Study Questions—Catcher in the Rye

Study Questions—Catcher in the Rye

Chapters 1 – 4

1. Why does the book begin with the words, “If you want to know the truth . . .”?

2. What is the meaning of the reference to David Copperfield?

3. Why is D.B. mentioned here at the beginning?

4. What is important in the school motto at Pencey?

5. Why has Holden “forgotten” to mention his dismissal from Pencey?

6. What does Holden mean when he says that Pencey is full of “crooks”?

7. What is significant in Holden’s remark about Mrs. Spencer opening the door herself?

8. What is the importance of Holden’s confrontation with Mr. Spencer?

9. What is the significance of Spencer’s question about Holden’s telling his parents?

10. Why is the ambiguity of Holden’s age stressed?

11. What is important about Holden’s exam paper?

12. Why does Holden say he is just going through a “phase”?

13. Why does Holden characterize himself as a liar?

14. What is the significance of the deflation of Ossenburger?

15. What is the importance of Holden’s new hat?

16. Why does Holden yearn to talk to certain authors?

17. What is signified when Holden misplaces the foils?

18. What is Holden’s attitude toward Ackley?

19. How is Stradlater characterized?

20. What is the significance of Stradlater’s borrowing Holden’s jacket?

21. What is the import of Holden’s message to Jane?

22. What are Holden’s doubts about the message?

Chapters 5 – 8

23. Why does Holden enjoy the snowball fight?

24. What is the importance of his composition about Allie?

25. What is the significance of Holden breaking his hand?

26. What are Holden’s fears about Jane and Stradlater?

27. Why does Holden fight Stradlater?

28. What is Holden’s first action after the fight?

29. Why does Holden consider going into a monastery?

30. Why is Holden so lonely at Pencey?

31. What emotions do the new skates create?

32. In what condition does Holden leave Pencey?

33. Why does Holden give a false name to Mrs. Morrow?

34. Why does he lie about Ernest Morrow?

35. What is the significance of the brain surgery story?

Chapters 9 – 12

36. What is Holden’s first act upon arriving in New York?

37. What is signified by the ducks in the lagoon?

38. Why does Holden give such detailed descriptions of the hotel rooms seen from his own window?

39. What is Holden’s attitude toward sex?

40. Why does Salinger use the name Faith Cavendish?

41. Why does Salinger choose to introduce Phoebe here?

42. What is significant in Holden’s appraisal of the girls from Seattle?

43. Why does his mind now revert to Jane?

44. Why does Holden think of the ducks again?

45. What is implied in Holden’s criticism of Ernie?

46. Why does Holden scorn the “Ivy League” boys he sees?

47. What compromise does Holden make?

Chapters 13 – 17

48. Why does Holden accept the assignation with Sunny?

49. Why is he unable to consummate any physical act with Sunny?

50. What is Holden’s mental state after Sunny’s departure?

51. What is the real outcome of his fight with Maurice?

52. What is suggested by Holden’s fantasy of “plugging” Maurice?

53. What progression is followed in terms of female relationships?

54. What is Holden’s attitude toward the nuns?

55. What is significant in the reference to Mercutio?

56. What is the import of the monologue about Catholicism?

57. Why does Holden describe the child on the street as “swell”?

58. What does the reference to Hamlet reveal?

59. What is the basis of the museum’s appeal to Holden?

60. What is the point of the remembrances of Harris Macklin?

61. What contradiction exists in his attitude toward Sally?

Chapters 18 – 22

62. What is implied by the remembrances of Jane at this point?

63. Why is the Radio City program juxtaposed with Carl Luce?

64. What is meant by D.B.’s query about Rubert Brooke and Emily Dickinson?

65. What is implied in the reference to Gatsby?

66. What is the significance of Luce?

67. What contacts does Holden attempt at the beginning of the chapter?

68. Why does Holden muse upon his own death?

69. What is the first impression given of Phoebe?

70. How are the elder Caulfields depicted?

71. What is significant in the movie Phoebe saw?

72. How does Phoebe punish Holden?

73. What conclusion does Phoebe draw from Holden’s criticism of Pencey?

74. What is Holden’s answer?

Chapters 23 – 26

75. Why does Holden give Phoebe his hunting cap?

76. What is the import of Mr. Antolini’s advice?

77. What is the significance of Antolini’s caress?

78. What is Holden’s condition at this point?

79. Why does he write Phoebe?

80. What prompts Holden’s reactions to the foul words?

81. How does Phoebe identify with Holden?

82. Why does Holden refuse to take Phoebe along?

83. What new knowledge does Holden gain watching Phoebe on the carousel?

84. What is Holden’s final ironic comment?


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