| | |them and enforce them consistently. | | | |

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| | | |Modified code of conduct produced by each site and | | |

| | | |shared with staff pupils and parents. | | |

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| | | | | |June 22 2020 |

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|Inappropriate arrangements in|All bulidng users, |Catering Manager to observe social distancing in line with government |Where external contractors are used for catering | Site and Catering | |

|place for Catering staff |particularly catering staff |guidance as much as possible - - 'Staying alert and safe (social |provision, this element may be deleted. However, it |staff aware | |

| |and pupils/contractors/ |distancing). |is vital that any control measures used by the | | |

| |Maintenance personnel |Catering Manager sole employee in the kitchen |external contractor are as stringent as those | | |

| | | |indicated here and their control measures should be | | |

| | |Incoming Deliveries |closely monitored. | | |

| | |Provide site guidance on social distancing and hygiene on or before | | | |

| |Infection spread leading to |arrival - minimise person-to-person contact during deliveries. |Suitable rotas to be drawn up | | |

| |serious respiratory illness,|Minimise contact during exchange of documentation, for example, by using| | | |

| |death |electronic payment methods and electronically signed and exchanged | | | |

| | |documents. No goods or food physically handed over. | | | |

| | |Allocated pick-up and drop-off collection point, procedures, signage and| | | |

| | |markings. | | | |

| | |Consider methods to reduce frequency of deliveries, for example by | | | |

| | |ordering larger quantities less often. | | | |

| | |Ensure adequate cleaning procedures for goods and merchandise entering | | | |

| | |the site. | | | |

| | |Adjusting put-away and replenishment rules to create space for social | | | |

| | |distancing. | | | |

| | |Clothing:. | | | |

| | |Where possible, work clothes should be washed on site. If there is no | | | |

| | |on-site washing machine, work clothes should be removed and bagged to | | | |

| | |take home. | | | |

| | |Kitchen cleaning throughout the day: | | | |

| | |Frequently clean and disinfect objects and surfaces that are touched | | | |

| | |regularly, using your standard cleaning products. | | | |

| | |While food packaging is not known to present a specific risk, efforts | | | |

| | |should be made to ensure it is cleaned and handled in line with usual | | | |

| | |food safety practices. | | | |

| | |There is no need for anything other than normal personal hygiene and | | | |

| | |washing of clothes. |Refer to the Food Standards Agency’s Safer food | | |

| | | |better business guidance for further guidance on | | |

| | | |expected food hygiene standards. | | |

| | | | | | |

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|Inadequate staffing ratios |Staff and pupils |We will undertake an appropriate audit to ensure staffing levels | | | |

| | |To calculate staff ratios, consider: |Where it is not possible to have a DSL or Deputy |Timetables to ensure | |

|Inadequate supervision of | |have contingency plans in place should staff be absent as a result of |physically in school, arrangements may be made for |maximum coverage – | |

|children, access to DSL’s a | |Covid-19 |the DSL to be contactable via phone or video link if |but good electronic | |

| | |Possible approaches to managing a shortfall in staffing include: |they are working from home. Alternatively, |access to | |

| | |bringing additional teachers in to help, who may be supply teachers, |arrangements may be made with an alternative school |safeguarding leads in| |

| | |teachers on temporary agreed loan from other schools, or teachers |to use the expertise of their DSL. Further advice on|place. | |

| | |provided by your trust or LA; |the provision of DSL’s can be found in GOV UK | | |

| | |asking suitably experienced teaching assistants who are willing to do so|‘Safeguarding in schools’ | | |

| | |to work with groups under the supervision of a teacher; | | | |

| | |using some senior leadership time to cover groups, although you the Head| | | |

| | |teacher consider their own workload and that of their senior colleagues | | | |

| | |to make sure this is manageable and you have sufficient leadership time | | | |

| | |remaining. | | | |

| | |Key telephone numbers of all available DSL’s/deputies to be displayed in| | | |

| | |school. | | | |

| | |Ensure the contact details of the Safeguarding Hub/Early Help/LADO are | | | |

| | |available to all staff on duty. | | | |

| | |Ensure sufficient competent staff on duty to administer or supervise the| | | |

| | |administration of medication. Wherever possible, children to |Best endeavours’ means to identify and take all the | | |

