VRSM E-500: VR Acronyms List - Texas

VR Services Manual E-500: TWC-VR Acronyms ListPublished October 1, 2019IntroductionThe following is a list of acronyms that may be used in the day-to-day operations and development of policies, procedures, and resources to support the Vocational Rehabilitation Program. This list will be updated periodically to remove terms that are no longer being used and to add new or missing terms and acronyms. To recommend updates to this document, VR staff should email VRSM.support@twc.state.tx.usAACAugmentative and Alternative CommunicationAADFAmerican Association of the Deaf-BlindABAWDAble-Bodied Adults Without DependentsABEAdult Basic EducationACF Administration for Children and FamiliesACTAchieving Change for TexansADAAmericans with Disabilities ActADEAAge Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967AEFLAAdult Education and Family Literacy Act (This is the federal law.)AELAdult Education and Literacy (This is TWC’s program.)AIAged IndividualAISAutomated Inquiry SystemAMAAmerican Medical AssociationAMVETS American VeteransAoAAdministration on AgingARRAAmerican Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009ARRA/TANF/ECFAmerican Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009/Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)/Emergency Contingency Fund (ECF) ASCAmbulatory Surgery CenterASEAdult Secondary EducationASLAmerican Sign LanguageASTAdministrative Staff TeamATAssistive TechnologyATAAAlternative Trade Adjustment Assistance program for older workersATSAssistive Technology SpecialistATSSAssistive Technology Support SpecialistATUAssistive Technology UnitBAHABone-anchored hearing aidBAPABudget and Payment ApplicationBARBudget Adjustment RequestsBBABalanced Budget ActBBSBulletin Board SystemBCYBoard Contract Year (runs from Oct. 1 through Sept. 30)BESBasic Education SkillsBESTBlindness Education, Screening & Treatment (HHSC program)BETBusiness Enterprises of TexasBLRBasic Living RequirementsBLSBureau of Labor Statistics (part of US Department of Labor)BoardsLocal Workforce Development BoardsBPQYBenefits Planning QueryBRCBusiness Relations CoordinatorBRSBasic Readjustment ServicesBRTBusiness Relations TeamBSBlind Services BSABenefits Summary and AnalysisBSCBlind Specialty CaseloadBSDBlind Services Division (legacy division)BSSBlind Services SupportBSUBusiness Services UnitBTEBehind the earBTUBraille Transcription UnitBVIBlind or Visually ImpairedBWOBlind Work ExpensesCAPClient Assistance ProgramCAPCorrective Action PlanCARTCommunication Access Realtime TranslationCASMContract Administration Standards ManualCATECareer and Technology EducationCATSContract Administration Tracking SystemCBCCriminal Background Check (now referred to as Computerized Criminal History check)CbHCommunication by HandCBOcommunity-based organizationCCAAChild Care Attendance Automation (also Child Care Attendance Automation service or system)CCDFChild Care and Development FundCCECertificates of Continuing EligibilityCCHCollege Credit for HeroesCCH College Credit for HeroesCCLChild Care LicensingCCRCChild Care Resource ClearinghouseCCRCCriss Cole Rehabilitation CenterCCSCaseload Carrying Staff (VR specific term)CCSChild care servicesCCSACareer and Community Support AnalysisCCSDChild Care Service DeliveryCDAchild development associateCDBChildhood Disability BenefitsCDBGCommunity Development Block Grant ActCDCCenters for Disease Control and PreventionCDER Cash Draw and Expenditure Reporting system or online cash draw system—this is a Finance system)CDRCareer Development ResourcesCDRCounselor Desk Reference CEOChief Elected OfficialCFCount fingersCFRCode of Federal RegulationsCHAPSComprehensive Human Resources and Payroll SystemCHIPChildren’s Health Insurance ProgramChoicesChoices, the employment and training arm of TANF, is administered by TWC. It is not called "TANF Choices."CICCompletely in canalCIDCase Identification CIECompetitive Integrated EmploymentCIPClassification of Instructional ProgramsCISCommunities in SchoolsCMSCenters for Medicare/Medicaid ServicesCOASCommunity Outreach and Awareness SpecialistCODTWCertificate