Pre-reading questionnaire - North Allegheny …

The Breadwinner

by Deborah Ellis

Name: ___________________________________ Period: __

Meet Deborah Ellis

From her website:

Writing books is something I have always wanted to do, and have tried to do, since I was twelve years old, growing up in Paris, Ontario. Writing helps me to understand the world and myself. While the work of writing is often frustrating and difficult, it can also be glorious and exciting.

As soon as high school was over, I got involved in the movement to rid the world of nuclear weapons. Political activism for peace and social justice forms a large part of my life. My books reflect the heroism of people around the world who are struggling for decent lives. It has been a real privilege for me to sit with people in many parts of the world and learn how their lives have been drastically altered by war or disease, and how they try to remain kind in spite of it all. This has taught me how fundamentally alike we all are.

About Deborah Ellis:

Deborah Ellis was born in Cochrane, Ontario, and grew up in Paris, Ontario. The younger of two sisters, Deborah was a loner who preferred books and her own imagination for company. Somewhat at odds with a formal education, she became a political activist at the age of seventeen. After high school, she moved to Toronto and worked in the Peace Movement and the Women's Movement. Today Deborah works as a counselor in a psychiatric group home for women.

Deborah gained recognition as a writer with her first novel for young adult readers. Looking for X was published in 1999, and it won the Governor General's Award.

 In 1997, Deborah had gone to Pakistan to help at an Afghan refugee camp. Out of this experience came the young adult novel, The Breadwinner, published in 2000. The story of Parvana - a young Afghan girl who disguises herself as a boy in order to support her family - won both the Manitoba Young Readers' Choice Award and the Hackmatack Award. In 2002, Deborah published the highly acclaimed sequel, Parvana's Journey. The book won the prestigious Jane Addams Children's Book Award, sponsored by the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. Deborah donated the royalties for both Parvana's Journey and The Breadwinner to Women for Women in Afghanistan. The following year she completed what is now known as The Breadwinner Trilogy with Mud City. The trilogy won special commendation from the Jane Addams Children's Book Award. The royalties for Mud City go to Street Kids International.


Name: _____________________________________________________________ Period: _____

Pre-reading Questionnaire

With your teacher, examine the cover of the book. Predict the book’s plot, characters, and setting. Discuss the title of the book and what it means.

Directions: Answer the questions below in complete sentences.

1. What challenges would you experience if you had to live in just one room with your family?





2. What do you know about Afghanistan? What do you know about the Taliban?





3. What sacrifices would you be willing to make to take care of your family?





4. What would it be like to pretend to be a person of the other gender?





Directions: In the chart, list the various rights you have as a U.S. citizen in terms of clothing,

school, the freedom to travel, and even the freedom to shop.


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Teacher Created Resources, Inc.

Vocabulary - The Breadwinner

Name: ______________________________________________________________ Period: _____


Chapters 1 - 3

|Word |Page # |POS |Definition |

|hawked |10 | | |

|decreed |16 | | |

|hospitable |27 | | |

Chapters 4 - 6

|Word |Page # |POS |Definition |

|preoccupied | | | |

|sulk |67 | | |

|brusquely |68 | | |

|gingerly |68 | | |

Chapters 7 - 9

|Word |Page # |POS |Definition |

|embedded |78 | | |

|labyrinth |81 | | |

|dawdling |84 | | |

Chapters 10 - 12

|Word |Page # |POS |Definition |

|stingy |107 | | |

|unearthed |107 | | |

|relented |117 | | |

|nomad |126 | | |

Chapters 13 - 15

|Word |Page # |POS |Definition |

|corridors |148 | | |

|prodding |154 | | |

|poultice |156 | | |

|refugee |159 | | |

|exile |160 | | |

|derision |162 | | |

Chapter One Questions - The Breadwinner

Name: ______________________________________________________________ Period: _____

Chapter One

Directions: Answer the following questions using complete sentences.

1. What is Father’s job? Why is Parvana able to help him go to work and stay with him while he

does his job?