| | |self-administer, witnessed by staff. Where not possible (age, SEND |steps possible within your power, which could, if | | |

| | |etc.) social distancing cannot be maintained – think about how this can |successful, ensure the is a paediatric first aider on| | |

| | |be done safely – PPE, vigilant personal hygiene etc. |site when a setting is open, as per the usual EYFS | | |

| | | |requirement on PFA. | | |

| | | |Paediatric first aid is suitable for all children up | | |

| | | |to 15 years of age not just | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |The HSE have relaxed their advice in relation to | | |

| | | |first aid certificate expiry dates and have agreed to| | |

| | | |an extension for requalification to all First aid | | |

| | | |certificates to 30 September 2020. HSE first aid | | |

| | | |requalification guidance. | | |

| | | | | | |

|Any person becoming unwell at|All building users, |Staff are informed of the possible symptoms of coronavirus infection and|If any individual with symptoms is believed to have | | |

|school |visitors/ parents, |are kept updated with national guidance relating to symptoms and |contracted the COVID-19 virus ‘whilst at work’, the |Practice in place – | |

| |contractors |transmission |relevant information must be reported to the HSE |circulation of this | |

|Underlying medical conditions|/maintenance personnel |Anyone who displays signs of being unwell with possible coronavirus |under RIDDOR legislation. |document ensures all | |

| | |symptoms, is immediately sent home and advised to seek medical | |informed | |

| |Infection spread leading to |assistance (Stay at home guidance for households with possible Covid-19 | | | |

| |serious respiratory illness,|infection). | | | |

| |death |Anyone who is unwell with possible coronavirus symptoms is moved to each| | | |

| | |sites designated room – pupils - a room where they can be isolated | | | |

| | |behind a closed door, depending on the age of the child and with | | | |

| | |appropriate adult supervision if required. Where available, a window | | | |

| | |will be opened for ventilation. | | | |

| | |If the individual needs to use the toilet whilst waiting to be collected| | | |

| | |or prior to them leaving for home, they will directed to use a | | | |

| | |designated toilet which will be out of use for anyone else until they | | | |

| | |leave the premises and toilet area will be cleaned and disinfected using| | | |

| | |standard cleaning products before being used by anyone else. | | | |

| | |If a child needs direct personal care until they can return home, | | | |

| | |surgical face mask will be worn by the supervising adult if a 2m | | | |

| | |distance cannot be maintained. | | | |

| | |If contact with the child is necessary, then a disposable apron, | | | |

| | |disposable gloves and a surgical face mask will be worn by a supervising| | | |

| | |adult if a distance of 2m cannot be maintained. Eye protection should be| | | |

| | |worn if there is a risk of splashing in the eyes (coughing, spitting, | | | |

| | |vomiting) | | | |

| | |In an emergency, we will call 999 if they are seriously ill or injured | | | |

| | |or their life is at risk. | | | |

| | |If a member of staff has helped someone who was unwell with a new, | | | |

| | |continuous cough or a high temperature, they do not need to go home | | | |

| | |unless they develop symptoms themselves (and in which case, a test is | | | |

| | |available) or the child subsequently tests positive (see below). The | | | |

| | |staff member will wash their hands thoroughly for 20 seconds after any | | | |

| | |contact with someone who is unwell | | | |

| | |Areas used by anyone unwell are appropriately cleaned once vacated. | | | |

| | |Refer to COVID-19: cleaning of non-healthcare settings guidance. | | | |

| | |If a child starts displaying coronavirus symptoms while at their school | | | |

| | |they should, wherever possible, be collected by a member of their family| | | |

| | |or household. In exceptional circumstances, where this is not possible, | | | |

| | |and the school needs to take responsibility for transporting them home | | | |

| | |we will do one of the following: | | | |

| | |use a vehicle with a bulkhead | | | |

| | |the driver and passenger should maintain a distance of 2m from each | | | |

| | |other | | | |

| | |the driver should use PPE, and the passenger should wear a face mask if | | | |

| | |they are old enough and able to do so | | | |

|Confirmed case of coronavirus|All building users, |When a child or staff member develops symptoms compatible with | | | |

|in school |visitors/ parents, |coronavirus, they will be sent home and advised to self-isolate for 7 | |Practice in place – | |

| |contractors |days. Their fellow household members will be advised to self-isolate | |circulation of this | |