of Deafness for Tuition WaiverCommissionTexas Workforce Commission's three-member Commission [or "TWC's three-member Commission" after first use of "Texas Workforce Commission"]COMSCertified Orientation and Mobility SpecialistCOMTCentral Office management TeamCoPCommunity of PracticeCOSContract Oversight and Support (COS) CPTCurrent Procedural TerminologyCRCCertified Rehabilitation CounselorCRDCivil Rights DivisionCROSContralateral routing of signalCRPCommunity Rehabilitation ProgramCRPCommunity Rehabilitation ProviderCSAVRCouncil of State Administrators of Vocational RehabilitationCSBGCommunity Services Block GrantCSICaseload Statistical InformationCSPCombined State PlanCSPDComprehensive System of Personnel DevelopmentCTSCustomer Technology ServicesCUCCollege and University CoordinatorCWICCommunity Work Incentive CoordinatorDADSTexas Department of Aging and Disability Services [abolished as of 8/31/16]DARSTexas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services [abolished as of 8/31/16]DAVDisabled American VeteransDBMDDeaf-blind with Multiple DisabilitiesDBSDivision for Blind Services (legacy division)DCoEUnited States Department of Defense Center of ExcellenceDDDevelopmental DisabilityDDSDisability Determination ServicesDFPSTexas Department of Family and Protective ServicesDFSSDeafblind Field Support ServicesDHHSDeaf and Hard of Hearing Service (VR)DHHSDepartment of Health and Human ServicesDINT Data Integrity (TWIST term)DIRDepartment of Information ResearchDMEDurable Medical EquipmentDoDUnited States Department of DefenseDOEUnited States Department of EnergyDOLUnited States Department of LaborDOLETAUnited States Department of Labor Employment and Training AdministrationDOL-VETSUnited States Department of Labor Veterans’ Employment and Training ServiceDPNDisability Program NavigatorDPNDisability Program Navigator Initiative (DOL program)DPSDeafblind Program SpecialistDRDDeputy Regional DirectorsDRSdeafness resource specialistDRSDivision for Rehabilitative Services (abolished)DSHSTexas Department of State Health ServicesDSUDesignated State UnitDSWDirect Service WorkerDUADisaster Unemployment AssistanceD-U-N-SData Universal Numbering SystemDVETDirector, Veterans’ Employment and TrainingDVOPDisabled Veterans’ Outreach ProgramE&TEmployment and Training (as in SNAP E&T)EASEmployment Assistance Specialist or Employment Assistance ServicesEBTElectronic Benefits Transfer (UI term)EDUnited States Department of EducationEDUnited States Department of EducationEDWAAEconomic Dislocation and Worker Adjustment AssistanceEEOCEqual Employment Opportunity CommissionEFLeducational funding levelsEFTelectronic funds transfer (child care term)EIDEarned Income DeductionEIDEarned Income DisregardEITCEarned Income Tax CreditELCEnglish Literacy and Civics granteesELLEnglish-language learnersENEmployment NetworksEOBExplanation of BenefitsEODEnd of DayEPSEmployment Planning Session (TANF procedure)ESEmployment Service (The complete name is "Wagner-Peyser Employment Service." It is a federal program that TWC administers.)ESAEmployment Standards Administration (part of DOL)ESBIEmployment Supports for Brain InjuryESCEducational Service CenterESLEnglish as a Second LanguageESPEmployment Services PlanESPEmployment Services ProviderETAEmployment and Training Administration (part of DOL)ETPLEligible Training Providers List ETPSEligible Training Provider SystemETPsEligible Training ProvidersETSEmployment Transition Services ETSSEvaluation and Technology Support ServicesEUCEmergency Unemployment CompensationFAFSAFree Application for Federal Student AidFBOfaith-based organizationFCSFood and Consumer Service (part of USDA)FDAFood and Drug AdministrationFEINFederal Employer Identification NumberFEMAFederal Emergency Management AgencyFEPfamily employment planFERPAFamily Educational Rights and Privacy ActFFYFederal Fiscal Year 2004 (FFY’04; runs from 10/1–9/30)FIAFreedom of Information ActFICEFederal Interagency Commission on EducationFIFOFirst in, First outFIPSFederal Information Processing StandardsFJDFunctional Job DescriptionFLSAFair Labor Standards ActFMAPFederal Medical