ON THURSDAY, 5 MAY 2005 AT 15H00


Mr R Richards ABSA Vehicle Management Solutions (Chairman)

Ms S Camera AVIS Fleet Services

Ms L Mokhesi Audi SA

Mr K Nhakudi Audi SA

Ms K Phillipson Audi SA

Mr P Viljoen Audi SA

Mr K Lombaard Barloworld Fleet Marketing

Mr C Prinsloo Barloworld Fleet Marketing

Mr J van Niekerk Contract Lease Management (Pty) Ltd

Mr A Groenwald Contract Lease Management (Pty) Ltd

Mr M van der Colf Debis Fleet Management (Pty) Ltd

Mr H Bernitz Digi Guides CC

Mr A Duncan Fiat Auto South Africa

Mr T Landman Fleet Support Services

Mr D Maeko Ford Motor Company of SA

Mr L Celetana Ford Motor Company of SA

Mr K Jewels Ford Motor Company of SA

Mr D Maltby General Motors SA

Ms A Homan Hyundai Automotive South Africa

Mr B Pearson Imperial Fleet Services (Pty) Ltd

Mr J Loxton Imperial Fleet Services (Pty) Ltd

Mr H Cronje Imperial Fleet Services (Pty) Ltd

Ms A Haigh Kempston Vehicle Leasing

Mr J du Plessis Kempston Vehicle Leasing

Mr M Baillie Kia Motors South Africa

Ms A Frank Kia Motors South Africa

Mr K Naidoo Nedlease / Nedfleet

Mr A Jeffery Nissan South Africa

Mr M Pandaram Nissan South Africa

Ms E Ellis Nissan South Africa

Mr L Pillay Peugeot Motors SA

Ms J Edwards Renault

Ms T Baker Toyota SA Trucks

Mr M Yeomans Viamax Fleet Management (Pty) Ltd

Mr E Enslin Volkswagen of SA (Pty) Ltd

Mr J Broadway ABSA Vehicle Management Solutions


Mr M Price Imperial Fleet Services

Ms J White Imperial Fleet Services

Ms L Kotze Nedlease / Nedfleet

Ms L Gunning Nissan South Africa

Mr C Camera Renault

Ms M Pretorius Renault

Ms G Handley Volkswagen South Africa

Mr M Glendinning Volkswagen South Africa

Ms P Van Oudtshoorn DaimlerChrysler SA

Mr R Marchington Standard Bank Fleet

Mr P Greenwood Fleet Africa (Pty) Ltd

Mr O Rivoli Fiat Auto South Africa

Mr A Robinson Ford Motor Company of SA

Mr R Reid Ford Motor Company of SA

Mr H Bhamjee Fleet Support Services

Ms G Handley Volkswagen South Africa


Mr W Fletcher Alchemy Financial Management (Pty) Limited

The Chairman welcomed all members present to the meeting. He then declared the proceedings in session.

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|The notice convening the meeting was taken as read. | |

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|The minutes of the previous quarterly meeting of the members of the Full Maintenance Leasing Section, held on 27 | |

|January 2005 (copies of which having been previously circulated), were accepted and signed by the Chairman as a true | |

|reflection of the proceedings. | |


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|Ross Richards reported that any matters arising would be dealt with during the sub-committee report back. | |


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|1. Legal / AARTO-NaTIS | |

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|In the absence of Paul Greenwood, Malcolm Yeomans reported that a meeting had been held with the Department of | |

|Transport but that this meeting had not heralded too much progress. The minutes of the meeting were to be attached to | |

|the year end minutes as well as published on the SAVRALA website for those who wished to peruse the content thereof. |For Info |

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|2. Fringe Benefit Tax | |

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|Members were advised that although SAVRALA had offered an industry response, no acknowledgement had been received and, | |

|from what had been tabled in the budget, that not much attention had been paid to the submission. It was, however, | |

|rumoured that there might well be an opportunity to delete the latest legislation and Ross Richards was requested to | |

|follow-up with Paul Greenwood in this regard. | |

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|Paul Greenwood, as Head of the Legal Subcommittee, was also requested to revisit the content of the Code of Conduct to |RR/PG |

|ensure its continued applicability. | |

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|A suggestion was also made as to whether the possibility existed in respect of appointing a new spokesperson for this |PG |

|sub-committee due to the fact that Paul Greenwood, because of other business commitments, had been out of the country | |

|on a regular basis, and had been unable to attend any of the quarterly meetings held this year. The matter was to be | |

|followed up by the Chairman. | |

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|3. AC105 | |

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|Johan van Niekerk and Paul Pauwen had been requested to formulate a working committee and to convene a meeting to |JvN |

|discuss the treatment and disclosure of the new accounting policy. Feedback was to be given at the next meeting, as it | |

|was believed that this legislation would have a profound impact on the industry over the next 3-5 years. | |

|Statistics | |

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|Martin van der Colf reported that all quarterly submissions with the exception of one had been received. He also | |

|reiterated that earlier application to the submission of the quarterly stats was of utmost importance. | |

