University of Montana



Professor of Political Science

The University of Montana - Missoula

Missoula, MT 59812


B.A.: Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut, June 1966

Graduated cum laude in Government. Emphasis: International Relations

Honors Thesis: A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Major Power Foreign-aid Programs in Indonesia: China, the

Soviet Union, and the United States

Certificate: Universitat Wien Summer School, 1964

M.P.A.: Public Administration, University of Colorado - Boulder, June 1968

Ph.D.: Political Science, University of Colorado - Boulder, 1973

Pi Sigma Alpha (National Political Science Honorary Society), 1967

Final graduate G.P.A.: 4.00 (85 semester course credits)

Doctoral Dissertation: The Municipality of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Performance, Mobilization, Integration, & Change

Awards: NDEA Fellowship; Honorable Mention, Munger Africana Library 1976 Thesis Prize Competition for the

"best dissertation on an African topic completed in 1972-75"


The University of Montana - Missoula

Department of Political Science. Instructor (1972/73); Assistant Professor (1973/74 to 1976/77); Associate Professor (1977/78 to 1980/81); Professor (since 1981/82). Awarded Tenure: 1975. Merit awards: 1975, 1979, 1984, 1987, 1991, 2000, 2005, 2007, 2010, 2012. Undergraduate courses taught: Third World studies, introduction to comparative government and politics, politics of global migration, African politics, public administration, development administration, sustainable climate policy: China and the USA, U.S. and comparative local government and politics, issues in international education, politics of global hunger, issues in global public health, U.S. public policy. Graduate seminars taught: rural health issues in global context (MPH course), management skills, public administration and public policy, organizational behaviour, methods of inquiry and research design, and public-sector collective bargaining. Training courses taught: leadership and change (NCIV Mid Winter Seminar, 1993); rural-development planning (Botswana Land-Use Management Seminar, 1991), workshop on ways to introduce transnational competence into the U.S. medical-school curriculum (2004). Orientation sessions offered: overseas study (annually 1988-1996, to outgoing international exchange students); Hong Kong's transition to 1997, Japan's relations with China, and travel in China (1995, to Fulbright Group Study Abroad faculty). New academic-program development: inter-university Masters of Public Administration program, M.P.A. extension program in Helena, undergraduate minor in International Development Studies (IDS; designated first “Peace Corps Prep” program (PCPP) at a public university), Masters of Public Health with a global/rural programmatic theme; undergraduate minor in climate-change studies, undergraduate minor in Global Public Health (GPH). Founding IDS director (2004-2007; 2008-2013). First PCPP Director (2011-2013). Founding GPH director (2012-2015).

Reference: Dr. Ramona Grey Tel. 406-243-5202

Office of International Programs. Founding Director (1987 - 1996). Chief administrator with international programs responsibility. Responsible for coordinating selection of faculty, students, and staff to participate in the University's overseas exchange programs, ensuring the general welfare of visiting foreign scholars and dignitaries, managing the international program budget, promoting campus educational programs and international development activity, preparing and managing grants, and facilitating the introduction of additional international dimensions in the academic curriculum. Chaired the campus-wide International Committee (1987-1996) and the International Development Advisory Council (1992-1996). Member, Council of Deans (1991-1995). Visited educational institutions in Taiwan, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Senegal, Belize, Mexico, Namibia, England, France, Sweden, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Ukraine, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, Tanzania, Finland, Russia, and Estonia on behalf of the University of Montana. Initiated "Faculty Abroad" lecture series; International Visiting Scholar Seminar Series; Peace Corps Masters Internationalist Program; Land-Use Management Training Institute for Ministry of Agriculture officials from Botswana; Mid-Winter Seminar Program for USAID-sponsored students from Latin America and Africa (NCIV); Memoranda of Understanding with The London School of Economics and Political Science, The University of Joensuu, and The Université de Saint-Louis; curriculum-development trip to China by 12 Montana educators; international symposium on refugees and development assistance; campus World Food Day Teleconference planning; award for distinguished service to international education; staff-exchange programs with The University of Joensuu (Finland) and The University College of Belize; executive-fellow program; membership in CID; and Directory of Faculty with International Qualifications. Co-Project Director, FIPSE-funded International Natural Resources Management Program (1990-92); USAID University Development Linkage Project (FY 1991-96). Principal Contact Officer (1993-96), Board of Trustees (1993-97), Consortium for International Development. Half-time appointment, 1987/88 - 1990/91; full-time July 1991 - July 1996 (reported directly to the President and to the Provost).

Reference: Dr. Royce Engstrom, President e-mail: Fax: (406) 243-2797

Visiting Professor, Department of Political Science & International Relations (PSIR), Addis Ababa University (December 2010-January 2011). Presented seminars for Ph.D. students on Trends in Comparative Political Analysis, Nonstate Actors and Horizon-rising Challenges, Igniting Bottom-up Sustainable-development Transformations: Diasporic Initiatives and Indigenous Associations, In Whose Interests? Transmigration, Diasporas, and Nonstate Foreign-Policy Making in the 21st Century, Emerging Approaches to Foreign Assistance: Transnational Partnerships & Development Funds, and Global Climate Change Policy: Bridging South-North Gaps.

Reference: Dr. Solomon Mebrie Gofie, PSIR Department sgofie@

National Association of State Universities & Land Grant Colleges (NASULGC), Now Association of Public & Land Grant Universities (APLU). 1307 New York Avenue, Washington, D.C. (September-December 2007)

Inaugural Faculty Fellow, International Division. Developed and initiated APLU’s international research and development project database (IRDPD). See . About 800 project profiles from member institutions have been posted on the IRDPD website. In October 2008, APLU President Peter McPherson reported that the database “is regularly consulted by universities, funding agencies, and congressional staffers.” American Association of Universities (AAU) joined the database project in 2008. Designed and carried out a joint APLU/AIEA survey of senior international officers’ perspectives on their institution’s international research and development activity and its relationship to campus internationalization. Provided suggestions regarding APLU’s international development strategic planning questionnaire. Participated in strategic deliberations of the Africa-U.S. Higher Education Collaboration Initiative group. Conducted interviews with internationally experienced academics in engineering, medicine, agriculture, business, education, and public administration regarding the introduction of transnational competence in professional education curricula. Attended the “China - U.S. Higher Education Forum on Global Universities in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities” sponsored by APLU for 10 U.S. and 10 Chinese university presidents (24 October).

Reference: Montague Demment, Vice President, International Programs.

(fellowship evaluation letter from APLU President Peter McPherson also available)

University of Joensuu, P.O. Box 111, 8010 Joensuu, Finland (May-August, 2002)

Fulbright New Century Scholar in Residence, Joensuu Centre for Ethnic Studies (ETNICA). Conducted over 200 interviews with migrants and health-care providers at five reception centers for asylum seekers and in Joensuu and Helsinki as part of the “Transnational Competence and Migrant Health in a Borderless World ” research project; collaborated with post-graduate students; consulted with ETNICA researchers on current and proposed projects.

Reference: Dr. Pirkko Pitkanen, Professor, Department of Education, University of Tampere, 33014 Tampere, Finland

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong - SAR, China (August 1997 - July 1998)

Director of Research and Development, Fulbright Senior Scholar, The Hong Kong - America Center; Visiting Professor, Department of Government and Public Administration. Assisted with Center programming and fund raising; arranged an inter-university seminar series on National and Transnational Population Movements: Social and Policy Tensions in China and the SAR and an international symposium on The Outlook for China - USA Relations Following the 1997-1998 Summits: Chinese and U.S. Perspectives; taught post-graduate seminar on Issues in Global Migration: Focus on Hong Kong and China. Raised HK$405,000 (US$52,500) in donations, plus US$25,750 in grant funding, to support the May 1998 International Symposium.

Reference: Mark Sheldon (former Director, Hong Kong - America Center) sharksheldon@

Shanghai International Studies University, 550 Dalian Road W, Shanghai 200083, P.R.C. (1996-97 academic year)

Exchange Professor, College of English Language and Literature. Taught Advanced Reading and Writing to 4th-year majors, Spoken English to 1st-year majors, and U.S. Society and Politics to post-graduate students; supervised 23 senior theses; provided editorial assistance in the preparation of A New English Course Level 6 and Level 7 textbooks. Also reviewed and edited eight Senior Middle School English books authored by SISU President Dai Weidong.

References: He Shao-xiong, past Dean, and Li Guanyi, Professor, College of English Language & Literature

University of Namibia, Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences, PMB 13301, Windhoek, Namibia (August - September 1991)

Visiting Professor, Department of Public Administration. Taught Rural Development Strategies course to third-year students, National Planning Commission officers, and Namibia Development Trust (NGO) staff. USIA Academic Specialist program.