Assistance PercentagesFMGCFinancial Manual for Grants and ContractsFMLAFamily and Medical Leave ActFNSFood and Nutrition Service (FNS) P+B172art of USDA, administers Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)FNSUnited States Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition ServiceFOCFrequency of ContactFPGFederal Poverty GuidelinesFPILFederal Poverty Income LimitFPLFederal Poverty LevelFPYFederal Performance Year 2004 (FPY’04)FSLAFair Labor Standards ActFTAFederal Transit AdministrationFTEFull-time EquivalentFUTAFederal Unemployment Tax ActFYFiscal YearGAOUS Government Accountability OfficeGEDGeneral Education Development or General Education DiplomaGEMgroup employment seminarGISgeographic information systemGMguidance memorandum GPAgrade point averageGRGeneral Revenue–state fundsGSGeneral ServicesGSTGroup Skills TrainingGSTGroup Skills TrainingHBHouse BillHCFAHealth Care Financing AdministrationHHSUS Department of Health and Human ServicesHHSCTexas Health and Human Services CommissionHIPAAHealth Information Portability and Accountability ActHMHand movementHUBsHistorically Underutilized BusinessesHUDUS Department of Housing and Urban DevelopmentIAPIndividualized Adjustment PlanIDIdentification (capped, but no periods; for example, Tax ID)IDAIndividual Development AccountIDDIntellectual and Developmental DisabilitiesIDEAIndividuals with Disabilities Education ActIEPIndividualized Education PlanIETIntegrated Education and Training IFSPIndividualized Family Service PlanIHEInstitution of Higher EducationILIndependent LivingILCIndependent Living CenterIL-OIBIndependent Living Services for Older Individuals Who Are BlindILPIndependent Living PlanILSIndependent Living ServicesILWindependent Living workerIPEIndividualized Plan for Employment IPGIntegrated Planning Guidelines (or Integrated Guidelines)IRSInternal Revenue ServiceISAMsintegrated service area managersISDindependent school districtISSIndividual Service Strategy (for WIA Youth)ITinformation technology [Do not spell out on first use; use only the acronym]ITAIndividual Training AccountITCIn the canalITE-FSIn the ear full shellITE-HSIn the ear half shellJANJob Accommodation NetworkJARJoint Annual ReviewJARCJob Access and Reverse CommuteJAWSJob Access with SpeechJPJob PlacementJRTJob Readiness TrainingJSMSJob Matching System (this is on the TWC Website)JSSJob Specific SkillsJTPAJob Training Partnership Act [officially expired June 2001> replaced by Workforce Investment Act (WIA)]JVSGJobs for Veterans State GrantsLANLocal Area NetworkLARLegislative Appropriations RequestLBBLegislative Budget BoardLEAlocal education agencyLEAPLeadership, Employability and Advocacy ProjectLEPlimited English proficiencyLLSILLower Living Standard Income LevelLMCLocal Medical ConsultantLMCILabor Market and Career Information (initial capped when referring to TWC department)LMSLearning Management SystemLOTSLearner Outcome Tracking SystemLPLight perceptionLPCLicensed Professional CounselorLTCLong-Term CareLVLow VisionLVERsLocal Veterans’ Employment RepresentativesLWDBLocal Workforce Development BoardMAGIModified Adjusted Gross IncomeMAPSMaximum Affordable Payment ScheduleMCDRMedical Continuing Disability ReviewMOCMilitary Occupational Classification SystemMOEState Maintenance of Effort [correct]MOSAICMonitoring, OverSight, and Internal ControlsMOUMemorandum of understanding (singular tense)MOUsMemoranda of understanding (plural tense)MPRMonthly Performance Report (used in sanction letter)MSCMedical Services CoordinatorMSFWMigrant and Seasonal Farmworker programMSGmeasurable skills gainMSSAMilitary Selective Service ActMSTmedical services technicianMTAMetropolitan Transit AuthorityNAANational Apprenticeship ActNAFTANorth American Free Trade Agreement > subsection: NAFTA-TAA (Transitional Adjustment Assistance)NAICSNorth American Industry Classification SystemNCHSNational Center for Health StatisticsNCHVNational Coalition for Homeless VeteransNCPNoncustodial ParentNCP ChoicesNoncustodial Parent Choices programNCSABNational Training Conference for State Vocational Rehabilitation for the Blind AgenciesNEGNational