Chapter 1

Chapter 1

1. How does Holden feel about D.B. being in Hollywood? Why? (1-2)

2. List three things Holden does not like about Pencey Prep. (2-3)

3. Explain why you think Holden needs "to feel some kind of goodby." (4-5)

Chapter 2

4. How does Holden describe Mr. Spencer? (6-7) How do you think he feels about him?

5. List three things that Mr. Spencer does that bother Holden. (7-12)

6. What does Holden wonder about the ducks? (13)

7. How have Holden's feelings about Mr. Spencer changed by the end of the chapter?

Chapter 3

8. Describe your reaction to the first paragraph of Chapter 3. (16)

9. What does Holden buy in New York City? (17-18)

10. What does Holden do with his new hat? (21-22)

11. How does Holden feel about Ackley? Why? (19-26)

Chapter 4

12. How does Holden describe Stradlater? (27-28)

13. How does Holden react whenStradlater says he is going out with Jane Gallagher? (31-33)

Chapter 5

14. Why doesn't Holden throw the snowball at the car? (36)

15. What does Holden choose as his subject for Stradlater's composition? (38-39)

16. How does Holden react to Allie's death? (38-39)

Chapter 6

17. Why is Holden nervous? (40)

18. Why does Holden get into a fight with Stradlater? (41-46)

Chapter 7

19. Why does Holden decide to leave school right away? (50-51)

20. Why do the ice skates make Holden depressed? (51-52)

21. Summarize Holden's actions as he leaves the dorm. (52)

Chapter 8

22. Describe your reaction to Holden's conversation with Ernest Morrow's mother. (53-58)

Chapter 9

23. Why does Holden say it's ironic that he took off his cap before checking in at the hotel? (61)

24. Describe Holden's view from the window. How does he feel about what he sees? (61-63)

Chapter 10

25. How does Holden describe Phoebe? (66-69) What does his description tell us about Holden?

26. Describe your reaction to Holden's interaction with "the three witches." (70-76)

Chapter 11

27. Based on his description, how does Holden feel about Jane? (76-80)

28. Why do you think Jane was crying? (78-79)

29. Describe your reaction to Holden in this scene (78-79)

Chapter 12

30. Why do you think Holden is concerned about the ducks in Central Park? (81-82)

31. Describe Holden's reaction to the people at Ernie's. (83-88)

Chapter 13

32. Why does Holden say that lie is "yellow?" (88-89)

33. Why doe you think Holden is feeling peculiar with Sunny? (93-98)

Chapter 14

34. Why doesn't Holden like the Disciples? (99-100)

35. Why does Holden say that he is crazy? (103-104)

36. What reason does Holden give for not committing suicide? (104)

Chapter 15

37. Who is Sally Hayes? (105-106)

38. How does Holden feel about suitcases? (108-109)

39. How does Holden feel about the nuns? (108-113)

Chapter 16

40. How does the little boy make Holden feel better? (115)

41. Why doesn't Holden like actors? (116)

42. Give three reasons Holden like the museum. What does he like the most? Why? (120-122)

Chapter 17

43. Why does Holden get depressed while he is watching the girls? (123)

44. Compare and contrast Holden's feelings towards Jane Gallagher and Sally Hayes. (124- 134)

Chapter 18

45. What is Holden's favorite part of the Christmas show? Why? (137-8)

Chapter 19

46. How does Holden act around Carl Luce? (144-149)

47. How does Carl Luce react to Holden? (144-149)

Chapter 20

48. Why does Holden call Sally Hayes? (150-151)

49. Why does Holden go to Central Park? (154)

50. What does Holden think about while he is sitting on the bench? (154-156)

Chapter 21

51. Why does Holden read Phoebe's entire notebook? (160-161)

52. How does the tone of the conversation change between Phoebe and Holden? (161-166)


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