Texas Emergency Nurses Association

|Quarter: 1st Quarter 2018 |

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|Name of committee: SOP and Bylaws |

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|Name of person reporting: Karima Durrazai |

|Chapter home: 10-59 |

|Position of work and location: RN at Memorial Hermann Katy, ER |

|Number of ENA members on committee: 8 members, and Board Liaison |

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|Committee meeting schedule (day/time): 1600-1655 |

|Agenda approved by Yvonne and second by Terri. Report approved by Barry and second by Cindy |

|Recent or planned committee activities: Reaching out to committee chairs for SOPs. Reaching out to new committees and merging committees. So far Award and |

|Honors, professional education, membership/media, and injury prevention responded and submit their SOPs. Looking forward for voting on 2 changes in Bylaws.|

|Our committee reviewed 3rd bylaws changes which is adding 2 more directors to Texas ENA board, had discussion. Our committee also support the third bylaws |

|change which will be present by Dan. |

|Review Texas ENA Chapter compliance Report from National ENA: As far as chapter compliance related to submit bylaws and Policies we are at 99%, including |

|the chapter at risk (El Paso and East Texas) they are in compliance. Only one policy is missing, East Texas and board liaison is aware of it. |

|Review Chapter Bylaws: Odd years we review SOP and even years we review Bylaws. As we are making changes to state Bylaws, so we will review chapter Bylaws|

|after April. Barry suggested, how about Board liaison review their assign chapter. So I will reach out to Board members. |

|Melanie suggested, how about all chapters revision date falls in same month and year. So we all are on same page. |

|At the board meeting, it was discussed that instead of deactivate chapters at risk, how about looking at option conservatorship which provide direct |

|assistance by Board Liaison and others do assists chapters to become compliant. Melanie will look at National ENA policies and we will mirror our Tx ENA |

|policies accordingly. |

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|Committee member who deserves reward/recognition: |

|Last year we had only one chapter who was in compliance for submitting the policies, which was North Texas, thanks Dan and today almost all the chapters |

|are in compliance, including the chapter at risk. Thank you all the chapter leaders. I also would like to thank Terry from Staked plains for reviewing her |

|Bylaws this year, which was due for more than 9 years. |

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|Any specific committee related activity not addressed further on the agenda: |

|Keep working on Bylaws and SOP. |

|Any specific ENA related activities (past or present committees, offices, etc): |


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