Karin B - | You Only Have One Life, Dive It Well!

Karin B. Sinniger

No. 165 Dac Doi Street

Luanda, Angola

Tel. +244-912-704-204 (Mobile)


|Education: |International schools in Malaysia, the Philippines, Japan, as well as a leading |

| |English public school (Millfield). |

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| |Oxford University, B.A. (Hon.), Jurisprudence 1987, M.A. 1990; National Law Center, |

| |George Washington University, LLM, 1990. |

|Nationalities: |Swiss (parentage); Hongkong-British (birth); USA (naturalization). |

|Languages: |English (mother tongue); Fluent in French & German. Conversant in Spanish and |

| |Portuguese. |

|Date of Birth: |August 25, 1964. |

|Diving Qualifications: |Professional: Assistant Instructor (1995); Divemaster (1994). |

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| |Recreational: PADI: Seahorse Diver (2012); Dubai Mall Aquarium Diver (2011); Shark |

| |Diver (2008); National Geographic Diver (2007); Whale Shark Diver (2003); Underwater |

| |Archaeology (2002); Ice Diver (1995); Rescue Diver (1994); Equipment Specialist |

| |(1994); Deep Diver (1992); Underwater Photographer (1992); Wreck Diver (1992); Boat |

| |Diver (1992); Night Diver (1992); Advanced Openwater (1992); Openwater (1992). |

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| |Technical: Nautical Archaeology Society: Hard Hat and Surface Supplied Air (2002); |

| |TDI: Introduction to Cave Diver (2001). IANTD: Introduction to Trimix (2003); |

| |Technical Nitrox Diver (1997); Advanced Deep Air (1997); Nitrox Wreck Diver (1997); |

| |Advanced Nitrox Diver (1995); Nitrox Diver (1995). |

|Medical/Public Safety: |Royal Geographical Society: Wilderness Medical Training (2003). DAN: First Aid for |

| |Hazardous Marine Life Injuries (2003); Oxygen Provider (1994). PADI: Emergency First |

| |Response (2004); Marine Life Injuries (2003); Medic First Aid (2001). Lifeguard |

| |Systems: Public Safety Diver Workshop (8 hours, 2002); Field Neurological Evaluation &|

| |Dive Accident Management Program (2001); Drowning Homicide Investigator (2001). |

|Archaeological Studies: |Nautical Archaeology Society’s Advanced Certificate of Foreshore and Underwater |

| |Archaeology (November 2005). Completed modules in conservation; submarine archaeology;|

| |excavation using air lifts and water dredges; surveying; photographing, drawing and |

| |recording artifacts; using GIS and GPS; conservation and concretion opening; flint |

| |knapping; ancient rope making and smelting; ancient woodworking; archaeological |

| |sciences (environmental archaeology; archaeometry; zooarchaeology; archaeobotany; |

| |excavating human remains); submarine archaeology. |

| | |

| |Maritime Archaeological and Historical Society's Underwater Archaeology Certificate |

| |(July 2002); PADI Introduction to Underwater Archaeology (October 2002); Archaeology |

| |for Amateurs: the Mysteries of Crete: online course taught by Oxford University |

| |professors for alumni (October-December 2002). |

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|Archaeological Field |11/2004 - Excavation of HMS Swift in Patagonia, Argentina with Nautical Archaeology |

|Experience & Studies: |Society (November 2004). |

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| |10/2004 – IKUWA 2 Underwater Archaeology Post Graduate Course, Biel and Zurich, |

| |Switzerland and Lake Constance, Germany (October 2004). |

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| |7/2003 - National Marine Sanctuary, Key Largo, Florida: Team taught a marine |

| |archaeology field school run by the Maritime Historical and Archaeological Society |

| |while surveying an unknown wreck on French Reef. |

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| |6/2003 - Roebuck Bay, Broome, Western Australia: Underwater archaeological survey of |

| |flying boats sunk during Japanese attack during WW II with PhD candidate in marine |

| |archeology from the Northern Territories University. |

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| |10/2002 - Mojave Desert, California: Aviation Archaeology Field School and |

| |archaeological survey investigating 1948 crash of YB-49 for Bureau of Land Management |

| |with The International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery. |

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| |8/2002 - Lake Michigan, Chicago, Illinois: underwater surveying of early 20th century |

| |unidentified wreck with Underwater Archaeological Society of Chicago. |

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| |6/2002 - Chesapeake Bay, Maryland: underwater surveying of 19th century |

| |unidentified wreck with Maritime Archaeological and Historical Society. |

|Dive Expeditions: |Submersible dive expedition to RMS Titanic, Atlantic Ocean (July 2012) |

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| |Madagascar Blue Ventures Coral Reef Diving Expedition (August 2005) |

