University of North Texas Health Science Center

University of North Texas Health Science Center

Graduate Council Meeting

September 14, 2006

RECORDING: Amanda Griffith MEETING TIME: 3:10 – 4:47 PM

PRESIDING: Jamboor K. Vishwanatha, Ph.D. MEETING LOCATION: EAD-810

PRESENT: Basu, Donovan, Downey, Easom, Flynn, Forster, Franks, Grant, Kaman, Lee, Licciardone, Mathew, Reeves, Roque, Siede, and Singh

ABSENT: Cardarelli, Coleridge, Planz, Smith, Wu, and Yorio

|Topic/Agenda Item |Discussion/Conclusion |Action/Recommendation |Responsible Person(s) |

|Approval of August 17, 2006 Meeting |Dr. Mathew moved to approve the August 2006 meeting minutes with corrections. Dr. |No action required. | |

|Minutes |Easom seconded. Motion carried. | | |

|Spring 2007 Applicant Tracking |Ms. Lee presented the Spring 2007 tracking spreadsheet. Ms. Lee also announced four |No action required. | |

| |new disciplines are available in the Graduate School: Cancer Biology, Cardiovascular | | |

| |Science, Visual Sciences, and Neurobiology of Aging. | | |

|Graduate Student |Dr. Vishwanatha presented some financial information provided by other graduate |No action required. | |

|Assistantships/Stipends |schools on assistantships/stipends and insurance provided to their students. He will| | |

| |keep the Graduate Council updated as more information becomes available. | | |

|Graduate Faculty Nominations |Dr. Franks moved to approve Matthew Avila, Ph.D. (Category II) for appointment of |Notify Dr. Avila. |[Griffith] |

| |graduate faculty membership. Dr. Downey seconded. Motion carried. | | |

| | | | |

| |The nomination for Robert E. Routh was tabled until a current curriculum vita was | | |

| |available. |Notify Dr. Routh. |[Griffith] |

| | | | |

| |Dr. Siede moved to approve Yi Wei Jiang, Ph.D. (Category III) for appointment of | | |

| |graduate faculty membership. Dr. Grant seconded. Motion carried. | | |

| | |Notify Dr. Jiang. |[Griffith] |

| |Dr. Kaman moved to approve Frederick A. Schaller, D.O. (Category I) for appointment | | |

| |of graduate faculty membership. Dr. Reeves seconded. Motion carried. | | |

| | | | |

| |Dr. Singh moved to approve Peggy Smith-Barbaro, Ph.D. (Category II) for appointment |Notify Dr. Schaller. |[Griffith] |

| |of graduate faculty membership. Dr. Kaman seconded. Motion carried. | | |

| | | | |

| | |Notify Dr. Barbaro |[Griffith] |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Topic/Agenda Item |Discussion/Conclusion |Action/Recommendation |Responsible Person(s) |

|Core Update |Dr. Vishwanatha announced that students in BMSC 5600 had taken their first exam. The|No action required. | |

| |multiple choice average was 85. The essay test had not been graded at the time of | | |

| |Graduate Council. Dr. Vishwanatha also requested the faculty to encourage the use of| | |

| |the OASIS office and tutoring sessions for GSBS students. | | |

| | | | |

|Core Requirement |Dr. Singh presented a proposal to revise the core requirements and opened discussion.|Graduate Advisors to compile and provide |[Graduate Advisors] |

| |Dr. Vishwanatha requested that the Graduate Advisors bring a “first year student |first-year student outline. | |

| |outline” for their discipline to the next Graduate Council meeting before a vote | | |

| |could be taken on the item. | | |

|GSA Update |Ms. Donovan announced that the GSA made $670 selling roses and water at the White |No action required. | |

| |Coat Ceremony. Two new officers had been named as core representatives, Olubadewa | | |

| |Fatunde (multiple choice) and Diana Schulz (essay). The GSA Science Fair has been | | |

| |scheduled for February 10, 2007. | | |

|Announcements |The next Graduate Council meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 12, 2006 at 3:00|No action required. | |

| |PM in EAD-810. | | |

| |Outstanding Graduate Faculty Seminar scheduled for 9/21. | | |

| |Spring schedule of classes will be sent for for revisions by 10/1. | | |

| |Grant writing workshops are being scheduled. | | |


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