2. List the members of Parvana’s family. If possible, list their ages as well.





3. Describe the kind of housing Parvana’s family has after the war.





4. How had Kabul changed due to war?





5. How did the rule of the Taliban change the lives of Parvana’s family?





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Chapter Two Questions - The Breadwinner

Name: ______________________________________________________________ Period: _____

Chapter Two

Directions: Answer the following questions using complete sentences.

1. Why does Parvana have to get water for her family?





2. Why does the family sell their belongings?





3. Who was Hossain?





4. Why do the four soldiers burst in the room and take Father away?





5. “As the soldiers pried her loose, she heard her father say, ‘Take care of the others, my Malali.’

Then he was gone.” (31)

Who is Malali? Why does Parvana’s father call her that and ask her to care for the others?





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Chapter Three Questions - The Breadwinner

Name: ______________________________________________________________ Period: _____

Chapter Three

Directions: Answer the following questions using complete sentences.

1. Why did Parvana want a light on in the night?





2. Why did Mother decide to go to jail to try to help Father?





3. What was the walk to jail like?





Teacher Created Resources, Inc.

Activity: Emotions: Same and Different Chapters 1 – 3 The Breadwinner

Name: ______________________________________________________________ Period: _____

Emotions: Same and Different

Directions: Parvana must deal with many emotions in her life. Some of these may be similar to feelings you have experienced. Fill out the following chart with specific details to show why Parvana experiences each emotion in chapters 1 – 3. Then, explain in what way you have felt each emotion at some point in your life. How are you similar to Parvana? How are you different?


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Teacher Created Resources, Inc.

Chapter Four Questions - The Breadwinner

Name: ______________________________________________________________ Period: _____

Chapter Four

Directions: Answer the following questions using complete sentences.

1. Describe how Mother and Parvana looked and felt after the long walk to and from the






2. Who had to buy food now? Why?





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Chapter Five Questions - The Breadwinner

Name: ______________________________________________________________ Period: _____

Chapter Five

Directions: Answer the following questions using complete sentences.

1. How was shopping different now that Parvana was not with Father? How were the women






2. Why did the Talib hit Parvana with the stick for shopping?





3. As Parvana was running from the soldier, she ran into Mrs. Weera. How did Parvana’s family

know Mrs. Weera? How did she help the family after running into Parvana?





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Chapter Six Questions - The Breadwinner

Name: ______________________________________________________________ Period: _____

Chapter Six

Directions: Answer the following questions using complete sentences.

1. In this chapter, Mrs. Weera, Mother, and Nooria help to turn Parvana into a boy. Describe what they do to make her look like a boy, and explain how Parvana feels about the change.











2. How did the people on the street react to Parvana’s change in appearance?





Teacher Created Resources, Inc.

Activity: Your Family Role Chapters 4 – 6 The Breadwinner

Name: ______________________________________________________________ Period: _____

Your Family Role

Directions: In Parvana’s family, each member has a distinct role based, in part, on what jobs and chores they do. Fill out their roles below. The first one has been done for you.

|Name of Character |Role in Family |

|Father |He was a history professor and earned money reading and writing letters |

| |before his arrest. |

|Mother | |

|Nooria | |

|Parvana | |

|Maryam and Ali | |

Now, think about your own family and the individual roles held by each member. Fill out the chart below with the names of your immediate family members, and brief descriptions of their roles. Don’t forget to describe your own role.

|Name of Family Member |Role in Family |

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Teacher Created Resources, Inc.

Chapter Seven Questions - The Breadwinner

Name: ______________________________________________________________ Period: _____

Chapter Seven

Directions: Answer the following questions using complete sentences.

1. In this chapter, Parvana takes over the job her father used to have. She goes to market, sits on the blanket, and read and writes for people. She was to say she was Father’s nephew, Kaseem, and she was not to tell anyone that Father was in jail. Describe the incident with the Talib who wanted a letter read and Parvana’s feelings about the experience.