Emergency GrantNIHNational Institutes of HealthNLPNo light perceptionNPINational Provider IdentifierNRPsneeds-related paymentsNTACTNational Technical Assistance Center for TransitionNVTINational Veterans’ Training InstituteO&MOrientation and MobilityO*NETOccupational Information Network OAAOlder Americans Act (federal)OAGOffice of the Attorney General (subsection: OAG Child Support Division)OCTAEOffice of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (part of US Department of Education, Adult Education and Literacy Division)ODOculus Dexter: right eyeODEPOffice of Disability Employment Policy (part of DOL)OESOccupational Employment StatisticsOFCCPOffice of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (part of DOL)OFSOffice of Family ServicesOGCOffice of the General Counsel (Name of TWC’s legal dept.)OIBOlder Individuals who are BlindOJTOn-the-Job TrainingOLMSOffice of Labor-Management Standards (part of DOL)OMBOffice of Management and BudgetOPMOffice of Personal ManagementORCAOffice of Rural Community AffairsOSOculus sinister: left eyeOSCTOutreach and Services Coordination TeamOSERSOffice of Special Education Rehabilitation ServicesOSHAOccupational Safety and Health AdministrationOT Occupational TherapyOTTANFOne-time TANFOUOculus unitas: both eyesOWCPOffice of Workers’ Compensation Programs (part of DOL)P.O.Post Office [no spaces]PABI Post-Acute Brain InjuryPABSSProtection and Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social Security (Disability Rights Texas program)PALPreparation for Adult LivingPARPerformance, Analysis and Reporting DepartmentPASPersonal Assistance ServicesPCIPathways to Careers InitiativePDProfessional Development PDFDo not spell out and acronym, just use “PDF” (portable document format)PESPost-Employment Services (previously called Post-closure Services)PETSPre-ETSPGMSProgramsPHPinhole visionPICPrivate Industry CouncilPIEPrison Industry EnhancementPIIPersonally Identifiable InformationPINPersonal identification numberPIRLParticipant Information Record LayoutPLPublic LawPOpurchase orderPOCPoint of ContactPOMSPrograms Operational Manual System (a Social Security Administration manual)PPAGProfessional Prep. Advisory GroupPRPurchase RequisitionPRAParent Responsibility Agreement (used in rules)PRAPersonal Reemployment AccountPRAPersonal Responsibility Agreement (TANF/Choices)PRE-ETSPre-Employment Transition Servicespre-KprekindergartenProject RIOProject Reintegration of OffendersPRWORAPersonal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996PSARTProgram Specialist for Assistive and Rehab technology (PSART)PSATPersonal Social Adjustment TrainingPSRTProgram specialist for rehabilitative technologyPSTProprietary School DatabasePT Physical TherapyPTSDPost-traumatic stress disorderPYProgram Year (for example, Program Year 2004: PY’04; –time frame varies for state and federal years)QAIQuality Assurance and ImprovementQRISQuality Rating and Improvement SystemQVRCQualified vocational rehabilitation counselorRARehabilitation AssistantRACFResource Access Control FacilityRAGReHabWorks Administrative GuideRBSSRegional Blind Services SpecialistRCReintegration CounselorRCARefugee Cash AssistanceRCTRehabilitation Council of TexasRDRegional DirectorREAPReserve Educational Assistance ProgramREAsReemployment and eligibility assessmentsREEMReemployment and Employer Engagement MeasureREPReemployment and Training Plan (re: TAA)RESReemployment services (part of Wagner-Peyser ES; different from RRES, although there might be some crossover between RRES and RES)RESEAReemployment Services and Eligibility AssessmentRFIRequest for InformationRFORequest for OffersRFPRequest for ProposalsRFQRequest for QuotationsRHWReHabWorksRICReceiver in the canalRIOReintegration of Offenders (as in "Project RIO")RITEReceiver in the earROMSRegional Orientation and Mobility SpecialistRPIRapid Process ImprovementRPMRehabilitation Policy ManualRPSRegional Program SpecialistRPSCRegional Program Specialist for ContractsRPSMRegional Program Support ManagerRPSQARegional Program Specialist for Quality Assurance (also referred to as "Q")RPSSRegional