| |/maintenance personnel |for 14 days. All staff and pupils who are attending the school will | |document ensures all | |

| | |have access to a test if they display symptoms of coronavirus and are | |informed | |

| |Infection spread leading to |encouraged to get tested in this scenario. | | | |

| |serious respiratory illness,|Where the child or staff member tests negative, they can return to | | | |

| |death |school and the fellow household members can end their self-isolation. | | | |

| | |Where the child or staff member tests positive, the rest of their class | | | |

| | |or group within their school will be sent home and advised to | | | |

| | |self-isolate for 14 days. The other household members of that wider | | | |

| | |class or group do not need to self-isolate unless the child or staff | | | |

| | |member they live with in that group subsequently develops symptoms. | | | |

| | |As part of the national test and trace programme, if other cases are | | | |

| | |detected within the cohort or in the wider setting, Public Health | | | |

| | |England’s local health protection teams will conduct a rapid | | | |

| | |investigation and will advise the school on the most appropriate action | | | |

| | |to take. In some cases, a larger number of other children may be asked | | | |

| | |to self-isolate at home as a precautionary measure – perhaps the whole | | | |

| | |class, site or year group. Where settings are observing guidance on | | | |

| | |infection prevention and control, which will reduce risk of | | | |

| | |transmission, closure of the whole setting will not generally be | | | |

| | |necessary. | | | |

|Social distancing measures |All building users, |School follows DFE/PHE guidance `Covid-19 – implementing social | | | |

|inadequate or not followed |visitors/ parents, |distancing in education and child care settings’ – “How to implement | |Practice in place – | |

| |contractors/ maintenance |social distancing” |Review your Home Visits Risk Assessment. |circulation of this | |

| |personnel |Limit areas of school where staff go to allow for suitable cleaning of |If a child requires a home visit particularly in |document ensures all | |

| | |frequently touched surfaces to take place |relation to safeguarding concerns, we will consider |informed | |

| |Spread of Coronavirus |Keep a log of where staff are allowed to go |and adhere to guidance issued in the Government | | |

| |causing infection |Limit the number of shared resources that are taken home by staff and |document Safe working in education, childcare and | | |

| | |limit exchange of resources. Teaching staff to make sure they wash their|children’s social care settings, including the use of| | |

| | |hands and surfaces, before and after handling pupil’s books. |PPE | | |

| | |Home visits are limited to those where there are concerns. Any such | | | |

| | |visits have to authorised by the centre manager/Designated Safeguarding | | | |

| | |Lead, following a risk assessment which includes not entering the | | | |

| | |premises and keeping two meters apart from anyone from the household. | | | |

| | |Staff working in school keep at least 2m apart and avoid close proximity| | | |

| | |interaction. Where this cannot be avoided, (e.g. site teams), the | | | |

| | |following will be considered: | | | |

| | |Work facing away from each other or side by side instead of face to face| | | |

| | |If face to face is essential and 2m isn’t achievable we will limit | | | |

| | |frequency and duration of the interaction e.g. no more than two people | | | |

| | |for 10 mins at a time? | | | |

| | |If team work is unavoidable, teams arranged beforehand and team mixing | | | |

| | |minimised. | | | |

| | |Face coverings should be worn in this situation. |Use disposable cloths or paper roll and disposable | | |

| | |Staff working at a desk have maximum practicable separation (at least |mop heads wherever possible, disposing of after use. | | |

| | |two meters apart) & adequate space. Work tasks are undertaken as | | | |

| | |separate as possible. | | | |

| | |Office staff work in separate offices where possible. Wherever possible,| | | |

| | |staff work from their own workstation only. Where not possible, due to | | | |

| | |social distancing, establish cleaning rules after each use of another’s | | | |

| | |workstation; record who uses each workstation and equipment for |Daily sanitising as appropriate. | | |

| | |tracking. | | | |

| | |Sanitising surfaces when individual leaves the office, including |Briefings to staff as necessary, particularly as | | |

| | |telephone, keyboard, mouse etc. |there may be different staff working. | | |

| | |Staff to remain 2m from others when using photocopying equipment. Key | | | |

| | |pads etc on copying machines to be wiped with anti-viral wipes after |Individual staff to be allocated their own classroom.| | |