2. Towards the end of her day at the market, what difficult decision did Parvana have to

make that would ultimately help her family?





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Chapter Eight Questions - The Breadwinner

Name: ______________________________________________________________ Period: _____

Chapter Eight

Directions: Answer the following questions using complete sentences.

1. When Parvana returned home from the market, who was moving in with the family? Why?





2. What happens when Maryam finally gets to go outside with Parvana after a year inside the






3. Parvana’s family finally realized that she could help them go outside. Describe some of the

things they were able to do outside.





4. What was happening from the window near the market place?





5. Who did Parvana see at the end of the chapter?





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Chapter Nine Questions - The Breadwinner

Name: ______________________________________________________________ Period: _____

Chapter Nine

Directions: Answer the following questions using complete sentences.

1. What did Shauzia tell Parvana about her family?





2. How would the magazine business work?





3. What announcement did Mrs. Weera have for the family? Why did the announcement

appeal to Nooria?





Activity: Writing a Letter Chapters 7 – 9 The Breadwinner

Name: ______________________________________________________________ Period: _____

Writing a Letter

Directions: Parvana is surprised to feel sympathy for the Talib soldier who asks her to read his wife’s letter. She sees the Taliban as the enemy, and yet she understands this man’s individual sorrow over the loss of his wife.

Think about a time when someone said or did something you did not like. Below, write a letter from this person’s point of view. Explain why this person said or did a particular thing, and how he/she felt about it afterward. Does seeing an action from his/her point of view change the way you feel about the person and the action?

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Teacher Created Resources, Inc.

Chapter Ten Questions - The Breadwinner

Name: ______________________________________________________________ Period: _____

Chapter Ten

Directions: Answer the following questions using complete sentences.

1. What is the new job Parvana and Shauzia have decided to try? They plan to not tell their

families and save part of the money for something other than food. Why?





2. Why didn’t Parvana go home for lunch?





3. Why could the simple task of going to the bathroom be dangerous for the girls?





4. What became the mascot of the girls as they pulled bones out of the Earth? What did the

girls think about the bones?





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Chapter Eleven Questions - The Breadwinner

Name: ______________________________________________________________ Period: _____

Chapter Eleven

Directions: Answer the following questions using complete sentences.

1. Parvana’s family knew something was wrong when she arrived home late and wet.

Parvana was planning to show only part of the money to her family, thinking she would save

the money for the tray. Why did she cry when asked about her day? Why did show Mother

all of the money?







2. How did Mrs. Weera help talk Mother into allowing Parvana to continue digging for bones?





3. The girls finally had enough money to buy their trays, and Parvana’s days in the graveyard

were over. They believed they could sell items to the crowd in the stadium. What did the

girls first believe was taking place in the stadium? Describe their experience once they

learned what was truly happening.











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Chapter Twelve Questions - The Breadwinner

Name: ______________________________________________________________ Period: _____

Chapter Twelve

Directions: Answer the following questions using complete sentences.

1. Why did Parvana stay at home for a few days?





2. What was Shauzia’s secret? Where did she want to go? Why? How would she get there?





3. Does Parvana want to go with Shauzia? What does she wish?





4. Describe the secret school that was started.





5. The Window Woman continued to toss tiny gifts to Parvana. One afternoon, what did

Parvana hear from the house?





Activity: Why We Do What We Do Chapters 10 – 12 The Breadwinner

Name: ______________________________________________________________ Period: _____

Why We Do What We Do

Directions: In The Breadwinner, Parvana often does things she doesn’t want to do, for the sake of her family. In your life, you likely do things that you don’t want to, for the good of someone else. Fill out the chart below, analyzing Parvana’s actions and your own. The first one has been done for you.

|Parvana’s Actions |Why She does Them |

|1. Fetches water |She fetches water because no one else in her family can. They need water to|

| |drink, cook, and clean. |

|2. Cuts off her hair | |

|3. Reads for Talib soldier | |

|4. Digs up bones | |

|Your Actions |Why You Do Them |

|1. | |

|2. | |

|3. | |

|4. | |

Teacher Created Resources, Inc.

