Mathematics for Junior High School Volume 1 Part I



- - PART I

School Mathematics Study Group

Mathematics for Junior High School, Volume

Unit 3

Mathematics for Junior High School, volume :

Teacher's Commentary, Part I

Preparrd under the supervision of the Panel on Seventh and Eighth Grades ofthe School Mathematics Study Group:

R . D. Anderson J. A. Brown Lenore John

B.W. Jones

P. S. Jones J. R. Mayor


Veryl Schult

Louisiana State University University of Delaware University of Chicago University of Colorado Urliversity of Michigan American Association for the Advancement of Science University oE Minnesota Supervisor of Mathematics, Washington, D.C.

New Haven and London, Yale University Press

Copyright @ 1960,1961by Yale University. Printed in the United States of America.

All rights reserved. his book may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in

any form, without written permission from the publishers.

Financial support for che School Mathematics Study Group has been provided by the National Science Foundaaon.

Key ideas of Junior high school mathematics emphasized I n ' t h l s t e x t are: structure of arithmetic from an algebraic view: p o i n t ; the real number system as a progressing development;

;metric and non-metric relations in geometry. Throughout the 'materials theas ideas are associated w l t h t h e i r applications, .Important at this l e v e l are experience with and appreciation of abstract concepts, the role of d e f i n i t i o n , development of precise vocabulary and thought, experimentation, and proof. Substantial progress can be made on these concepts in the junior high school.

Fourteen experimental u n i t a f a r use In the seventh and

/ 1

eighth grades were written in by approximately 100 teachers

the summer of in 12 centers

1958 and t r i e d out i n various parts

1 of the country i n t h e ~ c h o o lyear 1958-59. On the basis of

I teacher evaluations theee unita were revised during the summer

of 1959 and, wlth a number of new units, were made a part of

sample textbooks f o r grade 7 and a book of experimental units

f o r grade 8 . In the school year 1959-60, these seventh and

e i g h t h grade books were used by about 175 teachers in many

parts of the country,and then f u r t h e r revised in the summer of


Mathematice is fascinating to many persons because of its opportunities f o r creation and discovery as well as f o r i t s u t i l i t y . It is continuously and rapidly growing under the prodding of both Intellectual curiosity and practical applica-

t i o n s . Even junior high school students may formulate mathematical questions and conjectures which they can test and perhaps settle; they can develop systematic attacks on mathematical problems whether or n o t the problems have routine

OP immediately determinable solutions. Recognition of these important factors has played a considerable p a r t in selection of content and method in thls t e x t ,


We firmly believe mathematics can and should be studied

i with success and enjoyment. ~t is o u r hope that this t e x t may

1 I

g r e a t l y assist all desirable goal.











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