Reference: Dr. Victor Tonchi, Head, Department of Public Administration

Institute of Administration, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria (1978-79; 1979-80 a/y)

Principal Research Fellow, Department of Research, Management and Consultancy. Fulbright lecturer (1979-80). Taught Theory and Practice of Public Administration to civil servants from 10 states enrolled in the Administrative Management training program; Theory and Practice of Local Government in Comparative Perspective to senior local government officials from 8 states enrolled in the Advanced Diploma in Local Government program; and several short courses on management topics to local government chief executives and department heads. Worked with Masters and Ph.D. candidates on research design, thesis preparation, professional publications, and academic planning. Supervised AMTC students working on rural community-development projects in Niger State and on field attachments in Kano and Sokoto states. Developed curriculum for and arranged a short training course in principles of local government and public management offered to 100 local government secretaries and department heads in 5 northern states. Participated in northern states' local government training needs survey and developed course curricula and admissions and degree/diploma requirements for new local government study programs at A.B.U. (Diploma and Advanced Diploma in Local Government, M.A. in Local Government, Ph.D. in Public Administration with emphasis in Local Government). Participated in A.B.U. recruitment tour to 15 U.S. universities to recruit faculty for a new Local Government Training Center. Organized seminar for field researchers on Rural Underdevelopment in Northern Nigeria. Planned a National Seminar held at A.B.U. on The Role of Local Government in Social, Political, and Economic Development in Nigeria. Directed, supervised, and coordinated field research conducted under a post-reform local government study project funded in part by the federal government, and reviewed and evaluated seven internal and external research proposals.

Reference: Dr. A.Y. Aliyu (former Department Head and Institute Director)

(deceased; 1981 letter available)

Haile Sellassie I University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (1970-71; 1971-72 a/y) (now Addis Ababa University)

Lecturer, Department of Public Administration. Sponsored by the International Council for Educational Development and by TransCentury Corporation. Taught second-, third-, and fourth-year courses on Public Administration; Local Government; Policy Development; Development Administration; Organization, Management and Communication; Research Methods; Social and Political Theory; and African Political Ideas. Supervised 10 B.A. theses on local government in Ethiopia. Elected Faculty of Arts representative to the Student Relations Committee.

Reference: Dr. Asmelash Beyene (past Vice President) ashbeyene@


International leadership:

Michael P. Malone International Leadership Award (2011) Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities (APLU)


Fulbright New Century Scholar (inaugural class, 2001-2002)

University of Montana’s Distinguished Scholar (2005 campus-wide award)

Fulbright Senior Specialist awards: Finland (“global/public health,” March/April 2006); Hong Kong (March 2003)

Invited scholar, U.S. Department of State’s week-long Scholar-Diplomat Seminar on African Affairs (1977)


George M. Dennison Presidential Faculty Award for Distinguished Accomplishment (2012 campus-wide award)

University of Montana’s Distinguished Service to International Education award (1999 campus-wide award)

Faculty Fellow (inaugural award, 2007). National Association of State Universities & Land Grant Colleges (NASULGC)

Development Specialist in Residence. Japan International Cooperation Agency, International Training Center (1991)


Paul G. Lauren Undergraduate Research Faculty Mentor Award (inaugural recipient, campus-wide award, 2011)

Provost’s Distinguished Faculty lecture (“Symmetry, Synergy, and Serendipity: Reflections on Transnationalism”) 2011

USIA Academic Specialist. Namibia (1991).


Consultant to APLU’s International Division on sustaining and extending the IRDPD (September 2008 & October 2009).

Member, Reuters Insight Community of Experts (since summer 2008).

Consultant to Canada’s Cinemaginaire on transPacific networks for a theatrical documentary film on “progress traps” (Martin

Scorsese, executive producer) (May 2008).

Consultant to the International Division of APLU on modification of the COSMIC database and its extension among

member universities (2008).

Fulbright Senior Specialist, Finland. Presented 12 lectures/seminars to physicians, nurses, social workers, hospital staff,

university faculty, researchers, and students, and local government, international organization, and NGO personnel in five cities

(Helsinki, Turku, Tampere, Joensuu, & Kuopio); consulted on migrant-health research projects with senior and junior

scholars; discussed medical-curriculum issues (March/April 2006). Principal local host: Department of Sociology,

University of Helsinki.

Project Co-director, workshop on ways to introduce transnational competence into the U.S. medical-school curriculum held

at Salmon Lake, Montana, 6-11 July 2004. Arranged program and resource faculty for the workshop. Faculty and

administrators from Mayo Medical School, the University of Massachusetts Medical School, the University of Texas

Health Sciences Center - San Antonio, and Northeastern Ohio College of Medicine (NEOUCOM) participated.

Fulbright Senior Specialist, Hong Kong. Presented featured paper at the Second International Conference of Institutes

and Libraries for Chinese Overseas Studies co-sponsored by the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Library

and Ohio University; recommended acquisitions that would enhance the CUHK Library’s Chinese American

studies, world-migration, and global-migration collections based on a comparative study of holdings at Harvard

University, The University of California at Berkeley, the U.S. Library of Congress, The University of Montana; and

presented invited lectures at CUHK and at City University of Hong Kong (March 2003).

Project Director, Transnational Competence and Migrant Health in a Borderless World research project, Fulbright New

Century Scholar program (2001-2002).

Program Chair and Principal Organizer, International Symposium on The Outlook for China - USA Relations Following

the 1997-98 Summits: Chinese and U.S. Perspectives, 28-29 May 1998. Symposium themes: The Outlook for

Peace, Security, and Conflict Management; Organizational Linkages and Cultural Exchange in the 21st Century;

The Outlook for Trade, Investment, and the Exchange of Technology. Arranged in collaboration with the

Contemporary China Research Centre (City University of Hong Kong), the David C. Lam Institute for East-West

Studies (Hong Kong Baptist University), the Centre of Asian Studies and Board of American Studies (The

University of Hong Kong), the Faculty of Social Science and Department of Government and Public Administration

(The Chinese University of Hong Kong), The Hong Kong Transition Project, The Asia Society Hong Kong Center,

and The American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong. Keynote addresses by Harry Harding and Yang Jiemian.

Over 40 papers presented, including 25 by China Mainland scholars.

Consultant to the Consortium for International Development regarding a proposed Executive International Banking

and Finance Training Course based upon meetings in Beijing with officials of the All-China Chamber of

Commerce, November 1996.

Consulted with joint USAID/Higher Education Community Working Group on new relationships between USAID and

the higher-education community that will result in successful partnerships given budget constraints and the need

for continued development efforts around the world (March 1996).

Lead consultant for UNICEF, with Goran Hyden, on decentralization for social/health planning in Eritrea. Nov. 1995-

Jan. 1996. Assessed by the Ministry for Local Government as "one of the best consultancy services we have had."

Consultant on local government reform to Region 14 Administration (Addis Ababa Municipality), Ethiopia. June 1995 and

November 1995.

Project Director, Fulbright Group Projects Abroad, Curriculum-development Seminar. Arranged in-country orientation and

overseas program on Hong Kong and China’s reforms, group itinerary, and logistics for curriculum development/short-

term-seminar study tour by 12 Montana educators to Hong Kong and South China. Presented pre-trip orientation

sessions on "Hong Kong's Transition to 1997" and on "Japan's Relations with South China." Participants included faculty

in international business, educational leadership and counseling, instructional development, economics, drama/dance, and

political science along with primary- and secondary-school teachers and the social studies curriculum coordinator for the

state of Montana. March - December 1995.

Project Director and Program Chair, International Symposium on Refugees and Development Assistance: Training for

Voluntary Repatriation held on The University of Montana campus, 27-29 March 1994. Featured speakers included René

van Rooyen, U.S.A. Representative, U.N. High Commission for Refugees; Margaret McKelvey, Director, Office for Africa,

the Americas, and Asia, Bureau for Refugee Programs, U.S. Department of State; Hiram Ruiz, Policy Analyst, U.S.

Committee for Refugees; and Kazutoshi Iwanami, Managing Director, Institute for International Cooperation, Japan

International Cooperation Agency. Workshop sessions addressed regional approaches, involving women as full

participants in repatriation planning and training, re-entry and reintegration, and the relationship between development

assistance and refugee training. Participating organizations included United States Agency for International Development,

Association of Medical Doctors for Asia, Disaster Management Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison,

International Rescue Committee, Danish Refugee Council, Ethiopian Community Development Council, Guatemala

Partners, Kenyatta National Hospital, Save the Children, and the Life and Peace Institute (Uppsala).

Director, project to initiate academic linkages between The University of Montana and U.K. higher-education institutions

sponsored by USIS and the U.S. Embassy in London, July 1993-October 1994.

