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November 12, 2019

1. Call to Order

2.0 Pledge of Allegiance

3.0 Notation of Attendance

4.0 Presentation: None

5.0 Privilege of the Floor:

6. Approve Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 28, 2019 and Executive Session of October 28, 2019

7. Old Business:

7.1 Approve Appointment, Substitute Custodial Worker, Superintendent’s Recommendation 10-19-NC6 (Amended)

8.0 Superintendent's Report:

8.1 Very Early Budget News

8.2 State Exam Reporting

3. Parking at Field Hockey Fields

8.4 Snap Shots of Success

9. Instruction: Athletics-Scott Wandell, Athletic Director

10.0 New Business:

10.1 Approve Amendment, SIEBA Ltd., and Authorize Board President to Sign Amendment, Recommendation


10.2 Approve Change Orders, Superintendent’s Recommendation 11-19-G2

3. Accept Bid, Geographic Preference Foods, Superintendent’s Recommendation 11-19-G3

11. Personnel:

1. Approve Appointment, 2019-2020 Advisor, Superintendent’s Recommendation 11-19-C1

2. Approve Appointment, 2019-2020 Mentor, Superintendent’s Recommendation 11-19-C2

3. Accept Retirement Resignation, Cashier, Superintendent’s Recommendation 11-19-NC1

4. Approved 9 Day Unpaid Leave, Cashier, Superintendent’s Recommendation 11-19-NC2

5. Approve Permanent Appointment, Bus Driver, Superintendent’s Recommendation 11-19-NC3

6. Approve Permanent Appointment, Teacher Aide, Superintendent’s Recommendation 11-19-NC4

7. Approve Permanent Appointment, Teacher Aide, Superintendent’s Recommendation 11-19-NC5

8. Approve Permanent Appointment, Teacher Aide, Superintendent’s Recommendation 11-19-NC6

12. Privilege of the Floor:

13. Board Matters:

1. 2019 Annual Business Meeting Recap

2. Board of Education Meeting, Monday, November 25, 2019 at 6:30 p.m., Richard H. Kerr Board Room, HS

12.3 Board of Education Meeting, Monday, December 16, 2019 at 6:30 p.m., Richard H. Kerr Board Room, HS

NOTE: EXECUTIVE SESSION MAY BE CALLED AT ANY TIME BY MOTION AND MAJORITY VOTE WHICH MUST INCLUDE PURPOSE OF THE MEETING. IF ANY ACTION IS TAKEN MINUTES MUST BE TAKEN. This is the agenda for the above scheduled meeting and may include any other topics that may be properly brought up by the Board of Education or Superintendent.


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