| | |each use OR allow one person only to carry out all photocopying (pupils |Additional staff in the same room should observe | | |

| | |NOT to use copiers) |social distancing rules. | | |

| | |Where possible assign staff to same shift teams as much as possible to | | | |

| | |limit social interaction. Keep groups of staff working together that are| | | |

| | |as small as possible (cohorting) | | | |

| | |Staff are not to congregate during break times; staggered break times | | | |

| | |will be devised so that staff can continue to practice social distancing| | | |

| | |when taking breaks. | | | |

| | |The use of the staff room and toilets is staggered to limit occupancy | | | |

| | |Stairs should be used in preference to lifts. Where lifts must be used, | | | |

| | |lower the capacity to reduce congestion and contact at all times. | | | |

| | |Regularly clean touchpoints such as doors and buttons. | | | |

| | |Car Sharing to and from work is not currently advised unless the | | | |

| | |individuals are from the same household. The use of public transport | | | |

| | |should be avoided if possible. | | | |

| | |Staff avoid non-essential work-related travel where practicable. E.g. | | | |

| | |not using the minibus, use of electronic banking instead of travelling | | | |

| | |to the bank | | | |

| | |School areas are partially closed to allow cleaning to be undertaken | | | |

| | |with a minimum number of cleaning staff | | | |

|Poor staff wellbeing |Staff |Governing bodies and senior leaders will be conscious of the wellbeing |Refer to `Wellbeing management for pupils during |Practice in place – | |

| | |of all staff, including senior leaders themselves, and the need to |Coronavirus’ |circulation of this | |

|Redeployment issues |Ill health, stress related |implement flexible working practices in a way that promotes good | |document ensures all | |

| |illness, |work-life balance and supports teachers and leaders. | |informed | |

|Work related pressure |Absence |Particular regard will be given to ensuring staff who are BAME (Black, | | | |

| | |Asian and Minority Ethnic) and those with existing health conditions |Individual consultation with BAME staff to check |Individual risk | |

| | |(but do not fall into the category of critically vulnerable) are |safety measures and adjust to individual situations |assessments involving| |

| | |appropriately supported, given that they may be at increased risk of | |BAME staff to be | |

| | |severe ill-health should they contract COVID-19. |Children from black, asian and minority ethnic (BAME)|carried out by senior| |

| | |Workload will be carefully managed and the school will assess whether |communities and their families who may be at |leaders |End of June 2020 |

| | |staff who are having to stay at home due to health conditions are able |increased risk of serious ill-health as a result of |To be on an | |

| | |to support remote education, while others focus on face-to-face |contracting COVID-19. They may have additional or |individual timeline | |

| | |provision. This issue will be factored into our resource and curriculum|heightened worries about returning to school. _ staff| | |

| | |planning and consideration given to where additional resource could be |to be made aware of issue and monitor through the | | |

| | |safely brought in if necessary |tailored safeguarding/welfare calls. | | |

| | |Communication systems available to all staff to keep in touch with line | | | |

| | |manager - email, telephone/video calls | | | |

| | |Information is provided to staff on who they can contact should they | | | |

| | |have any concerns about their health, workload, mental wellbeing. All | | | |

| | |staff are encouraged to speak to their Line Manager. Access to health | | | |

| | |support is via the Head Teacher. | | | |

| | |Staff and their line manager discuss how to manage their workload and | | | |

| | |balance their commitments e.g. caring for dependants. Consideration | | | |

| | |Staff are aware how to report sickness or incidents/ accidents. Line | | | |

| | |manager responds to any report. (See HSE website for reporting under | | | |

| | |RIDDOR) | | | |

| | |H&S Induction information e.g. fire exits, emergency evacuation plans, | | | |

| | |first aid, activity-based risk assessments etc., provided to staff who | | | |

| | |may be redeployed in school | | | |

| | |Redeployed staff included in all relevant meetings / discussions. Staff | | | |

| | |speak to line manager regularly | | | |

| | |Staff only operate equipment, machinery that they are fully trained and | | | |

| | |competent to use | | | |

| | |Staff take regular breaks from routine/activity. Advised to gain access | | | |

| | |to fresh air and natural light outside the building. Lighting and air | | | |

| | |conditioning switched on/off as required | | | |

| | |We will also review how we can support employees on broader issues, such| | | |