Invited consultant to the United States Commission on Immigration Reform (1993).

Short-term instructor, “Capacity Building for Public Administration: Development Planning,” for 38 top officials of the

Provisional Government of Eritrea; also consulted on university administration and faculty development with the President

of Asmara University (November 1992).

Short-term consultancies in Ethiopia and Eritrea: public administration undergraduate curriculum at Addis Ababa University

(AAU) and Asmara University; U.N. Economic Commission for Africa, Special Action Programs for Administration and

Management; Ethiopian Administration for Refugee/Returnee Affairs; Ministry of Planning and Economic Development and

Head of Public Works, Transitional Government of Ethiopia (urban policy, regional decentralization, management training);

Faculty of Business and Economics, AAU (professional development, status of public administration in Ethiopia,

establishment of separate department of public administration) - all November 1992.

Co-director, USAID University Development Linkage Project. Project designed to strengthen the capacity of The University

College of Belize to contribute to the sustainable development of Belize, particularly in natural-resource management

areas, and to enhance internationalization of The University of Montana campus, through faculty and staff exchanges,

training of UCB junior faculty, collaborative training courses, curriculum development, library acquisitions, student

internships and field courses. Administered combined grant and cost-share budget in excess of $1 million (1991-1996).

Co-director, Land-use Management Training Seminar for Botswana Ministry of Agriculture officials held at The University of

Montana (summer 1991). Project funded by the Academy for Educational Development.

Consultant on public-administration and political-science curriculum, staff professional development, in-service training, and

institutional organizational development, University of Namibia (August-September 1991).

Presented training seminar on Land Tenure Reform and Administration for 25 Ministry of Lands, Resettlement, and

Rehabilitation officials, Windhoek, Namibia (September 1991).

Co-director, U.S. Department of Education FIPSE project to develop and introduce a cross-disciplinary undergraduate

specialization in international natural-resource management within the School of Forestry at The University of Montana


Offered expert testimony telephonically in a political-asylum case before the Immigration Judge in Boston, January 1989.

Co-director, Montana Committee for the Humanities sponsored 12-day Symposium on "This Burning and Bleeding Land;

The Effects of Cultural Pluralism and Racial Separation in South Africa and North America" (1987).

Project Director, Rockefeller Foundation-sponsored research project on Third World Exiles in the United States. Supervised

ten professional field researchers and an extensive support staff (1984-85).

Invited expert, top-management seminar for state government commissioners, permanent secretaries, and house of

assembly members organized by the Imo State Government in collaboration with the Embassies of the U.S.A. and France.

Presented and led discussion groups on Relationships Between Political Executives and Careerists and The Fiscal

Process and Financial Management (1980).

Prepared course curriculum for and served as a trainer at a seminar on decision-making, budgeting, project formulation and

evaluation, and rural development conducted by the Institute of Administration for Niger State commissioners, permanent

secretaries, directors, and house of assembly leaders (1979).

Consultant to the Harvard Institute for International Development on a proposal for the provision of technical assistance

services to the National Agriculture and Rural Managers Training Institute of Nigeria (March 1979).

Project Manager and Team Coordinator for the Department of Research, Management, and Consultancy's federally funded

consultancy project on establishment of a unified system of administration for the new Federal Capital Territory of Nigeria

(Abuja). Duties included overall research direction and administrative responsibility for a team consisting of 10 senior staff

drawn from various disciplines and departments at A.B.U., 2 administrative and clerical assistants, and 5 drivers

during field work in the F.C.T.; final editorial responsibility for preparation of the group's report; and assisting the federally

appointed Task Force in its final deliberations. Principal subjects addressed in the study are: agricultural development

(including livestock), rural land tenure and use patterns, regional planning, local authority systems, resettlement policies,

provision and distribution of social services, political implications, and implementation strategy for establishing a new

administrative system for the F.C.T. (February - May 1979).

Consultant to the Lutheran Church in America on successive drafts of a policy statement on economic justice (1979-80).

Prepared review and assessment for the Military Administrator of Bauchi State of I.B.R.D. consultants' 3-volume feasibility

study for site-and-services and slum-upgrading projects (1979).

Member, Montana State Committee that drafted the Public Information Statement on Constitutional Amendment No. 6 (Con

Argument), 1978.

Consultant to the Montana Committee for the Humanities on the proposed Capon Springs 3 and 4 Public Policy

Conferences on Food, Population, Resource and Environmental Policy (1978).

Consultant on urban development and cooperatives in Ethiopia to urban sector staff of the World Bank (1977).

Consultant on local government administration, Ministry of Interior, Ethiopia (August, 1975).

Project Director, 4 federally funded state-wide community-service projects focused on Montana local government, 1973-76.

Consultant on local government modernization (Glendive County, 1973), county politics and administration (Flathead

County, 1974), charter writing (Ravalli County, 1974), local government review (Missoula County, 1976), city and county

reform proposals (Montana State Commission on Local Government, 1976).

Advisor to the Addis Ababa Municipality (1972).


Speaker introduction, Tracy Kidder, author of The University of Montana’s First –year Book, Mountains beyond Mountains, 9

September 2013.

Davidson Honors College First Year Convocation Keynote Address, University of Montana, 5 September 2013.

Panel Moderator. Panel on “The University of Montana Faces the Future: The Global Leadership Initiative.” 2013 Graduate Student

& Faculty Research Conference, University of Montana, 13 April 2013.

“Transnational Competence for a Multipolar, Interdependent, and Multilayered World.” Presented at Renmin University, Beijing, to

master’s and Ph.D. students at the School of International Studies, 4 January 2012.

Presentations on “Soft Power” (graduate students in History); “Transnational Competence for a Multipolar, Interdependent, and

Multilayered World” (master’s and Ph.D. students in International Relations); “Building Human Capabilities for 21st-Century

Challenges: Engineering, Business, Health, and Resource Management” (MPA students). Zhou Enlai School of Government,

Nankai University, Tianjin, China, 29-31 December 2011.

“Why Transnational Competence is Important for China.” Lecture presented to graduate students in business and intercultural

communication, Shanghai International Studies University’s Intercultural Institute, 28 December 2011.

Conducted workshops on management skills and transnational competence for undergraduate and graduate students at Shanghai

University of Political Science and Law (Department of International Affairs and Public Administration), 26-27 December 2011.

Conducted workshops on management skills, transnational competence, and local government for undergraduate and graduate

students at Fudan University (School of International Affairs and Public Administration), Shanghai, PRC, 20-21 December 2011.

“Transnationalism and Transnational Competence.” Public lecture at Addis Ababa University, 5 January 2011.

“3Ts for the 21ST Century: Transborder Migration, Transnational Empowerment, & Transformation of Professional Higher

Education.” Presented at the Third Meeting of the TRANS-Net Project, Meknes, Morocco, 5 June 2009.

“USA, China, and Climate Change.” Presentation to Security Council of the 2008 Montana Model UN High School

Conference, 24 November 2008.

“A Lost Asianist’s Journey in Africa.” International Education Week presentation, U Montana, 20 November 2008.

Guest presentation on “Chinese Perspectives on International Climate Policy & GHG Emissions Mitigation.” CCS295,

Climate Change: Science & Society. 23 October 2008.

Invited plenary address on “Transmigration, Transnational Competence, and Global Health.” 2nd Tampere Symposium on

Global Health Research, University of Tampere Medical School, 5 September 2008.

Co-facilitator, roundtable on “International Development and Campus Internationalization: The AIEA/NASULGC Initiative,”

25th Annual Conference of the Association of International Education Administrators, Washington, D.C., 19 February 2008.

Guest lecture on “Framing as a Communication Strategy for Mitigating and Adapting to Climatic Change,” Comm Studies

295 (International and Development Communication), 30 January 2008.

Invited presentation on “NASULGC’s International Research & Development Database” before the American Council on

Education’s Washington International Education Group, 5 December 2007.

“NASULGC’s International Research & Development Database Initiative.” Presented at NASULGC’s 120th Annual Meeting,

New York City, 12 November 2007.

Guest presentation on “Transnational Competence and the Global Skill Revolution,” Professor James N. Rosenau’s seminar

on Turbulence and World Politics, The George Washington University, 13 November 2007.

Participant in the 2007 Global Health Mini University sponsored by The George Washington University School of Public

Health and Health Services and USAID’s Bureau for Global Health, Washington, D.C., 5 October 2007.

Co-presented think-tank session on Interweaving Global Education and Indigenous Education: Exploring Innovative

Possibilities. Phi Delta Kappa International Summit on Global Education, Vancouver, 19 October 2007. With Phyllis Ngai.

Guest lecture on “Ethics and Climatic Stabilization: Why China Is So Important,” EVST 495, Ethical Implications of Climate

Change seminar, University of Montana, 21 March 2007.