Program Support SpecialistRREMRapid Reemployment Model (called Worker Profiling and Reemployment Services by the feds)RRESRapid Reemployment Services (services offered by RREM)RSARehabilitation Services AdministrationRTWReturn to WorkRUGReHabWorks Users GuideSAService AuthorizationSAOState Auditor's OfficeSAVERRSystems for Application, Verification, Eligibility, Referral and ReportingSBSenate BillSBEState Board of EducationSCSEP Senior Community Service Employment ProgramSDA Service Delivery AreaSDEASurvivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance ProgramSESupported Employment (for example, SE definitions, outcome, overview, process)SEASupported Employment AssessmentSEALSummer Earn and LearnSECCState Employee Charitable CampaignSEDSupport Employment DemonstrationSEIEStudent Earned Income Exclusion SESPSupported Employment Services PlanSFD Skills Development FundSFPStandards for ProvidersSFYState Fiscal Year (for example, State Fiscal Year 2008 > SFY’08; runs from 9/1–8/31)SGASubstantial Gainful ActivitySMESubject Matter ExpertSMIState Median IncomeSMTSenior Management TeamSMURFSubject Matter Utilization Resource FacilitatorSNAPSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Food Stamp Program (this is a federal program administered in Texas by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC)). SNAP benefits, SNAP allotment, SNAP recipient, SNAP E&T participantSNAP E&TSNAP Employment and TrainingSOCStandard Occupational ClassificationSOPStandard Operating ProceduresSOWscope of work or statement of workSPYState Program Year (runs from 7/1 – 6/30)SRService RecordSSASocial Security AdministrationSSA/VRSocial Security Administration Vocational RehabilitationSSDISocial Security Disability InsuranceSSFSelf-Sufficiency FundSSISupplemental Security IncomeSSNSocial Security NumberSSPDSpecial Services for Persons with DisabilitiesSSYEPSubsidized Summer Youth Employment ProgramSTAPSpecialized Telecommunications Assistance ProgramSTEMScience, Technology, Engineering, and MathSTEP Senior Texans Employment ProgramSTIPStatewide Transportation Improvement PlanSVR-FTPRState Vocational Rehabilitation–Failed timely progress reviewSWEATSummer Work Experience in Austin TXSWMMStatewide Manager's MeetingTATechnical assistanceTAATrade Adjustment Assistance or Trade Adjustment ActTAAEATrade Adjustment Assistance Extension Act of 2011TAASTexas Assessment of Academic SkillsTABTechnical Assistance BulletinTABETest of Adult Basic EducationTACTexas Administrative CodeTACCRRATexas Association of Child Care Resource and Referral AgenciesTAGTechnical Assistance GuideTANFTemporary Assistance for Needy Families When referring to the funds, use TANF/Choices (with a slash). TANF, in Texas, is administered by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC). Generally, we refer to TANF/Choices only when referring to funds: TANF/Choices funds.TAPTechnical Assistance PlanTAPTransition Assistance ProgramTAWBTexas Association of Workforce BoardsTBITraumatic Brain InjuryTBTWTexas Back to Work program (sometimes called “initiative”)TCADATexas Commission on Alcohol and Drug AbuseTCCTexas Closed CaptioningTDCJTexas Department of Criminal JusticeTDDTelecommunications Device for the DeafTDEDTexas Department of Economic DevelopmentTDNITexas Disability Navigator Initiative (TWC’s program)TEATexas Education AgencyTEAMSTexas Educating Adults Management SystemTECTexas Education CodeTECECTexas Early Childhood Education CoalitionTEGLTraining and Employment Guidance LetterTEINTraining and Employment Information NoticeTHEATexas Higher Education AssessmentTHECBTexas Higher Education Coordinating BoardTHHSCCTexas Health and Human Services Coordinating CouncilTIERSTexas Integrated Eligibility Redesign SystemTIESTexas Integrated Enrollment and ServicesTINSTexas Identification Number SystemTJJDTexas Juvenile Justice Department (formerly Texas Youth Commission)TOTTrain Our TeachersTPCSTraining Provider Certification SystemTPITexas Provider IdentifierTPRTimely Progress RequirementsTRATexas Rehabilitation AssociationTRATrade Readjustment Allowances (Note: Allowances, plural, is correct) Also, Additional TRATRAILTexas Records and Information Locator ()TRSTexas Rising Star program: Texas Rising Star (TRS) provider, Texas Rising Star (TRS) certification criteria, Texas Rising Star (TRS) Certification Guidelines TSBVITexas School for the Blind and Visually ImpairedTSMTransitioning Service MemberTSPTransitioning Service PersonnelTSR!Texas School Ready!TSR!