| | |as bereavement support and general anxiety about the ongoing situation | | | |

|Inadequate personal |All building users |Determine what PPE will be required and in what quantities – ensure |Facemask and gloves will be provided for any staff |In Place | |

|protection & PPE & spread of |(particularly those staff |adequate PPE ordered as necessary in advance of setting re-opening and |engaged in first aid. | | |

|Covid-19 virus |performing personal and |where necessary, supplies maintained. | | | |

| |intimate care) |When PPE is used, it is essential that it is used properly. This |Gloves are readily available on all sites for staff | | |

| | |includes scrupulous hand hygiene and following guidance on how to |who require them. | | |

| |Infection spread leading to |put PPE on and take it off safely in order to reduce self-contamination.| | | |

| |serious respiratory illness,|Removal, cleaning and disposal – as in the cleaning section above. | | | |

| |death |Where staff are performing intimate care procedures the normal | | | |

| | |procedures and usual PPE will be used – disposable apron and disposable | | | |

| | |gloves. If a child shows symptoms of COVID-19 they should not attend | | | |

| | |the school and should be at home. | | | |

| | |Staff dealing with children with complex medical needs have an increased| | | |

| | |risk of transmission through aerosols being transferred from the child |Ensure adequate bins and tissues are made available. | | |

| | |to the care giver. Staff performing tracheostomy care and other similar |Ensure school has a stock of rubber gloves and if | | |

| | |procedures will follow the PHE guidance personal protective equipment |needed, disposable gloves/aprons/facemasks. | | |

| | |(PPE) guidance on aerosol generating procedures, and wear the | | | |

| | |correct PPE which is: | | | |

| | |a FFP2/3 respirator (which must be fit-tested) | | | |

| | |gloves | | | |

| | |a long-sleeved fluid repellent gown |Signage as appropriate | | |

| | |eye protection | | | |

| | |If non-symptomatic children present behaviours which may increase the | | | |

| | |risk of droplet transmission (such as spitting), they should continue to| | | |

| | |receive care in the same way, including any existing routine use of PPE.| | | |

| | |In line with Coronavirus Covid-19 safer travel guidance for passengers, | | | |

| | |if you can, wear a face covering if you need to use public transport. | | | |

| | |If you choose to wear one, it is important to use face coverings | | | |

| | |properly (How to wear & make a cloth face covering) and wash your hands | | | |

| | |before putting them on and after taking them off. | | | |

| | |Responsible adults or carers travelling with children on public | | | |

| | |transport should follow this guidance, wear face coverings, minimise the| | | |

| | |surfaces they touch and maintain their distance from others, where | | | |

| | |possible. | | | |

|Lack of First Aid provision |Staff, pupils, visitors |First Aid Policy in place which outlines the management of medical |To review First aid policy and risk assessment | | |

| | |emergencies | | | |

| |Illness, injuries |Managers have access to information relating to staff and pupils’ health| | | |

| | |care needs, medical records. Information shared with first aid staff as |The HSE have relaxed their advice in relation to | | |

| | |appropriate |first aid certificate expiry dates and have agreed to| | |

| | |Emergency contact details are kept up to date, including alternative |an extension for requalification to all First aid | | |

| | |emergency contacts as required |certificates to 30 September 2020. HSE first aid | | |

| | |First aid boxes are checked on a regular basis to ensure sufficient |requalification guidance. | | |

| | |stock as required | | | |

| | |Staff working alone (remote from other workers) have access to first aid| | | |

| | |kit and know how to contact a first aider. | | | |

| | |Where necessary, staff to undergo induction in the accident/first aid | | | |

| | |procedures |You may need to consider purchasing resuscitation | | |

| | | |face shields and more disposable gloves and aprons | | |

|Fire and emergencies |All building users, |Fire Risk Assessment in place and reviewed on a regular basis. In |Refer to advice on Fire safety in new and existing | | |

| |contractors/ maintenance |preparing for occupation consider any changes to fire safety systems and|school buildings | | |

|Inability to operate |personnel |ensure adequate provision of fire marshals/wardens, especially if | | | |

|emergency systems or | |working hours change and/or previous role holder not available. | | | |

|procedures |Injury sustained due to fire|Fire assembly points reviewed (or more points created to allow for | | | |