Mansfield Center Brown Bag presentation on “China, the United States, and Climatic Change: Tackling the Consumption

Challenge.” University of Montana, 30 November 2006.

Invited presentation on “China, India, & the United States,” Great Decisions 2006 Forum, University Congregation Church,

Missoula, 27 April 2006.

Invited keynote address on “Global Health, Human Rights, and Transnational Competence” at Savonia University of Applied

Sciences and Health Professions’ International Day program, Kuopio, 6 April 2006.

Invited seminars on “Improving Transnational Health-care Interactions in Finland: Transnational-competence Education for

Physicians, Nurses, and Public-health Specialists” and on “Global Health and Human Rights,” Department of Public Health

and General Practice, University of Kuopio, 5 March 2006.

Guest lecture on “Preparing Transnationally Competent Health-services Personnel” for students of physiotherapy and

occupational health, Savonia University of Applied Sciences and Health Professions, Kuopio, 4 April 2006

Guest seminar on “Transnational Competence and Citizenship in an Era of Global Mobility” sponsored by the Department of

Education, University of Tampere, 30 March 2006.

Invited presentation on “Improving Transnational Health-care Encounters and Outcomes in Finland” sponsored by the TYKS

T-hospital and the Institute of Migration, Turku, 29 March 2006.

Invited seminar presentation on “Patient-health-care Outcomes Research: Contributions of and Challenges to the

Intersubjective-assessments Approach,” Health Services Research Programme, Academy of Finland, Helsinki, 28 March


Invited presentation on “Transnational Health-care Encounters in Finland: Implications of Research Findings for Ethnic

Relations” at the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Ethnic Relations and International Migration, Helsinki, 27

March 2006.

“Transnational Health-care Encounters in Finland: The Role of Transnational Competence.” Lectures presented at the

Department of Sociology, University of Helsinki (27 March 2006) and the Departments of Sociology & Social Policy,

University of Joensuu (3 April 2006).

Invited presentation on “Promoting Equity in Health: Transnational Competence and Migrant Health Care” sponsored by the

regional office of the International Organization for Migration and the Finnish Observatory on Discrimination, Helsinki, 27

March 2006.

Public presentation on “Migrant-friendly Health Care for Somalis in Finland” sponsored by the Finland-Somali Association

and the Family Federation, Helsinki, 26 March 2006.

Invited seminar presentation on “Emerging Interfaces of Local Politics and Global Climatic Change: Issue-bundling

Developments and Opportunities in China and the United States.” Universities Services Centre for China Studies, Chinese

University of Hong Kong, 23 November 2005.

Co-organizer and faculty participant, GEA/GSA mini-workshop for continuing medical education credit on “Moving Beyond

Cultural Competence: Transnational Competence in Undergraduate Medical Education” at the Association of American

Medical Colleges 2005 Annual Meeting on “Beyond Boundaries,” Washington, D.C., 8 November 2005.

Invited address on “Transnational Competence: What is it and Why is it Needed at Trillium?” at Trillium Health Centre’s 2005

Back-to-School Conference on Transforming the Health Care Experience, Toronto, 21 September 2005.

Invited participant, Campus Title VI workshop on Central Asia and China, July 2005.

Invited panel presentation on “Prospects for Carbon Sequestration in China Post 2012: Trickle Down or Bubble Up?” at the

2005 Plum Creek Symposium on “Kyoto, Forests, and Living Tree Markets: Science and Land Use Policies in Carbon

Sequestration,” Missoula, 14 April 2005.

Invited plenary address on “Improving Transnational Health-care Encounters and Outcomes: The Challenge of Enhanced

Transnational Competence for Migrants and Health Professionals” at the Hospitals in a Culturally Diverse Europe Final

Conference of the European Commission-sponsored project on Migrant-friendly Hospitals, Amsterdam, December 2004.

Invited seminar presentation on “Transnational Competence, Global Health, and Human Rights: Research and Vision.”

Faculties of Medicine, Law, and Arts & Social Sciences, University of New South Wales, Australia, 17 November 2004.

Presented plenary addresses on “Global Politics and Transnational Health-care Encounters” and on “The Transnational

Competence of Ethnoculturally Discordant Doctors, Nurses, and Patients” and led interactive small-group sessions on

“Transnational Health Determinants,” “Demonstrating Appreciation for Resilience in New and Unfamiliar Health-care

Encounters,” and “Building Transnational Interpersonal Relationships for Therapeutic Alliances” at the workshop on

Promoting Humanism in Undergraduate Medical Education through Transnational Competence held at Salmon Lake,

Montana (July 2004)

Invited moderator, panel on “Globalization and the Chinese Economy,” Mansfield Center Conference on The Complex Face

of Globalization in China, Missoula, 19 April 2004.

Invited capstone-seminar presentations to University of Montana community-health nursing students on “Multinational

Medical Encounters: The Challenge of Transnational Competence in Contemporary Nursing Care,” 8 December 2003 and

12 April 2004.

Invited community lecture sponsored by the United Nations Association of Montana on “The U.S., the U.N., and Iraq: The

Search for a Constructive Outcome,” 29 October 2003.

Invited presentation on “When the Global Meets the Local: Transnational Competence in the Contemporary Health-care

Encounter,” St. Patrick Hospital & Health Sciences Center’s Friday Medical Conference, 2 May 2003

Invited presentation on “The Transnational Health-care Encounter in an Era of Transmigration.” Department of Public &

Social Administration Public Seminar Series, City University of Hong Kong, 25 March 2003.

Invited presentation on “Global Resource Consumption/Conservation: USA, PRC, and TC.” University Services Centre

Seminar Series, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 18 March 2003.

Featured speaker, Second International Conference of Institutes and Libraries for Chinese Overseas Studies on

Transnational Networks: Challenges in Research and Documentation of the Chinese Overseas, 14 March 2003.

Discussant, papers (3) presented by scholars from Mexico, Uganda, and the United States at the final plenary session of

the inaugural Fulbright New Century Scholars, Airlie House, Virginia, 31 October - 5 November 2002.

Organizer and co-chair, roundtable on Post-Parsonianism in Comparative and International Politics: A Tribute to James R.

Scarritt, 43rd Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, New Orleans, 26 March 2002.

Organizer and chair, panel on China and WTO, Western Conference of the Association of Asian Studies, Missoula,

19 October 2001.

Invited presentation on “Middle Management in Shanghai: Cross-national Competence, Reformist Orientations, and

Employment Preferences among the `Open Door’ Generation,” Asian Studies Colloquium Series, University of Montana,

16 April 2001.

Invited presentation on “Along the U.S.-China Frontier: Chinese+Americans and Transnational Resource-Management

Projects,” Asian Studies Colloquium Series, University of Montana, 16 April 1999.

Invited presentation on “Bicultural Competence in an Interdependent World,” Faculty/Clergy luncheon program, 25 Oct 1998.

Co-organizer, panel on “Chinese Americans and U.S.-China Relations,” 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian

Studies, March 1999, Boston.

Invited panelist at the Credit Lyonnais Securities (Asia) Ltd. lunch panel discussion, Furama Hotel, Hong Kong. Spoke to

100 investment-fund managers and other Hong Kong business leaders on "The Outlook for U.S. - China Relations in the

21st Century." 29 June 1998.

Invited seminar presentation on "Reformist Orientations among Middle Management in Shanghai at the Dawn of the Next Century: New Wine in New & Old Skins?" Jointly sponsored by the University Service Centre and Department of

Government & Public Administration, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 17 April 1998.

Invited presentation on "Immigrants, Emigrants, Exiles, and Refugees: Migration and Bicultural Identity along the Global Frontier," Faculty of Social Science Luncheon Speaker Series, Chinese University of Hong Kong, January 1998.

Invited presentation on "The Outlook for China - USA Relations: Linkages Among the Grassroots," Fulbright Seminar Series, 1997-98, sponsored by the Hong Kong - America Center in cooperation with the David C. Lam Institute for East –

West Studies at Hong Kong Baptist University, December 1997.

Invited university-wide lectures on "Sino - American Relations Following the Return of Hong Kong to China" and on "The 1996 U.S. Election: Process, Outcomes, and Implications," Shanghai International Studies University, April 1997 and

November 1996.

Invited presentation on "City Management in Comparative Perspective," Fudan University, Shanghai, December 1996.

Invited participant, Higher Education and Global Development, National Policy Roundtable #3 (The Greying of Development Expertise: What’s Needed and How Will the Next Generation Get Trained?) co-sponsored by the

Association Liaison Office for University Cooperation in Development and the U.S. Agency for International

Development. Held at the National Center for Higher Education, Washington, D.C., June 1996.

