Tiffany Nicholas9199 – NYC SpeechmakingNotes on NYC State of the City Address – Bloomberg 2011Write an interpretive summary of the speech that briefly but comprehensively discusses the topics addressed, and describes the tone and style. ?Also discuss what you think are the most outstanding and/or unique qualities of the speech.Mayor Bloomberg’s State of the City Speech was given with much tenacity and confidence due to the progress that was made during his terms as New York City. Bloomberg’s main focus throughout the State of the City Speech address was on the progress of the New York City boroughs. As the mayor thoroughly addressed the individual issues that burdened the public and the city government’s financial status, he also focused on the productivity and longevity of the city. Job security, pension reforms, crime rates, unions, and state government’s involvement were some of the topics that took precedence within the 2011 status of the city. He addressed the twin challenges the city faced with creating jobs in the midst of a national economic downturn and balancing the budget in a way that protected vital services and taxpayers. His tone throughout the speech was delivered with confidence and assurance of his upcoming new initiatives and the work that has taken place thus far for New York City. His style in how he flowed throughout the speech was given based on factual information and in-person examples to highlight his focus on progress within the city. Within each issue that was addressed in the speech, Bloomberg acknowledged and honored those who were exemplary of his polices put into action, for his new restaurant initiative, he honored a few small business owners to show gratitude for their efforts in as they will benefit from his upcoming policies. I found his acknowledgements of the small business owners to be unique and an outstanding example as a leader of a city to honor its citizens. Despite the hardships New York City faced with the multi-billion dollar budget deficit and cutbacks the public will face in order to enact new innovative projects, the end results would impact a greater outcome for the city. Some of the initiatives Bloomberg stated within his address how reparations would be taking place throughout each borough of New York City and the reforming of former laws and practices that weighed heavily on the pockets of the citizens of the city and the city’s government. With all the new initiatives that were presented to take place in 2011, it was certain there was doubt as to how they would improve the city and be the answer to the public’s questions, but Bloomberg had former New York City Mayor as a supporter and participant in implementing new work groups to assist Mayor Bloomberg with his plans for the city. Overall, Bloomberg presented a thorough, optimistic, and direct plan within his State of the City address to the public to have confidence in its new policies, reforms, and innovations. Describe relevant events on the life of the city and the life of the mayor which took place in the year or years prior to the delivery of the State of the City Address.As this State of the City Address occurred ten years after the September 11 attacks, former Mayor Bloomberg was still dealing with the aftermath of the tragedy within the city. The prior terms during Bloomberg’s mayoral terms in New York City, “the city was dealing with the budget deficit that was growing worse as the state aid shrunk.” (Colvin, DNA Info, 2011) The city of New York was facing substantial issues as Bloomberg initiated reforms for the city, for example, targeting pensions for union and public workers, and the hiring and firing practices and procedures for teachers, as he wanted them to be kept based on merit not tenure. The MTA Transportation systems were overloaded and the public were paying high taxes traveling or residing within the city, and crime rates were a major issue as he was dealing with creating reforms to address gun control. The previous year he was able to reduce crime rates to low numbers as he worked hand in hand with NYPD police force to improve public safety. Describe the context in which the speech was delivered and any ceremony that surrounded it. The delivery of the State of the City speech has become progressively more ceremonial over the years. ?While most early speeches were given at City Hall, Mayor Bloomberg established a practice of traveling to different parts of the city, and of course there were some politics involved in his choices about where to speak. Former Mayor Bloomberg’s practice to travel to different parts of the city of course was apart of his political agenda in addressing the public within his speeches to symbolize his main focus for the city each year. Within the 2011 State of the City ceremony, there were several musical choirs/groups that performed at the St. George Theatre and city officials made formal acknowledgments to others. A formal introduction of the main speaker was made as well within the ceremony. Bloomberg’s choice to deliver his speeches at various venues also was a part of his agenda to show his concern for each borough of the city and that he cares about its progression and how each venue connected with his political agenda as Mayor. If possible, describe the reaction of the press and the public to the speech. ?What kind of spin was it given in the media.The majority of the public were in compliance with Bloomberg’s new initiatives and plans for the city, some were in doubt and skeptical as they viewed the address as an attack. The following quote was a reaction from press to the pension reform plan Bloomberg wanted to enact, "Mayor Bloomberg chose to take the low road in his State of the City address; attacking city workers and the modest $17,000 per year pensions they’ve acquired after making contributions during decades of dedicated service and sacrifice.” (Gross, Gotham, 2011). As the