| |or emergency evacuation |social distancing) – how will the person in charge at each assembly | | | |

| | |point communicate with others? Where will pupils line up – is marking |Brief rota staff on operation of fire and intruder | | |

| | |required? You may need to make adjustments to your fire drill and |alarms. | | |

|Lack of trained Fire | |practice it in the first week when pupils return | | | |

|Emergency staff e.g. | |Fire procedures adapted and shared with staff. Site staff aware of how | | | |

|marshals/wardens, fire alarm | |to operate/understand fire panels | |Centre managers to | |

|panel | |Clarify means of summoning emergency assistance, particular when | |review current | |

| | |operating social distancing. | |practice and | |

| | |PEEP’s in place for staff and pupils who require assistance during an |Review PEEP’s to ensure up to date |determine if numbers | |

| | |emergency evacuation – reviewed to reflect current situation | |require a review – if| |

| | |Arson prevention measures in line with advice from the Fire Service in | |so adjust practice | |

| | |place and under review | |and publicise. | |

| | |Records kept of Fire monitoring tasks | |By 22nd June 2020 | |

| | |Where necessary, staff to undergo induction in the fire and emergency | | | |

| | |routines. This may not be the usual routes and normal nominated fire | | | |

| | |wardens may not be in attendance. Repeat as necessary. | | | |

| | |Propping fire doors open by any other means other than proprietary hold | | | |

| | |open devices triggered by the fire alarm is normally not permitted. | | | |

| | |However, all reasonable methods of preventing infection spread will need| | | |

| | |to be introduced. The risk of a fire starting is probably lower than | | | |

| | |the risk of infection spread. | | | |

| | |If fire doors are held open, alter your documented and practical | | | |

| | |procedures to ensure that more staff are appointed to ensure ALL fire | | | |

| | |doors are closed if the fire alarm sounds or fire is discovered. | | | |

| | |Ensure fire doors to rooms not being used are closed. | | | |

| | |Use wedges to hold open doors – these can be easily kicked out should | | | |

| | |there be an emergency situation. Only hold doors open where access | | | |

| | |through them is required during the day and where the room beyond is | | | |

| | |occupied. This will reduce the risk of contamination. | | | |

| | |At the end of each day, ALL fire doors must be closed. Wipe down | | | |

| | |contact points with a cleaning product ready for the next day | | | |

|Poor Estate Management |All building users, |Refer to DfE Managing school premises during the coronavirus outbreak |Review your Premises RA and School Maintenance |In Place | |

| |contractors/ maintenance |Premises (school buildings & site) risk assessment in place. |Schedule | | |

|Lack of statutory inspections|personnel |Arrangements reviewed during partial closure. See `Building re-opening | | | |

|and maintenance | |checklist “Health and Safety Inspection |Refer to `Building/Property Maintenance - re-opening | | |

| |Faulty equipment services |Site staff continue to undertake in-house maintenance, inspections, |after temporary closure’ | | |

| |leading to injury or death |testing in accordance with school schedule. Tasks managed to conform | | | |

| | |with social distancing measures. | | | |

| | |Access to essential contractors / statutory inspections will need to be | | | |

| | |considered and managed. |Undertake effective liaison with contractors BEFORE | | |

| | |Site manager liaises with external contractors to prioritise statutory |they attend site – ask contractors to provide key | | |

| | |testing e.g. water checks to avoid possible legionella in areas of the |information in relation to how they are managing | | |

| | |premises which are closed off for unspecified periods of time. RAMS |infection control. | | |

| | |include social distancing, hand hygiene and PPE. | | | |

| | |Fire safety equipment and systems must be tested before employees and | | | |

| | |others are allowed back on site (refer to `Building re-opening checklist| | | |

| | |“Fire Safety Systems”) | | | |

| | |Site Manager monitors contractors work on site. Contractors provided | | | |

| | |with site rules. | | | |

| | |Equipment not in use is switched off. Equipment not working correctly, | | | |

| | |is taken out of service (sticker to say do not use and stored. | | | |

| | |Follow HSE advice on thorough examination and testing requirements of | | | |

| | |lifting and pressure equipment | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |s.htm | | |

|D |Assessment prepared by: |

|Name |L Harris |

|Name | |

|Date for review |Carried out by |Position |Signature |

| | | | |

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