Teacher Created Resources, Inc.

Chapter Thirteen Questions - The Breadwinner

Name: ______________________________________________________________ Period: _____

Chapter Thirteen

Directions: Answer the following questions using complete sentences.

1. What news did Parvana hear when she went home?





2. Was the entire family planning to go to Mazar-e-Sherif for the wedding? Were they planning

to take Parvana with them?





3. What gift did she buy for Nooria?





4. What did Parvana do in her free time with no one around?





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Chapter Fourteen Questions - The Breadwinner

Name: ______________________________________________________________ Period: _____

Chapter Fourteen

Directions: Answer the following questions using complete sentences.

1. Parvana was sitting in a dark building after curfew. She was waiting to go home when it was

raining less. She heard a cry, and she lit a match from her cigarette tray. She found a

woman and explained that she was really a girl. Why didn’t the woman answer?





2. What did Parvana think to herself that helped her feel brave enough to take the woman

through the city streets to her home?





3. Once they arrived home, what did Mrs. Weera do for the woman? Once the woman

began talking, what did they learn from her?





4. What did Parvana do after learning the Taliban had captured Mazar-e-Sharif?





5. Who was in Parvana’s apartment late one afternoon?





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Chapter Fifteen Questions - The Breadwinner

Name: ______________________________________________________________ Period: _____

Chapter Fifteen (continued on next page)

Directions: Answer the following questions using complete sentences.

1. Describe Father’s condition when he is brought home.





2. What news did Shauzia share with Parvana? How did Shauzia feel about the situation?





3. What did the visitor tell Mrs. Weera about Mazar-e-Sharif? What did Father plan to do?





4. Where did Mrs. Weera plan to go? Who was she taking with her? Did she consider Shauzia?





5. How does Parvana say good-bye to the Window Woman?





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6. What does Mrs. Weera show Parvana as they are getting ready to leave? Why does she

hide it under her burqa?





7. How does Shauzia leave Afghanistan? What does she give Parvana?





8. Parvana rode a truck with her father to go to find her mother and siblings. As they left Kabul, what did they see?





Activity: You and Parvana Chapters 13 – 15 The Breadwinner

Name: ______________________________________________________________ Period: _____

You and Parvana

Directions: By the end of The Breadwinner, you may find that your life is very different from that of Parvana’s. Fill out the statements below to better understand the differences and similarities between your life and Parvana’s life.

1. While Parvana is proud that she can help her family, I am proud that




2. Parvana is allowed to work at 11 years old, while I am allowed to




3. A treat for Parvana is the sweet taste of dried apricots. For me, a treat is




4. At Parvana’s age, many girls get married and start families. At my age, kids




5. Parvana and her family live together in one room, while my family




Teacher Created Resources, Inc.

Vocabulary Review - The Breadwinner

Name: ______________________________________________________________ Period: _____

Vocabulary Review

Directions: Identify the vocabulary word that makes each statement true.

1. What vocabulary word describes a student that is concentrating his attention on an upcoming soccer game rather than listening to the teacher? ______________________________

2. Which vocabulary word describes the way in which you would step around a sleeping

baby? __________________________________________________________________________________

3. A teacher might assume that a student was _________________________ in the halls if she was

late for class.

4. Which vocabulary word describes a wealthy person that is unwilling to donate to charity?


5. A child might _________________________ if his parents tell him he is unable to go to the movies with his friends.

Directions: The words in the left column are synonyms for specific vocabulary words from the

unit. Write the correct vocabulary word in the space provided.

|Synonym(s) |Vocabulary Word |

|6. mandate; command | |

|7. enclosed; ingrained | |

|8. comply; cave in | |

|9. banishment; expulsion | |

|10. urging; motivating | |

|11. considerate; neighborly | |

Directions: In the space provided, draw a picture that represents the vocabulary word given.

Your illustrations should be in color.







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