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| |Chagos Islands, British Indian Ocean Territory, Nature and Conservation Expedition |

| |(April 2005) |

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| |Mad Dog's Expeditions diving the Bianca C in Grenada (Nov. 2001); Bikini Atoll wrecks|

| |(April 1997); WWI wrecks in Scapa Flow, Scotland (1995) |

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| |Bahamas Caves Research Foundation Cave Diving Expedition, Andros Islands, Bahamas |

| |(August 2001). |

|Dive Destinations: |Cold Water: Kaliningrad, Russia; Lake Issy-kul, Kyrgystan; Versasca Valley, |

| |Switzerland; (altitude diving); New Hampshire (ice diving); Iceland; Faroe Islands; |

| |Aland Islands; Latvia; Estonia; Lithuania; Finland; Kaliningrad (Russia); Germany; |

| |Netherlands; France; Monacao; Spain; Gibraltar; Malta; Portugal; Madeira; Azores; |

| |Northern Cyprus; Scapa Flow, Scotland; England; Jersey; Guernsey; New Zealand; |

| |Capetown, South Africa; Patagonia; Argentina; USA (New York; New Jersey; North |

| |Carolina; Lake Michigan); Canada (Lake Ontario & St. John, Newfoundland); UK; Channel |

| |Islands. |

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| |Warm Water: Comores; Mayotte; Ghana; Ivory Coat; Benin; Cameroon; Chad; Reunion; |

| |Sierra Leone; Madagascar; Egypt; Sudan; Kenya; Tanzania; Zanzibar; Zambia; Burundi; |

| |Democratic Republic of Congo; Angola; Botswana; Malawi; Gabon; Cameroon; Chad; |

| |Namibia; Mozambique; Sierra Leone; South Africa; Sao Tome & Principe; Cape Verde; |

| |Turkey; Reunion; Chagos Islands, British Indian Ocean Territory; Oman; Yemen; UAE; |

| |Saudi Arabia; Kuwait; Iran; Qatar; Bali; Sulawesi; Guam; Northern Marianas (Saipan; |

| |Tinian; Rota); Kalimantan; Bali; Sulawesi; Philippines; Hong Kong; Singapore; |

| |Malaysia; Truk Lagoon; Bikini; Palau; Maldives; Fiji; Australia; Solomon Islands; |

| |Vanuatu; Marshall Islands; Micronesia; Papua New Guinea; French Polynesia; Marquesas |

| |Islands; Pitcairn Island; Nicaragua; Costa Rica; Easter Island, Chile; Bonaire; Cayman|

| |Islands; Bahamas; Bermuda; Aruba; Bonaire; Curacao; Grenada; Mexico; Belize; El |

| |Salvador; Dominican Republic; El Salvador; Guatemala; Panama; Nicaragua; Haiti; |

| |Cayman Islands; Jamaica; St. Maarten; St. Martin; St. Bartholomew; Anguilla; St. |

| |Eustatius; Grenada; Barbados; St. Vincent & Grenadines; Trinidad & Tobago; Saba; St. |

| |Kitts; Bonaire; Aura; Curacao; Venezuela; Hawaii and Florida. |

|Memberships: |Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society; Society for Historical Archaeology (UNESCO |

| |Committee); Underwater Archaeological Society of Chicago (Executive Committee); |

| |Archaeological Institute of America; World Archaeological Congress; Nautical |

| |Archaeological Society; Maritime Archaeology and Historical Society; Franck Goddio |

| |Society; The International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery; Chagos Conservation |

| |Trust; Professional Association of Diving Instructors; Divers Alert Network; |

| |Travelers’ Century Club (visited 185 countries); Cicumnavigator’s Club. |

|Pro Bono: |Legal advisor to Blue Ventures (an award-winning UK based charity specializing in |

| |Madagascar reef ecology) and UK Chagos Support Organization. |

|Publications: |Bradt Guide to Madagascar (2007) dive section; Excavating a Pirate Ship: Lessons From |

| |the Queen Anne's Revenge 2005); Funding Your Dive Expedition (Immersed, Fall/Winter |

| |2004); Profile on Jeremy Green, Underwater Archaeologist (Immersed, Fall 2003) The |

| |Truth About Flipper: The Secret Lives of the Monkey Mia Dolphins (Asian Diver, Aug. |

| |2003); Scientific Study of an Unknown Wreck on French Reef, Florida Keys National |

| |Marine Sanctuary submitted as part of Maritime Archaeological and Historical Society’s|

| |Report to Lieutenant Commander David Score, NOAA (July 2003); frequent contributor to |

| |Circumnavigator Club, Nautical Archaeological Society and Maritime Archaeological and |

| |Historical Society newsletters; numerous articles for legal publications. |

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| |One of Trip Advisor travel website’s top reviewers |

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|Travel Reviews: | |

|Speaking Engagements: |Traveler’s Century Club, Dublin, Ireland (April 18, 2009) |

| |Underwater Archaeological Society of Chicago, Illinois (March 2004) |

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| |Cameroon Antenne 1 TV (October 2011); L’Union de Gabon (March 17, 2010); Novo Jornal |

| |de Angola (February 28, 2009); Russian TV and Kaliningrad Newspaper (April 2008) |

|Media Appearances: | |

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|Photographic Credits: |April 2011 Winner in Animal Category and Runner Up in Landscape Category in French |

| |Austral and Antarctic Administration’s Photo Competition. |

| |Spring 2010 BP Angola Photo Competition Overall Winner for Wigged Fan with Angolan |

| |Banner |

| |Photos of Chagos Islands, SEA Yachting Magazine (Nov.-Dec. 2007) |

| |Photos of Chagos Islands on (since 2011) and |

| |chagossupportorg.uk (since 2006). |

| |United Aid “Loaded Lada” Calendar Picture for January 2005 |

| |Photos of unknown wreck on French Reef, Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary |

| |submitted as part of Maritime Archaeological and Historical Society’s Report to |

| |Lieutenant Commander David Score, NOAA (July 2003) |

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