Invited participant, conference on Philosophy, Politics, and Development in Africa: Assessing the 20th Century and Looking Forward, co-sponsored by the Institute of Global Cultural Studies at Binghamton University and Bucknell

University’s Department of Philosophy, June 1996.

Invited presentation on “Development Challenges in the Eritrean Lowlands” to the Consortium for International Development’s Council of Directors of International Programs, Reno, 14 March 1996.

Co-organizer and co-chair, self-organized session on “Current Status and Prospects for Development Cooperation,” Annual Meeting of the Association of International Education Administrators, Bandera, Texas, 1 March 1996.

Coordinator and chair, Rountable on "Foreign Aid and Africa: Assessments of Goran Hyden's Autonomous Development Fund Model," 38th Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association, Orlando, 5 November 1995.

Invited presentation on "A Vision for African Studies in the 21st Century: Process, Themes, and Context," African Studies

Center, University of Florida, Gainesville, 28 April 1995.

Presented on “Practical Programs for a Low Budget: University of Montana/University of Joensuu Staff Exchange,” AIEA annual meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, February 1995.

Featured speaker on “Linking International Education and Overseas Opportunities at The University of Montana to Campus

Ministry,” ARK appreciation dinner, Missoula, March 1995.

Panelist, “Innovative Ways ISEP Contributes to Campus Internationalization,” ISEP 15th Anniversary Conference, Washington,D.C.,November 1994.

Invited panelist, Roundtable on "Development Management in Africa in the 1990s." 36th Annual Meeting of the African

Studies Association, Boston, December 1993.

Invited issue-workshop group leader on "Marketing Linkages Outside the College/University." USAID's UDLP International Workshop, Arlington, Texas, November 1993.

Invited presentation on "Preparing Students for the 21st Century: An International Perspective" before the Hong Kong Student Services Association, 16 April 1993.

Invited presentation on "Decentralization for Sustainable Development: Constraints and Opportunities" at the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa Regional Conference on "Development Management in Africa: Thirty Years of

Experience, Emerging Challenges and Future Priorities," Addis Ababa, March 1993. Also served as panel rapporteur

and contributing author to the Strategic Agenda adopted on 12 March.

Panel organizer, chair, and introductory speaker, panel on "Global Environmental Studies" at the Association of International Education Administrators Annual Conference in Orlando, February 1993.

Invited lecturer on "Ethics and Accountability in African Public Administration," Addis Ababa University (November 1992).

Presentor, "Building International Connections" panel, Governor's Conference, Carroll College (April 1992).

Moderator, "Montana-China Dialogue" symposium for participants in the Fifth U.S.-China Dialogue sponsored by the National Committee on United States - China Relations, Missoula, June 1991.

Commentator, 1991 Mansfield Conference address by JICA President Kansuke Yanagiya on "Japan's New International Role in Aid and Development," May 1991.

Organized and chaired "Focus on Africa" panel at the annual meeting of the Association of International Education Administrators, New Orleans, February 1991.

Attended Workshop for Project Directors sponsored by the Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education in Washington, D.C., October 1989, 1990, 1991.

Led a workshop on "The Politics of Racism" at the "Standing Together: Understanding and Dealing with Racism" Seminar

sponsored by the Methodist Church's Division of Higher Education and Campus Ministry, Missoula (April 1989).

Invited lecturer on "Peace in Africa: Apartheid, Refugees, and the Future" at the "Peace in the 21st Century: Visions and Prospects" Conference, Carroll College (April 1989).

Attended the Colloque International Sur La Crise de l'Agriculture Africaine, Dakar, Senegal (December 1988).

Panel organizer, panels on "Management Training for Development: Lessons From Africa" (chair) and "From Ethiopia to the United States; Adjustment Issues" for the 1988 African Studies Association Meeting held in Chicago.

Chairer, panels on capital-city relocation and refugee formation, 30th Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association, Denver (1987).

Spoke on "Ethics of U.S. Immigration Policy" at the Immigration Law and Practice Clinic held at the UM Law School (June 1987).

Panel respondent, 1987 Maureen and Mike Mansfield lecture.

Lectured on "The Political Economy of Tourism in Africa" for the University of Montana's Mansfield course "Travel, Tourism,

and Culture" (1987).

Invited participant, Conference on "Refugees: Close the Door?" held at the University of Denver College of Law (1986).

Chair and discussant, International Studies Association Convention held in Washington, D.C., 1985. Panel on "Development: Problems of Implementation."

Panel discussion on "Ethiopians Outside Ethiopia" sponsored by the Ethiopian Community Mutual Assistance Association, New York City (1984). Spoke on "The Road to Integration and Community Building."

Quo Vadis Ethiopia II Conference, Washington, D.C. (1983). Panel moderator. Also spoke on "Current Research Challenges Facing Ethiopianists in the U.S.A."

Conference on Ethiopian Refugees in the U.S. held at the University of the District of Columbia (1983). Delivered invited address on "The Ethiopian Revolution and Its Aftermath; Implications for Refugee Outcomes."

Invited by U.S.I.A. to brief new Fulbrighters to Nigeria at an orientation conference held in Washington, D.C. (1983).

Visiting Scholar, Northwestern University, Program of African Studies (spring 1982). Presented seminar on "Field Research in Abuja."

Participant, Church - University Conference on World Hunger, Madison, Wisconsin (1981).

University of Montana Faculty Showcase Lecture: "Faculty Abroad: Opportunities, Challenges, and Responsibilities" (1981).

Participant, Fulbright scholar conference, Lagos (1980).

Command and Staff College, Jaji, Nigeria (1979 and 1980). Presented invited lectures on "The Role of the President, National Assembly, and Military Under the New Nigerian Constitution."

Fifth International Conference on Ethiopian Studies, Chicago (1978). Panel chairer.

Invited lecturer, University of Minnesota Symposium on the Horn of Africa (1978).

Participant, workshop on Collective Bargaining Procedures and Techniques in Colleges and Universities sponsored by the National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education, Baruch College, and the American

Arbitration Association, Los Angeles (1978).

Invited participant, first planning meeting for the Social Science Research Council's political economy of Africa project, Houston (1977).

Invited speaker, University of Windsor Symposium on Law and Development (1977).

Participant, Montana Conference on Food and Population (Billings, 1977).

Coordinator and chairer of 2 panels on "Political, Social, and Economic Change in Ethiopia: Rural/Urban Perspectives," 19th Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association, Boston, 1976.

Invited participant, Wingspread Conference on the Impact of the Revolution on Ethiopian Society (1976).

Lecturer, training course on financial administration sponsored by the Municipality and the Ethiopian Institute of Public Administration (1972).


University of Montana Undergraduate Student-Faculty Research Collaboration grant to support research project on maternal

and reproductive health needs of refugees in Dadaab camp, Kenya. With Kelsey McCall. Spring 2013. Award= $500.

University of Montana Global Leadership Institute inaugural grant to prepare and teach a “big question” freshman seminar

on Issues in Global Public Health. Fall 2011. Award = $9000.

University of Montana Undergraduate Student-Faculty Research Collaboration grant to support research on global public

health. With Kayla Hoggatt. Spring 2011. Award= $1,000.

University of Montana Undergraduate Student-Faculty Research Collaboration grant to support research on international

higher-education partnerships. With Marisa Griffith. 2010-2011 a/y. Award= $1,500.

Grant to prepare a new course on Sustainable Climate Policy: China and the USA. Project period: August-December 2008.

Source: University of Montana Provost’s Office. Award = $3000.

On-line course development grant for Sustainable Climate Policy: China and the USA. Project period: August-December

2008. Source: University of Montana Continuing Education Office. Award = $1500.

NASULGC Faculty Fellow (national competition). Project period: fall semester 2007. Award = $25,000.

University of Montana sabbatical award, 2007/2008 a/y (spring semester).

University of Montana Undergraduate Student-Faculty Research Collaboration grant to support research on health-care

policy, the U.S. Congress, and immigration. With Lindsay Erickson. 2007-2008 a/y. Award= $1,500.

David and Monica Paoli Faculty Development grant, Department of Political Science, University of Montana. Project period:

2007-2008. Award = $750.

University of Montana Undergraduate Student-Faculty Research Collaboration grant to support research on population,

health, and development. With Kathryn Stevenson. Spring 2007. Award= $1,000. Final paper (“A Comparative

Analysis of Declining Fertility Rates in India and Botswana”) nominated by University of Montana for the national Portz

award for papers written by honors students.

Visiting Scholar Faculty Development grant to bring Dr. Juha Uitto, Evaluation Advisor & Team Leader of United Nations’

Development Program’s Evaluation Office to the campus of The University of Montana (fall 2006). Award = $1,500.

