All Quiet on the Western Front - Mr. Pullman 10th Grade WWI

1 Double Entry Journal

As you read, select a passage or quotation from each chapter that you feel is significant or has a particular meaning or connection for you. Enter the passage or quotation in the left column of the journal. Write your thoughts on the passage in the right column.

|Chapter |Passage/Quote |Your Thoughts |

| |1."We were all at once terribly alone; and alone we must see it|1. Paul expresses how his generation feels cut off from the |

| |through."Ch.1, p. 12 |older generation. |

| | | |

| |1. "The 'Iron Youth.'" Ch. 2, p. 18 |1. Kantorek's expression for the young soldiers. These are the |

| | |young men who love their country and the think going to war will|

| | |be exciting and they'll have stories to tell. |

|Chapter |Passage/Quote |Your Thoughts |

| |"Seen the infants?" Ch. 3 p. 42 |A joke from Kropp meaning the new recruits, who are two years |

| | |younger than Paul and his pals. Paul and his friends are no |

| | |longer the innocent individuals they once were. |

| |1. "To no man does the earth mean so much as to the soldier. |1. Paul attempts to find meaning and purpose amongst the chaos |

| |When he presses himself down upon her long and powerfully, when|of war. He tries to redirect his fear while seeking the comfort|

| |he buries his face and his limbs deep in her from the fear of |of childhood through his expression of the earth as mother and |

| |death by shell-fire, then she is his only friend, his brother, |protector. The trenches are all that protect soldiers and the |

| |his mother; he stifles his terror and his cries in her silence |hate to leave them. |

| |and security; she shelters him and gives him a new lease of ten| |

| |seconds of life, receives him again and often for ever." Ch. 4,|2. Paul's comments about the sounds made by the wounded horses. |

| |p. 54. |Very scary. Is Paul wondering if he will make these sounds? |

| | | |

| |2. "It's unendurable. It is the moaning of the world, it is the| |

| |martyred creation, wild with anguish, filled with terror, and | |

| |groaning." Ch. 4, p. 62 | |

|Chapter |Passage/Quote |Your Thoughts |

| | "We were eighteen and had begun to love life and the world; |Paul is beginning to understand that his youth has been taken |

| |and we had to shoot it to pieces. The first bomb, the first |away from him and he is forced to grow up too quickly. He is |

| |explosion, burst in our hearts. We are cut off from activity, |only a soldier. |

| |from striving, from progress. We believe in such things no | |

| |longer, we believe in the war." Chapter 5, pg. 88 | |

| |"We have lost all feeling for one another. We can hardly |Paul's thoughts as his men counter-attack during a long battle. |

| |control ourselves when our hunted glance lights on the form of |Paul is numb from fear. Paul has changed because he no longer |

| |some other man. We are insensible, dead men, who through some |feels like a person. |

| |trick, some dreadful magic, are still able to run and to | |

| |kill."Ch. 6, p. 115. | |

| | | |

|Chapter |Passage/Quote |Your Thoughts |

| |"A terrible feeling of foreignness suddenly rises up in me. I |Paul, on leave, sits in his own room, but cannot relate to all |

| |cannot find my way back, I am shut out though I entreat |the things of his past. |

| |earnestly and put forth all my strength." Ch. 7, p. 176. | |

| |"A word of command has made these silent figures our enemies; a|Paul's reflections about the prisoners. He sees them as persons |

| |word of command might transform them into our friends."Ch. 8, |who might be like him while understanding that it really doesn't|

| |p. 195 |matter what he feels. |

|Chapter |Passage/Quote |Your Thoughts |

| |"Forgive me, comrade; how could you be my enemy? If we threw |Paul speaks to the French soldier he has just killed in the |

| |away these rifles and this uniform you could be my brother just|shell-hole. He is trying to understand how he feels about |

| |like Kat and Albert." Ch. 9, p. 226 |killing someone while realizing he and the other soldier |

| |. |positions could be reversed. |

| |"A hospital alone shows what war is." Ch. 10, p. 266. |Paul's observation after seeing the terrible wounds the men in |

| | |the hospital suffer from, which is still only one of hundreds of|

| | |thousands of hospitals that care for the victims of the war. |

| | |Paul is no longer the “Iron Youth” in chapter 2. |

|Chapter |Passage/Quote |Your Thoughts |

| |"Our thoughts are clay, they are molded with the changes of the|Paul explains how his thinking and thoughts have changed. When |

| |days;--when we are resting they are good; under fire, they are |he's not in danger he's ok, but when he's in danger he turns his|

| |dead. Fields of craters within and without." Chapter 11, pg. |thinking off. Is Paul going crazy? |

| |271 |Paul begins to wonder if he will escape the war alive or |

| |"Trenches, hospitals, the common grave--there are no other |unijured. |

| |possibilities." Chapter 11, pg. 283 | |

| |"All quiet on the Western Front." Ch. 12, p. 291. |The army report on the day in October, 1918, when Paul was |

| | |killed. None what has happened matters. The character I've |

| | |followed and have gotten to know is dead. War is a wast. |


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