NYC teachers had mixed feelings regarding the reforms Bloomberg was going to put into place regarding the hiring/firing procedures, it was accepted as new practice, as it faced opposition to implement them. Note the speechwriter(s) that worked on the speech if possible, and say whatever else you can about the composition of the speech. ?I realize that it will not be possible to obtain this information for some speeches.Former Mayor Bloomberg’s chief speechwriter, Francis S. Barry, assisted with his 2011 State of the City Speech. Bloomberg’s focus on where the city was going from whence he started his first day as mayor guided him to make the main focus of this speech on “progress”. The composition of the speech and the rhetoric use throughout it embodies various examples of progress from his mayoral initiatives for the city and how it has vastly progressed after tragedy struck the city a decade before. ?Find 5 to 8 passages in your speech that you believe require explanation to understand. ?List these passages and provide the necessary explanation.“Now, we have several options before us. We can stop investing in the future and watch the gains we have made in public safety, education, and every other area disappear before our eyes. That’s one choice. And it would be an utter disaster. We all know how it turned out in the 70s when we paid for that mistake for decades to come.” Within these passages, Bloomberg stated the significance in investment into New York City and the new projects that would bring about increase in jobs and economic gain for the city, but as he stated the economic lapse of NYC from the 1970’s was the ideal example of negative effect of not investing. He placed the determination of the public as to the progression of the city in their hands as he stated the outcome of the options that is decided to go forth in investing in the city and supporting his initiatives and policies.People and Places: What people and places are mentioned in the speech? ?What is their significance?Within the State of the City speech, Mayor Bloomberg acknowledged some people to be an example of progress in the city, but his significant acknowledgements were of former Mayor Ed Koch and St. George Theatre. Ed Koch was aiding and participating in the reform initiatives Bloomberg put in place for the city in the upcoming year. He discussed how Koch formed a group called the New York Uprising that helped to convince the majority in both houses in the State Legislature, and Governor Cuomo, to pledge their support for redistricting reform. Bloomberg solicited Koch’s help as part of his political agenda for the passing of his reforms in Albany as it was significant that they comply with his innovative ideas for New York City’s future. Bloomberg also mentioned Liza Minnelli, Tracy Morgan, as former entertainers that graced the “famous” stage in St. George’s Theatre. As this venue is located within Staten Island, this theater was chosen primarily as it held certain historical standing and meaning to the community. Bloomberg shared the history of the theater and how it once was abandoned, falling apart and in despair, the business owners that took the theater over came along, invested time and money into it, and brought life back to its infrastructure, while creating economic opportunity and gain for the borough. This was the equivalent to Bloomberg’s vision and mission for New York City as he believed in the power of revitalization for the city. -8. Find one or two quotations from the speech that you believe represent some essential aspect of it. The following quotations embodies Bloomberg’s plan and purpose to increase progression and create a new formula for the city of New York, “Simplicity?is?about?transforming?all?of? City?government?by?modernizing?it,?making?it smarter,?more?efficient,?and?oriented?around?customers.” Every topic that was discussed and issue addressed, Bloomberg had a proposed solution in how to deal with them, which was to keep things simple and basic. Bloomberg’s initiative to implement new technological innovations and go green initiative was apart of his progressive plan, “By bringing together New York City’s business innovators, academics and building owners, the NYC Urban Technology Innovation Center will capitalize on some of our City’s greatest strengths, creating jobs and helping realize our vision of a greener, greater New York.” (Corrado, IBM News, 2011) This was essential in his focus for 2011, which he believed progress was necessary for transformation, and to transform the nucleus of the city was the its government. Once there is change, then it can be updated and sculpted to be advance in intelligence and productivity, in order for the city to thrive. Key terms: Provide a list of 2-5 key terms related to the speech.Tarnished - lose or cause to lose luster, especially as a result of exposure to air or moistureBygone - belonging to an earlier time.Decrepit?- worn out or ruined because of age or neglect.Further Reading: More recent mayors have been extensively written about by biographers and…by themselves. ?Recommend a few biographies and/or autobiographies, and or good articles in respectable publications.Mike Bloomberg: Money, Power, Politics?Paperback?– September 28, 2010 by Joyce Purnick Bloomberg by Bloomberg?Hardcover?– April 7, 1997 by?Michael R. Bloomberg Citations: Provide full citations using MLA in-text format. ?Try to cite at least three sources, more if possible.1 ) Colvin, Jill. "Bloomberg Takes on Pension Reform in State of the City Address."?DNA Info?19 Jan. 2011. Web. 3 Aug. 2015. <) Gross, Courtney. "Bloomberg Targets Unions in State of the City."?Gotham Gazette?20 Jan. 2011. Web. 3 Aug. 2015. <) Corrado, Michael. "Mayor Bloomberg Launches NYC Urban Technology Innovation Center."?IBM Newsroom/News Release?20 Jan. 2011. Web. 3 Aug. 2015. <;. ................

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