University of Montana Undergraduate Student-Faculty Research Collaboration grant to support research on transnational

migration and human trafficking. With Russell Crutcher. 2006-2007 a/y. Award= $1,500.

University of Montana Undergraduate Student-Faculty Research Collaboration grant to support research on transnational

migration, citizenship, and political participation. With Delyla Wilson. 2005-2006 a/y. Award= $500.

(Co-author) Grant to offer an intensive workshop on “Promoting Humanism in Undergraduate Medical Education through

Transnational Competence” to faculty and administrators from four U.S. medical schools at Salmon Lake, Montana, in

July 2004. Funding agency: Arnold P. Gold Foundation. Award = $25,000.

University of Montana Undergraduate Student-Faculty Research Collaboration grant to support research on transnational

migration, health, and dual citizenship. With Mark Heller. 2004-2005 a/y. Award= $1,500.

University of Montana Undergraduate Student-Faculty Research Collaboration grant to support research on contemporary

issues of global public health. With Amanda Ng. 2003-2004 a/y. Award= $1,500.

University of Montana Undergraduate Student-Faculty Research Collaboration grant to support research on global

development issues. With David Patenaude. 2002-2003 a/y. Award= $1,500.

University of Montana Undergraduate Student-Faculty Research Collaboration grant to support research on 21st Century

global health issues. With Breanna Barger. 2001-2002 a/y. Award= $1,500.

Fulbright New Century Scholars award, inaugural Challenges to Health in a Borderless World program, to conduct research

in Finland on transnational competence and migrant health. Project period: October 2001-December 2002. Total award=


Mora and Tom Payne Faculty Development grant, Department of Political Science, University of Montana. Project period:

2000-2001. Award = $550.

University of Montana sabbatical award, 2000/2001 a/y.

(Author) Grants to support participation by Professor Harry Harding in the International Symposium on The Outlook for China - USA Relations Following the 1997-98 Summits, staff assistance, and book-manuscript preparation and

distribution. Funding agency: United States Information Agency/Service. Project period: May - October 1998. Total

awards = $22,750.

(Author) Grant to support participation by scholars from the Chinese mainland in the International Symposium on The Outlook for China - USA Relations Following the 1997-98 Summits. Funding agency: United Board for Christian

Higher Education in Asia. Project period: May 1998. Award = $8,000.

Fulbright Senior Scholar research/lecturing Award, Hong Kong - America Center, Chinese University of Hong Kong. 1997-98 a/y.

(Co-author) Grant to place four junior faculty (history and business) from Russia in visiting academic positions at The University of Montana during the 1996-76 a/y. Funding agency: U.S. Information Agency, Junior Faculty Development

Program. Project period: August 1996 - June 1997. Award = $19,928.

(Author) Grant to send 12 Montana educators to Hong Kong and South China to observe, study, and gather materials regarding economic, social, and political changes and educational reforms; to engage in curriculum development about

China upon their return; and to establish a China Resource Network for outreach to schools and businesses in Montana.

Funding agency: U.S. Department of Education, Center for International Education, Fulbright Group Projects Abroad

Program. Project period: March-December 1995. Award = $55,000.

(Principal author) Grant from U.N. FAO through the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Office of International Cooperation and Development to train two specialists from the PRC in advanced GIS and remote-sensing techniques at UM. Project

period: April 1995-September 1995. Award = $18,653.

Fulbright Senior Scholar award to serve as Director of the Hong Kong - America Center, Chinese University of Hong Kong,

1994-95. (Declined)

(Author) Grant to organize and implement an international symposium on "Refugees and Development Assistance: Training for Voluntary Repatriation." Funding agency: Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Project period:

October 1993-April 1994. Award = $30,600.

(Author) Grant to engage in bilateral exchanges and support joint programming and proposals with The London School of Economics and Political Science, develop ties with three other European universities, and involve academic

institutions in the Newly Independent States and the Pacific Rim. Funding agency: USIS, London Office. Project period:

October 1993-November 1994. Award = $10,000.

(Author) Grant to fund travel to United Kingdom universities during the summer of 1993 by UM officials to arrange linkages

with British universities. Funding agency: USIS, London Office. Project period: July 1993-September 1993. Award =


(Co-author) Grant to plan and deliver a Mid-Winter Seminar program in Missoula on "The Tools of Change: Strategies Used to Foster Sustainable Development" for 11 USAID-sponsored students from developing countries. Funding

agency: National Council for International Visitors. Project period: August-December 1993. Award = $7,767.

(Co-author) Grant to support Chinese language and culture offerings at The University of Montana and to augment the Mansfield Library's collection on Chinese culture. Funding source: Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange. Project period: July 1992-June 1995. Award = $120,000.

(Co-author) Grant to bring a Fulbright scholar-in-residence in Sociology/Anthropology from The University of Stockholm to The University of Montana during spring term 1992. Funding agency: U.S.-Sweden Binational Fulbright Commission.

(Co-author) Grant to strengthen the development capacity of The University College of Belize and to enhance international activity at The University of Montana through a long-term partnership arrangement, particularly in natural-

resource management. One of 13 grants awarded in the first year of competition. Funding source: U.S. Agency for

International Development, University Development Linkages Project. Project period: October 1991-September 1996.

Award = $500,000.

(Co-author) Grant to develop and introduce an innovative, cross-disciplinary undergraduate specialization in international natural-resource management within the School of Forestry at The University of Montana. One of 75 grants awarded out of 1900 proposals. Funding Source: U.S. Department of Education, Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary

Education. Project period: January 1990 - December 1993. Award = $283,332.

(Co-author) Grant to support the exchange of faculty and students between two Montana universities and two Kumamoto Prefecture universities through the Mansfield Center. Funding source: Japan-United States Friendship Commission. Project period: August 1989 - August 1991. Award = $40,000.

(Contributing Author) Grant to bring a Professor of Urban and Regional Planning from Nigeria to UM for a week of programs

in spring 1989. Funding source: University of Montana Faculty Development Committee. Award= $960.

(Author) "Understanding the Third World: Political and Economic Issues." Funding source: University of Montana Summer

Programs, special course for summer 1988. Award = $950.

(Co-author and project director) Grant to conduct a series of public forums in Missoula in conjunction with the Drama/Dance Department's performance of "`Master Harold'... and the Boys." The programs addressed the theme "This

Burning and Bleeding Land: The Effects of Cultural Pluralism and Racial Separation in South Africa and North America."

Funding source: Montana Committee for the Humanities. Award = $7,000 (includes a $500 planning grant). Project

period: December 1986 - May 1987.

(Contributing author) Grant to bring a visiting scholar from the University of Madras to the University of Montana. Funding

source: University of Montana Faculty Development program. Award = $1,000. Project period: Fall 1987.

Indo-American Fellowship Program, Research Fellowship at Osmania University, Hyderabad, India (1985). (Declined)

(Author) Grant to develop a new general-education course "Introduction to Third World Studies." Funding agency: University of Montana. Award = $1,000. Summer 1984.

(Co-author and project director) Grant to conduct research on determinant factors in post-revolution exile migration to the United States. Funding agency: The Rockefeller Foundation. Total grant award = $33,235 (plus $19,742 in

University of Montana cost sharing). Project period: March 1984-December 1985.

(Co-author and project director) Grant to establish a faculty-exchange program with the University of Calabar (Nigeria). Funding agency: United States Information Agency. Total grant award = $50,000. Project period: September 1983- August 1986. Proposal ranked first or second by both external and internal review panels.

(Co-author) Grant to bring a Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence from Africa to the University of Montana during the 1984-85 academic year. Funding agency: United States Information Agency.

University of Montana sabbatical award, 1981-82 a/y.

(Co-author with the Head, Department of Research, Management, and Consultancy) of a budget proposal for federal government funding of a new National Center for Local Government Training at Ahmadu Bello University. In April 1979,

the Federal Military Government awarded the Department a grant of 1 million naira (U.S. $1.8 million) for training senior

local government staff from 8 northern states (128 local governments) during the 1979-80 academic year.

(Author) Grant to conduct field research on the impact of contemporary political change on urban development in the northern states of Nigeria. Research on the effects of the 1976 local government reforms, the 1978 land use decree, and the return to party politics in 1979 on the political economy of urban development in Kano, Kaduna, and Bauchi, with

particular focus on patterns of urban land allocation, acquisition, and use. Funding agency: Joint Committee on African

Studies of the American Council of Learned Societies and the Social Science Research Council. Total grant award =

$4,500. Project period: June 1979 - July 1980.

Fulbright Lecturing Award, Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria. 1979-1980 academic year.

(Co-author) Grant to introduce an International Environmental Studies Program at the University of Montana. Funding agency: U.S. Office of Education, Undergraduate and Graduate International Studies Program. Total grant award = $38,000. Project period: July 1979 - June 1981.

