Ms S Camera AVIS Fleet Services (Chair)

Mr K Lombard Barloworld Fleet Services

Mr J van Niekerk Contract Lease Management (Pty) Ltd

Mr M van der Colf Debis Fleet Management (Pty) Ltd

Mr L Eicker Fleet Africa (Pty) Ltd

Mr H Bhamjee Fleet Support Services

Ms M Hopgood General Motors SA

Ms M Vosloo Hyundai Automotive South Africa (Pty) Ltd

Mr J Broadway Leaseplan Fleet Management SA (Pty) Ltd

Mr R Richards Leaseplan Fleet Management SA (Pty) Ltd

Ms L Kotze Nedlease / Nedfleet

Ms L Gunning Nissan South Africa (Pty) Ltd

Mr R Marchington Standard Bank Fleet

Mr P Galloway Standard Bank Fleet

Ms A Homan Toyota SA Marketing

Mr M Yeomans Viamax Fleet Management (Pty) Ltd

Ms G Handley Volkswagen SA (Pty) Ltd


Mr A Groenwald Contract Lease Management

Mr P Greenwood Fleet Africa (Pty) Ltd

Mr D Maltby General Motors South Africa

Mr B Pearson Imperial Fleet Services (Pty) Ltd

Mr J Loxton Imperial Fleet Services (Pty) Ltd

Mr F Quinn Imperial Fleet Services (Pty) Ltd

Mr K Naidoo Nedlease / Nedfleet

Mr S Norman Volkswagen

Mr C Prinsloo Barloworld Fleet Services


Mr W Fletcher Alchemy Financial Management (Pty) Limited

Mr S Visagie Lyceum College

The Chairperson welcomed all members present to the meeting. She then declared the proceedings in session.

| |Action |


| | |

|The notice convening the meeting was taken as read. | |

| |Action |

| | |


| | |

|The minutes of the previous quarterly meeting of the members of the Full Maintenance Leasing Section, held on 29 | |

|July 2004 (copies of which having been previously circulated), were accepted and signed by the Chairman as a true | |

|reflection of the proceedings. | |


| | |

|Fringe Benefit Tax | |

| | |

|John Broadway informed members that he had held a meeting with Nico Vermeulen where the document, as compiled by | |

|SAVRALA, had been presented. However, after not receiving a response for 2 weeks he had followed-up with Mr | |

|Vermeulen who stated that it might well be more effective if SAVRALA, through John Broadway, could send the | |

|document directly to the relevant persons at SARS. The members agreed unanimously to follow this approach. | |

| |JB |

|Fair Wear and Tear Guide | |

| | |

|Members were advised that the re-print of the Wear and Tear Guides had been completed and that these were | |

|available from the offices of Alchemy Financial Management at a cost of R3 plus VAT per guide. | |

| | |

|3. Government Sub-Committee | |

| |ALL |

|Members were informed that Brian Roos, who had been proposed as the initial Government sub-committee head, had | |

|left and that a new sub-committee head would need to be appointed. | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |For Info |


| | |

|AARTO / NaTIS – Len Eicker | |

| | |

|Len Eicker reported that Wayne Duvenage would be attending a meeting on 10 November as part of the Business | |

|Against Crime forum. There would also be one representative from both the Leasing and the Rental section present | |

|at the meeting. Feedback would be given at the next SAVRALA meeting. At the NEC meeting held earlier in the day, | |

|it had been decided that the AARTO / NaTIS issue would be taken on as an NEC portfolio with Wayne Duvenage as the | |

|effective spokesperson of SAVRALA and feedback to members would be done via the sectional meetings through the | |

|relevant chairpersons. Johan van Niekerk made reference to the fact that there was a possibility that Lotto would | |

|become involved in allowing fines to be paid through their network, but that this still needed to be verified. |WD |

| | |

|Malcolm Yeomans also raised numerous queries regarding the registration of Trucks in terms of AARTO / NaTIS and | |

|Sherl Camera requested that he make a list of the issues and hand the list to Wayne Duvenage in order for it to | |

|form part of the meeting to be held in November. | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |MY/WD |

| |Action |

| John Broadway proposed the possibility of a Trucking Sub-Committee as it was believed that critical mass in this | |

|area was starting to develop within the leasing section. The members accepted the proposal that a Trucking | |

|Sub-Committee be formed within the leasing section. | |

| | |

|The Business Against Crime issue regarding contributions payable by SAVRALA was again raised. Leasing members were| |

|informed that the rental section had decided to each contribute in its own member capacity and the question was | |

|raised as to how the leasing section wanted, if at all, to deal with the funding of BAC. A proposal was made that | |

|each leasing member might individually contribute R1000 per month as the consensus appeared to be that the funding| |

|was not the responsibility of SAVRALA as an Association. The question of the individual member funding was put to | |

|each of the leasing companies represented with the following responses being obtained : | |

| | |

|Viamax - no as their contribution is already achieved by means of the donation of vehicles. | |

|Standard Bank – Would give a reply at the next meeting. | |

|Avis – Would give a reply at the next meeting. | |

|FSS – Would give a reply at the next meeting. | |

|Super Group - Would give a reply at the next meeting. | |

|Debis - Would give a reply at the next meeting. | |

|Contract Lease Management – Would give a reply at the next meeting. | |

|Leaseplan – Would give a reply at the next meeting. |RM |

| |SC |

|A request was made by members for Sherl Camera to communicate with Graham Wright of BAC with regard to the |HB |

|formulation of a type of presentation as to the internal workings and objectives of BAC to be distributed to | |

|members. |MvdC |

| |JvN |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |SC |

|Statistical | |

| | |

|Due to the fact that Ntaba Rabotho was no longer involved with SAVRALA, Ross Richards had taken on the | |