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|Sherl Camera passed on to members the suggestion by Paul Hattingh of Mead and McGrouther / UTI to convene a joint | |

|committee with SAVRALA in respect of used car values. Although certain members raised concerns, Sherl Camera stated | |

|that the committee was to operate as an open forum without the necessity of having to submit or contribute specific | |

|information. Martin van der Colf was requested to initiate the joint committee. | |

| |MvdC |

|John Broadway further enquired of Martin van der Colf as to the possibility of providing statistics for the tracking of| |

|unit purchases with Anthony Calcutt in order to get a better idea of SAVRALA’s representation in respect to the size of| |

|the industry as a whole. Although a concern was raised that this type of survey had already been conducted by NAAMSA, | |

|it was established that different criteria had been used. This proposal was again to be followed up by Martin van der | |

|Colf. | |

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|Technical | |

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|As Hassen Bhamjee was not present at the meeting, Ross Richards reported that the Nuts and Bolts meetings are ongoing | |

|and that the one run by Ford which had been held that morning had received a good attendance and had been a worthwhile |For Info |

|exercise. | |

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|Members were reminded that a lot of time, effort and cost were put into these events and that members should make the | |

|most thereof. | |

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|Malcolm Yeomans put forward the suggestion of similar Nuts and Bolts sessions within the Trucking membership which | |

|could possibly result in an award for the commercial manufacturer of the year. To a question raised regarding the |For Info |

|January 2006 deadline on the Sulphur content in Diesel, Malcolm Yeomans answered that he did not believe that all | |

|parties would be able to comply within the date given. | |

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| |For Info |

|6. Training and Education | |

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|Sarel Visagie reported that there had been an increase in enrolments from outside the industry. There were currently 70| |

|active students of which 29 had written exams in April, the results of which would be available in May, and the balance| |

|would write in October. The inaugural graduation ceremony had now been set for 30 July. | |

| |For Info |

|Sarel Visagie reiterated that the interest in the study material was definitely around short course development, rather| |

|than a full certificate. He also stated that the registration cost had been maintained for the full program, which was | |

|in the region of R8 050.00. | |

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|John Broadway also informed members that modularized articulation was also a consideration, the main topics of which | |

|had come from the survey that had been conducted within the SAVRALA membership. A request was also made to apply the | |

|fleet management module, which could be attributed to the metro policing environment, and which had a potential student| |

|content of more than 2000. These registrations would also result in additional royalties been earned by SAVRALA. John |For Info |

|Broadway enquired as to whether members had any objection to the use of the tutorial matter towards this application | |

|and no objection was received. | |

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| 7. Public Relations | |

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|Golf Day | |

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|Members were advised of the possibility of a second SAVRALA/Hospice Golf Day being held early next year and that the | |

|previous golf day had realized R140 000, which had been donated to Hospice, and for which SAVRALA had received a |For Info |

|significant amount of good PR. | |

|Manufacturer of the Year Awards | |

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|Survey | |

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|It was reported that with the exception of one submission, that all parties had completed the first round of the | |

|Manufacturer of the Year survey. |For Info |

|Awards Function | |

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|Members were reminded that the date of the function would be 28 October and that due to the number of expected | |

|attendees at the event, that a new venue may have to be used. |For Info |

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|Website | |

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|Members were advised that the website was currently in the process of being upgraded and that a more user friendly | |

|website, with substantially more information, would be up and running by the end of the month. |For Info |

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|Wear and Tear Guides | |

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|Members were reminded that there were still copies of the Wear and Tear Guides available and these could be obtained | |

|from the offices of Alchemy Financial Management. | |

| |For Info |

| General | |

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|Salary Survey | |

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|The Rental Section had taken up the offer by 21st Century to undergo a salary survey, but the Leasing Section had |For Info |

|chosen not to go ahead with this initiative. | |

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|Subscriptions | |

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|Members were advised that the April quarterly meeting was normally the forum wherein members were availed of the new | |

|annual subscriptions, however, although a 5% increase had been recommended, it was requested of members that a final | |

|decision be held over until the July meeting, due to the fact that the NEC had scheduled both a planning session to be | |

|held the following week to formulate an agenda to determine the value derived by members of SAVRALA and a workshop to | |

|determine the value derived by members of SAVRALA.. The workshop would be convened within the next four weeks, and it | |

|was hoped, that together with the assistance of an independent facilitator, that this would result in certain future |For Info |

|initiatives similar to those of the rental section an example being the appointment of a rental GM. | |

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|Sherl Camera asked members present to put forward any suggestions that they might have which could be dealt with at the| |

|workshop and although not many were forthcoming, a request by the manufacturers to receive purchasing reports from the | |

|various members was requested. Sherl Camera also stated that manufacturers would be approached for their participation | |

|at the workshop. | |

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|Quarterly Meeting |ALL |

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|Members were advised that the next quarterly meeting was to be held on 26 July and that as presentations were to be | |

|carried out at each of the sectional meetings that members consider potential candidates. | |

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|Any Other Business | |

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|Johan van Niekerk raised the issue of liability in respect of Code 3 vehicles and this was to be discussed further at | |

|the next quarterly meeting. | |

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|Ross Richards also advised members of the National Offroad workshop which was to be held in George in October 2005. | |

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|Sherl Camera advised members that the rental section had raised the issue of the time and venue of the quarterly | |

|meetings with a possible alternative being the Woodmead venue of the Johannesburg Country Club and a time of around | |

|10h00. Members were asked by show of hands to indicate whether they thought this to be a good idea and a significant | |

|number indicated that they approved. | |

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|Sherl Camera advised members that Woodmead was unable to accommodate SAVRALA for the balance of the current year, but | |

|that she would follow-up with possible other alternatives and would report back at the next meeting. | |

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting terminated with a vote of thanks to the Chair.

DATE: ___________________________ CHAIRMAN: __________________________

PLACE: __________________________

Ref : Savrala/Minutes – Leasing 5 May 2005


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