2022 Summer Academies Student Application Form

2022 Summer Academies Student Application Form

(If applying for multiple academies, please submit a separate application packet for each) Earth Cycles (Geology Grades 8 - 10) Design in Action (Architecture Grades 9 - 10) Meteorology Sweeping Down the Plains (Meteorology Grades 9 - 11) Chemistry (Grades 11 - 12)

Last Name

First Name

Home Address




Grade Entering Fall 2022


Parent Name

Parent E-mail

Home Phone

Parent Cell Phone

Last Science Class Completed T-shirt Size (Adult Sizes): Small

Last Math Class Completed




Race or Ethnic Group (check one)*:

African American Hispanic American Asian Caucasian Two or More Races

Native American (Please indicate tribe):

Prefer not to respond

Please select the highest level of education your parents completed (check one)* Middle School/Jr. High High School Some College Bachelor's Degree Master's Degree Ph.D./M.D.

*This information will be used for grant purposes only.

Application materials must meet postmark deadline date, April 15, 2022. If all requested documents are

not received by the deadline date, the application will not be considered. Written notification on the status of the application will be mailed no later than April 29, 2022. Applications received after the postmark deadline will be reviewed if space is available.

If you have questions, call Precollegiate Programs at (405) 325-6897 or email precollegiateprograms@ou.edu.

Please send application materials (application form, essay, recommendation forms) to: Precollegiate Programs University of Oklahoma 1610 Asp Avenue, Room 513 Norman, OK 73072

The University of Oklahoma is committed to making its activities as accessible as possible and provides a range of special services for

students with disabilities. If you might need some of these services, please indicate by checking here.

Student Name: _________________________________________________________________

I am applying to: Earth Cycles (Geology Grades 8 - 10) Design in Action (Architecture Grades 9 - 10) Meteorology Sweeping Down the Plains (Meteorology Grades 9 - 11) Chemistry (Grades 11 - 12)

If you are applying to multiple academies, please submit a unique essay with each application.

OU Summer Academy Applicant Essay

This essay may be hand written or typed. Additional pages may be attached. Essays written by parents, guardians, etc. will NOT be accepted.

In essay form, please answer all of the following questions: ? Why do you want to attend (Academy Name) at the University of Oklahoma? ? How will your academy experience benefit you now and later in life? ? How will your academy experience benefit other people?

Readers will look for content and thoughtfulness. Essay should be 250-500 words.


















Student Name: _________________________________________________________________

I am applying to: Earth Cycles (Geology Grades 8 - 10) Design in Action (Architecture Grades 9 - 10) Meteorology Sweeping Down the Plains (Meteorology Grades 9 - 11) Chemistry (Grades 11 - 12)

OU Summer Academy School Reference

The student who has given you this form is applying for a residential summer academy at the University of Oklahoma.

Recommendations must be written by a math or science teacher, school counselor or principal.

Name of individual providing reference: ________________________________________________________

Subject: __________________________________ E-mail: _________________________________________

Very Much Often

Sometimes Rarely


Not Applicable

This student was eager to learn.

This student cared about other students.

This student was late to class or activity. This student has an interest in sciences and mathematics This student turned in homework and projects on time. This student participated in class and group activities. This student participated in hands-on activities

This student volunteered to help other students and adults.

This student has leadership potential This student participated in co-curricular activities (math fair, choir, etc.)

Would you recommend this student to attend a residential summer academy at OU?



Definitely Not

On the back of this sheet please write 2-3 sentences about the student. Your comments will be especially useful in the selection process. Or if you prefer, you may include all of your comments in a letter of recommendation.

Recommendations must be postmarked by April 15, 2022.

Please put the recommendation letter in a sealed envelope and write your name across the sealed flap so that your comments remain private. Forms and letters can be emailed to precollegiateprograms@ou.edu with the subject heading (camp name-student last name) or mailed to:

Precollegiate Programs ? University of Oklahoma 1610 Asp Avenue, Room 513 Norman, OK 73072

Student Name: _________________________________________________________________

I am applying to: Earth Cycles (Geology Grades 8 - 10) Design in Action (Architecture Grades 9 - 10) Meteorology Sweeping Down the Plains (Meteorology Grades 9 - 11) Chemistry (Grades 11 - 12)

OU Summer Academy Personal Reference

The student who has given you this form is applying for a residential summer academy at the University of Oklahoma.

Recommendations must be written by someone other than family members (e.g. coach, babysitter, scout leader, Sunday school teacher, etc.).

Please include how long you have known the applicant and why you think that he/she would benefit by attending the summer academy.

Name of individual providing reference: _________________________________________________________

Relationship to Student: _______________________________ E-mail: ________________________________

Very Much Often Sometimes Rarely

Never Not Applicable

This student was eager to learn.

This student cared about other students.

This student was late to class or activity. This student has an interest in sciences and mathematics

This student has leadership potential.

This student participated in group activities

This student volunteered to help other students and adults.

Would you recommend this student to attend a residential summer academy at OU?



Definitely Not

On the back of this sheet please write 2-3 sentences about the student. Your comments will be especially useful in the selection process. Or if you prefer, you may include all of your comments in a letter of recommendation.

Recommendations must be postmarked by April 15, 2022.

Please put the recommendation letter in a sealed envelope and write your name across the sealed flap so that your comments remain private. Forms and letters can be emailed to precollegiateprograms@ou.edu with the subject heading (camp name-student last name) or mailed to:

Precollegiate Programs ? University of Oklahoma 1610 Asp Avenue, Room 513 Norman, OK 73072


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