(Author) Grant to conduct preparatory research and study in the United States on the political economy of contemporary urban development in the northern states of Nigeria. Funding agency: University of Montana Research Grant and Fellowship Program. Total award = $2,272. Project period: July - September, 1978.

(Co-author) Grant to conduct public forums in Helena and Billings on "rural-urban understanding." Topics of discussion included migration, and energy availability and usage. Funding agency: Montana Committee for the Humanities. Total program costs = $15,028. Project period: March-May, 1977.

(Contributing author) Grant to assist development of an inter-university program for the professional training of current and future public-sector administrators leading to award of the Masters of Public Administration degree. Funding agency:

U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education, Title IX. Grant award = $32,900. Project

period: September 1976 - August 1977.

(Author and Principal Investigator) Grant to study the role of urban cooperatives in socialist Ethiopia. Funding agency: Joint Committee on African Studies of the American Council of Learned Societies and the Social Science Research

Council. Total grant award = $6,500. (Declined due to changed political conditions in Ethiopia).

(Co-author) Grant to author manuals and conduct workshops for local study commissions on report writing, public information and involvement, and transition to new forms of local government. Funding agency: Community Service

Programs, Title I of the Higher Education Act of 1965. Total program costs = $31,398. Project period: March 1976 –

June 1977.

(Author and Principal Investigator) Grant to conduct field research in Ethiopia on the transition from monarchy to military regime. Funding agency: University of Montana Research Grant and Fellowship Program. Total grant award = $2,000.

Project period: July - December, 1975.

(Co-author) Grant to conduct an interdisciplinary academic symposium on local government, author an instructional text on local government for Montana high school social-studies classes, compile and publish a public record of

Montana's review experience in case-study communities, and evaluate public official in-service training needs and

programs in the state of Montana. Funding agency: Community Service Programs, Title I of the Higher Education Act of

1965. Total program costs = $28,242. Project period: July 1975 - May 1976.

(Co-author) Grant to plan, organize, and conduct eleven state-wide workshops for local government officials and local study commission candidates. Funding agency: Community Services Programs, Title I of the Higher Education Act of

1965. Total program costs = $25,644. Project period: July 1974 - June 1975.

(Co-author) Grant to plan, organize, and conduct a citizen forum series in eight Montana cities. These forums brought together state and local officials, academic humanists, and interested citizens. Funding agency: Montana Committee for

the Humanities, through a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Total program costs = $25,895.

Project period: June - October 1974.

(Co-author) Grant to write and publish citizen guides, assist local government review commissions, and prepare case studies of Montana local government. Funding agency: Community Service Programs, Title I of the Higher Education Act

of 1965. Total program costs = $43,492. Project period: 1974 - April 1976.

(Author) Grant to conduct research, present recommendations to the Montana legislature, and publish a handbook of forms of local government. Funding agency: Community Service Programs, Title I of the Higher Education Act of 1965.

Total program costs = $37,763. Project period: July 1973 - June 1975.


“Back to the Future in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Reflections on Higher Education & Urban Development Based on Our

2010/2011 Teaching Experience at Addis Ababa University.” International Development Studies Seminar Series kickoff

presentation with Phyllis B. Ngai. Co-sponsored by International Programs and Pi Sigma Alpha. 9 February 2011.

“Tips for Arranging Internships and Finding Jobs in International Development.” Presented at the Landscape of International

Development Employment and Internship Opportunities Panel, 21 April 2010, University of Montana.

Member, Scientific Expert Board, E.U. framework research project on “Transnationalisation and Migration: Transnational

Participation, Commitment and Competence of Transnational Migrants” (TRANS-Net) project awarded under the EU’s

7th Framework Convention Programme, 2008-2011. Other members of the Scientific Expert Board are Steven Vertovec (U

Oxford), Rainer Baubock (European University Institute), Devorah Kalekin-Fishman (U Haifa), and Annika Forsander (U


Member, Academic Advisory Board, “Emergence of Transnational Professional Spaces in Health Care Work

(TRANSSPACE).” University of Tampere. 2008-

Member, Academic Advisory Board for McGraw Hill’s Annual Editions: Comparative Politics. 2008-present.

Member, Scientific Committee, Centre of Migration, Transnationalism, and Development (DeMi), University of Tampere,

2008-present. Other members of the Scientific Committee are Thomas Faist (U Bielefeld), Holger Daun (U Stockholm),

Arnaldo Pellini (Overseas Development Institute), Tuomas Takala (U Tampere), and Pirkko Pitkanen (U Tampere).

At the invitation of the Associate Dean, submitted external assessment of the proposal to establish a new major in Global

Resource Systems at Iowa State University’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (December 2007).

KUFM interview on transnational competence and global health (26 November 2006). programs/2006-11-26

Click on “Collegium Medicum.”

KUFM news interview regarding global climate change: nongovernmental initiatives in China and the United States (15

September 2006)

Invited assessor, proposal to launch Climate Change Letters, a new peer-reviewed journal (September 2006).

Discussant, film showing of The Battle of Algiers, University of Montana, 17 April 2006.

Two-part interview on “Transnational Competence and Medical Care.” Dr. Herbert Swick’s “Collegium Medicum” KUFM-

radio show (May 2003).

KUFM news interview on the role of Chinese Americans in U.S.-China relations, 29 November 2002.

Presented the Fulbright New Century Scholars’ consensus Recommendations for Sustaining and Expanding the New

Century Scholar Effort at a gathering of about 100 international and U.S. policy makers held at the Pan American Health

Organization in Washington, D.C., 6 November 2002.

Press conference on cross-national competence and migrant health in a borderless world, Joensuu, Finland, 6

June 2002.

Live CNBC (Asia) news interview regarding the Clinton-Jiang China Summit by CoCo Quesumbing, anchor for the

"Breakfast Briefing" show (29 June 1998).

Member, 1998 Scholarship Selection Committee, American Express International Japan/Pacific/Asia/Australia Region Higher-education Scholarship Program (March 1998).

External assessor for the President's Advisory Committee on Research & Development, The Open University of Hong Kong. Proposal on "A Comparative Study of the Administrative Style, Educational Processes, and Outcomes of Selected

Asian Open Universities" (February 1998).

Coordinator, Hong Kong-America Center Seminar Series on National and Transnational Population Movements: Social and

Policy Tensions in China and the SAR (January – May 1998).

Organizer and Program Chair, international symposium on The Outlook for China – USA Relations Following the 1997-1998

Summits: Chinese and U.S. Perspectives, Hong Kong (January – June 1998).

Elected Trustee Member of the Executive Committee, Consortium for International Development (1996-97).

Represented President George Dennison and The University of Montana at Hangzhou University's Centennial Celebration (May 1997)

Invited commentator on new directions for USAID's partnership with U.S. universities (February 1996).

Organizer and Program Chair, international symposium on Refugees and Development Assistance: Training for Voluntary

Repatriation, University of Montana (1994)

Represented U of Mt on U.S. Senator Max Baucus’ trade mission to Hong Kong, Singapore, and Malaysia (1993).

Coordinator, U of Mt faculty lecture series on "Hunger in the World: Sources and Alternative Responses," 1976.

Steering Committee Member, Global Consciousness for Montanans Project (1975-76).

University of Montana Representative at the National University Conference on Hunger, Austin, Texas, November 1975.

Elected Democratic precinct committeeman, 1976-78.

Elected Frank Church delegate to the 1976 Montana State Democratic Party Convention.

Teaching associate with full responsibility for a course on U.S. Government, University of Colorado (1968/69).

Summer intern, Policy and Review Section, Procurement Division, NASA Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, Texas, 1967.

Contracts Assistant, Program Control and Contracts Directorate, NASA Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, Texas, June –

August 1968. Analyzed eleven major Apollo contracts and evaluated the effectiveness of their cost, technical quality, and

schedule incentive provisions.

Founding member, Task Force on Africa, International Student Exchange Program (1994-1997). Explored linkages at Addis Ababa University (Ethiopia), Egerton University (Kenya), and University of Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) on behalf of

ISEP (1995).

Elected Vice Chair/Chair, Council of Directors of International Programs, Consortium for International Development (1993- 95).

Invited panelist, Panel of Experts on Nigeria, Professor Richard Vengroff's study of decentralization in Africa (1993).

Invited expert respondent, Stanford University study of bureaucracy in Nigeria conducted by professors Peter Evans and

Peter Lewis, December 1995.

Participant, expert survey of Africanists regarding. ethnicity, ethnic conflict, and democratization in Nigeria, University of

South Carolina, May 1999.