|responsibility of the Statistical Sub-Committee and gave the following feedback to members. |RR |

| | |

|The leasing statistics previously compiled by Econometrix were now being consolidated by Anthony Calcutt of Smart| |

|Practice. Members were informed that statistics were starting to record Truck units but that these were not | |

|currently reflected in the statistics fed back to members. There was also the possibility that a new section | |

|relating to the “RV’s” for panel vans was also being considered. There was also still a concern with regard to the| |

|wide variances obtained through the data received from the members. | |

| |Action |

| | |

|Members were advised that Anthony Calcutt might contact them to test the figures that had been submitted in order |AC/ALL |

|to ensure the consistency of information provided. Members were also reminded that the last report had also only | |

|been received by those members who had submitted their statistics. | |

| | |

|There was also to be a refinement of the presentation as had been given in July in terms of the splitting up of | |

|the Corporate and Government sectors. John Broadway enquired of those members involved in the Government | |

|operations, whether this would be a concern, whereupon a reply was received that as tenders were public knowledge,| |

|that no problems were expected. | |

| | |

|A decision was also taken to design a slide that would appear on the website, but that Smart Practice were just | |

|waiting for the production figures as at September. This slide would also incorporate “RV’s” and maintenance | |

|statistics in future. | |

|3. Technical | |

| | |

|Robin Marchington thanked all members and manufacturers for their support over the past year and for the benefit | |

|that SAVRALA had received from its association with them. Robin also indicated that unfortunately he was standing |For Info |

|down as sub-committee head and wished the new incumbent every success in the future. | |

| | |

|4. Training and Education | |

| | |

|Sarel Visagie gave members brief feedback of the status of the Education initiative. The ceremony proposed for the| |

|graduates still needed to be arranged and this would be done through the liaison of John Broadway, Margie Gawith | |

|and himself. Although Sarel had proposed that the ceremony become an annual event, John Broadway replied that the | |

|association saw this more as a one off event, but that Lyceum could obviously continue independently in this | |

|regard, should they wish to do so. It had also been established that the demand for registration in respect of a | |

|diploma be determined before SAVRALA paid out any further funds. To this end Sarel had prepared a survey using the|JB/MG/SV |

|customer base of Standard Bank. To date the response to the creation of a diploma had been fairly disappointing as| |

|there appeared to be more interest for short courses. The survey did, however, reflect a demand for the current | |

|certificate course. The number of registrations had increased from 77 to 88 in the last 3 months. | |

| | |

|The development of the learnership had been confirmed with the Bank SETA and that the required funding was | |

|available. The learnership was expected to begin in March 2005 should the required 20 members required for the | |

|learnership process be achieved. The learnership was also said to have no cost implications for SAVRALA. | |

| | |

|Royalties due on the latest student registrations were still outstanding. A request was made to members to forward| |

|their contact details to Sarel Visagie in order for the survey to be conducted through their relative client | |

|bases. Only once a significant increase in interest had been achieved in the initiative, would SAVRALA spend more | |

|money and only then, once a proposal in this regard had been formulated by Lyceum. | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |ALL |

| |Action |

|6. Public Relations | |

| | |

|Members were informed that the Hospice Golf Day previously arranged for the 9th February 2005, has now been | |

|rescheduled to the 15th of February 2005. Sherl Camera also offered her thanks to Margie Gawith for the great job| |

|she had done in the respect of the Association’s PR and the organization relating to the Manufacturer of the Year | |

|Awards. | |

| | |

|7. Finance | |

| | |

|Financial matters were held over to be discussed at the AGM to be held later that morning. | |


| | |

|Sherl Camera presented the Chairperson’s report in respect of the leasing section (copy attached). The report was | |

|adopted by the meeting. | |


| | |

|An application had been received from Platinum Leasing and this would be followed-up by John Broadway who would | |

|report back at the next meeting. |JB |


| | |

|Sherl Camera called upon Warren Fletcher of Alchemy to preside over the process of appointing the office bearers | |

|and sub-committee heads for the year ahead. | |

| | |

|Nominations had been called for via e-mail and a vote was only taken of those members who had indicated their | |

|willingness to stand. After a show of hands the following office bearers were appointed for the year ahead : | |

| | |

|Sectional Chairman – Ross Richards | |

|Sectional Vice Chairman – Johan van Niekerk | |

| | |

|Sub-Committee Heads : | |

| | |

|Legal / Government – Paul Greenwood. | |

|Members unanimously approved the proposal to consolidate the legal and government sub-committees due to the nature| |

|of the portfolios involved. | |

|Statistical – Martin van der Colf | |

|Technical – Hassin Bhamjee | |

|Education and Training – John Broadway | |

|Trucking – Malcolm Yeomans | |

| | |

| | |

|8. PRIORITIES 2004-2005 | |

| | |

|The priorities for the year ahead were tasked as the responsibility of the incoming committee and these would be | |

|conveyed to members at the next meeting. | |

| | |

| |Action |


| | |

|John Broadway presented a proposal by Smart Practice which outlined a much more detailed list of services and the | |

|costs relating thereto. It was decided by members that a decision in this regard would be taken in January or | |

|February next year, which would enable members to give an informed decision based on the work provided by Smart | |

|Practice up to then. | |

| | |

|Members were also made aware of the fact that the possibility existed that the responsibility of the MOTY function| |

|for the year ahead might well fall under the leasing section as it had been the turn of the rental section this | |

|year. | |

There being no further business to discuss, the Chairperson thanked the committee members and the service providers for their services during the past year and wished the incoming committee every success for the year ahead.

DATE: ___________________________ CHAIRMAN: __________________________

PLACE: __________________________

Ref : Savrala/Minutes – Leasing 22 October 2004


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