Simple Installation Ceremony

Simple Installation Ceremony

Installation Officer

The installation officer calls the officers forward. She introduces the outgoing members of the Board and thanks them. They stand to one side. The incoming officers are presented.

The installation officer states:

"The _____________________________ Chapter of the School Nutrition Association of North Carolina members are in regular session for the installation of their newly elected officers.

It is with great pleasure that I present to you the following officers who have been elected to serve the Association for the year:

President: ________________________

President-Elect: ________________________

Vice-President: ________________________

Secretary: ________________________

Treasurer: ________________________

As officers-elect you must realize that the highest honor of the Association is being bestowed on you. The ____________________________Chapter of the School Nutrition Association of North Carolina members have faith and confidence in your ability to lead the organization onward.

By agreeing to serve as officers of this association, you are showing your leadership to your fellow members. You have chosen to accept the responsibilities of your offices as outlined in your chapter Bylaws.

Will each new officer raise her/his right hand and repeat the following pledge:

I solemnly promise that I will, to the

best if my ability, faithfully perform all

of the duties belonging to the office for which

I have been elected.

I now declare you to be the duly installed officers of the __________________Chapter of the School Nutrition Association of North Carolina for the coming year."

Installing officer addresses membership: "You have, by the democratic process, elected these officers to voice your wishes in matters relating to the functioning of your Association. Yours is the task of assisting in every way possible. Will you the membership give your full support to these newly installed officers? Please indicate your commitment by rising and applauding your newly installed officers."


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