/KRSTexas School Readiness/Kindergarten Readiness System (TSR!/KRS is TEA’s program) TTWTicket to Work (Program)TTYText telephone or teletypewriterTUCATexas Unemployment Compensation ActTVCTexas Veterans CommissionTVLBTexas Veterans Land BoardTVLPTexas Veterans Leadership ProgramTVRCTransition vocational rehabilitation counselorTWCTexas Workforce CommissionTWICTexas Workforce Investment CouncilTWISTThe Workforce Information System of TexasTWSTexas Workforce SolutionsTxDOTTexas Department of TransportationTXROCSTexas Review, Oversight, and Coaching SystemUCunemployment compensationUCFEUnemployment Compensation for Federal EmployeesUCXUnemployment Compensation for Ex-servicemembersUGMSUniform Grant Management StandardsUIUnemployment InsuranceUNTWISEUniversity of North Texas' Workplace Inclusion & Sustainable Employment UPISUPIS – Unit Process Improvement SpecialistUS [no periods]United StatesUSAUnit Support AssistantUSAUnit Support AdministratorUSCUnit Support CoordinatorUSCUnited States CodeUSCAUnited States Code AnnotatedUSDAUnited States Department of AgricultureUSDOTUnited States Department of TransportationUSERRAUniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights ActVAUnited States Department of Veterans Affairs (sometimes seen as DVA. Not “Veterans Administration”)VAVisual acuityVACVocational adjustment coordinatorVATVocational Adjustment TrainingVBPIAVeterans’ Benefits and Programs Improvement ActVDUVocational Diagnostic UnitVEAPVeterans’ Educational Assistance ProgramVESLVocational English as a Second LanguageVETSVeterans’ Employment and Training Service (federal level: US Department of Labor)VFVisual fieldVINVender Identification NumberVITAVolunteer Income Tax AssistanceVoIPVoice over Internet ProtocolVo-TechVocational-technicalVPNVirtual private networkVRVocational RehabilitationVR counselorVocational rehabilitation counselor (preferred term; do not use “counselor” without VR when referring to VR counselor)VRCVocational Rehabilitation Counselor (still used intermittently as an industry term VRDVocational Rehabilitation DivisionVRMVocational Rehabilitation ManagerVRRSVeterans Resource and Referral Specialist [VRRSs are part of TVLP.]VRSVideo Relay ServiceVRSVocational Rehabilitation ServicesVRSVocational Rehabilitation SupervisorVR-SFPVocational Rehabilitation Standards for ProvidersVRSMVocational Rehabilitation Services ManualVRTVocational Rehabilitation TeacherVSOVeterans Service Organizations (for example, American Legion)VTCSVernon’s Texas Civil StatutesVWIPVeterans’ Workforce Investment ProgramWARNWorker Adjustment and Retraining Notification ActWATWork Adjustment TrainingWD LetterWorkforce Development LetterWDDWorkforce Development DivisionWHDWage and Hour Division (part of DOL)WIAWorkforce Investment Act [repealed and replaced in 2014 by WIOA]WIBWorkforce Investment BoardWILWork Incentive LiaisonWINTACWorkforce Innovations Technical Assistance CenterWIOAWorkforce Innovation and Opportunity ActWIPWork Incentive PlanWIPWork in ProcessWIPAWork Incentive Planning AssistanceWIPAWork Incentives Plan and AssistanceWITWork in TexasWOAWorkforce Orientation for Applicants (this term applies only to TANF Choices)WOTCWork Opportunity Tax CreditWoWWorld of WorkWRISWage Record Interchange SystemWtW [obsolete]Welfare-to-Work (The federal Welfare-to-Work program no longer exists. TWC’s Ch. 839 WtW rules were repealed effective February 9, 2009.)WtW Tax CreditWelfare-to-Work Tax Credit program (this is still in existence, even though the WtW program is not.)YAGYouth Advisory GroupY-TACYouth Technical Assistance CenterYTDYear-to-dateZIPZone Improvement Plan [ZIP code] ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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