Past Member: Scientific Committee, Institut de Formation Continue de Management du Dévelopment à Saint-Louis, Senegal;

Centre for Refugee Studies, York University, Ontario, Canada; International Board of Advisors, Centre for African Settlement

& Development, Ibadan, Nigeria; Advisory Body, Center for Ethiopian Studies & Research, Arlington, Virginia.

Elected at-large member, Executive Committee, Association of International Education Administrators (AIEA), 1992-1995.

Member, AIEA Nominating Committee (1993); AIEA National Conference Planning Committee (1994); AIEA Task Force on Professionalism (1994-95). Founding member, Committee on Cultural and Ethnic Diversity of the Association of

International Education Administrators (1991-1994).

Member, Editorial Board, International Education Forum, a publication of the AIEA (1990-1997).

Member, Editorial Board, Nigerian Journal of Public Affairs (1989-1995).

Member, Board of Editorial Advisors, East Asia: An International Quarterly (since 2003).

Member, Editorial Board, Public Organization Review (2007-2009; 2012- ).

Member, Editorial Board, International Journal of Public Administration (2013- ).

Manuscript reviewer: Western Political Quarterly (1973, 1983); Journal of Developing Areas (1977, 1979, 1981, 1987,

1998); African Studies Review (1977, 1978, 1979, 1981, 1985, 1995, 1995); Nigerian Journal of Public Affairs (1979,

1981); Savanna (1980); Canadian Journal of African Studies (1983, 1987, 1987, 1988, 1989); Rural Africana (1984,

1984); African Urban Quarterly (1984, 1984, 1984, 1985, 1986); Comparative Political Studies (1985); Issues in

Development (1986); Africa Today (special issue, 1986); Studies in Comparative International Development (1990);

International Education Forum (1990, 1990, 1991, 1991, 1991, 1993, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1995); Comparative Politics

(1991, 1991, 1996, 2005, 2010, 2011, 2011); Public Administration Review (1991, 1993, 1993); Southeastern Political

Review (1991, 1993, 1999); Nationalism and Ethnic Politics (2001); International Studies Perspectives (2001); Thunderbird

International Business Review (2004); International Review of Administrative Sciences (2005); Management Communication

Quarterly (2005); Canadian Medical Association Journal (2006; 2011); International Migration Studies (2006); Medical

Teacher (2006); International Journal of Sustainable Transportation (2006); Migration Information Source (2007); Journal of

Health Care for the Poor and Underserved (2007, 2013); Journal of the World Universities Forum (2008); East Asia (2008,

2009, 2010, 2011, 2012); Environment & Planning C (2009); Journal of Public Health Policy (2009); Journal of Studies in

International Education (2009, 2010); International Journal of Education and Development (2010); Public Organization

Review (2011, 2012); Professional Geographer (2011); Medical Anthropology (2012, 2012); British Journal of Applied

Science & Technology (2013); Higher Education Research & Development (2013).

Book manuscript reviewer: DC Heath & Company's Public Administration in the United States text (1986 and again in

1987); Dorsey Press, book on Third World development and underdevelopment (1987); Westview Press, book on

Development in Theory and Practice: A Comparative Perspective (1987); Zed Books, volume on the Tigrayan Revolution

in Ethiopia (1995); Westview Press, manuscript on local government in southern Africa (1995); State University of New York

Press, manuscript on political ideology and social change in South Africa (2001); University of Arizona Press, manuscript on

Iranian women migrants in the USA (2003); CQ Press’ text on The Politics of Governing: A Comparative Introduction (2006);

Michael Sodaro’s Comparative Politics (2008); Routledge The Basics series text on Global Migration (2011); McGraw Hill’s

text on Comparative Politics: A Global Introduction, 4/e (2012).

Proposal reviewer: National Science Foundation, Political Science Program (1983, 1984); National Endowment for the Humanities fellowship program (1995); Rockefeller Foundation, Bellagio Study and Conference Center Program (1983); John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation fellowship program (1987 and 1993); Woodrow Wilson Center fellows

program (2004); University of British Columbia MITACS Accelerated Internship Program (Ph.D. health match, 2010).

Academic Member, APLU Review Team to select an implementing entity, $3.8 Million Borlaug Higher Education Agricultural

Research & Development (BHEARD) program (2012).

Peer reviewer, Public Administration sector peer-review committee, Higher Education for Development (HED)’s Development

Specialists Program for short-term assignments with USAID, 2006.

Expert member, Public Administration & Political Science Peer Review Committee, Fulbright Senior Specialists Program

(2007-2008). Participated in four peer-review cycles.

Peer reviewer, Higher Education for Development (HED)’s Institutional Collaborative Partnership Program for Ethiopia, Post-

graduate Education in Disaster Risk Reduction & Sustainable Development, 2007.

Peer reviewer, Higher Education for Development (HED)’s Institutional Collaborative Partnership Program for Senegal,

Governance Education (curriculum and teacher/government-official training) in Middle Schools, 2007.

Panel reviewer, U.S. Department of Education, FIPSE’s European Union-United States Atlantis Program (April 2008).

Panel reviewer, 14 proposals, U.S. Department of Education Title VIA Undergraduate International Studies and Foreign

Language (UISFL) program (January 2004).

Peer reviewer, 18 proposals, Association Liaison Office for University Cooperation in Development, American Council

on Education, International Partnerships for International Development program under a cooperative agreement with the

U.S. Agency for International Development, May 1999; and in April 2000 (19 proposals).

Concept paper reviewer: "Governance Working Paper" by Robert Charlick, Associates in Rural Development, for U.S. AID's Africa Bureau, May 1992.

Technical proposal reviewer (3) for the National Research Council, U.S. AID's University Development Linkages Program1992.

External “promotion to professor” reviewer, Durham University, UK, School of Government and International Affairs (2012).

External “accelerated internship” proposal reviewer. University of British Columbia Ph.D. candidate, on nurse recruitment and

migration (2010).

External tenure reviewer, faculty at Montana State University, Hobart College, American University, Colorado School of Mines,

University of Wyoming. External reviewer, promotion to associate professor, Pacific Lutheran University.

External examiner, Ph.D. defence, African politics, Simon Fraser University, September 1994.

External Committee member, Ph.D. in Nursing, University of Kuopio (2005-2009).


Office of the Vice President for Student Affair’s faculty recognition award for support of University of Montana students

through its activities and programs (2005; 2007; 2010).

Program Director and Advisor, Global Public Health (GPH) minor program (2012-2015).

Program Director and Advisor, International Development Studies (IDS) minor program (2005-2013). In 2011, the Peace Corps

designated the IDS program as the first “Peace Corps Prep” program at a U.S. public university.

Directed Political Science Department’s administrative-internship program (1974-76).

Faculty adviser, Environmental Studies Graduate Program; International Development Track, MPA program (2008- ).

Selected committee service: Campus Teaching Improvement (1974-77); University Research Grants (1975-77);

Improvement and Coordination of Social Science Research (Head, 1977); Foreign Students Advisory Committee (Chair,

1980-81); Departmental M.P.A. Committee (Chair, 1982-84); Departmental Faculty Evaluation Committee (Chair, 1990,

2002, 2009); Graduate Council (1982-85); International Committee (1983-85, (Chair) 1987-1996); Asian Studies Committee

(1984-1996); Scholarship Planning Task Force (1992-93); Canadian Studies Task Force (1993-96); Study Abroad

Committee (1992-96); Central Europe and Newly Independent States Planning Committee (1993-95); Incentive Award

Committee (2001-2002); International Development Studies curriculum (undergraduate minor)-planning group (2001-2005),

Provost’s Health Science and Human Service Planning Cluster (2002-2003); President George Dennison’s Task Force on

China Initiative (2003-2004); Masters of Public Health (MPH) program-planning committee (2003-2005); MPH Faculty

Planning and Oversight Committee (2005-2006) and Subcommittees on the Culminating Experience and Practicum (2005)

and on Program Promotion (2005); Steering Committee for the Certificate and Masters Degree programs in Public Health

(2008/2009-2013); Sabbatical Assignment Committee (2004-2006); College of Arts & Sciences Research & Creative

Activity Committee (2007); Faculty Senate (2009/2010); Provost’s Task Force to Design a Global Climate Change

Curriculum (2007-2008; Chair, society subcommittee, spring 2008); Climate Change Studies minor program (Strategic

Planning Committee (2009/2010 – present); International Strategic Planning Committee’s Task Force on Existing

Undergraduate minor programs (2009); Steering Committee, International Development Studies minor (2004-present);

Chair, faculty-initiated planning committee that proposed an undergraduate minor in Global Public Health (2010-2011).

University Teachers Union: Executive Board (1977-78, 1980-81, 1982-86), Legislative Representative (1980-81, 1982-84),

President (1984-85), Bargaining Team (1986-87).



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